PAGE 4 TI1E nEXD noJliETIN, DAILY EDITION, DKND, OHKflON, MATl'KDAV, (MTOHKIl U. IOSMI. The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION PlMlalml Br.rr AMrrnoon Band7. Hj Th. Uind llall.'.ln (Inrorprtwll I U 1 ..,- .IbiiiIBKV !, Itn, at th Pout Office at iicnd. Ororon. Act of Harcn 3, 18. . ROBERT W. SAWYER E.lltir-Mnr.airr HBNKY N. FOW1.KK Aiuoclatf Klilor C. H. SMITH AilvrrtMiw Manaitw RALPH Bl'KNCER .Mfch.nlc.l Suiit. All Independent N.wnr.P.r, landlni for th. aqilare deal, clean bu.ineiw, clon j'olltic nd the beat tntcreeta of Bend and Central Orason. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Mail On Year Biz Month! Three Month. H.SO Br Carrier Out Year -80 Btx Month! One Month 0.60 All iubcriptiun are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCK. Noticee of mur.tion are i.n nl.u.rilii.r. .ml If renewal M not mad within reasonable lime the paper will b diaaontinued. Pleaee notify ui promptly of any ehanire of addreai, or of failure to receive the paper reaularly. utherwu we will noc oe rv- annnlhl for eonie miaaecL Make all eheeka and order payable to Th Bend Bulletin. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1920. OUR GEOGRAPHIES In a way, the treatment of Central Oregon In the geographies now in use in our schools is merely amusing. Ir another, however, it is really a se rious matter. All over Oregon these books are in use. Is it, then, any thing to be wondered at It all over Oregon there should be a profound and dense ignorance concerning this eection if the youth of the state for , the past five years have been getting their information from their pages? How well can we be known in the other states where the book is in use? Speaking of fire prevention the it other day, Chief Carlon said it was , necessary to begin the work with the school children, because their minds were the most impressionable,, their habits less fixed. What habit of thought, may we suppose, is preval ent in the minds of the children in the rest of the state when they think of us? What information do their parents get when they look in the school geography to find out about , Central Oregon? - The answer, of course, is that they are getting noth ing but erroneous ideas from the school books, and in our fight for publicity and recognition we cannot . afford to let any such ideas go forth. The text books used in in the school outside of Portland are se lected by the state board of text book commissioners. According to the Oregon Blue Book, the members are Harrison G. Piatt, Chairman, Port land; Margaret J. Cosper, Salem; Mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe, La Grande; Al fred G. Schmitt. Albany; F. A. Tied gen, Marshfieid. The Blue book further says: "All terms expire January 31, 1921," and, ,concluding: "This commission meets every six years and adopts text books for use in the public schools outside of Port land. At the meeting held June 2, 1919, text books were adopted to be used until June 2, 1925." What the board did when it met in June, a year ago, was to readopt the geography that had been' used in the previous six years. We do not know what other geographies, if any, were offered for its consideration, y f J ..l..'M - it Oa Being Fat There's not much sense in being fat, in wearing too much lard; the weary years have taught me that, for I'm an obese bard. Diseases punk I en tertain, dire ailments two or three; and. though I'm twisted up with pain, I get no sympathy. Men laugh to hear a fat man groan; and though he's feeling tough, and has an ache in every bone, they think it all a bluff.' If I were thin and drawn and , pale, they would not treat me thus; if I put' up an anguished wail, they'd make all kinds of fuss ; with soothing words they'd quell my fears, and bid my pains depart, and shed the sympathetic tears that reach a sick man's heart. But I am fat and when I yell they all begin to laugh; and they'll be laugh ing till my knell precedes my epitaph. A lean man falls, and ppople sigh, and wonder if he's hurt; they, bring his hat, arrange his tie, and brush from him the dirt. There's tender feeling in the glance that everyone bestows ; and for a padded ambulance some sympathizer goes. A fat man falls all in a heap, and telescopes his spine, and people stand around and weep but laughter brings the brine. The fat man goes his greasy way, with large and bulging vest, and to the whole world, every day, his every move's a jest. Remington U. M. C. the Ammunition that won the World Championship at Olympic Victories Sportsmen ' Headquarters Wo curry u full line of tlio famous Remington UMC, Arms niul Am munition. What belter ljicssutJc can vc scud to sportsmen? GRAND Sunday Only V N. IIi'IiiI'm 1. SMITH I'lonrcr lliii'tviiro but if there were any they must hnve been shot full of faults. Otherwise the board cannot Justify its selection of the book now in use. A possible answer is that worm geograpnicu changes made it necessary to put off the issue of an edition with necessary revisions. We believe, however, that the board, if interested in a fair deal for the whole state, might have se cured a book that treated us iutelli gently and correctly. It would be worth while to take this matter up with the State Cham ber of Commerce and, through it. in sure proper treatment 'of Central Oregon hereafter. TO HOLD FUNERAL FROM MORGAN HOME Sons On Attend To Way From Wyoming Services For Mrs. "T. H. Morgan, Who Died Thursday. Funeral services for Mrs. Theron H. Morgan, mother of G. C. Morgan of this city, who died, aged 70 years, Thursday morning at St. Vln cent's hospital In Portland, as the result of heart trouble, will be held from the Morgan home, 415 New port avenue, at 2:30 o'clock Mon day afternoon. Rev. J. Edgar Purely of the Methodist church, will be the officiating clergyman. Mrs. Morgan was on a trip to the Willamette valley for her health when he illness became critical. Her husband, three sons and a daughter survive. Two of her sons are now on the way from Wyoming -to at tend the funeral. Demanding of merchants their highest priced wares, whether you can afford them or not, is fuel for the profiteer. Even with present prices, proper judgment can be ex ercised in buying and money saved. High prices is no excuse for ex travagance. The ShevlinHixon Company. Bear in Mind Fishermen-Campers ! Every tree destroyed by forest fire reduces Central Oregon's wealth just that much. Preserve the trees by being' careful about fire. Protect them by spread ing the gospel to all others. A Great Revenue. Economy Is a great revenue. Cicero. Naming No Ndrnei ItcnilliiH joint- of tin pron-nt ilnv effusions, one relliK'ta linl II In pon. siblo for a poet to imike tlolliira out of lines that others can't even inuke euso out of. Huston Trnimcrlnt. . Decoration AilvertlWiit'iM VViunml, inndiTn bouKO. (Int. (r. i'n trc or tinr:; to Hie In. No objection to IIvIiik ovir n liwtJ'i ".no If the roostrn nr etilpp'l :t!t l"X tin (llonceni.-"Hostou Trnowrlnt. Oally Thought Sin linn ninny tool., hut a lie Is the hnnille whlrh Mi. ihim nil. Holmes. Samuel Goldwyn MADGE KENNEDY DQLLAES !AND.SENSE A! Cohan -. Chevrolet Motor Car Prices Are Guaranteed oft ay1,1921 The following announcement by the Chevrolet Motor Car Company insures purchasers of Chevrolet Cars against loss through price reduction between Octo ber 1, 1920 and May I, 1921. The following telegram is a reproduction of a wire received by us this morning from the Chevrolet Motor Car Company. cuui cr .urr.zt otuMO fttNN tftw wrt M Iw will n iMtnmmtD u a fULL-MTI niXOHAM WESTERN, mm UNION RAM pffweowe CAUL TOM. pnmtm Send th. following mMMfta, robjtct to dm una. a beck tHrwf, whiefc art bmbjr aTM4 M 36Po K 68 3 Extra Blue Sx Portland, Oregon, 10A, Oct. 2, 1920 Bend Garage, Bend, Ore We have no intention of changing the list prices es tablished for the season of nineteen twenty-one, but in the event of any unexpected reduction in labor and material Ef fecting the cost and Justifying a lowering of the list prices of Chevrolet cars prior to May first, nineteen hundred twenty-one, we will refund to every purchaser during that period the amount of such reduction. Chevrolet Motor Car Co. of Oregon, M. D. Douglas, 1029AM. By buying now you will be able to enjoy your Chevrolet while wait ing for the market to readjust itself. 2ND GARAGE The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. 7-ntnrntnHiniMiMi :int!iitiii;!HHiiMiuH;iii:uiiriihiniMimrniiitJiLiJitiKitijiituiiiumiuiir;iLMrjiriifLii.ji:;ii jiLJiiiiijiii-Muiii lUMIIIIHimilllllll