The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 22, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    TIIH JIKNII mn.hff.TIS, DAILY fcOlTlON, lIKJfD, OKKfJON, HATl'llDA V.JA X I'AHY 22, 12I.
PA(JK n.
- Oregon Trunk
Arrives, 7,86 A. M.
tunves, 8:00 P. M.
O..W. It. N.
Arrives, t:fi0 1'. M.
Loaves, 7:00 A. M.
Unit Kliuny Ih iiiicli from it nhort
IiIIhIiiiiiih lrl) to Itiui iiionil.
Mm, Jack Iliirtiui In spending few
iluyii with friends In rrlnevllln,
Mm, I., L. Ciibli ri'liirni'il In hi nigh)
fniiu ii vliill Willi relatives ill Cumin
Vlnn Ni'll Tiff t will upend Mil'
weekend wlili licr brother ul Itml-
(I. W, l.iiiiruuter, rouilniimter nf tin
Oregon Trunk railroad, arrived In
In. ml lunl iiIkIiI.
J, II, returned thin nun n
liiK from ii InmliifHH trip tn I'cnllnnil
mill points In ft it lie.
W. II. HuKKott. Undmnnd iillorncy.
Ih Hpnndltig Hi" liny In lli'inl iilli'iul-
InK III legal business.
Minn linn I.i'wln riitiirni'il In I'nrt
1 it it I hint night iiftnr n vIhII nf sovornr
days spout wild friends In llend.
Leo A. Thomas linn linen engaged
iik architect fur Hid imw $75,000 un
ion IiIkIi m lioiil building it liedwoml.
Mm. M. M. I.nlly. who Iiiih I)
vlttltlnK her sinter, Mlns Mnrln Gin- i
nlmi, loft lux! night to ii' In in to her
homo In Portland.
M ih. V. K. llnrhtold of I'lirlliiml.
wlm Iiiih been vlnllliig her parents.
Mr. niul Mrn. I J. Young, left for
hr liniiiu lunl night.
Mm. H. A. I'nrily left llil morning
fur Imr home lit Kt'iinitwlrk, Wash.,
after n vlnll nf 10 ilay wit li her noil,
tlio Itov. J. Kdgnr I'tirdy.
Mr. ii nil Mm. W. 1). Ilnnies, Mr.
mill MrH. Clyde M. McKay mid It. C.
Kills nra ti 1 1 nt I n K thn meeting of
llii) Hhrlno lit I'lirtlutid today.
Thn Mlnses AgnoH Campbell mid
Kiinlrn Cullow with passengers on
tlio nlitlit train to Portland, where
limy will vlnlt frlinulH for u few day.
MurrliiKO license worn Issued to
day ami ytrdiiy afternoon to '
rnr M. Franks mid Violet Mnvno mid
Charles It. I.owo mid Ida V. Itnhort.
Punnongnrs on tlio Ili-n iI-PIIvit
l.iikn HtiiKn till tuornliiK won: Mix
Catherine Manny, to Harper: K. A.
Axlell mid 11. K. Ni'll. to Silver Lake.
Mm. J. J. llavllck Iff t liint nlKlit i
for Iht home In I'orl Ifi ml after liav-1
ItiK spent tlio pllHt 10 days VUllllll!
Iir daughter. Mrn. A. (1. Chollck of;
I.n rino, I
Uncle Sam Delouses Trains in
Fight Against Crop Cooties
I'nclo Snm'B oncniinler with th enntb durliiR the war was-noi
a now oxporlonco. Although' II In not Ranarally known ho Vii
boon biltllng various kinds of crop contlnn for mnriy years to the ex
tent Hint the dnpurtniont'n work linn dnvoloped until now uront "do
lotinlng" niui'lilncB which fumlRnto n freight trnln with onse are tn
oporutlon. Tho Outy of the Fodornl Horticultural bonrtt Is to guard
the Unltod States borders and prevent the entrance of Injurious plant
Innects. This board has saved American farmors millions of dollars
Just now tho Mexican bordor Is being watched clostily against pink '.
bollworm. Tho pictures show, uppor, the .Interior of a cyanide plant
at Laredo, Tex., whore tho poisonous gas Is turned Into string nf
freight anrs coming Into the U. 8. Centor, exterior of a hug fuml
gatinnvjUnt built by the Department of Agriculture. Lower, mem
hem of he horticultural board which enforces tbe.crop quarantine
lawa. Oti Karl B-KWIerraatftUr W 0. Hunter, Dr Charles L. Mur
tii halrgiMJjuirw'v;M40MiW-
m:w VOliK M ,NI t i t him;
iu: i ot.i.ow 'mm vi;,it.
liy "Mnrjnile."
( Willi en for tlin UiiIiimI Press.)
NKW yoitK, Jan. 22. New York'H
iiiuniiriiclurliiK illidilct Ih working
upon Hpilng iiioiIi-Ih full-tilt IIiIh find
month of tlio now your, and nvon lliu
ri'lall I mil ii Ih hIiowIiik advance, linen,
wlilln inllady purchtinnr Ih qullo ugug
at tlmiio aprliiK ruvnlatloiiH In Jnn
iiary, Ktylu IrniulH liavn not. really
irryHtallli'd an yi'l, iiIHioiikIi varloun
IIiimh hIiow hoiihi polnlH of Hlmiliirlty
wlilrh ti'll what tlin hkhhoii'h modi)
will Im.
KiiIIh nra morn vuili'd than any
thliiK olatt, I'Hpm'lally In Ilia mitltcr
of IrlinmltiK. Komo Immhh-m una rol
oiimI niiiliroliliii'liiH, othi'm i-xplolt th
llim of hritld III novid iIi-hIkiih, wlilli1
otliiTH aiillvi'ii Ilia roHtiimo with Kay
lixadi'd t rl in in I iik. IVrhapH tlin lat
tiT Ih jiiohI In favor, for each hoimn
hlnnvH at Iniint hoiihi liaad trlnimi'd
Mrn, A. A. HyuioiiH and daiifthtor
arrlvad Iioiiiii IIiIh nioruliiK nfiar
HpondliiK th" Paul mouth vIhIUiik
wllll Mrn. HymoiiK' pari'iitH ul C'niili
mor". WiihIi.
Mr. mid .Mm. K. A. IfnriiiHon were
iivit nlKht vlnllom In lli'inl, nti ionic
from I.aknvluw to tlialr Iioiiiii In lla, laavliiK IIiIh mornliiK on I ho S.
T. & 8. train.
Mrn. I". I,. NVII and rhlldren of Hi
nt tin am rii'ioil nrrivalH In timid,
wlmro t tiny will npnnd tlio nnxt fnw
davH vIhIUiik Mm. Nral'H lirotlmr, Kd
ward liniitry.
Mm. II. M. Doty of Clovrdiik
Wnnli., rnlurnnil to Imr home IIiIh
inoriilnx nflnr a uliort vlnlt Willi Iht
huh -t ii -hi w ami 1 u iik li t ur. Mr. mid
Mrn. K. I,. Colilo.
I.. P. JohiiHon loft tant nlKht for
Portland to ronnult n nporlallnt In
mitard to tlin Injury to tils oyn, dun
to n ntnnl Hpllntnr nntnrlnK tlin nyn
hull, ftiiHtnlnnd whllo at work nt
ramp No. 1 rnronlly.
flun rcpnlrlnn of nil k Iml h : Htrlctly
flmt-rliiMi work Kuarantond. lit Pnrli
walinr'H upon Hioro. llitfc
Orand mimk ball nt tlio pvm. Knti
ruary 14th. Rupir nnrvnd ,y IiuIIi-h
of .MixiHi'liiiait. Adv. '.19-40(!
Mil 1 1 h. Homo tuodnlH nrn vary Ky
Willi inotlfH of vnrl-oolornd IihiiiIk,
will lu otham linn Jul and irrldancuiit.
.Many of lliu ciipa-liiu:k nulls liavi)
Ii bnadnd pnttnrii alio lit tlin enpu
mlK". Navy lilim, uh iihiiiiI, Ih the
niiaHoii'n favo)nd milt color. Trlco
1 1 no Ih I Im rnlKiiliik muturlnl, and It
Ih tlinHii Htandard Mil" trlnotliio hiiIIh
that f lun ii I colorod IiiiiiiIh moro than
any of llni ollinrn. Onn modol com
IiIiiiih linniiu mid pniii.'Oi.'k lilim lioadn
with flonH of tlio Haniii nhudnH. Tlio
floKH :ii:Ih uh Htnui or tendril, and tho
hnadn lira comhliind Into u floral mo
tif whliih In iiMi'il on tho long Tux
edo collar, the fluro cuffH and tho
COIlt pllpllllll.
On 111" wholu, thnru ih u niinllur
col to all Hi" hiiIIh. TIiIh Ih tlio
Hhort-front coat, with tlin longer or
"nlouch" buck. Th Ih offncl dvcl
opnd from Ih" wlnler'n vokuo for the
"hiiddli'd" wrap Hint Ih, tho wrap
clutched up In lliu front, falling buck
upon tlin Hliouldnm, and than hIiowIiik
a lower back ImiKth than front. Thin
fad Ih traiiHfi-rrcd to tlio null coat
nither than tlin nklrt in Hi" nprluK
Hun. KprlnK bnlU which aru plain,
headed or nmhroldnrcd aro lined.
A few hoiiHn lira iniiklnK Hiilln
hiiIIh In plucn of tho tiiffntu 1 1 mi of
forinnr black. Muny nport inodelH of
I weed urn ulno upon tlin market, but
JerneyH nro prucllcully out of tlin
Tlio winter voifiiu for pluld, pleated
nklrtH In IioIiIIiik over for tlin HprliiK
Hnanoti. Contrary to expectation, tho
color nffi'ctn aro nvmi darker than
thny linvu bnnn for winter wear. Tan
Ih tho main color In all tho pluld ef
fect h, mid navy mid tan, or brown
and tun urn tho lcadnm. Illack mid
white offnclH aro uIho vary proml
nnut, Ilolh box and killed iikmIcIh
lire nhown, and uven plain Kalliereil
or nhlrrod Hiioh arn upon lliu market.
Tailored flannel nkirlH In white
trliniimd with red or preen hIIIcIiIiik
nro n big lino for renort wnar. White
and rod, or whlto mid Krnnn chncked
effnctH nro ulno very good. Colored
hllk hlilrtn uho full In ulinOHt cxcIiihIvc
ly and llio Spuiilxli effect, n given
by u low, hlKhly-colorud huhIi, Ih very
popular. KuhIioh of color upon whim
flannel or crepe d rhino nklrtH arc
ulno very prominent
Can Elephant Jump?
Allhnnu'li ibey nrn generally helU.fert
tn be able to do so. II Is luiirsllln.
owing to weight nuil siriifture. for nn
elephant In Innp either tip M forward.
A Iik eli-iil'int tnkes 0 feel u Inelun nt !
a sirliln. hul n 7-fort trench would be
nn hopeless a barrier to It as one of
TO feet.
A Wholesome Fear.
Rome highly strung persons, rays a
niedli'ul writer, are even afraid of In
Biiluinte objects. This accounts for
ninny nervous penplo being afraid of
venturing loo near a plumber. I'umti.
9 ,jfpr
l ' fi
J .A
t, T5y Aiungsnwnt with F Zicgfeld, Jt )
in .
The Frisky Ato.Johnson
Kho always playml a winning ganio
with tlio men. Itut one night Hhn
made a mln-cno and como wntvli
tho goHHlpsi run up a score! -
I lum'i .11 - :
I,ONI)OV, Jan. 22. Hlr Phillips . gt rid of all that silly, nhlldlnh bar
;iblni, the famous war correspondent, btirlnm? Has It learned no lonmn
ban rnturiw.fl from 1,1. i-i vUH , at all out of the moHsacro of Its youth
thn I' lilted Hlates with onn bitter
memory of Inn haired of Kngland
that Ih being sedulously and subtly
cultivated in America.
Tn UH new book, "People of Dos -
tiny," ho tells of his many pleasant
recollections of New York and Jlos -
ton, but says:
"Thero Ihu propaganda of bato bo -
iiik Hi,ri.-ii.i uiroiiBiioiiniiecouniry orijipg suggests a sort of Journalists'
most polsonouH, iiihIIcIoiih, and dan-' union.
gerous character, In which Kngland j -j d think," ho says, "that there
Is represented as an arrogant, grasp- mgnt bo an International society of
lug and brutal country, Intensely ! journalists, pledged In honor to ab
JealouN of I'ncle Kam and deliberate- main from all provocative writing
ly hostile. It Is the same kind of ! about other nations, and to 'denounce
propaganda which Inflamed Germany 'aB unprofessional the conduct of any
against Kngland, and Kngland of thelr fellows who are found gull
agalnnt Germany. It reaches down ty of reading slander and spite cal
to the Ignorance and passions of the culatcd to disturb the world's peace."
same classes.
"Taunts In American newspapers
aro answered by gibes In English
newspapers. Hitter speeches by
senators are cabled to Kngland and
hurt. Tiny aro answered by sting
ing satire. ;
"It the world noi old enough to
A Wonderful
Last Time
V' ' 1
ion tho nltur of stupidity? Aro civil-
1 IZI'd DeODleS tO gO On flltlKlllg mild at
( onch othnr for Hp0rt: uttering prov -
Lcatlvo cries like dirty little school-
j boyg for tIl8 Hako t BCOrK otf each
( other in newspapers or political de-
. bates, careless of the horrible dan -
; g,.rg wh)ch Bre thnroby caused?"
Discussing tho means of best pre -
1 VOntlng this state of affairs, Hlr Phil-
(Continued from Page 1.)
mlsisoner from J3000 to J3C00 per
year, and the clerk of the state land
board from $2000 to J3000 per year
are recommended In the report of the
special legislative committee on sal
aries and state and county officials.
Salary Itnl.-o Advlsol.
General Increases are also recom
mended for county superintendents:
of schools. A recommendation wasj
made that the salaries of county ;
Judges be increased. Salaries of
'county clerks In most cases, are adc-j
quate. the report states. In a few
instances county treasurers ar un-
jderpald. while on the other hand. I
sheriffs of two or three counties are!
! found to be overpaid. The report is '
signed by Senators Bell and Strayrj
and Representatives Dodd. Wheeler
and Haines.
I "Our Investigations have been
made with a view of maintaining ef-j
ficiency in public offices," the re- j
port reads. "We have sought to j
protect tho taxpayer from Inefficient j
A bill, fathered by Senators Stray- j
s er. Hume and Jones, provides that
; county assessors "shall place upon
the assessment roll any personal and
, real property subject to taxation
: upon demand in writing of any tax
payer of the state."
CVt Delays Action.
! The house committee on resolu
tions balked at the cost of proposed
memorials, although they were in ac-1
cord with the plan to designate
Another family has orgiini7ril
a hank in the home. The fa 'her
Is pri"Kii!er.t, the- mother c-hier,
tlin oldest liov bookkeeper, and
one of oir lilt In automatic re
corillns ?nfes nets ns receivinK
teller. It's lofi of fun. Itecotne
a bank president tomorrow with
one of our little banks. The
First V.qtinnnl Hunk.
Chevrolet Four-Ninety Touring Cm .'',!' , ...T'.. v!
Dr. John McI.niiKlilln and tha ltov.
JiiHon I.eo as tho two men to repre
sent Oregon In the hull of fume at
Washington. An appropriation of
20,000 wan naked for tho erection
of two bronze nlatiinn. The 1)111 was
seal back to Hie committee for re
drafting, ho that thn required sum
may bo met through private nourcou.
The first appropriation bill which
made 1(8 appearance In tho senate Is
'sponsored by Senator Ellis and pro-
nflfH nn Increnun In lhf nnnnnl nn.
! proprlatlon for the maintenance of
the state experimental station In
! Harney county from $4000 to 15000.
it proposed to put an additional
'tax on gasoline to help raise a fund
j for the upkeep of roads. This has
; been gathwed from the attitude of
'the Joint roads and highway com-
Where Sound Travels Far.
Across Ice and pnrilrulnrly In hird
frfnrt, st.und travels amaxlngly. Lieut.
Foster, on an arctic expedition, found
that he could converse with another
man quite easily across the mouth of
a buy which was a mile and a quarter
Come In nnd let us explain to
jou how our little automatic
recording home safes work.
The First National Hank.
Gambling for love and gold
in the "devil's playground" at
Monte Carlo.
' "77ie Product of Experience"
This famous Chevrolet model is designed,
built and equipped to afford dependable, eco
nomical transportation. The noted Chrcvolet
valve-In-head motor develops maximum power
with minimum fuel consumption. Chassis nnd
body are proportioned to motor power. The
strength, balance and ample spring suspension
insure riding and driving ease, operating econ
omy and longer life from tires and every work
ing part of the car.
It Is designed throughout for comfort and
appearance. eata are roomy, well cushioned
and upholstered in most durable material.
Included In the purchase price, electric
starter and lights and every other essential
of modern motor car equipment completo the,
satisfaction this car affords for general pas
senger use.