PAOR a IliCNIt Tit A IN HCllKDI'l.i I,et MiinslilKweui' Cnlon Hult Vou 4t TliH IIKNI) IlfLLKTIIV. fMlf.Y KIUTION. BKND, OIIWH), I'ltlDAV. JI XK 18, 1020. si SlJU 4 ' DOROTHY DALTON IN Oriiii Trunk. Arrive, 7:S A. M Lente 8:U0 I'. M. ..V. K. N. Arrive, 11:110 I'. M. Lou mm, 7; DO A. U. " "local n i; ws Ti'KAis Minn Coi'iii'iil .MunlrlMDll lit vlilllHK III I'l'llH'VlMl!. Sim. I.. Curry l vliillliiK filvtidii l Portland. I.. Jl. I.iilnl Ih himiIImk m fw i:iyn In J'lirlliiiiil mi IimhIiikhh. Mr. Kleuiior AlcCmthy of Hllver Luke wnn In lli'iiil IiihI nlKlit i licr way in I'tirtliind. Mm. C). Wouil It-ft hint HlKlil for Hliiirliliin, Oi'ii., In upend Hi" emlyl mniiiiinr wi'"l( Willi rnliiilvi'H. Mm,' John (Ihki'H mill 1 n u It I .-r. Cliiirlullii, (i in In Portland vlaltliiK! Willi Mm, (Iiikcii'b panuiM. ' H. H, Johltiion uf Hull Kiaijiliiiii. who lit prominent In III" I ii ;n ! r luinl 'llor.M, la III lli'iiil fill' II few dc. Mm. Jink Arnold left hint hikIii for I ' i i' 1 l.i nil, wIhtii li will ,'!ii! lllO Ill'Xt tWO Wll'lllt VlnlllMIt ivldi f rlninlu. Mm, K. A, Cook, muili-r of Mm. J. Kill, who hurt Ihmmi vlnllliiK her il l u: h -lur fur lln ihihi two vrmk. Iff) lait hIkIiI for lir Iioiiki In Jupiin. Mo. Mm. T. J. I.iiiikIiIIii. fur m-vi-rul liny tho ifileiil of Mm. Ii. 1 Smith of I hlii rliy, Iiuh r-1 in n-1 to her lioma III I'nrl Inliil. Mr. iiml Mm. II. M. Thornim nf lllnliop, Cnl., are Yhdifug their diuiithtor, Mm. Churle Morrl, of thin city. W. J. Kprout of llm fort in'ivloe "lit u domn carrier 1Ik"oiih to Hher lii a ll loiliiy, lo ho i-i'Ikiiio-iI for n train InK floKlit back lo llend. Mr. mill Mm. J. M. I-owi-m ami three children left for their homo III Forttina, Cnl., luat nli:ht after a fow wek' vlHlt In llend with relatives. Mm. H. II. Motcalf, who him linen III (Vnlrnl Oregon looking after Iit j-nnrh property in tho Tuiiiulo dis trict, hn returned to her homo In I'ort In ncl . Mr. und Mm. J. Mcrrlfield of Cul ver with III 1 It-nil hint ii Ik lit on t lu-lr wny homo from lleiiham fulls. Murriflold lit In Iho rul "" IiihI ne In Culver. j Hew A. M. Petty, Ki'iiern! field; reirenelltnllv Of th" llllptlht tllllloll- nl promotion work, wan In lleml j emu. The Journey 1b in the nulure InnkliiK lifter hln property liiterenta of a honeymoon trip, uh Mr. mid Mm THEATRE TONIGHT and SATURDAY ; Kittiicitis Stui1 in a VVomlerful Picture SEE "The Flame of me i u&uh ,i.m -Uimm m'f -7 'i..iiii B?m.iii m,m4 .'..iii In thin BiM-tlon yeitlerdiiy. Ho left lat nlKhl for I'orlland. MIb Jullii Kennedy left thU morn I i.k for I,o AnKuU'H, whero tiho will Htiiy with frlomlB whllo ntlendlim the Manual ArlM mimmitr school. Kho will rvtiirn to Hem! In the full. Jameii K. Doylo and dmiKhter, Murttiirei, ulnrted hint nlicht on u trip to Heuiilct. Mr. Doyle l pro prietor of the Ttoyul enfo. K. H. Uunn of i'ltlHlmrKh, who him he'-n In lleiid rnconlly In Iho Intereitt of the AlleKheny Lumber company, left hint nlKht for Knn VrancUeu. Mlwt ItitK Illuck, who Lcih liven cm ployed lit tho IMIot llutte Inn for several month pnt, left lut night Mr. 'for rortliuid. whero .ho Intend" to make her homo. Mr. and Mm. Jack Coleman urn on their way to OntunoKiin. Mich., whore they will vlHlt Mm. Colonian'ii par- 1 v .T.'i', 17 Lit For All The Family trf 9 frtT Mm. Ilryun Nlswonner und don, lOliuor, who have been vlalting In lleiid for no mo time an the kuukU of Mr. and Mm. C. P. NlHwongor of this city, terminated their vlall lust nlnht. leuvliiK for Portland. Coleman have been married for but a few weeks. Mm. Coletnun wan formerly Minn Veronica Cane, prin cipal of tho Held Bch oo I. It. H. Chapler of the national for est service district office In Portland 1b In llend today. Mr. Chapler Ik In charge of cooperative work, succced 1 ii K X. O. Jacobson In that position when the latter came to tho Des chutes forest iib supervisor. Ha "III Ko south to Klamath Falls beforo re lurnlnK to Portland. DEBS, IN PRISON GARB. TOLD OF NOMINATION mm $ We are prepared to serve your Un- w aerwear neeas. it s nere you win & find the garment you want at a price ;M that's right. f WOMEN'S KNIT UNIONS A complete line. $ Per Suit 50c, 65c, 75c, 98c $1.25 and $2.65 g p MEN'S KNIT UNIONS Short sleeves' or long p & sleeves. Per Suit $1.25, $1.50 and $1.89 & U BOYS' UNIONS Short sleeves, each 69c and 89c MISSES' UNIONS Low neck, no sleeves 59c ti WOMEN'S VESTS 19c, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c i M WOMEN'S PANTS Loose or tight knee, 50c, 69c fcjf i WOMEN'S SEALPAX UNIONS m Each .:.......$1.50, $1.75, $1.95 and $2.89 1 1 i V Mi 5 ! HLEPRoF The choice of our most dlsci-IuiiniitinK under, wear customiTH. thkv akk fok Mr.v.Hi;vi:,m AMI KVKIl HA V I.VDKItWKAIt One reason for this popularlly Is because in Mun sliiKueor )ou find nil the (cooil tlilnH you expert of underwear and none of the ilisoppolntmcntji. MI XSIr;wi:.lH IH SCI'KH SKItVK i: IX I XDKKUKAK "100C Satisfaction in Underwear" I'iuI'h the ilei larallon of many of our customer who make their .Mnnln;eur pun liases at our store wmm after season. They have found that MuhslriKuear has an unusual durability, that It washes well, end Im the most economical umlei-arnient in the long run. Munsingwear Klvtn ull-aroitnil satisfaction. Our store Is headquarters for Munsinicuenr; our stock shows a wide variety In styles und fabrics for men, women and children. We can union suit you no matter what size of perso-:: or purse. Men's Munsingwear at ...$1.75 to $12.50 Ladies' Munsingwear at 1.25 to 3.45 Children's Munsingwear at 1.00 to 2.75 MEN'S SHIRTS We are showing new crisp patterns in Percales, Russian Cords, Madras and Crepes at S2.25 to $4.50 Silk Striped Novelties at $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 Fibre Silk Shirts at $8.00 BUY HOSIERY FOR MEN HERE Holeproof and Interwoven, America's Finest Hosiery In Cotton and Lisle at 50c, 65c, 70c and 75c In Silk at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 COURTEOUS ATTENTIVE SERVICE QUALITY MERCHANDISE : : : PRICED FAIRLY STOP AND' SHOP AT Onc'a Higheet Thouchts. The highest thoughts ore those which lire least il"i"'ilil"iit on hiiii:iiiie. and the dignity of any composition nnd prat"" to which it Is entitled nre In exact proportion to Its dependency on language for expression. Itnskin. Aberdeen a City of Granite. Aberdeen, Scotland, ts populnrly known us the Granite City, from the fact that It has more buildings of sol Id Kninlte than any other city of Its size In the world. Do Medici Had First Fold Fan. Catherine de Medici carried the flrsi fold fun ever seen in France. Daily Market Report tParnlshH br rrnrinnt with th Central Orecva (Unk. NORTH PORTLAND. June 18- Cattle Receipts, 51; steady. Grain j and pulp fed steers. $11.75 to 112.25: choice. $11 t.i $11.30; pood I to choice, $10.50 to $11 niediun to Hood, $9.50 to $10.50; fair to good, $8.50 to $9,50; common to fair, $7.50 to $8.50; choice cows and heifers. $9.50 to $70.25: good to choice $8.50 to $9.EP: medium to pood, $7.50 to $8.50. 'fair to medium. $0.50 to $7.50; manners. $4 to 85.50; bulls. $4 to $3.50: inm mixed. $14.75 to $15.25: roush prime light calves, $12 to $13: medium light, $8.50 to $11; heavy. $ to $8.50. Hoes. Receipts. 210; market steadv. Prime mixed, $15.25 to $15.75; med heavies. $10 to $11.25; smooth heavies. $11.75 to $13.75; pigs, $11.25 to $13.75. Sheep. Receipts, 151; steady. , Lambs. $11.50 to $12; cull lambs, $8 to $10; yearlings. $7 to $8: wethers, $6 to $7.50: ewes. $3 to $7. MEN'S B. V. D. UNIONS , $1.50 BOYS' NAINSOOK UNIONS 79c and 85c GIRL'S NAINSOOK UNIONS..... ..79c and 85c WHEN ITS UNDERWEAR WE STRIVE TO PLEASE THE WARNER rOMPANY S Quality Mercliahdiie ' At Popular Price. EiiReno V. Dobs, Socialist tiom Inoo for president, photographed with vice presidential candidate Bovmour Stedmnn as ho was notl Dodln the U. S. penitentiary at Atlanta of his nomination. Debs Is serving a ten-year sentence for unpatriotic- remarks during' the porlod of the war. Pilot ltutto Inn. Wood Drlggs, Galveston, Tex. Alnm Eoyle, Now York, Jenn Bnsabtt, St. Louis. Evn, Tromnyno, Toledo. Wllllo Nixon, St. Louis. L. D. Hoy, Summer Lake. Mrs. R. B. Woodward, Kelso, Wash. . ' . ' ' ' Rill Koelnn, Mltcholl. . S. n. Johnson, Portland. L. C. Hays, Portland. James F. Loper, Klnmnth Falls. C. A. Ruff, Portlnnd. , F. W. McCiiffory, Powell Butte. Hotel WHurlit. P. J. Loe, S. P. & S. Q. J. Pierce, Summer Lake. R. II. Chapler, Portlnnd. Clydo Ward, Prlnevlllo. ' G. S. Johnson, Mitchell. Frank Smith, Winchester, Idaho. A. Qobhnrd, Fort Rock. J.' Grout, Portland, i Frank Crnmpton, Fort Roelc. Hotel Coisy. Ii. W. Hornheck, La Qrande. W. B. Duncan, Salem. ,W. T. iqipatrtck, Portland. LIBERTY Tonight Last Time IRENE CASTLE in "An Amateur Wife" and In Episode No. 8 "Dare Devil Jack" SATURDAY Only Warren Kerrigan MT tWour Hou59 is 1 f Your House is n$Wm NefyKeepitNevy old. Make it Neu Ivitfi JJr. With I T few 'W:. -111 "Live Sparks" A thoclc a minut romance of a human dynamo. - , and ' Paramount Magazine Gaiety Comedy FULLER Paint Preserves . ahd' Beautifies iNE thins: is sure you can't hide the outside of your house from critical eyes. . , ' You'll be proud of your home and your neighbor hood will be proud of you if your house is keptf painted and in good repair. The well-painted house is evidence of community spirit and thrift. - ' ' " : FULLER Paint keeps new and old houses from run ning down, adds to their value and makes them attractive. . Specify FULLER Paint for your home. You can depend on it to do t-.vo things and'do them well pre serve and beautify Look Up a FULLER Dealer in Your Town . P. Fuller & Co. . Northwwt Branch Houaoa at Portland, Seattle, lacoma, apokane, noiso