The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 12, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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(lly Mr. I,. W. (JiiIiIk-II J'liouo lllnck ffMI)
NolM nr suhllratlon tn lh Mrlnl rclumn In Ih. H.lunl.r l..n of Thi llull.lln mutl
, Si In nil !' lion Ills 'Im an lha hiflHwn u( Ilia ilr piarallii,
Tho Kinbli'iii dill) wu Hut scene of
a di'llghlfnl social uffnlr on Hulur
(Id y evening, will' 11 Ilia rniilnhf I'Hlilp
(HllKI'Inlliml Willi II (lllllellig pmiy, III"
Kiiral lint of which Included u Imge
p.irty ( n,,t ' (own rt'iihtti4.
'I'll" assembly hull 'M ml ruetlvoly
dccoralm! Willi Ki"''ii"iy mill myriads
of roil paper heuiln In kni'iihiK wlllt
I hit Valentino season. Tim Vllmiu
) (lnorgo orchestra furnished mimic fur
lllll lllllll'ltn 1111(11 JllSt llxf lll'U lliu
liliii'liitiiii hour, whim n liintkiiUnr vul
iinlliiitii was iuHwi uniting ihu guest
mill uffirlil much luiiitlili'r as (lit
III iH 1 V t'H WUI'M Opened, Till' Ki'I'VllIK
(if light refreshments hroiiKlit lo a
close I liu evening's pleasure.
Mli Muigiirvt Mi'Cnri'ou wns bunt
on to llio Wednesday llrldgu chili oh
Tui'Kiliiy ul tlx) J. II. Mi'IkIit Iioiiio.
Thu prUes fur lint afternoon's piny
wore won by Mm. I'uul C. KIiik und
Mm. Crosby HIii'Vllii,
Mm. Illnlnn Uiiriiitr eniertalncd Hid
I'reshyti'iliin guild uu Wednesday of
Inst week ul tint t)r. J. II, Co ti ii u rn
resldoncu. Tho afternoon wus spent
wllh needlework mid In formulating
pluns fur tlio mi nun I Kustnr buxunr
lo be held In tlio llfyhiirn Uurdwurw
storo Ma nil 20.
a a a
Mm. Nurninii Union entertained on
Thursday wlih a bridge purty. Four
tables urcomuiodntcd I ho guests, who
enjoyed the popular (lime until tha
Inia afternoon, when (lis names of
Mm. Cnrl A. Johnson mid Mm. K. n.
Witll worn announced nil winners.
Thn serving of IlKht refreshments
a a a
A party of 4b young pooplo of thn
Mul hod Inl Sunday ichool onjoyod a
valentine parly lust Friday evening,
wlui n Minn Iliiii'l Iliirclton's class on
turlulnud the Kpworth league of the
church at tho homo of Heir. J. Edgar
t'urdy. Thnt tha Muthodlsl Kunduy
cbool membership enjoys an active
social llfo wan further evidenced on
Wednesday, when Mm. Knuoff's class
of high school students were enter
tained with a vutonilne party at the
home of thn Superintendent, J. L.
Gibson, on Lava road.
a a a v
Thn Pond Htudy club met Monday
aftnrnoou nl the homo of Mm. Charles
IlayoH. The afternoon wus davuted
to a atudy of the building of tho Pan
ama cnnul and Hit Importance In In
ternational commerce, tho subject
being most ably presented by Mm.
Carl A. Johnson mid Mm. A. K. Lnr
on. Following tho progrmn a dell
clous two-couriie luiiclinon was itorvcd
by tho hostvMi,
Tha Aid ocloty of tho Clnimliin
church mot Friday nflurnoon at the
homo of Mm. W. P. Myorit. Follow
ing tho devotional ervln, and a
abort buHlnona moetlng. during which
committed woro appointed to tnko
charge of serving a dinner for tho
Commercial club mombemhlp ot Its
next forum mooting, tho nftornoon
was devoted to sewing.
a a a
The Methodist Mlnnlunury society
mot Thursday afternoon at tho home
of Mm. A. J. ICflcksmi, whtirit tha
program wim In cIiiiiko of Mrs. Nobln,
Mrs. .1, KdKur I'uidy and Mm. II. H.
Dull, KcvitiiI Invited guimlH wore
lirt'Hi'llI ulul film tiifiitili.ii' win.
J ll,l. i,l,i II.,. "uclrjlv.
a a
MiiiiiIjith nf Ihn Kliiivlin-lllxoii
liiuid wer'i IhihIh at u n en Icivu bin
dmicliig purly given ul thu nyinniiM
Iiiiii Muiidiiy iiIkIiI at which tlio mill
iiiuployvH ii ml llmlr fiimids In tho
oily wiini Kiii'KlM, Kxcellniit iiiuhIc
wim f ii iiilhhcd by (iulguno's oicbenlru
mid fniitiirijH of the (ivoiiIiik's pro
K hi ni wine (iiiiidrllleH and two Ityo
ttulizen. Thai I luimj Hlups, pupiilur
a deriiilit uko, wnro Ht 111 well remein
bttri'd, wus iivldenoed from the uri?
niimli'-r of cuiipleH on thn floor after
I lit) novelty (llinren were Ulinouiieed.
I'uiirh wus served during Ihn ovrt
nlng. a 'a a
Mr. ii ml Mrs. Wultiir M. Hiivmm
enlerliiliind Tuesday ovitnliig at (hair
homo on 603 l.uvu road In honor of
Mr. ami Mrs. John UukIIii, who left
Thursday evenlmt for HI. I'uul to
niuko llmlr lioine. homo 20 were
guests of .Mr. and Mrs. llevens and
llio evenliiK wus spnnt wllh cards and
iiiiikIc and at midnight luncheon wus
Jit tlt
I'IikI I,nl liitrmi H. A. Hlonsiitli,
piiHlor. Hunduy school, Willi Uiblo
cIush, 10 u, in.; services, 11 u. in, In
Norwegian. At 7:30 p. in, tho pus-
tor will glvn u locture on "Is Christ
ian Hcloiico Christian?" A cordlul
liivltuallou to nil.
fulthfully; there never bus been a
(lino when siiperlntoiide.its needed
to bo wide awuko nioro continuously;
(bore never has boon u tlmo whan
tminhom needed to present tho word
nf ll,it imirn ,llfA.ltt. I liara nbiitii.
bus boon a tlmo when tho whole
ichuch needed to work harder, keep
sweeter and ho truer than now. Wo
(must look for leaders und use them;
look for thoso capable o! leadership
and (ruin them, mid buck It all with
a high moral and spiritual enthusi
asm thut knows no defeat.
Myrrh Used In Medicine,
Myrrh Is a resin iikimI for nie
dli'liiul put ( and In dentistry. It
Is also lined In the iiiiiiiuretiire of In
cense arid perfumery, and Is obtained
from trees and shrubs thut grow In
Arabia and Aliynslnln.
Chinese Deeds and Leases.
It Is reported that Cblnene property
deeds or lenses often hnvo KHl sIkiia
Mires. The renson Is thnt land Is often
owned by syndicates and agreement!
muni be "leiied by every member of nn
Not a Old Fellow at Heart, and Really
Is at Least Entitled to
Tho uvernue mini Is nut a bud fellow
ivhi'ii yu come to know him. You have
to make his aitinuliilunve If you arc
nut lo hold yourself ulnuf from this Im
iiiiiii, Interdependent world, remarks a
writer lu the l'hlludelphlu l-edjjer. Ho
constitutes a. ninjorlly. It Is by his
vote (hut Ciindldules ure set up and
Ivxiii'S determined and business gov
erned uml charities supported and
pluys patronized. There Is a great
deal of money In pleasing the aver
nu'e num. Moreover, (tie level of his
Initen Is rising, though pessimists re
fue to see It or to sny so. He In iu-
puble of edueutlon and he bus traveled
(ur since bis (ruining beuuu.
He needn't always be given all (hat
he anks for; sometimes he makes mis
takes, and sometimes ho- wants what
Isn't good for him. Koiiiwllmes he
loses Ills bead, and In an Incendiary
or Inebriate temper, loses that which a
cooler Judgment III a calmer hour lends
It I in to worry for. Hut on the whole
he Is struiiKely reasonable and patient
and self-etmt rolled. It Is touching to
nnd lio'.v often he Is doing the hex
he run, according to the light he has.
lie serves the world fur belter Hum
Koine eccentric and unconventional
uu. rials who sneer lit him for following
a dull, unemotional routine.
Lenders of men have learned to denl
with the average man, to talk his lun
guiii:e mid to understand his ways.
They have taught the rank nud (lie
to discover a Jutent capacity und to
rev en I a strength hidden and unsus
pected. They hnvo hud fnlth In "tlio
general good sense and honest Inten
tions of mankind." They hnvo gen
uinely loved their fellows and their
sympathy bus been real nnd manifest.
Neither In war nor In peace Is a vic
tory to bo won unless (he captains put
(heir confldfiice tu a bust.
Put It In Tha Bulletin.
Floral Messages
There are many ways of telling your lady
fair about your feelings toward her but
none better than to "SAY IT WITH
FLOWERS" on St. Valentine's day. A
neatly, be-ribboned bouquet of our freshly
cut Flowers, or a Pot Plant, will tell her
better than words. Order now and be
assured of prompt delivery.
Riverside Florist
' Phone Red 2231
Store, 862 Wall; Greenhouse, 456 Newport
j'f,.,jt(Tliin H. C. HnrlrsJift,
pustor. If you are Interested In tha
conditions us they exist about you;
if you would like to huvo u remedy
for the unrest that bus taken hold,
not only of men In general, but pur-
chance of you; If you uro looking for
u panacea Unit will positively euro
these Ills, (ben wo Invito you to tha
public worship at the I'rosbtyerlan
church. Tho Illblo gives a prescrip
tion for thn euro of these unpleasant
nesses, and (hu more you know about
tho remedy, tho bettor you will be
prepared lo combat the affliction,
Tho first dose will be administered
ut 10 o'clock, when tha Ulhlo school
meets. Tha second administration
will bn ul 11 o'clock, when the min
ister In churgo will upeuk from tho
First Kplstlo of John. This reiyody
is especially Intended for such us arc
Christiana, but others are also Invit
ed. At tho evening hour of 7:3(1 the
ailment will bo dealt wllh In tho mat
ter of tho opening of tho first four
seals of tho sixth chuptur of Revela
tion. At tho same time a remedy
will be recommended. It you have
any questions to ask concerning cith
er tho remedy or the euro, we Invite
you to coma with them, no matter
who you aro, und you may ask them
either publicly or privately, and with
out ,uny previous announcement of
your Intunllona. At this evening
service we will bo treated to special
music, which will bo illustrated by a
Mrtliorilst Episcopal Tho pastor
will be present and preach at both
services tomorrow.
Tho special music for the morning
service will consist of an anthem,
Praise Yo Jehovah," by the choir
and a solo "Calvary," by Charles G.
Wilson. In the evening Miss Haxcl
Hctelton will sing a aolo.
"Why Doesn't the Church Settle
Things?" will be tho sermon topic for
the 11 o'clock service.' This will not
be an answer to, but rather a candid
discussion of the question asked by
W. T. Kills In an article In the last
Saturduy Evening Post.
8lnco the pastor's sermon on "Dan
iel," two weeks ago, considerable In
terest hiiB boon shown in the conclu
sions reached. Therefore, tomorrow
evening the topic will bo, "Does the
Authority of the Entire Biblo De
pend Upon One Particular Interpre
tation of tho Book of Danlol?" There
Is no desire or Intention to enter
upon a controversy, but the pastor
believes thut a wholesome and help-,
ful conception of the Bible will be
stimulated by the Sunday evening
message; 7:30 o'clock is the hour.
"Isnlah, the Prophet of Faith,"
will be the Bible class toplo next
Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. If
you are not already coming to this
Interesting dims. Come next Thurs
day. Sunday school and the usual warm
welcome at 9:45 a. m. Epwortb.
league at 0:30 p. m.
Christian Our Biblo school meets
at 10 a. m. This la our workshop
a place where our boys and girls
learn tho fundamental principles ot
life and our men and women fulfill
the great commandment, "Go teach
tho word to every creature."
Communion and social meeting at
11 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30
p. m.; prayer moeting, 7:30 p. in.
Thursday. Thore never has been a
time when preachers needod to
preach Christ and His gospel more
Is now ready to supply
your wants in
In tlio New Location
In Old Lara Building
"Boot and Things" 1
Young School Teacher Cot Gloriously
Even (or Long Series of Sarcas
tic Observations.
Sow, die principal of this school Is
MiriuHtlc us well 11s Intelligent, und
wlieiiever she happens to mention a
subject und Hnds (lint her n-aehers
are Ignorant on the subject she
"bawls them out" for their Ignorance.
Kspeclally Is this resented by the new
est recruit lit the building.
Itecently (he principal acquired "a
mail." who wus a widower. She Is
proud of (be acquisition, mentioning
I1I111 often In her conversations.
The other morning she begun to ask
(be (enchers ubout tin urtlcle she hud
Just rend In the paper. Now, none of
them had reud It. Sarcastically she
asked: "Well, don't any of you reud
the papers V
The newest recruit smiled sweetly
and wisely. "Ot courne," she returned,
"but not .everything In (hem. We
Jus( huve'lliue lo reud the soclety puge
and (hen (he death and funeral list
so that we shall know who the new
widowers are." Indianapolis News.
IL- j jfcr v--- -7 Barry hi. 1 ' iliniiJi 1 s
Can Do No More. -
It has Just about gotten so In this
country that after a man buys rouge
for the family, whitewash Is about
the best he can do for bis fence. Dal
las News.
'lnl MttVMtmi tit! ti. fcfu.t-n ' - . . CJki
The car that represents workmanship and
quality of material. Every part put into a
Chevrolet is the best the market affords. . Not
a better all around car is being offered for sale
at its price.
We will be pleased to demonstrate its su
periority at any time. Call at our garage or
phone us and we will have a demonstrator at
your service.
THE Ford Sedan, one of the most convenient and comfortable
of the enclosed cars, offers you the delights of the higher
priced cars at the' lowest first cost and lowest upkeep cost.
In Summer or Winter, sunshine or rain, the Ford Sedan privides
conveniences in accord with your wishes. Only a minute is re
quired to raise or lower the windows.
The Ford Sedan is a favorite family car. Beneath the Sedan
body, the ever reliable Ford Chassis means an economy unknown
in other enclosed cars. A family car of exceptional merits. The
ideal car for the farmer's family. It seats five comfortably; and
is equipped with demountable rims, tire carrier, electric starting
and lighting system, and instrument board. Orders are filled in
the same sequence in which they are received. And ever remem
ber the sure and certain and satisfactory "after-service" we give.
You know the solid satisfaction that comes in the knowledge that
youi; motor car is good for every day of the year no mental
worries when you drive a Ford. Let's have your order today.
Think 'of it! The Ford Sedan, this handsome enclosed car
costs you less than any ordinary touring car (except the Ford).
Cent-Ore Motor Co.
. ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ............. . ,. . ,
Home Buyers
Need Not
Buy a home from us now and if you get out of work
because of local conditions v;
We Will Carry You
We have several fine homes ready to move into, best locations, reasonable
terms, and priced much less than you will have tb pay for the same kind
next year. Come in and see us and get located for the winter.