PAGR 4 THR 11FYD llllLKTlN. DAILY EDITION, IlKXD, OHKtlON. MATl'KIMY, l-'KIIKl'AltV fi. HUM. The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION Psbliahrd Cvery Afternoon- Kirtpt Bundar, Ilr Th Hend Hullflin tlnrorporatrdl Enteral aa Second rlna matter January lull. t the l"it Oltiee at Bend, Oixnon. tinder Act of March S, IHTD. ROItKRT W. SAWYKH Edltor-Mnnaoer HKNHY N. KUWI.KK Amuiciate Kdltor C H. SMITH AdvertUins Mnnasor An Independent Nett-Heapcr, alandlm? fur the aquarc deal, clean luiftiiit-Mi. clean eolitira and the boat inUvcU of Ik-nd and Central Orevon. SUIlSt'RII'TION KATKS Hjr Mall One Year Six Month Threa Mentha Iljf Carrlfr One Year Six Month One Munth . . . . JS.00 ,...S.T5 ...11.50 All aulweription are due and PAYAltl IN ADVANt K. Nnticrt ..f eslralin mailed aulweribera and if renewal ia not made within reasonable time the paper will he discontinued. Pica notify u promptlr of any rhanire of aildreaa, or of failure to receive the paper resrularly. Otherwise we will not be poniiihle for eopiea miMcd. Make all eherka and ordcra payable The Hend Bulletin. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1921 THE PEOPLE'S SERVANTS Recognition .of the principle Hint municipal officials are servants the people, us stated by Mayor Gil son In his remarks lust night prefac ing the appointment of a director of the woman's protective division should mean much to the council in handling city affairs. It means the discarding of personal feelings in fa Tor of the desires of the citizens of Bend. This again was made clear by the mayor when he mentioned that the council's action in passing the ordinance establishing the pro tective division was not in accord with the beliefs held by a number; of the aldermen. In passing the ordinance the coun cil has acted wisely. There can be no doubt that this action reflects the popular conception of a real need. The work will receive the loyal sup port of the citizens of Bend. The resignation of Councilman H E. Allen deprives the city of a cap able official. This will be recognized by the people of Bend, as well as by Sir. Allen's fellow council members. who last night declared hjm to be the best fitted of them all for the task of administering the city's affairs. Mr. Allen s letter of resignation states that he considers his efforts and time will not result in any no ticeable benefit to the city or to Its welfare. His withdrawal is not prompted by anger, he says, but by recognition of a lack of harmony In the ranks of the council. Holding this belief, Mr. Allen took the only course open to him. A Salem paper boasts that the cap! tal city Is "the center of a great spin ach-growing industry." Chin or gar den variety? DO MOST WORK ON THURSDAY Statistics Show That British Factory Employees Are at Their Best About Midweek. What Is the best workday in Amer ica? In England it is Thursday. That Is the finding of industrial re search board investigators of that country. The London Chronicle reports that over a period of twenty weeks the output was registered and "graphs" were made. The workers gave their best on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but the output on Saturday was invariably low. When doubled (to equalize time) It is often less than 75 per cent of that on other days. Another Important conclusion was that the skilled workman Is much more regular In his output than the worker not so well qualified. He does not get the "tired Saturday feeling" so soon. . In some factories the output arises until Friday, but among the less skilled workmen It was found that Thurs day was the best working day. An important consideration which the investigators kept In mind was that of the atmospheric condition In which work Is done. Records of the air conditions have been taken with the output records. In various plnnts the Saturday out put was so low that employers found It unprofitable to operate, so they closed down. From this it would ap pear that on a half day the worker does not give the average of a half day of production. Richard Splllane In the Philadelphia Public Ledger. fpplrogRhimisSM I A V aVWftlt Maton N - Not On Duty I called on Dentist Bacon to have my teeth half-soled; the way said teeth were achin' caused agonies untold, and I, by peace forsaken, had feet supremely cold. The otlice was deserted, no scien tist was there; but patients, molar-hurted, reared up to groan and swear, because the dentist flirted with golf and damsels fair. I sought his office daily throughout a weary week, the while the tooth ache gayly played tag beneath my cheek ; "Oh, woe and willow waly!" I often used to shriek. I hired the village tanner; he, with the plumber's aid, with crowbar and with spanner dug out the teeth de cayed, and in a blithesome manner the modest bill I paid. Those business men " are silly who close their office doors, to seek the golf course hilly, and play around out doors; their customers grow chilly, and chase to other stores. I like to play and gamble, the business hours between ; I like to take a ramble in my tin limousine; but first I scratch and scramble to earn the good long green. When people seek my dwelling to buy three yards of rhyme, they find me there a-selling my merchandise sublime, my honest bundle swelling by added plunk and dime. any other residence In the world. There are In the house more than 170 tulles of wires, providing for !VXK In candescent lights, a hell system anil n private telephone system for the pres ident ttii'l his family, exclusively. tlon "of professional beggary, which will be applicable to the whole of the presidency. Sadhus and fakirs. It is suggested. should be exempt from the operations of the act. which It Is proposed should make begging a cognlzuble offense. Those who have visited India will doubtless recall with feelings of horror the terrible sights they hnve witnessed of beggars, many of them physical wrecks and suffer:g from loathsome diseases." seated' about the roads so liciting alms from passershy. From the Times of India. War Maps for Envelopes. From the Red Cross Bulletin of the Baltic stntes. published at Riga: The shortage of paper has resulted In many novel makeshifts. One of these Is the use of German and Rus sian official war maps as material for enveloies. Large quantities of war mnps of the Russlan.the German Imperial armv and Bennont's western volunteer, army were captured by the Letts since their Independence In November, 1918. They were sold to private interests, who make many varieties of envelopes from them. The paper Is of excellent quality. 'So attempt was made to remove the map proper. The maps were sim ply folded and cut to size and glued. It Is very convenient to open a letter and find that the Inside of the envelope Is a map of the district of which the letter treats." Houses Few Less Divorce. France is finding one comfort In the housing shortage. Divorces are de creasing In Purls and other French cities "because of the lack of houses and apartments." Unable to llnd suitable plnees In which to live apart, disgruntled cou ples In many places are composing their differences anil continuing to live under the same roof. During the first three months of this year, S.irn." decrees were pronounced In Paris alone, but since April the shortage of houses has been nniklng itself felt, with the result that the number of divorce actions has been falling stead ily. Last month the number of ap plications fell below one thousand, ami this month It Is believe,! the number will not reach the seven hundred mark. It Is an III wind, etc Prehistoric Graveyard Unearthed. A prehistoric grnvevard believed to be at least 2,00 years old' has been unearthed near Siargurd West Prus sin, by Gennan investigators" under the direction of Professor Z.ikrewsl.l. In one of the graves the excavators found six black urns and one red urn with white stripes filled with clay and ashes. Among the remains were some glittering substances which the. Inves tigators believe once hud been adorn ments of prehistoric men and women. Electricity In White Home. The White House Is probably more IntrlcMtelv eonloned elortrlcjilly than AIDED ITS BLIND COMPANION Australian Stockman Tells of Bullock Tint Took Car, of Another Which Was Sightless. Peler S. Mitchell, a stock raiser from Melbourne, Australia, says that the cut tle business Is at present the best In the history of Ausiralla. lie says that his people are hard at work restoring the country to normal sod that they are very anxious to gel the world trade back to pre war conditions. "My father was first to bring the Itlack Cull cuttle Into Australia -to years ago," said Mr. Mitchell at New York, "and they have devotoiod to bo the best for our section, They are hardy, llotulsh on ferns, tree leuves i and bark, wherti other cattle would starve, anil they grow to great size, I with weight evenly distributed, ami I lie fat running In tin I r- Hues through j the rump steaks even. There Is a quick market for nuyihliig on the hoof ! that Is fairly fat, ami prices are very i good. ! "We discovered n blind bulloek In one of the herds that came In, and nil 1 other bulloek had adopted It and : fathered It till the time. It was found to be blind only when we noticed that Its companion signaled to It consiaully and led It to water, through gates and narrow runs. If at any time It got lost Its friend would never rest until lie had ' located It. "None of the other bullocks paid any j attention to the blind one und the pro- tectlon the foster parent gave to the unfortunate bullock wns a never end ing source of comment and specu lation. When both, fattened after IS months on our place, were driven to the shipping station (10 miles distant the blind one wns led through the it 1 III ctlit places by his friend and generally cared for day ami night." ALLKN QUITS; RESIGNATION NOT DESIRED (Continued from I'lign 1.) Allen has been 'fninliiMt the govern ment' Inslead of llio giivomniiiut hu I it K 'foi'iiliuil' him. As for myself, I'll never quit until I'm. fired. There. Iiavu been minieinils conferences, hill they were not prearranged. They worn usually Juiil us limy happened, Thorn worn no Invitations." Mr, l.everelt wauled In sou Mr. Al len hack on the council, and Mr. (II) liiot pointed nut Hint It would bn a good thing liavtt nun objector tin the hoard of aldermen, "Hut I think wo can work with him," ho added. C)lltli Oo Much Wink. An eminent m-IimiiIhI has eslli-(Mil,-,l thai the im-nik'o man's eyelids ni-ii anil shut -I.ihki.ikki times during the year. i 1 i MtOI'KSSIONAL AMI lll'HINENH DIRECTORY IM-KAIANUNT AS THI2 PYRAMIDS Concrete Pipe Company BLIND, OKlXlON Sewer Tipe, Irrigation Pipe, Water Tipr, Culvert Pipe, Duilding Blocks Well Curbing, Coucrete Siloi li it's made of coiii'ictr, we iimke it Box 157 HEND, OKKCON Phone 2401 ii:i.i:m:;:miimnittnmm)tmmmimmtmtiiiiiitimmniii:mm CABINET WORK lilt K.K KANT TAI1LEH, .1.00 AMI U Oilier Furniture mnilo comparatively ilienp ITSTAIHS WITH KI.ITK STUDIO rilONK IILACK l THE CABINET SHOP Aged Aviation Devotee, France's younger gene rnilnu has been encouraged to use nlr locomo tion by an old lady of eighty-three, says a Purls correspondent of the I.oliilou limes. She Is Mine. Ilemery. a charwoman, who lives In the coun try, where ulrplnnes pass every day. It Mas In 1S7S when she first left the ground, ' when she tasted the delights of ballooning, linil. seeing, as she did. the new ttlrblrd dally above her. she could not resist trying the new sen sation. Thus one day she had mi veil snlllelent money from her meager earnings and took a trip In the air. She did this without the knowledge of her many kiihhI-hlldivn, uiio were completely shocked when the news reached them. She Is In no way per turbed and Is determined as soon us funds allow to try looping ttia loop. ft I 12 Years' Kxnoricnce G. E. MAST-PIANO TUNER Tl'NINd, CLEANINU, II 1 :P A I 111 N J Office with Hlierntnn Clay & Co. (ltinliwnltrrs) A Thompson Music Co. DICK & HAUCK AUTO AND RADIATOR SHOP 118 I It MSG. Phono Illnck SiHM. lies. Phono Illnck 1721 Birds and Superstition. Numerous birds are mixed up with slptis of death. Let a pigeon enter n house, or n robin come through the oVor, and some people expei t calami ty. Owls, again, are ominous birds to the superstitious. 'i:iM;ttttiiimtnmMim:tiiiiMifiiitmMimiiMMmmMmiimmiiimimtm Mountain View Hospital (ietiernl llospltnl; Maternity Csars a Hprs lnlty Corps of competent, trained nurses Phono 2581 Kansas and fitnto fits. Mrs. Ilnttlo Mnytto. Mgr tbmnnnnmrmtmmuumMtmnmniunaimmramumnnuira: TLhc Central rajon 30anft I). E. HI XTKIl, President CARLETOX IS. SWIFT, VIco President E. P. MAHAKFKV, Vice Pres. and Munnffer H. M. STEPHENS, Cashier BEND, OREGON ?i,ijiit!!iii;rti BOMBAY A CITY OF BEGGARS Government Is Planning Severe Meas ures to Repress Nuisance That Is Becoming Intolerable. Some time ago the government of Bombay appointed a committee to con sider nnd formulate proposals for the purpose of suggesting practical meaif ures whereby the ever-growing nuis ance of professional beggary might be abolished. The committee has now completed its Investigation and has Issued a report. The report shows that there are In Jlombny Mty nlohe 5,000 professional beggars', and the beggnrs In other parts bring the total for the presi dency to over 60,000. The general conclusions of the committee" are that there must be Introduced at the earli est opportunity an act for the proven- To The Home Makers of Bend :-- Prices of lumber and building materials have come down. This means that the man and wife who love independence, or the young couple who will soon be married, are thinking more strongly than ever of building their own homes. It is an am bition that cannot be too highly commended. How are you going to finance buying or building that home? Your credit is good, but it will be immeasureably better if you have shown by saving, thrifty habits that you are worthy of it. An account In a savings bank is as good as an A-l rating in Bradstreet's. And you won't have to borrow so much either. The Central Oregon Bank wants to encourage thrift for your sake, and for the greater prosperity of Bend. We want you to start that account now, and while you're in to see us, start one for your son or daughter a dollar will do it and take home one of ' our safe type savings banks to help teach the lesson of thrift. THE CENTRAL OREGON BANK D. E. HUNTER, President. E. P. MAHAFFEY, Vice President. tsautmiBiumKMSimtimsRWiis :ntn:nn:ii:ttmiimmitn:ttutmttnmtrmttmiutmnuunt; Office Phono : : Illnck 2531 F. M. BLOOM Dentist rtooms 4 and 5, ovor Postofflce '.wmiamtumriimmtantmauntitnuiuumitiuittiatiuiuii 2:mtnttttmi::ttaiiiinittitiitii:iinttiimtimatimuun:ti: DR. 0. SKINNER DENTIST OfTlco, Hoom 1(1, O'h'nno llldg. Phone: Office, lied 2.1G1 Office Hours: 0 to 121 to 6 umnann:inn:atiuttamlntt:tl:a:n::i:mnn:ntiuimun:.l :::::u::nii:i:n::itt:inii:t::i:nt:imnt:t::n::nmuiunnmrr C. N. HARDY PAIXTIXfl IN ALL IT'S 11 II AX CUES a:tO I.nvn Itonil Hend, Oregon I ;::ii::t::tm:ntt:::::!i:uini::i:t:titinlii:itiii:lttti:ammuainJ ;::iaiitn:::m:itniima:ttta:ttiaiimttanimttnnti:mtin' MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent for the Nl'IIOXE COHSETM Will call by appolutmont . 1059 Columbia Kt. Phono Hcd 3032 I". (). Dox 40 Kitttnuituiaauiniinmtiuatiiiatimrmnniimtttiitttitni::,-; t:u::t:ni::t::a:iimmmin:ntmuiuitttimuunitit:ititiut' WM. MONTGOMERY Furnacos, Spouting, Gutter ing, Cornice and Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prices right. Work guaranteed Tinning and Shoot Motal ;::::ti::imnu:iiitntm!mtiutunt:tmu:ttmtaut:iui:tittttU mmnumrntnmtnntmrttmffinnnmmmRtmtmnnair OWN YOUR OWN HOME I have some bargains in BUNGALOWS EASY TERMS J. A. EASTES Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY mit:::n::;i:ui:m:ftitnmtit:iinttimt!imtititt!i!i:!ui ,:ti:::ni:::i:::::::ni:itii:uiifitun:iimiiitt:::ititi:t:iiiu CARLSON & LYONS PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and Iloatlng Supplies Rath Room Accessories, eta., etc. Pipe, Valves and Fittings PHONE RED 1591 liiitittimiiiniiittfitiitiHittiiniiiiiiiiiHiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiitiiii, iitt!ttin:ii::itfiitiiiftiitiiiiiiunniiiiiiiffitiiitittrtiinnuitii!ii CLASSIFIED ADS BRING j RESULTS j tttaiiimimtiutunnttitutntmnnanuttrainmiinimimti' Sulphur, Mineral and - Steam Baths A Trnvwl anil TrM fOmnly for Hhtne tnatUm, Hud .i!iU, I ilripi. Nrvow mm. KUlnvy aiu! tAvmt TroutiJoa DR. R. I). STOW ELL Telephone Illnck 9 1 1 MASHAtJE TREATMENTS Two Departments: Lndles and (Inntliimiin Over llio Stntidard Furniture Co, IIICNI), OKKtiON latmmmnmmnuinmiiutminntninimnmiiuitmmu::. ram:atmimimumnmniBtt:n:anmmammnntra:nnr;a MKH. Mll.l.KHH IMIK SHOP I'hon. Itlack lift j Ti.urhliis ut nf sray hair xlaltr II with an Imi'irtnl French ilya. Abxilutc atlafartlon auarantenl ; Kltrtrlral aralp trealmrnu for fallins hair rauaad by danitrutf or ti,r circulation. Ut OHKfitIN HTHKKT tmniutrammumuatmmamninuummiiimnnnann. uniiininiiiiuiimuutuiaaniiuintitnttimntintmimtmn Tel. Red 271 O Kuno llldg. DR. E. E. GRAY DENTIHT Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 5:30 Ev.nlnsa anj Mumlar. by Aepulntmant tttmiwiiiitiimiuantiiuimmuumiiimmmimmumtiirJ iimiaiiiiiimitnti:itiniui:uttiuamntnimmmmmnsntr DR. II. N. MOORE DENUKTH V Tol. Dlaclc 1671 O'Kano Dldg. '''"'"naatatiiamaraimtttiiitimitmiamttmnrmmJ 'iiistntuntmintiirmtrmmniittunmttititnitititiitmmm- BEND INSURANCE AGENCY WrIUra of all of Old. cat inaurance An.ncy In Central Orason. II. C. KI.LI8 Flrat National Hank ItlJa-., rianil, Orfc ii ,,.... " """""""'"""sinnHiiintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiJ it """""""'""tiiutiiimuiiiiniiurauniit!' W. G. Manning D. M. D. DKNTIBT Bulto 12-14 O'Kune Building Tol. Dlack 1781 Bond, Oregon For tiitiiiiiiiitttiiiitiimitttittiittiiimttiniitmimtmntmtiiitii'l jmimiiiiiiiamm,,,,,,, itiamiiiiiitimiiiitntiuimaiiiii Dr. Charles A. Fowler PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ....Room 10 O'Kano nttlidlng.... Tolophonns: Rob., ninck 1472 Offico Rod 2351 .iiiiiiiiiiii,mmmlmil!lmilllmlI1lllllIinminiiiil r""""""""""1"'"" mnmtiutmiiiaititmi! tut:, R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW nooms 13 nnd 18 First National Bank Ilulldlng. Tol. 611 (Dr. Coo'a Formor Odlco) ltimiiiiii!iiiallimilmmlm miaitiiniimmmn, I" ""'"'"'"'"""""'aiiamumimnmmimmmm,,, II. II. Do Armonil Chs.. W. Enkln He Armond & Erskine LAWYERS O'Kane Dulldlng, Bond, Oregon eiiitti::ituiitittiniimuiiittniiitaiiiuiimtiiitiini:itiiitiiiiiti lutuiiniittiinnrmmraitiraiwiiiMBiuiiuiiittiiiiiiMniuiiil