The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, October 16, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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ultra smart styles in
We Are Offering the
Following Used Cars
For Sale-
They are all in good mechanical con
dition. We have replaced the bad
tires with new ones, and every car is
read to hit the road.
Three Fords, each $330.00
One 1919 Dodge $1,050.00
One 1920 Overland, Model 4....$950.00
One 1919 Chevrolet.. $450.00
Will sell on easy terms to suit buyer
Pioneer Garage
Worth Cultivating.
Is It not a thine divine to have a
smile which, none know how, bas the
power to lighten the weight of that
enormous chnln which all the living la
common drag bcbind them? Victor
Merely a Memory.
Wbat's become of the amatenr social
scientists who used to prove beyond
the shadow of a question that thieves
are the product of an economic sys
tem which falls to provide work for
all? Indianapolis News.
Washington's Peculiar Hobby.
George Washington's principal di
version was training baby foxes. lie
was fond of fox hinting. He took the
animals home, and trained them In all
kinds of tricks, which lie often exhib
ited to friends.
lication shall be on Saturday, Octo-
uer in, iszu.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
P. O. address: Bend, Oregon.
112, 118, 124, 130, 136. 142, 147c
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, In and for Deschutes
E. R. Post, plaintiff, vs. John F.
Bean, defendant.
By virtue of an execution. Judg
ment order and decree, and order of
sale issued out of the above entitled
louti in tne above entitled cause, to
me directed, and dated the 15th daj
ui ucioDer, izu, upon a Judgment
and decree rendered and entered on
tne nth day of October. 1920. In fa
vor of the plaintiff. In the sum of
J15, with Interest thereon from No
vember 14. 1912, at the rate of 10
per cent per annum, less the sum of
$221.70, paid May 17. 1919: for the
runner sum of 150 attornev's fees.
and for costs and disbursements of
this suit, taxed and allowed at
io.f5, and the notice entered upon
said writ commanding me to make
sale of the following described real
property, situate, lying and being In
Deschutes County. Oregon, and more
particularly described as follows, to-wlt:
Lots numbered 9, 26. 27 and 28.
Showing nt The Cirnnd Sunday only.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, . inland for Deschutes
Charles Hastings, plaintiff, vs.
Najtie B. Hastings, defendant.
To Mattie B. Hastings, defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore-
gin, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed ! piint p., r."
against you in the above entitled suit j Oregon, according to he recorded
within six weeks from the date of the, piat thereof now on file in the office
publication of this summons to-wlt: of the countv clerk of Crook c ce
Within six weeks from the 16 h day . Oregon." and that said property above
of October, 1920, and if you fail so descried Is -also described as foi
to answer, the plaintiff will, for lack iows. oea 88 101
thereof, apply to the court for Judg- Beginning at the northeast corner
ment against you as demanded in his' 0f the northwest quarter of the
k ,,7ri . . u , : "rawest quarter of Section 27,
the flhnvA PtlfltlPfl fniift of nhcnlnta t- . '
... ... ---- - iuusnip li soutn, Kange 12 East.
divorce from the defendant, for the wm, ,.,' .
r,,nrtv f mi.. .mm f "'"""-".jnence going
No. therefore. By virtue of said
execution, Judgment order, decroo
and order of sale, and In compliance
with the commands of said writ, I
will, on Saturday, the 13th day of
November. 1920, at 10 o'clock a. Hi
nt the front door of the courthouse
in Bend. Deschutes County, Oregon,
sell at publio miction, subject to re
demption, to the highest, bidder for
cubIi in hand, all of the right, title
and Interest which the within named I
defendant had on the 14th day of
November, 1912, the duto of the
mortgage herein foreclosed, or since
thnt date had In and to the above do
scribed premises, to satisfy said elo
cution, judgment order and decree.
Attorney's fees, costs and accruing
Dated at Bend. Oregon, this 16th
day of Octobor, 1920.
Sheriff of Deschutes County, Ore
Date of first publication, Octobor
16. 1920.
Date of last publication, Novem
ber 6. 1920. 1 12.1 18.124,139c
IKMIDM aVdWrtUIOK eurii pmt Imu to
tent for 20 word or leu. Ou cant Mr
won) for !) over 20. All clanlflod ftdvortUin
run bALh Furniture; beds, two
dressers, blrdseve niaole: oak 11
brary table, chairs, rugs, couch and
phonograph. Call 1428 West Third
street. 49-119-1 16d
FOR SALE One good rug, 9x12,
wool fiber; one sewing tuble. In
quire 525 Colorado Avo. 63-112p
parties. Edward H. Hastings, and for
such other relief as tie court may
deem just and proper.
This summons is served upon you
by the publication thereof in The
Bend Bulletin, daily edition, for a
period of six consecutive weeks, In
accordance with an order therefor
made by the Hon. Robert W. Sawyer,
Judge of the County Court of Des
chutes. County. Oregon, made and
entered on the 16th day of October,
1920, at Bend, Oregon, in the absence
from the Judicial District of the Hon.
T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of the Circuit
east line nf
saia northwest quarter, thence north
31 degrees, four minutes west 1020
feet to a point in thenorth line of
said northwest quarter, thence east
&.su reet to the noint of hetrinninc
also beginning at a point 335.41 feel
west of the southeast corner of the
northwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of Section 27, Tp. 17, S., R
12 E., W. M., thence east 31116 feet'
thence south 410.93" feet to the point
ui ueKiumng, an or which said above
described real nronertv is sitnnio in
and a portion of said northwest quar
ter Of Iho'cnil.hmAat . r.
court for Kairt j.irf.vini n,..if eur rw ""' 01 Bec-
, . . . " nun Ait ip. i t s.. K. 12 B W M
order requires publication of this Crook County. Oregon, and now lo
summons for six consecutive and sue- cated In Deschutes County. Oregon
csrveweeks, andthat the first pub-1 formerly a portion of Crook Count"'
111 m$
OU can't capitalize a busi
ness or buv Bend real
estate with money you have
Tax Bkvi or 5tjpbiq Svic '
The First National Bank
FOR SALE New 6-room house. 232
Georgia, half block south of Meth
odist church; would consider lease.
FOR SALE Five-room modern
plastered house on Highland boule
vard; 4500; 500 down, balance
$50 a month. See Charles Haines,
Log Cabin building. 66-112p
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Black
Mlnorcas, Rhodo Island Reds,
Partridge Wyandottes and White
Leghorns. See Charles Haines, Log
Cabin building. . 55-112p
FOR SALE White Leghorn pullets
of the Tancred strain; 2 fine cock
erels; 18 Barred Rock hens, O. A. C.
strain. Mrs. Rosa Hatch, Tumalo,
Oregon. 62-112p
FOR SALE One lot and cabin, part
ly turnisbed, in Boulevard addi
tion; back of Columbia grocery, near
the mills; also carpenter tools. Price
$200; $75 will handle it. G0-112p
Nothing can equal a Cap for comfort, especially
if it is properly tailored and fitted to the head.
Come in and get acquainted with the best
Cap values you ever .saw.
Boys' Caps- 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00
Men's Caps$1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $2.95, $3.50
Home of Hart Schaffer & Marx
FOR 8ALE Household furniture:
Majestic range, Singer sewing ma
chine, phonograph, rugs, beds, table,
chairs, etc.; will sell at sacrifice;
leaving town. Inqulro 444 Itlvor
slde, near Tumalo street bridge.
6-108-1 13p
FOR SALE Body for Ford touring
car. Inquire at Bend Dairy Store.
Greenwood. Phone Black 711. 58 tfc
FOR SALE Wlntor feed; hay and
straw, alfalfa, clover and stubble
pasture, bunch grass grailng; run
ning spring water; will food. P. A.
Devers & Son, Tumalo, Ore. 47-94tfc
FOR SALE -Good upright practice
piano; $50 cash If taken nt once.
1126 Federal street. 78-106-17p
toil RENT 2-room mid 3-rimm fur
nlshecl apts.; very desirable. 228
Broad wuy. 02-1 12p
FOR RENT Small Iioubo. partly
furnished, nonr mills; right for two
men; iv pur month. 8. it. Hoglu
at Lriiiayolto Avo. 43-1 1 Zp
t OR RENT Two housukneplng
rooms, furnished; no children
wanted. 1527 Division Ht.
1U-1 00-1 1 1 p
FOR RENT Two partly furnished
rooms. Inqulro ut 623 Hill street
or phono Rod 421. 45-lll-112p
FOR RENT Two light housekoep
Ing rooms. Inqulro 34 4 Dnlawnro
Avo., Bond, Ore. 39-11 1-1 12p
CAR FOR SALE Ford touring car
in good running condition: good
tires all around. Inqulro Mrs. j. O.
Whitakor, 116 Delaware Avo.
SEVERAL snaps in used cars; see us
oerore buying or selling. Dos-
chutes Oarage Co. 1 10-1 1 3c
NOTICH: Can give board to four
people; good homo cooking and
very reasonable. Address Mrs. O.
A. Oohme, 66 Franklin St., corner of
Hill. 49-102tfc
FOR RENT Furnished sleeping
room In modern house, 226 Dulu-
waro. Phono Rod 131.
FOR RENT 40 acres of alfalfa
pasture. 3 miles north of Tumalo. A.
c- Klrlsls. 14-109-1 1 2p
FOR RENT Room, with board for
two In private homo. GDO Ogdon
Avs- 82-IOOlfo
FOR RENT Electrlo vacuum
. swoopors by (no day. Stnndnrd
Furniture Co. 2M4tfo
LOST Reddish-brown dog, with
white toes: answers iinmo of Tup
py. Howard If returned to Jnituln
H. Polonium, 54 Luko placo, llnnd,
Oro- 26-1 10-1 12p
LOST A lill ml lo of budding, helwonii
Redmond mid llnnd. Finder
ploimo notify Dr. J. C. Vniidovurl,
llnnd, Ore. 41-llllfo
WANTED TO RENT 4 or 6-room
house by responsible narty. Call
Black 1951. 67-112-114C
FOR SALE Smith Premier type
writer, perfect ordor, $16. Inquire
a, h. Lowry, 021 Portland Ave.
FOR SALE Vacant, ready for lm
mediate occupancy, 4-room well
constructed 'frame house, on the best
residence street In town: will con
slder a car or Bmall cash payment
down, balance to suit you. Phone
Red 2451. 29-110-112p
FOR SALE Used furniture; range
one heating stove, bed and dresser:
will sell very reasonably if taken at
once. Inquire 614 Franklin Avenue,
A FIREPROOF McCaskey register,
brand-new, for sale at a bargain.
Deschutes Oarage Co. 110-llSc
FOR SALE Beautiful bungalow
living room, dining room, Dutch
kitchen, pantry,. 3 bedrooms, bath,
fireplace, bookcases, beautiful light
fixtures; full basement; lawn, ce
ment sidewalks; improved street;
best location, at right price. Call
431 Newport Ave. 20-109-112p
FOR SALE 900 acres choicelandon
highway, 17 miles from Bond, ad
joining good range; price right.
Address box 439, Bend, Ore.
WANTED Three rooms for light
nouseKeenlng bv resnrins h n nnriv
Call Black 1821. 58-112-113p
WANTED Wood to saw, pine pref
erable. W. A. Renter. 1366 Now,
port. 42-111-112-113-114-116P
WANTED Ice box, cheap. Tele
phone Black 2571. 48-llltfc
WINTER and days when the enr can'
not be used, come In and let us es
tlmate a complete overhauling job
for you. "Our mechanics know
how." Deschutes Garage Co.
WANTED Woman for general work
In small boarding house. Phone
Red 2871. 27-110-112p
WANTED Furniture, carpots, rugs
window shades, blankets, nnllm
trunks, tools, heating and cook
stoves; highest cash price. O. K
eecona-iianu Htoro. 57-103tfc
WANTED Wanhlnir In ,l ,.t
Call Mrs. Forbes, Red 2631.
WANTED Furniture, phonographs,
ranges ana nouseno a goods nf all
description. Standard Furniture Co.
; 61tfe
FOR SALE Three-room house, 2
lots, lawn, garage, cheap if taken
at once. Inquire Holmes. Grocery.
ness and wagon for house and lot.
FOR RENT A 4-room. well fur.
nfslied houso: has basement. ntil.
and a Inrge closet; want to rent for
eigni montns; no children. Inquire
iv i v union oouievaru addition.
. 64-112p
FOR RENT 2 nice sleeping rooms;
private family; 2 blocks from First
National bank. 63 Irvine A
Is as generally recognized to designate
quality in storage batteries as . the sign
IS TO designate the unknown quan
tity in mathematical problems.
N buying an EXIDE Storage Bat
tcry you are assured of long and
satisfactory service.
URABILITY is the foundation $
on which this Battery built
it's widespread popularity. -
in use is giving perfect
satisfaction WHY not
I make the next Battery an
744 Ogden Ave. 89-107-112O