The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, September 07, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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it !
Yarns for all kinds of needle work. Now is the time to make a
sweater or jacket for the cool autumn days. Stocks are practically
complete. Knitting Yarns in Knitting Worsted, Zephyr, Ger
mantown and Shetland Floss, are here in all colors.
Fleisher's Knitting Worsted -Fleisher's
Shetland Floss - -Fleisher's
Zephyr Germantown '
Inspwtors Report of $14,000 Ex
pense Js CflUef IK'terrenl, Says
Letter To Chauibertuln.
WASHINGTON. D. C. Sept. 7.
The petition of citizens of Burns for
an auto- mail service between Bend
and Burns has been denied by the
postoffice department. Assistant
Postmaster General Blakely. in a let
ter to United States Senator Cham
berlain, states. v
Inspectors have gone over the
route, he says, and found that it
would cost $14,000 to install this
service, and that the only mail expe
dited would be that deposited at
Portland between S and 7 p. m. each
day and between 5 and 7 p. m. on
Saturday, which would be advanced
one day, because there is no train be
tween Ontario and Crane on Sun
day. &&t:
Scattleites Spend Day In Bend In
Coarse of Publicity Trip Around
the United States.
Fred K. Hollister and Wayne L
Young, both of Seattle, left here this
morning after a day's stay, resuming
their hike around the United States
on a "See America First" lecturing
and publicity campaign. On leaving
Bend, they were headed for Crater
lake. They were the guests of, W.
C. Birdsall during their stay in Bend.
Hollister, who is an ex-marine, has
the hiking record across the conti
nent, having made 3728 miles in 92
days. On the-present trip, which
will include all the states on the Pe
cific and Atlantic seaboards, and on
the southern and northern boundar
ies, it is expected that 18 months
will be used.
Both Hollsiter and Young declared
Bend to be one of the really live and.
progressive towns they had stopped
In during their journey.
Middle of Old Testament
In the King James version of tin
Bible, the middle book of the Old Te
tament. Is Proverbs, while the mlddli
chapter would be the twenty-ninth
chapter of Job.
I r 3 . 1
Where Are Your Valuables?
We were startled to learn that (luring 1010 over 11,000
people lost War Savings Stamps and Liberty Bonds
aggregating $3,004,000. -. ,
Five thousand four hundred and fifty-three persons
died without divulging where their Bonds and Stamps
were kept.
Modern care of securities demands that valuable papers,
bonds, wills, deeds, abstracts, mortgages and stock .
certificates should be kept in a modern Safe Deposit
Vault. You can rent a box from us for, less than a
cent a day, or $3.00 per year. We suggest that you
bring down your valuables and put them in tomorrow.
T. E.wi or B.btic.
The First National Bank
Classified advertising enarg pr luu SO
rtnta for 10 words or leu. On cent per
word for alt ovr 10. All classified advertising
ttrtctly cash In advances.
FOR SALE 100 finely-bred rabbits.
SO chickens, thoroughbreds: incu
bator, good range, other household
goods. 1474 Newport Ave.
FOR SALE Household furniture
and small house for rent. Corner
Hill and Norton. H. E. Grimes.
And with It rents have advanced.
Do you prefer to pay rent, or buy
and save. Don't fool yourself that
houses will be cheaper another
year. They won't. .
(2,300 Four room house, three
lots, improved: near good
school. Easy terms.
$1,200 Three room cottage, fur
nished; two lots; close to
' . mills. Terms.
$5,000 Five room modern brick
residence; very stylish home.
Must be sold quick.
$4,000 Five room new and modern
" house; four blocks from post-
office. Easy terms.
$2,400 Five room house; . large
lot; nice lawn; down town
Three room shack; west
side; well worth the money.
$2,000 Four room modern house
nicely furnished, piano, Dutch
kitchen; fine lot; near bus!
ness district. You can't beat
it for the money. Terms.
$2,900 New four room strictly
modern house; two lots. $650
$3,800 A very ' large four room
modern and new bungalow;
the best buy in the city, and
leave it to you. .
We have other good buys. Come
in and look them over.
826 Wall Street Phone Red 161
$1.25 a Skein
- 35c a Ball
- 39c a Ball
FOR SALE Fresh Columbia rlvor
salmon Shlppuil sumo day caught
to parties wanting suuie for cnuiiluK,
etc. Price 15c pound, F. O. 11.
MoKior. Oro.. for red sulmon; Tonlles
red. 10c lb.; white, 6c lb. Send
money with order to us or the ex
press iment at Moaler, Oregon. Fish
Bliipped after Sept. 10. Nlchol,
Arnold & Nichol, Afoslor, Oro.
FOR SALE Conn saxophone U-flut
tenor; latest; Al condition. A.
Schoenbergor. 1 miles south on
The Dalles-Cullfornitt highway.
FOR SALE-80 acres of land. 4 V4
miles froill Ilend hv wnirmi rnnil
Inquire at 259 St. Helens.
FOR SALE 4 -room house; modern,
with basement: close to Urooks
Scanlou mills; $1900. J. Ryan &
Co. ' 19-72tfc
FOR SALE 5 -room house; modern,
with basement: close to Hrooks
Scunlou mill; $2750. J. Kvan St
Co. 20-72tfc
FOR SALE Piano, nt a barguln;
first-class condition. Phone, write
or call Redmond Laud Loan Co.,
Redmond, Oregon. 22-72tfc
FOR SALE 300 to 350- White Leg
horn hens, Tancred strain. See
ft. M. Smith. 82-77-79c
FOR SALE Good trunk. Phone
Red 1712. 66-76-77C
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Poland
China boar and good brood sow,
due to farrow In October. Write
W. A. Golden or phone 10F14.
FOR SALE Modern, house; living
room, dining room, kitchen, pan
try. 3 bedrooms and bath; beautiful
light fixtures; full basement; lawn,
cement sidewalks; $2000 .cash, bal
ance $40 per month. Inquire Bul
letin office. . 64-75-78p
160 acres, 26 acres Irrigable; 20
acres cleared, 12 acres In crop, 8
acres alfalfa; 60 bearing fruit trees,
20 trees loaded with fruit now;
grape vines, bearing fruit; is In a
cove on Crooked river and pro
tected from frost, two - and a halt
miles from railroad station and
high school; 6 miles from Red
mond; comfortable buildings. Own
er insists on a sale immediately.
For particulars see or write Des
chutes Valley Realty Company, Red
mond, Oregon. 47-74-tfc
CAR FOP. SALE Dodge 1919 tour
ing car, or trade for Bend real es
tate. Inquire 118 Minnesota nvo.
WANTED Work by man unable to
stand up under hard physical la
bor. See H. T. Rowe, North 3rd and
Woodlawn boulevard, or inquire
Bulletin. 91-75p
WANTED Girl to care for child 4
years old afternoons. " Inquire f 11
Georgia avenue. 90-78-79p
WANTED Cashier and office girl;
must have some experience In
bookkeeping and general office work.
J. C. Penney Co. , 89-78-80C
WANTED Carpenter work. Tele
phone Black 3002. 87-78-79p
WANTED Girl for general house
work; good wages. Phone Red
652. ' 86-78tfc
WANTED Woman as housekeeper
and cook for 2 to 6 men. Inquire
Bulletin office 86-78-80p
WANTED Furniture, stoves, tools,
trunks and window shades; will
pay high cash prices. . O. K. Second
Hand Store. 94-78tfc
WANTED Children to take care of
through the . day. Call at 810
Newport Ave. 68-76-78P
WANTED School girl to work for
room and hoard. Phone Black
621, or call 434 Kansas street.
WANTED Girl to help with chil
chlldren and upstairs work. Tele
phone 1501. 60-75-80C
WAITED Woman for housekeeper
and care for two little girls. Call
82.0 Newport or write box 209, city.
WANTED Man with car to make
dally twenty mile trips, to haul
four men; $9 per day. Bend Water
Light & Power Co. 75-77-80C
WANTED Furniture, phonographs,
ranges and household goods of all
description. Standard Furniture Co,
Mrs, Oru A. Oeltmo of lift Franklin
uvnu. ono-liair block from Pros
byterian church, has several newly
furnished rooms, with board; good
home cooking and plenty of hut but li
water; table hoard without rooms:
i-eaHouMilo' rates. , 8 4-7 21 ft-
FOR RENT Eluctrla vacuum
sweepers ' by the day. Standard
Furniture Co. 2M4tfc
FOR RENT 3-room apartments, un
furnlshod, near mills. Apply
Downlng's cafe, 99-68tfc
LOST A Ioiir black .outlier hill
Ituok containing $5.00 hi cun-oncy
nml Homo rocolplH, on Aubroy
HolKhtR Monday. Fhulor roturu to
llullotln mid rvcolvo reward,
LOST Onn nook fur, uray tan In
color, with Los Allusion furriers'
lubol In collar. Kliulor rot urn to
llullotln oltlco nd reculva rownrit.
To Impruv Newport Avenue Bridge mid
approaches thereto, rvswhtng from the south
easterly curb lino of Drake ltod extended
northeasterly, to the westerly Hn of Block
1 In the Plat of Bend, extrnded aoutherly.
The eter I y eml of thU highway la op
posite the westerly end of the Pilot Butt
Inn. Thia will be known m lorl Improve
ment No, 46. in the City of Bend, Oregon.
WHEREAS, the council derma tt expedient
and necessary to Improve Newport Avenue
Bridge and approach therein, reaching from
the southeasterly curb line of Drake K"d,
extended northeasterly, to the westerly line
of H 1 In the I'lat of ltend. extended
southerly. The easterly end of thu high
way la uppostt the westerly end of the l'llt
Butt Inn in the City of Ilend. Oregon: and
WHEREAS, heretofore the Council did re
quire fnm the City Kntrlneer plana and
specifications for an - appropriate Improve
rm-nt andestimatea of the work to be don
and the probahle coat thereof : and
WHKHKAS. upon the Council ao doing
the City Kntrlneer did forthwith prepare the
aame and did file such plana, apertncatlnna
and ce tun tea in the ulllct of the HecorUer !
WHKRKAS, the Council ha examined aurh
plana, Nitocinrationa and entimatra and now
flnda aurh plana, specification and eatkttatea
to he satlafactory ; now, therefore,
OK THK CITY OK UKNU that the afreaid
plana, pelflratlona and eatlmatea be and
the aame hereby are approved ; and
Council hereby declare, it purpose of mak
ing the aald Improvement, to-wit Newport
Avenue RrUhre and approachea thereto, reach
tnc from the aouthraaterly curb line of
Drake Rid. extended northeasterly, to the
weaterty line of Illock 1 In the Plat of ltend.
extended aoutherly. The easterly end of
thia hltrhway ia oppoalta tha westerly end of
the Pilot Uutte Inn.
(1) The use of WllllU pavement or any
other pavement of equal atrenth, durability
and resistance, to wear, t Inches thick, to be
laid directly upon the reshaped and rolled
present roadway aurfaca on the approarhea,
and laid directly on the floor of the bridge.
(2) Concrete turbs will be built for only
a short distance at the easterly end of the
Improvement. Wood curbs will be used on
the approaches proper, and wood tfuard ralla
will be laid on the) bridtf. The wond curbs
and guards are necessary to fend traffic from
the fences alone either aid.
3) Provision la mad for properly ahap
In and rolling the present roadway aurfac.
excluding the bridge.
(4) A small allowance Is mad for d
ditional cinders that may be necessary to
bring th present aurfac to proper tub
grade. The lines proposed for the roadway will
result In a material widening at the east
end. extending to the west aide of the drive
way entrance of the Bend Water Light A
Power Company tract, and should make
travel saier.
There will be a light reduction of width
for the remainder of the roadway, necessi
tated by us of wood curbs and guard rails.
The net width on the bridg will be 1A.7
feet : that on the cast approach will be about
10 feet and on tht west approach nearly
22 feet.
Following arc the estimated quantities of
work and total coat of the improvement.
The prices used for paving and for prepar
ing the old aurfac ar those heretofore of
fered by th Western Willi! Road Con
struction Co. for atresia In the business
Pavement M42.7 so., yds.
Trimming, shaping and rolling
old surface 1234.9 ai. yda.
Extra cinders 10 cu. yds.
Cement curb Mn. ft.
6 Inch x 10 Inch wood curb... 674 lin. ft.
A Inch x 6 Inch guard rail.... 224 Mn. ft.
Total estimated contract coat t2.778.3A
Coat plus 6 lZ.01o.t6
Of th total coat th pavement covers
about 78 and th preparation of th old
surface over 11. It Is understood that
thia pavement will hav to be paid for by
an vnlarged district, as th - abutting prop
erty la exempt from assessment by terms
of the deed giving the AO ft. right of way.
Council hereby determines that the condi
tions relative to the aforesaid proposed Im
provement Justify the creation of an en
larged district, the boundaries of which are
hereby act forth and defined as follows:
All that portion of the City of Bnd lying
west of the Deschutes River and also all
that portion of the City of Bend lying east
of th Deschutes River which Is included
within ths following described boundnrien t
Beginning at the Intersection of Franklin
Avenue nnd Broadway; thenro southeasterly
to the intersection of Franklin Avenue and
the alley southeasterly of Bond Street ; thence
northeasterly along said alley to an Inter
section with Irving Avenue ; thence east to
the intersection of Irving Avenue and Hnr
rlman Street ; thence north to th Intersec
tion of Harriman Street and the alley south
of Greenwood Avi-nuo ; t nun re east to the
intersection of Division Htrcet nnd the alley
south of Greenwood Avenue ; thence north
to the Intersection of Division Street and
Kearney Avenue ; thence westerly along the
center line of Kearney Avenue nnd the con
tinuation thereof to an Intersection with the
center line of Bond Street : thence northerly
along Bond Street to th Intersection or
Bond Street and Vermont Place : thence
northwesterly along the center line of Ver
mont Place to an Intersection with the north
westerly boundary of the recorded Plat of
ltend ; thence southwesterly along the snid
northwesterly boundary of tho recorded Plat
of Bend to an Intersection with the center
lino of Franklin Avenue ; thence southeast
erly along the center lino of Franklin Ave
nue to the point of bcfrlnnlng.
sum, portion or proportion of the cost and
expense of such Improvement to be horn hy
the aforesaid enlarged district shall be the
total cost of said Improvement! and
HE IT rUKTUKK ukhuIjVICH that tnia
resolution of the Common Council declaring
its purpose to Improve tho aforesaid street
-thnN be kept on record In the ofllce of th
Recorder j and
Reeon'er do and he la hereby instructed to
give notice of the pannage of this resolution
by causing the same to he iniTmsiieti nt
leant once In a newspaper published In the
cltv ; and
City Englnwr do nnd he la hereby In
ntrticted, within live days from the first pub
lication of this resolution, to cause to bo
conspicuously posted at each end of th con
templated Improvement a notlre headed
"Notice of Street Improvement" which notice
shall contain In legible characters a cony
of this resolution snowing tno nam or us
adoption, and upon his an doing aald en
gineer shall file with the Recorder an affi
davit of the pouting of aald notice, stating
therein th date and th place where the
U.S. Army Tents, Blankets,
Pants, Wagon, Truck & Auto
Covers and Tarpaulins
At Prices You Cannot Afford to Overlook
PAULINS me miule of heavy lO-ouiu-e. double weave
and double fill khaki duck and are 11 feet 0 inches
wide and U feet H inches long. Com-T - Al T7Ei
plete with ropes. Hrand new, l'ostpaidP A. Mm 0 J
U.S. ARMY LONQ PANTS, all wool.ClJ-Q A Ct
Olive-Drab. Brand New. Postpaid PVJCJ
KliTS, Hrand New. Postpaid to you P -
KliTS, Brand New. Postpaid to you cpvJ.VJiJ
TENTS, lfixl(5 feet square, 11 feet high, made of heavy
Vl't ounce double fill duck. Slightly' used, but guar
anteed in first class condition. C53r7 Cjli
F. O. B. Los Angeles, Cal pO iUU
LARGE WALL STORAGE TENTS, 14 feet wide nnd
U feet long, made of heavy 12)4 ounce double weave
"and double fill duck. Complete with ropes, poles, pegs
nnd lines. Slightly used but guaranteed in first-class
condition. F. O. B. CCtzL
Los Angeles, Cal pD-JVJ
All goods guaranteed absolutely as represented and
money will be refunded if not satisfactory. Send
cheeks with orders. Or, if desired, shipments will be
made CCD. Inspection allowed before you pay
for the goods. -
Depository, Citizens' National Bank, Los Angele
same hav been posted.
Taased by th Commn Council this trd
day of September, IB 20, by the following
vote :
Yeas Rhodes, Payne. Mct'heraofl, Bouttwr
land. Mage and Harden.
Kays None,
ftubmitted to th Mayor September 8. 1U30.
Approved by th Mayor Heptemb-r 5. 1WU.
Attest! Mayor.
City Recorder. 7
UEfloLCTioy or intention.
To Improve th following described streets
and public ways or parts thereof within th
City of Bend, to-witi
Wall Street Krom the aoutherly line of
Vermont I' lace to th southerly lin of
Kranklln Avenue :
Bend Street Knwn the southerly Hn of
Oreenwood Avvnu to th aoutherly lin of
Kranklln Avenue;
irenwsd Avenu From th westerly line
of Blook 1 In th I'lat of Bend, eiUnded
southerly, to th east line of Division Street :
Oreg Avng- Frtiffl th westerly Mn of
the alley west of Wsll 4Urwt to a Hn
drawn from th northwest Corner of Harri
man Street and Orrvon Avenu at right
angles to said Oregon Avenue;
Minnesota Avnu-From th easterly line
of Wall Street to the westerly I ins of th
alley east of Bond Street:
Franklin Avvnu From thff' westerly Un
of Broadway to th westerly lin of Bond
Th alley through Blocks S and 4 In ths
PI t of Bend and extending from the north
erly line of Franklin Avenue to the south
erly lin of Oregon Avenue;
The separst streets and putt 1 1 waya or
parU thereof to be assigned lal Improve
ment Numbers SH to 44 In conaeeutlve order
and the entire Improvement to b known as
"Wall Htrret t al."
WIIKRKAH, th round I deema la expedient
and necessary to Improve the above described
treefa and public way or part thereof In
the City of Bend, Oregon : and
WIIKKKAS, heretofore the Counrll did re
quire from the City Knginoer plans and
Npeclftratlona for an appropriate Improvement
and estimates of the work to b don and
the probable cost thereof ; and
WHKRKAS. upon the Council mo doing th
City Engineer did forthwith prepare the
same and did file such plan, specification
and estimates in th office of th Recorder ;
WHKRKAS, th Council has examined auch
plana, sjec1f1 rat ions ' and estimat and now
And auch plans, apeciflVation and entimalea
to be antUfactory ; now, therefore,
OF THK CITY OF BKND that the aforesaid
plans, sperlflratlona and entimate b and
the same hereby are approved; and
lift IT FUItniKIt KKSOLVKD that th
Council hereby declares Its pur (rose of mak
ing the aald Improvement, to-wit:
(1) The use of Wllllte pavement or any
other pavement of eiunl atrrnuth, durability
ami resUtanc to wear, 2 Inches thick for
the roadways, to be laid directly uMin th
reshaped pn-sent atreet aurfac, with the fol
lowing exceptions :
Oregon Avenue east of Bond Street (never
having been graded and having no cinder
surfacing I will be graded to the proper sub
grade and a foundation of cinders or ap
proximately 4 Inches nnUhojd thick nns laid
for the pavement to rest on. Minnesota
Avenue east of Bond Street (having never
been imurnvmll will bo brought UP to the
proper subgrade with a layer of cinders of
approximately 4 Inchea finished thlcknnsa on
which to lay th pavement, aa will also 1m
Oregon Avenu west of Wall Street. Frank- ;
lin Avenue west of Wall Street will first b
graded to th proper suhgrado before shaping i
and rolling ready for the pavement as will i
also be th alley through Block 8 and 4.
Homo grading and cinders will alao b ru-
quired on Uruenwond Avenue, I
(II) Concrete curb will bo built where
not already In, to cover the full length of
the improvement, but no cement walk la
provided for at thia time.
(3) Aa the city has no storm sowers, and
some provision la alwolutely essential for dis
posing of storm wnter and that used In
donning and sprinkling the pavements, pro
vision la mnde for conduits whoro necesiinry
nt street Intersections to paaa tho wnler nn.
The detail of then will ho worked out later,
and It Is pi nnncd to have th contractor
construct them at cost plus 1A par cent for
the mnterial and labor neceaaary.
(4) Provision la nude for oxtra concrete
to he used In curb in certain places, auch
aa on th aoutherly aide of Greenwood Ave
nuo west of Wall Street and th westerly
nlue of Wall Btreot anuth of Greenwood Ave
nue, whera the curl will havo to reach
down to a no I Id footing aurvtng as low re
taining wul In.
(ft) In th alley there will hn constructed
a low curb on each aide of tho pavement
and with top flush with th pavement, U
permit driving on to the property at any
point, Th rnadwuy hero will be formed
with an Invert, with drnlnago In the center.
Following arc tie oBtlmated quantttlea of
work for each of the dilToront atrnet. with
the cnlimnted , total coat for each. Tho price
of i) per aiiuare yard for the pavement
and 2S cents per aouar yard for reshaping ,
and rolling th present surface, aa offered j
br th. Wl.rn WllllU lti-d ConitriKllun
Cu., bmtw bwn um4.
ittal ft bu
lUui t tit i
2SSft 82SP.'2!1?
iS is .& 3.
lifl-f- 3 ' 3 8 (3
5 B
3.W .
mii Ij 8; I
i "t 2 "i. 2 i"!
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: :
resolution of the Common Council declaring
its uuriMMM to Improve the aforesaid streets
shall 1m kept on record In tho otllco of th
Hecoruer j and
m iilil
ft-) -
Li.. I 'i
iir--' r
i i I
4J I a a" t u
!8 I
mm h tt s
Recorder do ami he la hereby Instructed to
give notice of the passage of this resolution
by causing the same to he published at leant .
once In a newspaper published In the City;
City Engineer do nnd he 1 hereby In
structed, within five days from tho ilrwt pub
Mention of this resolution, to cauae to lx
conspicuously pouted at enuh end of the con- 4
lemplated Improvement a notice heeded
Notice or Street Improvement ' which notice
atmll contain In legible characters a copy of
this resolutfon showing the dnt of Its
adoption, and uton n doing aald engineer
l all II In with the Recorder an allldnvlt of
Urn iHmtlng of mild notice, atntlng therein
the date nnd the place whoro the aame hav
been posted.
Panned by the Common Council tht flrd
day of September, IU20, by th following
vote :
Yeas Rhodes, rnvne. MePhnrsoh. Souther-
land, Magnn and Hayden.
ivnya none.
Submitted to (h Mayor September 8, 102ft.
Approved by the Mayor September II, 1020,
J. A. EA8TE3,
Attest: Mayor.
Recorder, 78o