PAGE I THB BEND BCIXETIN, DAILY EDITION, MCNI, ORROON, flATl'IlDAY, AI'fll'ST 14, 1IW0. v Ji-.- - - A NOTICE TO MOVE Has been served a good many times in Bend. Usually it has been on account of sale. Until this spring one felt pretty safe in re taining possession of the house in which one lived, just so long as the rent was paid. This season this is not the case. Willingness to pay even a higher rent is not now a sure protection either. 4 SUCH A SCARCITY OF HOUSES EXISTS THAT MANY WITH MEANS ARE PURCHASING IN ORDER TO SECURE POSSESSION OF A DE SIRABLE PLACE IN WHICH TO LIVE The high prices being paid for property has caused a great number of houses to change hands. In many cases people who have been residing in rented houses have found their homes sold from over their heads and nothing left for them to do but to give way to the new owners and instantly they have been forced to join the throng of house seekers in an almost hope less job of finding a home somewhere. DON'T BE FORCED TO MOVE AND SEEK A HOME ELSEWHERE. PREVENT IT BY BE- ING THE LANDLORD AND OWNER OF THE HOUSE IN WHICH YOU RESIDE Help :im::i:::mn:::i:;rt:!i:nim::mmi:tt:m::i:t::m::tmtm Create Greater Prosperity for Bend ! Only the careless, half-hearted individual is satisfied to stand back while others progress. Bend must not be measured or its future handicapped by men who are willing to let conditions drift on. There is no question about the seriousness of the need for several hundred houses in Bend. The great decrease in building comes from the fact that construction costs arc high. Yet they have not increased in the proportion of other things. Nearly if not everything sold in Bend has increased a far greater percent than has the cost of building. Yet mer chants, in practically every line have difficulty in securing mer chandise in sufficient quantity to supply the demand. People are satisfied to pay high prices for everything but building. Labor, the great factor in fixing costs and prices, is high and instead of lower scales, the next few months may sec an in crease and this will bring building costs higher, so that those who wait to build will pay more than the man who builds now. The fact that people are willing to pay higher rents to secure a suitable dwelling is assurance for those who will build houses for rental purposes that the income derived will be sufficient to give them a good rate of interest upon the investment. There is no prospect of loss. There is still ample time yet to start work on nouses to be completed this seaon, but the matter should be given attention at once. Decide now to put your money in houses. Let Us Build Do It Now! The need for homes is reaching a yery serious stage. Every advertisement or placard upon a house brings scores of desirable tenants. Positively the only let up is the erection of new houses. A promi nent real estate dealer declared only a few days ago that if he had 300 houses that he could advertise for rent that in a few days they would be taken and the demand for houses would seemingly be as great as ever. This Demand for Houses is Not Caused by Families Mov ing From One House To Another-It Is New People What we want though is not the fact prov en that it is they who want to locate here that causes this scarcity. Of course there is some moving about but the demand comes from those who would become residents of this city. There are a great many reasons for this influx of people. People do want to come and we want houses built so that they can come. V:!::i::n:::n:::::n::!::::x:n::!:!:::K:::t:::: ja;ii::a;t:mntan:t:a:;usffin:ai:mtnacKninmncmiainmi;aisninnmin: Proceed With Construction- This is the advice that is given by those who are in a position to judge the rise and fall of prices of building materials as well as labor. All, without an exception, urge that construction work be pushed forward. Not only will the builder today obtain as j low prices as can be secured by waiting but they will obtain prompt delivery of ma- j terials, have no difficulty of obtaining help and in every way the man who builds now will have advantage over those who wait. ! !:::::::miMini:mmi::nmi:mniK!itinniiiumiiumuiutiii:iuu:iisiaininiiniiiiiiniuiinniumiuraiiimii: Don't Move! from house to house at the whim of a land lord. OWN YOUR OWN HOME and- BUILD IT NOW! If You Want Bend To Grow and Prosper Build, Repair, Paint Now! Think it over and you will decide that your Building Plans Should 'Be Working, (Advertisement No. 1 ?--Published in Interests of Greater Bend)