Tlllfl HIONI) IIV1.MCTIN, DAILY EDITION, KKND, OIlKfJO.N, TIKHDAV, FKItltfARV !, IOSI. PAflH 8 IIICND THAIN HCIIICDIMO Oregon Trunk Arrlroi, 7; 86 A. U. Leaviia, 8:00 P. M. O..W. II. N. Arrlvtia, 6:50 P. M. Lonvoa, 7:00 A. M. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Hugh O'KiTiiirriiTuriiijil this morn ing from fort tit ikI . II. Ilndlny of l III.. i'lly In In 1'orl liinil (o spend it few days. (I, W. Itoblm wiik n lli'iul vliilur from DonchuteH yimlnrduy. (I. K. MiihI wiih In lledmoud yi'Hlur- (111 y Utlelldlllg 10 llllKllH'NH iiiiiIIkih. iiun Antii'1-noii lift iimt n Ik 'i t to vIkII fur it fuw (1ii'h with friends In I'urt Intnl. Itiiv. H. A. Blimaclh li ft lunl nlirli'. for Viincouver, Withli., for u short V (Hit Willi fl'lllllllH, Mm. M. V.. ("ruin will upend Urn ro in I ti K month vlnltliiK hr lmi k h t t til Cnucoi Inn, ('ill. W. I., o'liiinni'll rittiirni'il llil" morning following ml extended vlnll In vurlotiH ( "u 11 for ii I u cities. Mm. J. A. ('ornforlh was uik scngcr hint nlKht for I'ortliinil for nil extended vlnll with mini Ivee. K. Wulr returned lual night to !iln liomo n( l.linl, Wunh., after vlnltliiK with A. J. Hurler for tho punl few duya. Mm. K. C. Klii'rly of tliii Katr store will spend Hi" c m 1 1 n K two weeks with h it piirtmts lit tlii-lr lio mo at llooi! Illvor. J. II. Iliilmo nn J W. I.owU have sold tho stock of (ha lluiid hIioo Co. nml hnvo returned to I'ortlnnil, leuv llIK lout ii I K It I . MIk Agnca Cit iti plx-1 1. who Inn been vlnltliiK with friends In Item! for the pnM two week, returned to I'urllKiid Iimt night. Mm. W. II. McUrath. accompanied by her diiughir I.nvello, left lunl night for Portland to vlnll with ln-r Inter for a fuw days. Ilov. C. A. Walnrhouao of Silver I.uko win a puimengur thin liiornlng to Wnmlc, whnro hn will hold m-rv-Iroa during tho coming week. Mm. II. A. Kvann returned to hor lio in o In l'ortlund lunl nlKht after pending tho punt two weeks vlnltliiK with her parvntn, Mr. nnd Mm. H. 8. Khcll. Krnint Rivers, who wan culled lo Hi nd lunt week to intend tho filli'Tnl of hln nephew. Gcorgo I'ernonoite, re turned lo liln homo lit Hood ltlvr thin morning. PnnniiiK"m on thn llend-Sllv't l.ako ntiiKO thin morning Included; I.. M. Merrill uml M. Wagner, to Fort Ilock; Cliiudn ('ainp mid ('. ('. Drown, to I.n Pino; and Mr. Witl'ern lo Hllvor I.nko. Ileiul I.oiIko, No. 1371. II. P. O. i:., tnei'tnovory Tllen dny evening nt tho Klkn Temple, o'clork. VIhII- I n K hrolhorn uru Invited. Flavor! No cigarette has the same delicious flavor as Lucky Strike Because It's toasted LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE IlrluK In your koduk and let un i' I n tho leiin and noo Unit It In ready to lukn xood pictures. 'I'lin service In froo. HymoiiH llron.-Adv. 4illfc Hiwi.w. mkktinm Ktock holder of the Itenil Cnopor atlvu iinnoi'lntloil lire called for meul I n K lit county courthouno Tuenduy, February 15, nl 7:30. &-0Up (1. II- IMKKlt, Boc'y. GREAT ACTRESS KISSED POET AND CUPID FLED, SHRIEKING Truly, Many Have Averred, Ro mance Today Han Fallan From Ita Onco High Eatata. They were young nnd It wns fve lillilt, nml the tnoiiii wnn shining. And they were young. He wnn fining her, nllhouetted against the nllvery light of the moon, Kvery line of hln atnlwurl. tniiuly fig lire stood plainly outlined before her. Ho looked Into her lovely dnrk eyen. Their lliiild deptha fascinated him, en thralled til in. He leniied fonvnril. "Parllng, I love you I' lie breathed pnnnlonutely Into her tiny enr. She gniod nt Mm pnnnlvcly, "Vou lire beautiful, wonderful, love ly!" he rrlcil. an the miHinllKht II luiiiliiiited her t'lnnxlc featurea. Her tflniioe rented upon hlin nn ho ntood out rlenrly In tho pule Uk'lit. "Will you murry ino, be my wlfeT' he nnked, with bnted breath nnd eye nil I ii I nu. Hlddi'li (lren flowed In their buriiliiK deithn. And mill her Kitze wnn upon him. He leniied forward n llttln further, wultlntf for her answer, enKerly, feur fully. "Will you marry mo, preolotin oneT" he nnked nuiiln. hta buriiliiK itlnnre ilniii her ncnrlet llpn. She upeiiml her mouth to npenk. Pearly teeth Kleamed III the nllvery llfhl. "Ah I You ore kiiIiir to miy yen.'" he muttered, pnnloiiiili'ty, tukliiR hold of her tiny. Illy-like linndn, "Vou lire!iit; to miy nometlitntf." He lt-it i ici I clover, hln head outlined dearly m;nliit the pule moonlight. "1 wnn oolnir to any, why don't you wenr n rubber bund nround your bend, to t rii I n your enrn not lo ntlrk ontJ" (The end of II perfect evening.) Detroit Tree Press. Put It in Tho Uullctln. rJDAMH Wednesday J ryrvi u & Thursday CONSTANCE TALMADGE IN "The Perfect Woman" SHE VAMPED A nOLSIIEVIO A First National Attraction I y P wtf Mir , ! Mm Bifc. ti i i. jr Ol coune ihe vamptd him a la Bol.hevic. Firit alio Jv him a drink, then ht tap ped him gently but firmly on the doma with a piece o( bronre itatuaty. CONNIE'S HAPPIEST. SNAPPIEST COMEDY Last Time Tonight--"Passions Playground' Sarah Bernhardt Made Har Meeting With Lonnfellow an Evant to Be Ramemberad. When Hnriih Ileriihiirdt rntiin lo Aiuerlrn In the nevenllen Hctilpturo wnn her "nlrle line." An Boon nn alio arrived In llontou nhe exprenned n do nlroTfi rlo tho bunt of I.oiiKfellow, nnyn the ('hrlnllnn Nr leiini Monitor. I.oiK fellow, however, IIiuiikIi not Innennlblo of Iho honor, declined. Ho wild that hn wun iibout to leave for Portland, Me., mill f imi red t tin t Mine. Ilernhardt would hnvo departed before bin re turn. Then, to mlllKiite thn rurtnenn of hln refiiniil, hn linked thn IriiuiMlleinie lo bin home, IiivIIIiik Will In in In-nn llonelln mid Oliver Wendell Holme lo meet her. They beenmo very ninlnblft toward oiio niiolher, ntid LoiiKfellow, who npoko excellent French, pralned Mine. Ili'rnharilt'i performiince of "Phedre." tellliiK her nhn aurimnned the lircnt Itni'hel, whom ho hud necn W) yenra earlier. Tho nrtrenn, not to bo out done, told tho poet how much nhe en Joyed rendlim "Illnwnlha," which nho liroiioiinccd Hecn-valeri!. Kvldently tho ufTnlr of the nctilp tured hunt did riot riniklo, for on her depnrture, an the pool mid hln other KiicKtn were encortlnt! her lo her car rlnue, nho turned about nuddenly, lin pulnlvely threw her nrnin about Ixr.f fellow'n neck, and, klnned him on t lie check, nnlij: "Voun etcn ndurublo." Kidnap Chlnaaa From Legation. KniiK-Khlh-to, formerly trennurer of tho Anfll dub, who nluce thn recent downfall of thnt alleged pro-.Inpnnent' oreiililxallou bun been III hl'llUK In the Iltinnlnn leeutlon and for whono nrrent a reward of f 10,0(10 wun offered by the Chluenu government, Iiiih Junt been the victim of a coup on the part of C'blni'M! nervnnt employed In the lo cution, ncrordliiK lo n dlnpnlch from PcklnK, China. They entered KmiK'n beilroom In tho enrly bnurn of the morning, bound hi in. wrapped him In a bed quilt and holntod him over the Icitntlon wull. Acrompllcea delivered hi in Into tho hnnda of the squad of ITendnmu-a which hud been wultlng for weeka for an opKrtunity to cap ture him nnd other refueeen aupponed to have hidden In forelKn legatlona. Woman'a Lateat Venture. An eniflneerlng fnctory. orKunlzed, controlled, nnd mannR-ed by women, who nlno execute the order nt the lathe nnd In the foundry thnt In the latent enterprlne of the "wenker nex." It In one which denervea every auc cena. At the head of tho firm, called Atn Inula. Ltd.. In Lady Pomona, the wlfo of Iho fnm on engineer and Inventor of the nteiim turbine. Tho factory wan nturted In the Mldlnndn by 20 women ex-war workers. Good order have nlrcndy been necured, nnd I.mly I'nrMiim la convinced that thene liloneer women engineer will be ouc cesnful. ' "There In nolhlnK," nhe nay, "thnt n vviniinn cannot do when she tries." London Times. Camea of (Chlneae Children. Tho Chlneso hnve nttmerous enmcs. ninny quite similar to those plnycd by American children. Kite flying and bat tledore nnd shuttlecock nro populnr. Tn Chin, or "hitting the ball," Is plny cd by striking the bull to the ground with the hnnd ns often ns posnlble. Vnrlous forms of bllndmnn's buff, tnh, teli-ln, or whipping tho top, and ta pnn, n form of hop scotch, prove thnt child hood know the sumo gnmcs In ninny countries. Punch nnd Judy shows are very iniiulnr with Chinese children. You and Robinson Crusoe "One of the most persistent advertisers in the history of success was Robinson Crusoe," writes the Prairie Farmer. He knew what he wanted a ship and he put up an ad for one. He flung a shirt on a pole and placed the pole where he thought it would be the most readily observed from the sea, where he expected the ship would approach. That, in the language of the sea, was plain to every seafaring man. The circulation was small, 'tis true, but there was no other reliable medium, so Crusoe kept at it, despite the fact that he got no inquiries for a long time. In the end he got what he wanted, was happy and his name and fame has came down through the ages. Now suppose Crusoe had discontinued his ad after a year of no results and declared, "Advertising don't pay." Where would he and his story be today? Or suppose some learned breeze had whispered in his ear: "No use, Robinson, these are pretty hard times, things are tight, advertising won't get you anything, because none has any money and they are not sending their ships out. Better cut your ad out until times get good." If he had listened, and had have taken the ad down, we would not be writing about him now no one would ever have known he ever lived. Advertising does pay. Of course it don't get as quick results when fewer ships are sailing the seas, but there is al ways some ship to see the signal. So take a hunch from the results obtained by Crusoe and advertise. How Peanuts Grow. The common peanut grows In a pe culiar way that Is distinctly original. Tho little pin nt sends up Its shoots with the fruit on the end of a some what stiff stalk, nnd then before It ripens the stem bends over nnd care fully pushes thn fruit underground. At ptgs are snld to be especially fond of these It has boon humorously suggest ed that the plnnt does this to hide Its nuts front the porker's too Inquisi tive Investigations. There In no American family thnt can really Afford to bo with out one of the little safes in the home, ('nil and get yours nt the Kim National Hank of Bond, Oregon. I MII7) " ffl Light On All Side3 Gives THE FINISHING TOUCHES The final pat on tho hair, or dab of powder on the face and then that last look of satisfaction expressed by a single word "THERE" Just so, the finishing touches in the decoration of your home are obtained by plenty of the right kind of light with EDISON MAZDA LAMPS They give a look and a feeling of satisfaction which trans forms the most humble dwelling into a comfortable home. Make vow house a HOME, Bend Water, Light & Power Company Mental Depression Common. Comparatively few persons. If the feeble minded and a Inrge number of the Insane are excepted, are entirely free from the tendency to bouts of more or less rnentn! depression. The more Intellectual portion of mankind Is Indeed more prone to this kind of mental mnlnlse. or spiritual equivalent of sea sickness, than the less "brainy" mnlorlfv. Venetian Glass. Venetian glass la distinguished by Its exquisite thinness and fineness of quality Tiffany glass being Its only rival. Compared with Bohemian glass, which Is also prized for bric-a-brac, its quality Is much superior, al though Bohemian glass sometimes rivals It In coloring and decorations which are more gorgeous but not as refined. 5 'ft ... We've Rented The Hall and Hired The Fiddler- We Are Now Extending You a Cordial Invitation to Attend Oar Hop Friday, February 18th at The Gymnasium ! I The American Legion Dishes! Dishes! Dishes! A special price on Gold Band American Ware " This Week Only 86 Piece Set for $10.50 42 Piece Set for $11.50 48 Piece Set for $12.50 30 7o to 500 off on discontinued patterns, odd lots and broken sets. Plain White Platters at ISc Big Saturday Special Saturday Only, a Good House Broom, only 39c THE FAIR STORE, r.:!:ti!!mi:!i:uwmi:iumi!HiBiwa