THE BEND BULL ETIN TUB WICATIIIUl. Fulf tonight mill warmer DAILY EDITION VOI, IV IIKM), IMWIII'TLH COUNTY, OUKOON. HATUCIMY .. ITKItNOOV, J I X I ; If, llt'JO. No. ia MAJORITY RULE AT CONVENTION ATTACK TWO-THIRDS PLAN LEAGUE IS FAVORED I, Hill OppiOlll llll Among IV W lll'll' gale Willi lluv Item lied Hun FrHiii'lo ContoMiuilN To llo Heard Juno SMI. It) II null llllllll)-. Itlnllnl l'r. CorrMiu'iMl'M) HAN KltANCIH(i), Juuu IV. A clutitrmliiml effort U being planned In bring before I Imi ilemorriilic iiulliiiial convention III ii o.iii-tlli of rhuuglng (ho ruin whereby a two-thirds volo In iiTOOHiwry to noinliiulii, It wuh It-urned toilny. Chiilrinuii Homer H. Ciiin tnliiKK nml otliur national committee members lira oppimed lo I III) change und bnllevo I hoy cull bout II. V. J Ilryun Ik expected lo Inko a leading iurl Us Ilia HkM for llm chunge. Whul In wan I imI Ih n ruin miik Inn u majorliy volo sufficient lo iioinlniilu, Ilia mi nic iih In Ilia n-piitillrnii run vmillon. Tlio change wu proponed ut tint liint meeting of Hi liiilloniil roiniiilllao III WiiHhliiglou, lull It wan never e Idered. Now Im propon ents llilnk tliul If tlny cull K"l It In" for Ilia convention limy can curry their iolnt. Few I Il legal e Vrt on lliuiil. Tlio gimnlp nlioiil tlilu proposed tit teratlon of convention procedure wm tlio high 1 1 K 1 t of pru-rotivalitloil lic tlvllleH hero loiluy. A few Individ nul ili'li'Kiiti'ii wi'ro Hlniggling I". In" no mil lil delegations nro expected un til next week. Kevcrul nro on Ihu rouil, innkiiiK leisurely JiiuiiIh. New York will lia onu of tha f I r t to ar rive, There, was iiiiirh Inturi'Ht iiiiioiik Ilia few who nro hero In President WIIhoii's Interview, given lo tlio Now York World, In which ha reiterated Unit I lid democratic convmitlon Hhoiild inn ko tlio l.tmKU of Nations 11 n Ihhiii!. Kw llryanlloH wore on tlio ground nml lliiiri'forn little oppoHltlon wuh voiced. Minn Mury K. Koy of I. on Angeles, n delegate to Ilia conven tion, declared tin' priiHldnnl luid nlriick tlio proper note; tlml tlio ma jority of lh woniiMi votorn, regnrd Iohh of purty uffllliilloiiH, witnted rut- Iflciitioii of the I.eilgUO of NlltlOIIH OH n luoimiira of Insurance iiKiilinit war, nml tlml limy would follow WIIhoii'm Judgment ii nd udvlco in tha mutter. Healing Net for June V The niitlouul cninmlHHlon on June 26 will henr tha arguments ovar Houting contented dnlngullotiH. Ho fur only ono content linn muterlul lioil and ono nioro Ih In prospect. Tlio 28 (ieoritln iteulu nro In dispute Imtwcnn the Mltcholl I'lihner und Jloko Knilth-Toni Watson fnctloiiH. In tlio primary rulnior hud a lu Tullly, hut In thn Hlnto convention tlio Hmltli and WuImoii delogntoH, who together oiitmimhored tho Pul mer dologalos, united nnd refused to lot tho Palmer ninn pnrtlclputo 1n election of delegates lo tho nn tlotuil convoutlon, it Ih aliened. Tho Palmer ndhoroiitH wulled un til tho Smlth-WatHOii faction hud cliOHon n delegation, than olectod a ulato of . their own. Both delega tions will ho hero nnd tho mitionul committee miiHt decide which to seat. 'Tha Smlth-WatBon delegates 'ro unliiHlructod, hut are upi)onod to bo antl-ndmlnlittrntlon. Tho only olhor posHlblo contest In ovor tho sont of Senator Rood na rtolngato-at-lnrgo from. Missouri. ' DoHpitn recommondutloiiH of Rood's dlHtrlct convoutlon, tho MIhhouvI Btnto convoutlon 1 rofiiHod to oro itantliil him its a dnlet!iito. CHAIRMAN'S GAVEL IS NOT FOR COLBY floerelniy of Stnle Him No WWi lo Preside nl II"' Deinocrnllc National Convention. ' WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 19. Boorotnry of Htato Colby mtlil today that ho would not ho even a ro contlvo cnndldnto for tho permanont chnlniiuimlilp of tho domocrntlo na tional convention. Dosplto this statement, pronilnont tlomoornlB Bald that he might ba -cliOBen for the lilaco. ( ' Bandit Is Shot By Friend's Gun In Agent's Hand I lly Unit.. I I'm I., Tlio llull.-C.U .MAIIHIIAU.TOWN, I o w u, Jiiiiii III. Tlio hit ml It career of H. Hauliers mid Wnllnr l.liliello milled today wlinn Hpeclal Agent Wutl hIiiiI unit killed HiinderH 4- mid en il II red I, u Hello JiiHt iih they Htepped finm a piiHneiiKer I ruin liei o. Tliey worn Inter 4 Identified iih rohherH who liuvo 4- lieen leiKil'l.lliK tlilu Heel loll of lllll Htlltll. Watt Hhot Hmidem with,, a Kuu ho hud nulzud from llelle. Ho mild tho weupoil wuh Inter Identified uil ono which tho hiindlt molu from tho To- ledo town miirnlial a wceli uko. STEBBINSQUITS STATE 1PL0Y IIK.IIW IY l (ilKl:lt TAKKS I'OSI IIOV W ITH III ItKIt It. I KWi..xn ix ( ii.tiK.i: ok TWO fOlXTIKS. Accotiipanlad hy It. I'. Nowlund rexlonnl engineer In churn" of ntute hlKhwuy work In JeffnrHon county, (i. I. KtehhlUH, who dun been oc cupying a ni in I In r ponltlon In ! cliuteH county, wuh In lluud loiluy from bin heuiliiuurleril in Itedlliond. a ml unnounced Unit bo Iiuh Heeurvd un Indefinite leuve of uhxence from the mule employ, and will take the ponltlon of coiiHtructloii engineer with Onkur llulier, formerly held by II. V. Wlcknor. Mr. Nowlund, who Iiuh had IiIh lieudiiuurlerR at MiidniK for mora tlinn a yeur punt. hmccpqiIh Mr. Hteb IiIiih, and In addition retain hU old poHltlon, being placed in clmrgo of nil Htuto highway coiiHtructloii In tho two countloH. Tho chungo goen Into effect Imnindlulely. Mr. Nnw- lunil will ho located ut Hedmond. THIRD PARTY LURES SOLON I. A Hil.l.lTn: eoNSIIIDKS I'llOl. OSITIOX ITT IIT OKI.Kti.ATlOX THAT lit: Hi:.l NATIONAL TH'KICT, Illy United I'rma l..Th. IWnd Mullrtln) CHICACO. Juno 19. I'nlted St a ten Senator I.u Kolletto Iiuh been approached hy a delegation of lib eraln with a view to hoiiiiiIIiir him on tho proHpoctH of Ills Joining tho third purty movement and becoming the party's Hlandard bearer In tho fall, It was learned here today. I.u Polletle, It wuh Htnted, mnde no unswer. Tho delegation met tho Honutor at ItochoHtor, Minn., leaving him to think It over. That ho Is coiiHldorlnK it favorably Ix believed hero. 'LEARN TO SWIM" IS SLOGAN AT Y. M. C. A. KxiM-rt from Portland to (five In Htructlon to Non-HivlniinerH from Juno 'M to Juno ill), "I, earn to swim" will bo the slo gan at tho Y. M. C. A. from June 23 to SO, IncltiHlvo, whon Tom Ool loy, master swimming expert of Portlnnd, will bo In Hond. An nouncement of Mr. Golloy'B coming was mado this morning by Socre tnry L. W. Trlckoy, who Btatos that Instruction will bo for nil ovor tho ago of 10 yours. Tho mothod of In struction which will be used will glvo n knowledge of the rudiments of swimming In tho lesson In most cnseB, ho snys. Further details will on nnnouncod Inter. FORMER KAISER SERIOUSLY ILL in- Unlliil Press to The Dond Bulletin) BERLIN, Juno 19. A dlnpuUh from The Hague, quoting a trust worthy source of Information, said today that the former kaiser of Ger many Is seriously 111 at Dorn. DEALERS' GAS WILL BE HERE INSEVENDAYS TWO MORE CARS ARE . ORDERED WILL COST 33 CENTS iiiraK' Men Hup To III" Aliln To I'm vlile Kli-ndy Hupply For l'lenliie Curk Muny Ordein rinci'il TliroiiKti rorlluuil. The flrnt curload of gasoline to be purchased by the Item! Automobile UMoclulioii will urrlve here in about seven duys, uccordlng lo a wire re ceived by officers of the aanoclatlon from Wuller 0. Coombs, president, now In I'ortlund conducting negotia tions which, garage men here hope, will Insure a steudy supply of mo tor fuel for pleuHUre curs. The ap proximate cohI In lie n d of the gaso line secured from outside sources will be 35 cents a gullon, Mr. Coombs wired. Ills Inquiry us to whether or not ho should order addltlonul curs wuh taken up at a upeclul meeting of the association, and a telegram sent lust night by K. V. Jeck, secretary, In structed hi in to make a deposit large enough to hold two more cars for early delivery here. Gasoline, which is being procured by the auto dealers of llend for the benefit of the owners of pleasure cars who have been cut off In the ra tioning attending the prolonged shnrlugo, Is obtained through the I'ortlund Automobile Dealers' iihso clullon. Tho 1000 check for Bend's first car of outside gus was tho 13th to bo received, C. I,. Doss, manager of tho rortlund association, wired tho Pioneer guruffe. Nino cars were on tho way at that time, ho suid. STEEL WORK STARTS ON BURNER AT MILL Crew of Nine llcgliis F.riTtion of Shell lit llrookH-Scunlnn Plant More Material on the Way. Work on tho erection of the uteel shell of the new Brookn-Scanlon burner was started yesterday at the lumber company's plant hero by a ; crew of nine expert steel men, who arrived tho day before from Seattle. As soon as more tools ore shipped to; Bend, the work will be pushed at top' speed. , J Tho first car of steel is already at, tho burner site, and the second car! is on tho way from Seattle, Geuerat Manager J. P. Kcyea reports. j THE NON-ESSENTIAL CITIZEN-NO. 1 hello w reading over vooR- gf beawle is 1p V BEA5LE Jz: MEWSPAPER.'.-I KMOWEOel So CrtEAP HE ? ) V00 WOULDN'T CARE - M6 W ffopes He WILl- - OPENiN&VoOR MAIL Boy!.' I6ET BALOHEAOeO" I -T DOtfT GIT THE PAPER- 60 rig WONT UAve OX. so vou Miorir let we V io 9iv a U 5 f Bowew it wheH ) -mB? Sk 8j2j Machine Guns, Tanks and Armed Men Posted About Duluth Jail to Guard Negro Prisoners (Hv United l'rss Ui The Htnd llulletin) IH'IXTif, June 19. Sheriffs deputies and troops wcro ruHhcd to (Jury, a nuburb (rf Duluth, today yh'-rA u mob had formed after the stel works there wero closed dowo. A race riot was feared, as many negroes were employed at Sheriff McUee declared that he had definite Information that the mob will attack the Jul) here to night to capture 14 negroes, held LEAGUE PLANK IS DECIDED ON PKINCII'I.KS AIMUTF.II IX VIR- lilVtA STATE COXYEXTIOX TO UK. FART OF FHESIDKXTIAL ITATFOHM. (Br United Pi to The Bend Bulletin) BAN FRANCISCO, June 1. The League ot Nations plank In the dem ocratic platform will be substantial ly the same as the league plank In the Virginia state democratic con vention, drafted by Senator Glass, It was 'declared today by Chairman CummingH of the democratic nation al committee. He said that President Wilson will not oppose the Interpretative reser vations which would not change the sense of the league covenant. DERAILED BOX CAR HOLDS UP TRAINS Trains on tho O.-W. and the Oro gon Trunk were delayed last night Jus the result of a derailed box car which blocked the Joint track be tween the north and south junc tions. The O.-W. south bound train arrived In Bend shortly before 12 o'clock lust night, and the north bound Oregon Trunk was delayed ' mo some cause. jBEND TEAM FACES A HARD GAME SUNDAY All is in readiness for what Is ex pected to be one of the hottest con tests staged on the local diamond this season, when Bend, at 2:30 p. m., will cross bats with the Maupin team, which has a record of 15 games with no defeats this season, Manager Jimmy Clifford of the Bend team declares that bis players are In the best condition of the year, but is willing to risk no prediction as to the outcome of the game. From Mob's Attack' .In connection with the assault on a 17-year-old girl. Three negroes wero lynched Tuesday night In connection with tha same assault. 'A machine gun company Is pa trolling the streets here, and tanks are being stationed at strategic points, ready for an emergency. The sheriff intends to throw an armed guard around the Jail, with Instructions lo shoot to kill should an attempt be made to storm the Jail. JITNEY MEN TO PAY LICENSES COUNCIL PASSES NEW ORDINANCE Elimination of fort-liable Driven Will Improve Moral Tone of City, Is Belief Swift Ho signs As Night Officer. As the culmination of a movement which has been under way for months, to place under closer super vision the drivers of for hire antos, the Bend city council. In session last night passed, under an emer gency clause, a jitney licensing ordi nance which, by the elimination of a few unreliable drivers who operate for but a short time, will aid mate rially In Improving moral conditions In Bend, It Is believed by the coun cil. Men permanently engaged In the Jitney business in Bend are known to be In favor ot the ordi nance. According to the new city law. Jit ney owners must pay a license of $20 a year, payable In advance, which may be revoked on violation of laws or police committee rules. Regular stage lines are not covered by the law. Another phase of the ordinance is that which imposes a $40 a year license fee on each vehicle engaged in the baggage or transfer business. Confirming the action taken at the previous meeting in the appointment of a temporary park commission, the appointment was again made last night in an ordinance which speci fies the duties of the commission and leaves the members already named In office until January 1 1922. To Declare Holiday. Coming as a surprise to many is the resignation of Night Officer Swift, presented orally by Council man McPherson at last night's meet ing of the council. Mayor Eastes expressed his keen regret that the city should be losing the services of so efficient an officer and the same opinion was expressed by members of the council. Mr. McPherson was unwilling to discuss the circum stances leading up to the reslgna tion. The mayor was authorized to de clare a holiday for Monday, June 5 because of Independence day coming on Sunday, and to issue a request that the business houses of the city close next. Wednesday afternoon In order that there may be a large at tendance at the park clean-up, set for that date. ROAD-SURFACING EXHIBIT PLANNED Movies Showing; Process Being I'sed liy The Shevlln-Hlxoh Company ,to Be 'Thrown on Seiwn Hoixs The process of hard-surfacing be ing used by The Shevlin-Hixon com pany In paving the alleys and run- .ays in its local yards will be shown Bend movie-goers at the Liberty theater tonight, when 1000 feet of film, furnished by tho Western Wll lite Road Construction company of Los Angeles, will be added to the regular features provided by Man ager whitttngton. The film will be shown again at the Liberty Tuesday and Wednesday nights and at the Grand theater Sunday night. The road-making films will be ol special interest to those interested In better highways, advance- notices State. --r.-.-.H . a'.-; ' ',. I THINK WILSON WILL TRY FOR .A THIRD TERM j McADOO WITHDRAWAL INDICATION LEWIS READS OMENS DemiMTutlc Leaders Tuko McAiJoo's Withdrawal at Fare Value CummingH Become Popular As Convention Near. (Br United Praia to Th Bend Bulletin) WASHINGTON, D. C. June 19. McAdoo's withdrawal, coming on the heels of the Wilson Interview, brought a revival cf the report that Wilson will seek a third term. EXFKCT THIRD TF.RM BOOM. CHICAGO, June 19. James Hamilton Lewis, former Illinois senator, and candidate for the dem ocratic nomination for vice presi dent, sees In McAdoo's refusal to run for the presidential nomination. Intimations of a third term cam paign for Wilson. ' Lewis coupled McAdoo's state ment with the Interview with Wil son printed In the New York World. His Intimation was that . McAdoo had received. by grapevine tele graph, information that Wilson would be a candidate. He pointed out that in the interview, Wilson made no statement that he would not accept the nomination, and that Wilson and McAdoo would be sap ported by the same elements in the party. WITHDRAWAL FINAL. SAN FRANCISCO, June IS. William O. McAdoo's definite and emphatic withdrawal from the pres idential race Is accepted as final by seasoned democratic political vet erans who are here for the con vention. They unanimously credit McAdoo. wltb..teing absolutely sin cere, and have counted him out for good. As McAdoo faded out ot the dem ocratic picture, Homer Cummings. i chairman of the democratic national committee, was being more talked of among party leaders. A strong party movement. It was Indicated, will be started Just after Cummings makes the opening speech at the national convention,. CANDIDATES PICKED BY WOMEN'S LEAGUE L. M. Foss and C. A. Ha j den Re ceive Endorsement of Civic Or ganization for School Board. On the refusal of the two retir ing members of the school board to consider re-nomlnation, the Wo men's Civic Improvement League. In session yesterday afternoon voted to endorse L. M. Foss and C. A. Hayden for the positions which will be filled at the school meeting Mon day afternoon. The league urges a large and rep resentative vote of the women ot the city. MICKIE SAYS AMS n bAMu Ne 0tT 1eA IP MnVI OUT T' MM &,. . MUUM'klT MB. 1 CM.U N OP OYER TW VMOHe" MO4 ON orr TWM VJfot , V POOS PROK46 1