THK BKND m i.MOTlN. WAII.Y EDITION, I1KX1), OIUXJOV. BATl'UQAY, HKITKMHKH 4, .QUO. The Bend Bulletin DAILY KDITION MlttM Et.ry Aft.rn.on Eirapt Bandar, Hv Tha Henri llallalin (Incorvoratedl Xntcrad u jmnj Claaa tnnll.'r January It 1U, at tha Pint Offica at Urnd, urmron, 01 Ml adar Act Marctl S, 1S7U. ROBERT W. SAWYER Ktlltor-Manaw HENRY N. FOWl.KR Awwiate Wltor FBKD A. WOKl.KLEN..A.Ivrtlln Manwr C. H. SMITH Circulation ManaKtr RALPH SI'ENCER Mcchanh-al u.t An lndtrnd.nt Nawapapcr. atan.lln for tha aquare deal, clean DiMinwa, ciran ikhhi and the beat interwta of Bend and tentral Oravon. SUHSCRH'TION KATES It Mail On. Year 5 l0 f. M.TS Three Month 's0 By Carrier Ona Yrmr Bii Month! On. Month All auhacrilitioni are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notice! of expiration are sailed aubacribere and if renewal ia not mad. within reasonable time the paper will ka diacontinued. Pleaae notify ua promptly of any ehanee of xidreia, or of failure to receive the paper regularly. Otherwiae we will not be re apemibla for copiei miated. Make all check! and ordcra payable to The Bend Bulletin, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1920. THE COX CHARGES ' We have waited with interest to gee how James M. Cox was going to deliver the goods oil his charge that the republicans had their plans all made to raise a huge fund with which to buy the presidency. Fortunately a senate committee has been avail able to go into the charges at once, and it has done so. According to all that has so far come before the committee there were no goods to deliver, and Cox has been shown to have been mistaken to put it most mildly and generously. The charges were made unequivoc ally. Mr. Cox did not hesitate over them in any way. Indeed, the man's assurance and apparent self-confidence gave them their greatest weight. Now the facts are told. The Cox proof is not forthcoming. The charges fall flat. The republican committee is try ing to raise from $3,000,000 to $4 000,000 for the legitimate and neces sary expenses of its campaign. Un less those members of the committee who have testified are plain liars, they have no idea of seeking the larger sum mentioned by the demo cratic nominee. Can we not have a campaign on a higher plane than Mr. Cox yet seems willing to place it? RipplirigRhymos Joan Transients We act as though we planned to stay on earth for countless years, but soon we'll have to move away to some uncharted spheres. A little while we charge around, and put up ice and grass, then to the village planting ground in solemn state we pass. And there till time is done we'll wait, and no emo tions heed; so what's the good of all our hate, our envy and our greed? The evil thought corrupts the mind and turns the blood to bile; so let our thoughts be always kind we're here so short a while! Bad passions spoil this world of ours and make the spirit sick; far better deck a foe with flowers than soak him with a brick. If there's a neighbor you detest, and whom you'd gladly slay, admit forgiveness to your breast, and send him a bouquet. All bitterness is a mistake; try kindli ness instead; for any morning you may wake to find that you are dead. Each evening when I go to roost I spring a prayerful spiel for those -by whom I've been traduced, who for me hatred feel. For I would hate to die tonight and in the silence start across the darkness, to the light, with malice in my heart. Tuesday will see, in the words of that gifted author and eminent play wright, William Shakespeare,' the "school boy, with his satchel and shining morning face, creeping like snail, unwillingly to school." Popular election of senators, pro hibition and women's suffrage. Is there anything else waiting now to get Into the constitution? The purchase of a hunting license Is only a part of the game. Next find your deer. At the Hotels. Pilot Butte Inn. Agnes Stirling, Burns; Charles Pitrher'and family, Silver Lake; C W. Stewart, Portland; Karl McCros key, Portland; L. R. Haslett, St. Louis; Mary Wither, Amity; Edith Southworth, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Callahan, Powell Butte; Mrs. W. G. Fordham and sons. La Pine; Mr. and Mrs. J. Chapman, La Grande: Harriett Umbaugh, Tacoma; L. F. Estes, Fallbridge: U. V. Nelson, Port land; L. E. White and family, Seat tle. Hotel Cozy. Stanley E. Trent, The Dalles; Vino W. Pearce, Madras; C. L. Pearce. Salem; J. W. Burleigh, Enterprise; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnston, Pull man, Wash.: Mrs. G. W. Coffee. Shol don, Iowa; Agnes Freeborn, Sheldon, Iowa. Hotel Wright. L. Smith, Portland; C. A. Goddard, Redmond; Mrs. Rudie Ackermun, Silver Lake; Mrs. Mary White, Port land; M. P. Martin, Silver Lake; A. Roper, La Pine; O. A. Raker, lone; Charles Lundin, Astoria. CU8, walk the tight rope? And scan dulizing the village, school on "vis Istors' day" by reciting a rather startling bit of verse of her own making? Miss Pick ford Is coming to the Lib erty theater Sunday and Monday in her famous buccoss, "Rebecca of Sun nybrook Farm." Thousands have laughed over this classic of American girlhood in book form. Miss Plckford has - made youthful, lovable Rebecca "flve'upon the screen. Selling soap for prem- GRAND MON DA Y-TU KS1) A Y v $ h J! ( Ipaiiijim: Bonds of Love Itnntl of Iiuvt! We have nil felt tin Anil i will all find uur fiS'lhiKH riM-xpri'Miril In tin1 rtMimrkiililK (Joltlwyn photo plnv, HturrliiH I'nullni' Km!, fiii'k. With nil' tin- Kklll of tin' Ht'nH'H ilntinnllM'H nrt, HiIh iirtv piny Iiiih Imsti put ! jli'lher. With nil llii lii-nuty of nn nrt tlliwior'n IiiihkIii flun till" new photoplny linn lMtn plWnrlmil. You Miifly will It! to choice, I8.H0 lu $D.S0; ' modliim to lioml, T. AO to $8.B0; fair to good, 7 to 7.ri0 ; miiniiiuil lo full', 0 to 7: oholco cow uml licilfura. 17.211 lo IK; good to oholco, $0.85 lo $7.3fi: medium (o vootl, U US t" full' to inii.lliiiii, 4. Hit lo fS.Uti; fiuilim'K, 1:1.75 lo (4. U&; hulls, $B In t); cliult'o dairy oiiIvuh, $13 (o lin.r.o; prime Unlit ciilviw, HI to iih'iIIiiiii IIkIiI. I l III: ht'iivy, 7 to V: Ill-Hi fm-iliHS. III. Ml to 7: full- lo K""'l. "' 0. BO. ltoroliitM, HUM) to 11(1.00 moo 1 10.110 im. 00 In to to lliiK noun. 117. aft: im.Aiii Hft.llU; 1 1 . 01); I'rlnio iiilxml, nindliim iiilxml, HIIIOIllll liimvlnM, iiiiikIi Iii'IivIhn, plKii, ll.ftO to Hlii't'ii, Itllt'KlplH, llllllll. I'l'llllll llllllIlM, ll lo ltd: yimtiliiiiH. fOUti lo 7. nil; wi'IIkij 111.26 In 7; kwiih, !1. 25 lo 111. uimim itiiiitiiiiiutiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii iiiiiii itiiiituiimn itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiin FOR YOUR MONDAY NKICDS We will remain open on Sunday from 10 a. m. to (i p. m. We clone Labor Day. THE BAKK-RITK SANITARY HAKERY '""iiiiimiitumiiiimuiimiiiiii iiiiiiiimmnii iiitmtii:tntmttiiimimiitiuitiiminmiti iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimm lums for "poor Mrs. Simpson," going off to boarding school, frolicking on the country strnw ride all the de lightful memories of chlltlhoon arc packed in this picture-. Daily Market Report (Farniahed br arrangement wllh the Central Or.aon.HanB.) NORTH PORTLAND. Sept. 4 Cattle ReculnlM. none: Htenily; Clioioo steers, 19. B0 to I10.B0; good t;::::::::::::a i :u::::sr.::t.'ll:li:i::a:::::::::::::t::::::::t:u::::u:it:ut::i:u:i:::::::i::ini:i::niK::u::i:::i"i AT THE MOVIES Parents who give their children unwise gifts will find an object les son in Pauline Frederick's new Gold wyn production, "Bonds of Love," which will be presented at the Grand theater Monday and Tuesday. The adoring father brings home a new toy for his child every night. On the evening that the story opens he has brought a little hatchet. And the 7-year-old hoy Immediately finds uses for the new tool. Jimmy dis covers his uncle's automobile at the entrance to his fathers' home. Ajaln the hatchet comes into play on the front tires. And when uncle cor.ios out to drive off, he discovers that he has a perfectly flat tire. And Jimmy, like George, didn't deny his guilt in the matter. Would you like to see Mary Tick ford, as the star of a three-ring cir- School Books We carry a complete stock of the Text Books for all grades in school. Don't de lay. We'll help you. We know the needs for school, as we have the official text book list for every grade. Don't wait until the open ing day. Owl Pharmacy BEND'S BOOK STORE A Chest of Silver Every family should have a Chest of Silver, especially when attractive designs of such ex cellent quality may be secured at our present prices. As an heirloom nothing can surpass it as a gift it has few equals. Why not come and choose yours now? Plan systematically to add to your Silver Chest. SYMONS BROS. O'Kane Building :i!T!n:i:t::;t;;;;ttK!Hii:nt;t!!:::T:t:::rni:;t:Kt!:it:::::K:;;::i:t!t::Tiit:::i;;: ABOR hfif "Workingmen are at the foundation of so ciety. Show me that production of human endeavor in the making of which the working man has had no share, and I will show you something that society can well dispense with." Gilbert's Furniture Company Q)W, AT THE GYM LABOR DAY grj Kid Taylor of Bend VS. Frankie Howard of Chicago TEN ROUNDS Greek George of Bend vs. Nipper Davis of Sacramento SIX ROUNDS . , r Duffy Knorr of Terrebonne vs. Jimmy Lewis of Los Angeles SIX ROUNDS Ringside .$2.20 including war tax General Admission $1.65 including war tax Tickets on Sale at The Windmill, Little Brick, Metropolitan, Pastime Bear in Mind Fishermen -Campers ! Every tree destroyed by forest fire reduces Central Oregon's wealth just that much. Preserve the trees by being careful about fire. Protect them by spread ing the gospel to all others. The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. 1 Demanding of merchants their highest priced wares, whether you can afford them or not, is fuel for the profiteer. Even with present prices, proper judgment can be ex-, ercised in buying and money saved. High prices is no excuse for ex travagance. The Shevlin-Hixon Company.