The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, October 02, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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Bend High School Weekly
VOL. 2
NO. 3
lllftli Hrhuol (ilrl riiiyx Htriuly, Con
.,1m rut (iiitiio ami Tnkvu I.uxt Two
i,l Throo HflM of Mitlrli from
MIhn KiiiiIco Callow.
MurJorlo llulrd won tlio woumn'H
chiiiiiplonnhlp ot llund whon Mho du
foutml MIhh KiiiiIcu Callow on the
J'llol Ilulto Inn courlH Inst Saturday
nftornon by tho Hconi of 4-0, 7-B. 8-2.
Tim filial match of tlio womon's
tKiinlH tmirnniimnt wan plnyad ut 1:30
Haturday uftiirnoon. On acrount of
tlm blltiir cold wiiutlicir. Iheru wuro
only a fow spectators, l)t tlmy wlt
iKmHiid an oxcullonl match. Many
who would liked to liavn hihiii It did
not know of tlio game.
On account of a strong wind and
I do oxtrnmn cold, both players wore
ut a dlnuilvnnlngn, hut, in-rtlihnn.
tlmy played well.
Tim firm net wiik iivotily matched
and It was diiulitful which player
wouM takii II. Mini Callow won,
G-4. In tho HKcond Hi'l MIhh llulrd
riiino lltl riinldly and won. 7-6. Tho
last si-l wan not ho clone, Mlrnt Cat-
low swilling to lose her Krlp, and
MIkh llulrd took tho Ioiik and of tlm
scorn, fl-2.
Miss Callow had u vi-ry Kood servo,
upon which Mho dimndil entirely,
whlln MIkh llulrd used hrllllant
strokes, hut pluyod hard and smuttily.
.MIhh Callow won on her fust sorvo.
which, at tho lant. Mliw llulrd learned
to receive.. When Miss llulrd ro
tiirni'd Iht opponent's servo, MIhh
Callow was rarely ahlo to send It
hark again.
Tho inn I r h wiih played at an un
fortunate limn on account of tho kuiI
chadKo of weather. Tlm ditto had
been net neveriil lljneH previously, hut
c in li tliim tlm mi inn wan poHlpmmd.
Ilowovnr, Hi" conli-HlalitH wont ahead
and played In npllo of tlm olmlacltis
heraiiHo It wiih ho Into In tlm season
and they wero anxioiiH to flnlHh tho
When tlio Little Fulki
are in need of a
You will find jut wKat you
want at
When you want that
Heavy All Wool
in School Color., coll t the
We Are Ready for
with Everything You Need
Buchwalter Sport Store
MIhh Miller mill Mix Churchman
Named A I'arllll) Advisors Col
lego 1'repnnilnry Work Mwl
Popular Willi New HluilenlH
Tlm freshman class Ih umiHUully
largo thin year. Tlmru aro fi9 frosh-
iiiiiu ))' now and many morn will
prohahly unter durliiK tlm next 3d
dayii. ThlN nuniher Ih larger than
that of any preceding year.
MIhh Miller Ih lilt) ndvinor for one
auction, tiuiuhiirlnK 30 HtudentH, and
MIhh Churchman for tlio ollmr, with
an uniollnient of 20.
Thero uro tunny not"! courses open
to tho HtuilnulH. Tlm general, or
collogn preparatory, course Ik the
most popular with tho freshmen IIiIk
HiuimHlvr. ' Tho subjects ure: Algo
liru. English, hlntory and a foreign
laiiKUaKo. HpanlHh Ih iiiohI popular
111 Ih year.
A largo percentago of tho girls are
taking domestic Hdenco. Many of
the hoyn are taking thn courHu In
iiiitiiiiul iralniuK.
The freHlimnn A dlvlHlon contain
39 HtudentH. MIhh Manny tvacheH 29
of them In algebra. Ten tako man
ual training under Mr. Mooro.
The frenhmon uro worklnK hard,
hut luivo had no meeiltiKH since tho
opunliiK of tho HemuHler.
CiimlttlnteH for yell leadern thlH
season nro Stewart Him mid Emory
Leliriiien. Kuril gnvu a hum pie of
IiIh ability iih yell leader Wednesday.
Tho exhibition took on tho uppour
anco of an athletic conteHl. In the
tryoul I.elirinen culled upon tho Htu
dentH to give Principal Crozler n
cheer. Tho HtudentH responded with
Hitch force iih to endaiiKur tho roof.
Tlm coach, Mr. Mooro. received the
huiiiu hearty applaiiHo.
In tlm domcHtlc hcIcuco and art
classes tho Kill" aro flnlHhlnK their
cooklnK aprotiB, which wiih their first
howIiik lirohlem. Tho beginners'
class will have IIh f I ro cIiihh in cook
ery. Tlm girls uro oHpoclully nnx
Ioiih lo lu'Kln thin work.
Tho advanced cIiihh In domestic
sclenco will Blurt Monday to study
menus. ' TIiIh will cover tho prepar
ation and HorviiiK of food. Miss Mil
ler slatoH that sho Is hlKhly pleased
Willi tho progress that all her classes
aro making.
Tho girls' sewing classes In tho
balcony of tho domestic sclenco room
find tho bent decidedly opprosslvo.
Thin condition exists because the
windows of this room aro in tho us
ual plnco, but tho balcony Is elevated
IiIrIi cnoiiKli to got nil the warm air
that rises.
The Holy Order of tlio Mystic
I.eiiKiio of tho Wlilto Circle is now
opon for membership. Come and be
Inltlnted Into the rites of this mys
toilous organization ot torment and
lonrn tho pass word.
However, watch your step!
Tho leuRiio votes Mr. Harris a
groat sport.
School Color, at
From Here and There
In Bend High School
In phyHlcH tlm hoyH tried to rival
Kinnmtt McNoaly'H record for lung
pressure, hut worn not successful.
If anyonn finds a pair of "our
uiarkH," ploaHu return tlmm to the
Janitor. Tlm Junior high detective,
who wiih Kent to find thorn, him not
had any roHtiltH aH yet. Auyoim In
doubt aH to what an "oar murk" Ih,
ank MIhh Cmhuugh.
Tho 811 cIiihh organized thin week.
Tho following claH offlcera were
eluded: Claro Payne, president;
Harriet lloyliurn, vice prfHldent;
tOrnml I.elirinen, Hecrelury-lreaHurer,
mid Linn KrltihH, nergeant-at-urniH.
MrH. Bander's cIiihh In penmaiiHhip
Iiiih 780 HtudentH working for Pal
mer certificates. TIioho HtudentH of
tlm Junior high all have their 25 drill
huitoiiH and they are on 100 drill
MIhh Manny's cIukh In phyHics hnH
been doing experimental work all
week. Tho HtudentH huvo tested
their lung pressure, but tho resultH
have not yet been worked out.
iii:.iti) ix KXPitKssiox
"Hum! Why haven't you your les
son?" Ham: "Aw, I can't think o' nuth
In'. Wo aro Inclined to believe Sam,
but don't want to be too hard on him.
MIhh Spoor's clans In expression
Iiiih finished Its speeches on "Im
provements About tho School."
Lawrence CuHIh' subject was
".Speaking In tho Assembly. Tom
flolng spoke on "Student Self-Government;"
Paul Reynolds on "Digger
Itulldlngs for tho School;" Ilu Ses
on "Socialized Recitations."
Tho girls in modern and medieval
history bother Vincent Clarno so he
can't study.
Tlm notebooks In modern and me
dieval history under Miss Williams
wore duo Thursday. Sumo of the
sltiileuls failed to turn in their
hooks and will bo held for them Mon
day. Miss Spoor's classes In expression
and dchuto have until Monday lo fin
ish memorizing their orations. Note
tho pnlo faces of members of the
Miss Spoor (in Kpiinlsll III): "Pro
nounco that gentleman's tin m o again.
Guy. I didn't get It."
Guy: "I didn't, either."
Tho typewriting classes under Miss
Churchman aro trying for nccurate
work UiIb year. Thoso making per
fect teBts for this week nro:
Typewriting II, second semester
(five minutes), Komnlno Nicholson,
27 words per minute; typewriting
III, third semester (five minutes),
Krmel Scott, 40 words per minute;
Myrtle Rico, 62.2 words per minute.
11a Sess, a junior in tho Dead
high school and nn accomplished mu
sician, has consented to play for the
Monday morning oxorciscs in assem
bly. Iln lias been highly complimented
by both students and teachers upon
hor fine technic and ability.
Miss Campbell has been unablo to
attend school the last few days on
account of a severe cold. Tho stu
dents nro anxiously nwalting her
We have in tho high school threo
literary societies, but from the lack
of Interest shown It would bo hard
to convince a new Btudent or a vis
itor that we even had one.
What Is wrong - with thoso so
cieties? LnHt year the Lowell society
did not reorganize and tho Sages and
Emorsonluiis reorganized same time
during tha middlo of tho year.
As for programs, during the nine
months of school the Emersnulniis
' Edltor-ln-Chiof. Lester A. W. Smith
Associate Editors: Frutices Louise Hoyburn, Romnine Nicholson,
Ervin McNoal, Murgnret lnnbnit, Glon Burch, MnrJorle Baird,
Paul Reynolds nnd Thomas Going.
Political iKHues have not yet been
very holly dlscuHHed In school. They
ure minor Ihhuch compared with Huch
(jiiMHtloiiH bh to who will mako the
team or who will bo yell leader, etc.
As Hoon aH tho boys' glee club
gets under way the traditional cat on
the back fence will have to look else
where for employment.
The example of gymnastic yelling
given by "Prof," Lehrmen Wednes
day morning would have been more
appreciated If be had given warning.
Ho was all tired out before the school
knew what was up.
Tho news Iiiih been rumored about
school that Prinevillo has five letter
men on ItH leuui this year.
Thnt'B nothing we've got 11
"malo" men on ours.
Miss H. Manny's cluss In algebra
Is beginning fractions this week. The
class has a new pupil, making the
clans total 30.
Miss Lorence'H class in ancient his
tory now has 33 scholars. The stu
dents are hi tidying Egypt now.
Miss Loreuce's class in civics lias
10 pupils.
Miss I' m tin ii Kh: "Guy, you may
write tho 17th sentence on the
Guy: "lint there's only 16."
Miss I'mhaugh: "Well, you drew
tho lucky number, then."
Hook reviews will be due in a
couple of weeks.
' lty One of tlio Juniors.
The junior class of this year has
about nil the requisites a Junior class
should have, possessing an abundance
of "pep." life and energy, and a firm
resolvo to build up the school. While
we do not entirely ugroo with the
seniors that the Biblical quotation,
"Ilu that bloweth his own horn shall
not he heard." Is the very best motto,
yet a li tt lo advertising will hurt no
ono. We have, to begin with, as
members of our class, such "celebri
ties" ns the president, secretary and
treasurer of the student body. Our
president, along with his other
duties. Is editor of the Annual and
one of tho "pillars" of the Weekly.
The winner of the men's tennis tour
nament of this city is likewise a jun
ior. We have representatives In
every branch of athletics who will
uphold the honor of the junior class.
In music we claim one of the most
accomplished musicians in the school,
many good voices, both male and fe
male, and a great deal of talent along
instrumental lines.
Wo do not, however, lay stress
upon the fame of the individuals of
our class. We possess something of
which we are far more proud, name
ly, the spirit of cooperation and loy
alty existing among nil the members
of tho class. This, more than any
thing olse, we can safely say has
made the Junior class what it is to
day. Our chief aim In life this year
is to make the old 13. H. S. all the
better for our having been here, and
we are going to do it, too.
gnve two and the Sages only one.
Last year there were society col
ors in the ventilator and hanging
from the ceiling. During vncation
these colors were removed, so that
now, except for the senior colors, no
literary or class colors are to be
Thero Is but one remedy for a dis
ease of this kind nnd that is a good
dose of "pep." Every literary so
ciety should reorganize and prepare
to live up to the old standard of one
AHplraiilH Kor Lino and Knil Moxt
Numerous Ktnall Heconil Hiring
Turnout IIouhcn Ire of Couch
Wants to See HullH Holled.
Football practice has progressed
now to the point of making final se
lections for the first team. The se
lections will have to be hurried on
account of the game Friday at Prlne
ville. Choosing men for the team
will be rather difficult this year as
most of the aspirants are green, some
never haying viewed a football game
in their lives. Only four letter men
remain over from last year Dutt, V,
Coyner, Haner and ;iaypooI. Bros-
terhous, star fullback of last year's
team. Is Ineligible to play, having al
ready gone through four seasons.
However, he turns out every night
and renders valuable aid by helping
to coach the new ones.
As to the team itself, the backfleld
will probably be covered by Kelley,
Coyner and Haner as full. Dutt and
Cluypool will resume their old places
in the line and Loehr will tako Coy
ner'B place at center. L. Blakely,
who has been doing good work as
quarter, will probably remain there.
Mcltoberts, G. Blakely, Garske, Boyd,
Norcott and Gould are all out for
places in the line.
The team this year will probably
be the lightest the school has ever
turned out, and also the peppiest.
Even the very Ignorance of the team
In football etiquette will be a help,
for they will not know when they are
beaten, an essential which often
makes winners out of what technical
ly should be losers.
Of the second team not much can
be said, for only a few turn out. The
rest seem "afraid to dirty their foot
ball suits," as the coach expressed it.'
"or else they like to look at them.
However, that is not what the suits
are for. I would much rather see
them dirty from scrimmaging on the
football field."
Coach Moore also desires It to be
known that the names of all boys
having football suits in their posses
sion, and who are not using them,
will be posted on the bulletin board
at an early date.
The boys' glee club, composed of
students of the Bend high school.
met Thursday evening for the pur
pose of appointing temporary offi
cers until a constitution can be drawn
Ervin D. McNeal was appointed
temporary chairman, Glen F. Burch,
secretary and treasurer.
A committee wns appointed to at
tend to the business of further or
ganization and to draw up a consti
tution. Those appointed were Glen
Burch, LaVerne Whitmore, Wilbur
Watkins and Stuart Rao.
Mrs. Travis has been unable to
meet with the boys, but as soon as
the music arrives and" the boys are
assigned their parts, the student body
will hear some good music.
Few students have a record of be
ing more active in school affairs than
Frances Heyburn, now known as
Frances Louise Heyburn. In her
freshman year she declares she did
nothing but have a good time. Nev
ertheless she found time to be an ac
tive member of the glee club, partici
pated in the operetta, Joined the Em
ersonians and made high grades.
During her sophomore year Fran
ces not only made good grades again,
but served on Emersonian programs
and committees, as well as In the
glee club.
Bolng on the staff of the Bend
High School Weekly, on nearly all
Emersonian programs, and a member
of the glee club, Frnnces found her
time well taken up whon a junior.
Irvln Mc.Voal Heads Organization
For Parliamentary PurpoHcs
Ktnto Debate Question To IlO
Htudled Ah Moon Ah Chosen.
Miss Spoor's fourth period class, at
a meeting held last week, decided to
organize a debating club In order to
conduct Its own meetings, and in this
way gain valuable parliamentary
drill, according to Roberts rules of
order. In the election ot officers
Irvln McN'eal was chosen president
and Vance Coyner class critic. Offi
cers will be elected frequently so that
all members will have an opportun
ity to hold the various offices.
The text book which were chosen
for this course have not arrived yet.
Meanwhile the students have been
engaged in class debates and at pres
ent tbey are learning an oration.
An interesting debate was held
last Monday on the question, "Re
solved, That the comic section of the
Sunday papers be abolished." Tha
affirmative side was upheld by Mc
Neil, Erickson and Burch, with Coy
ner, Loehr and Garske on the nega
tive. Both sides of the question
were well supported and the num
bers of points gained were even.
The question for the state debates
has not been chosen, but as soon as
it is decided upon the class will be
gin working on it.
The preliminary work has already
shown that the members have the
ability, class spirit and the determi
nation to do some real work this
list Is
so we just
cover it by
what ever
you need
I we have.
you have
the list we
have the
I saw a boy's suit
i at the J. C. Penney Store
CLa; wanted
HjfflV school
j, j Don't
i i C 1 pack tne
i I ft V Grip 'round
I wltl1 yon"
yT We have a
y 7 remedy
! , jff . that will
TtA V knock it.
c& Magill&
k ' Erskine
There is jfoin
to la a little
drawing done
at the
St. Francis
Oct. 7-8-9
it the Hippodrome
Are You Interested?
(Continued on Page 7.)