TTVB BEND mTC.I.KTIN, DAILY EDITION, BEND, OKEflUIf, I'lllDAV. JIXI) 18, li!0. ' page a The Bend Bulletin . DAILY KDITION raaJIshrd Ererr Afternoon Eirrpt Sanaa Br Tha ll'od UulWtln (Incorporated) SnUnd Swonil Clasa matter Jsnuurj I, U17, at lha Post Ofllcs at Dsml, Orqron. aadac Act of March , 1K7. ROBERT W. SAWYKR Eilitor-Manairsr BtNKV N. KOWI.KR Associate Editor IKIU A. WOKLlXKN..Alvortiinii Maiiausr & B. SMITH Circulation Manager ALl'H 61'KNCER Mechanical Suvt. Ac Independent Newspaper, standing for Iba squsrs lal. cleau business, clean politic altd tha beat inurcaU ut htni and Central Oragoa. j SUBSCRIPTION RATK8 lly Mall On Yaar tlM But Month! Thraa Months 11.60 llr Carrier Ona Year .50 Six Month. 5. On Month . All subscriptions ara dua and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of aspiration ara availed aubscriber and if renewal la not aaada withra reasonable time the paper will a discontinued. Please notify us promptly of any ehature f address, or of failure to receive the paper tesularly. Othervrisa we will not be re aponsible for copiea missed Make all checks and orders parable to Ths Bend Bulletin. FRIDAY, JINE IS, 1-920. THE EXPERIMENT FAILS Slowly but surely tho soclnllstic fabric of the Russian Bolshevist gov ernment la ripping apart and through the rents there begin to appear fea tures of the modern industrial sys tem that were thought to have gone with the czar. Decrease in produc tion almost to the vanishing point has made the changes necessary. "Nationalization" of industry was one of the chief socialistic features of the "dictatorship of the proletary iat." Under It the former trained managers were driven out and indus trial plants were managed by works councils selected from the ranks of the plant employes. Immediately there was nothing but confusion. With everybody as boss, nobody was boss. Industry was decimated. Fac- 7 -Ml Advancing: Years. I'm having- trouble with my teeth; tho upper ones.the ones'beneath, are always loose and sore; 1 find my' hair is f illing out, I have the slringh'.Ut and the 'gout, and walking is a bore. It's hard for me to read a book; my eyes grow weary when I look ten minutes at a page; I have a trumpet for my ears; oh, such things come with passing years, the penalties of age. I'm glad that in the bygone time I salted down my surplus dimes, with wintry years in view; with zeal I plied my trenchant pen, and saved a stock of iron men enough to see me through. Now by my iigtree and my vine I sit and rest and make no whine of fortune or of fate; I view the world with failing eyes, but see the good that in it lies, and keep my smile on straight. , And as I gaze I see old men who failed to save the shin ning yen in days long left behind; they slave away at dreary toil, and long to have six feet of soil in which to end the grind. There's nothing sadder than the sight of some old crippled, weary wight, still toiling for his bread, still drudging for a meager pay, recalling money thrown away, and wishing he were dead. Over The Garden Fence Edited by Cousin Cy. One of the American legion dunce committee whispered In Cy's ear this tory after factory was closed until! morning that he had official Infor- in the industrial district of Petrograd mation to the effect that tonight's alone the number of workers has fallen to about 7 per cent.. "Two facts are apparent from the dance would be one of the most en joyable affairs held in Bend foi some time. He stated that the only statistics," says an article in a re- class that would be excluded from cent issue of the Monthly Labor Re- participation in the dancing would view. "The nationalized industries be men with trench feet, are almost completely ruined and the shush! Give me your ear for a position of tha workers under the , minute. Absolutely on the Q. T., Cy soviet regime has steadily deterior-j believe the judse is losing all ated." And now "Lenine's govern ment has found itself obliged to do away with what was one of the main achievements of the revolution, the essential feature of nationalization, viz.: the works council and control by the worker." The Russian Bolshevist govern ment was bailed a few months ago as an experiment in socialism that, it not encouraged, at least should be given a chance to' demonstrate its possibilities. Some even have talked of extending the experiment to the United States. Now that news of the Russian results is becoming known, there ought to be no more talk of this nature. The experiment has failed. By cleaning up its State Chamber of Commerce quota in 24 hours, Bend has scored again. If the Ben ham falls project goes ahead there will be plenty of land for the settlers the chamber advertising is expected to bring to the state, and the local subscription will be returned many fold. self-resDect. worrying too much of late over getting the insurance rates reduced, or he Is Just naturally drift ing back into his youthful habits. But anyway this morning Cy saw Mayor Eastes deliberately smoking a cigarette. Horrid, ain't it? The suggestion was later made that it might have been a cubeb. If you go to the Chautauqua, don't make the mistake Cy did last night, and sit by a fat (stout), lady, 'cause, oh. boy! when those seats went down Cy was underneath (the lady) and, honest, it's a miracle that some moro serious damage was not sus tained, other than an awful squashing. SQUEEZED While theremay be a shortage of irrigation water later in the season, the recent rains have assured plenty of moisture for the time being. Now for some steady sunshine. The Weightiest Causers. . Men understand not h:it Is nmnng their hands; as calmness Is the char acteristic of strength, so the weighti est causes may be most silent Thomas Curlyle. When the body begins to stiffen end movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that tha kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taiinp COLD MEDAL "he vorld's standard remedy for kidner, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. Pamcus since 1696. Take regularly ana keep in good health. In three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented. laOok for the nama Gold Medcl oo mviy be mad aecpt ae imitation -; -: THEY GROW 13 OHHGOIT , Oregon la &a famous for her apples as California is for oranges. Oregon apple a are sold from Maine to California in ilsxioo City and the Philippines. BOOST . 'em and BUS 'em and help our growers farther extend their mar-ketsa J ,.,.. i,.,a tjj t. ' Dance With The American Legion Gymnasium ' Friday, June 18th. 6c X0TIO3 OF ANNUAL Ht'HOOL MKKTINU Notice is hereby given to the Ii-gnl voters of School District No. 1 of Deschutes County, State of Oregon that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEET ING of said district will be held at the High School Auditorium from 2 o'clock p. m. to 7 p. m.. on the third Mondny of June, being the 21st day of June, A. D. 1920. This meeting is called for tho pur pose of electing two directors for three years and tho transaction of business usunl at such meeting. Dated this 10th dny of June. 1920. ROHERT W. SAWYER. Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: J. ALTON THOMPSON. District Clerk. 9-1 2c xotic!: or school mi:i:tii Notice Is lii'ivby tilvmi to llm KII votiTit of School Dint vicl No. 1 of IVscluiliw Comity, Statu of (1'i'KO'i, thai n m'huol imx'lliiK of wild District will bo held ill Si'hmil Auditorium, on tint ntlth iliiy of J u in'. I'.il'ii, fmm 2 to o'l'lni'k lu'opiiNlilon of lovylng a npfcliil iIIh tilo: in :. Tltt total of money tux'di'd by llio district iliii'lim; tho fiscal your lu.. gliinlnt! mi Juno 21, 11120, n nil ciullnn on June ,10, 11121. Itf uill nun cil In the following lnulitcl linil lucludi'ii the ttmottmn to ho received from tho cmtiity school fund, mute school fund, Bpoclul flint rift lux, unci nil other moneys of tho dlitilct: llmlui't Kst limited INiicinlH urn 1. Iiisti'iiclkm expense..! 7S.7MI III) 2. Opi'i-iitltm expense.... I r., i (a) I'liynlcul tr l.diio.oii 3. (ieiieral control Il.tiOO.oii 4, Miiliilenuiico exp 2,000,00 o. Capitol cciililt ion niul roiiHti'iiotlon 4,500.00 it, sinking fund 4.000.00 7. Hood Interest 6,100. 00 8. Emergency loans None Emergency 1 o n it s Interest None Emergency funds S. 000. 00 U. Library SOO.OO Total estimated amount of money to bo ex pended for all pur poses during the year $ 1 2 1 ,140.00 Kslimnted Ivicelptx, From county school fund during the com ing school year $ 15.500.00 From state school fund during tho coming school year 2,000.00 Estimated .amount to bo received from all other sources during j the coming school year 8,300.00 Total entiuiated receipts, n o t Including the money to bo received from the tux which ' it Is proposed to vote $ 25.800.00 Hernpltiiliitloii. 10. at 2 to 7 o'clock In tho iirternotin, In vote on llio UMHtloii of Increasing the ii 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 of the tax levy In mild District fur tint year 1120 liy more than six per cent over Hie amount of such levy for the year Imnieilluiely preceding. Coniildeiliig the iimoiinl of liicreiiHD over per cent, lnciouue for any year cannot ho considered In succeeding yours. It la iiccciitmry tu raUtn this addi tional amount by special levy fur the following reiiHomi: Tho law uenl Into effect when our tux was very sniiill and t) per cent Increase each year does not meet required expenditures. Dulcr thin Mil day ot June, IU20. uonrctiT v. s.wvYioit, C'linli iiuiii Hoard of Attest: IHrnetorH, J. ALTON THOMPSON. District Clerk. Sl'SlMONM 111 the Circuit ('nun of tho Statu of Oregon, for Henchmen County. Tho llend Compuuy, a Corpora tion. I'lalntirr. vs. I'll II I ll I. Daw sou, Defetidunt, To rhllllp l'. Dawson, Defendant almvfl named: In tho liiiuui of the State of Ore gnu, you are hereby required to ap pear litnl answer the complaint filed UKiiiusl you In tho nlmvo untitled ruse and chunk oil or before tho Hill day or July, 11)20. which Is more than six weeks after the 2Mh day ot .May. 1!)20, the date or tho fldl publication of this hii tu mii ill h. mid If you rail so lo appear anil answer, for want I hereof, the plaintiff will apply to I ho court for tho relief prayed for In (he complaint, lo wlt: For a decree ir Hi In court forever huiTliiK ami roreclmdtig any right of tho mi lil defendant In :;ml lo tho properly dimcrlliod III the complaint us follow n : I ,oi, i tu ami II, block 14, Highland Addlllon in llend, uu rorilliiK to the duly recorded map iiuiii pint or mi hi it ! 1 1 1 1 1 ii now on file anil of record In tho officii of I tho County Clerk or henchmen t'oiiii ity, Oregon, or any part (hereof and that tho contract In plaintiff's mine plaint mentioned bo t'liiicollod ami Unit dnfeiiilaiit'ii right In and to mild property mid contract ho forever cuin'clleil, Purred ami held for naught, and that defendant have no Interest therein, ami for nucli older and further teller as to the court may appear Jiirtl and niiullnlile, Service of (his siimuions In mudo upon you liy publication thereof In Thii llend lliillotln for six consecu tive ami hiiccuhhIvii weeks under and by virtue or an order made ami en tered on tho 27lh day or May, 1 020, by IU Honorable T. K. J. Huffy, Judge of-the aliovo oiitltled court, Tho dale or Him rirst publication or this summons Is the 2Sth day of May. 1020, ami (lie ditto or the lust publication I hereof Is tho 2nd (lay ot July, i20. K. O., Attorney for I'lalntirr. llend, OroKon. 47.r.s-r.'ir.-7i-7K" Total est I muted expenses for the yeur .. 1 2 1.4 40.00 Total estimated re ceipts, not Including the tux to be voted ... 25.800.00 Rulance amount to be ! raised by district tnx . 95,640.00; Dated this 27lh day of May. 1920.! ROBERT W. SAWYER. i Chairman Hoard of I Attest: Directors. J. ALTON THOMPSON. District Clerk. NOTICE OF SCHOOL KLK4TIOV TO INCREASi: TAX M O It K THAN SIX I'KIt t'EVT OVER TILtT OF THE I'l'.FA IOCS VKAK Notice Is hreby, given to the le gal voters of School District No. 1 of Deschutes County. State of Ore gon, that an election will he held In said district at High School Audito rium, on tho 30th dny of June. 1920. Toilet Paper Toilet Paper, regular price, 10c, Third Booster Day Special Saturday, June 19 5 Cents MAGILL & ERSKINE O'Kane Bklp;., OreRon St. - TOMORROW ONLY Our First Booster Special WHITE RIVER FLOUR Regularly sells at $3.65 per sack. Third Booster Day Special, per sack $3.40 Limit One Sack to a Customer PARLOR MATCHES Regularly sells at 2 for 15 cents.. Third Booster Day Special, per package 5c Limit, $1 worth to a customer. Del Monte solid pack Tomatoes, No. 2i tin; regularly sells for 25c. Third Booster Day Special, per can 19c Limit, two cans to a customer. MICHAELSONS CASH GROCERY SOAP AND CORN! TOMORROW ONLY BOB WHITE SOAP ROYAL WHITE SOAP Third Booster Day Special, $5.50 par Case 6c per Cake. No Limit.. CORN No. 2 Cans of Corn; regularly sells for 25c a can Third Booster Day Special, 15c per Can Limit 0 cans to a customer Cheaper Than Today's Wholesale Prices Girl's Gingham Dresses, ages 2 to 11 years $1.25, $1.19,i$l.i9, $1.9S Ladies' Voile, Crepe de Chine and Georgette Waists 98c to $6.90 Men's Dress Shirts, with and without collars 98c to $2.98 4 A Real Treat for Booster Day. Don't Miss This. J. C. PENNEY CO., Inc. 297 BUSY STORES SATURDAY ONLY BOROZIN A most delightful, pleasing, refreshing Toilet Powder for adult, children and babies, splendid after bathing. Regular price Third Booster Day 25c per can , Special, 18c. SWAT THE FLY Et VAMPIRO FLY POWDER Regular Price, 20c. . Third Booster Day Special, 15c FLY SWATTER Regular Pr ice, 10c Booster Special, 5c. Combination, 20c OWL PHARMACY OREGON STREET ITH'S G