The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, June 08, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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(Oontlntied from 1'age 1.)
were seated ou Hie niiiin floor of
tho Coliseum. .grouped by states,
llnnked about them and In the en
larged galleries were 11,0 speetn
tors. The speakers' stand was on
a huge rostrum luilt across one t-ml
of the hall, another tier of visitors"
seats behind it. Committeemen and
convention' "oTtfioera sat in reserved
spaces on eacjh side of the speakers'
stand. Immediately in front was
tho apace allotted to the press. He
low the rostrum were tho stalls de
voted to the work rooms of the
newspaper : -men, committee rooms,
medical staff and others whose
work could uot be accomplished on
the main floor.
Headquarters of the organizations
of the various candidates and party
leaders were located in hotels as
close to the Coliseum as possible.
Practically all available hotel space
was reserved by delegates, conven
tion officials, visitors aud newspa
per workers soon after the date
and place of the convention was an
nounced last spring.
Extra police were assigned to
handle the extra crowds and traffic
in the vicinity of the convention
Many Women Atunil.
One notable feature of the gath
ering was the sprinkling of the
lair sex throughout the delegate
ranks, particularly in the section
containing the alternates. This sig
nal of the near-arrival of national
woman suffrage drew comment
from leaders of other days.
Another thing separated the 1920
conventiou from the past. The hos
pitable bars' ' which held inviting
arms to delegates and sightseers
alike were replaced with soft-drink
emporiums. . No longer was heard.
"Let's have another long one before
we go ini'i -Probably a few dele
gates had "something on the hip,"
or had atfeess to something strong
er than near-beer, but the old days
and the jammed saloons, with lib
eral consumption of bard liquor to
increase enthusiasm, were gone.
The old Coliseum, which eight
brief years ago witnessed the bolt
of the Roosevelt hosts and, four
years ago, Hughes' nomination, had
changed little with the shifting of
years. The old C. A. R. button was
giving way to the World war in
signia; the women were- pushing
aside the men. but the flags were
draped, the bunting flying, the
crowds in ill mg as of yore.
(Continued from Case 1
the democrats preceding tho war. lie
listed as among republican loglslu
llve iichlevemenls, reduction of gov
ernment cstlmutosMnore than $ 1,000,
000.0110; enactment of the oil lous
ing and water power bills; passage
of a vocational rehabilitation hill for
soldiers; bills fur disposition of war
ntalerial: Improvement of the feder
al reserve and farm loan acts; In
crease in pension of civil war veter
ans; adoption of a civil service re-
rancher in the Redmond section, de
clared that under present labor con
ditions he would he willing to hue
any sort of labor to save his crop.
"Mr. Hurt! lias put us on the potato . (hvmeul measure; return of the
map," be said. " and the nttitmloj army ami nuvy ti n ium-i footltiK mid
which has been taken, means simply (lu,,.pas f n, ,my r M,th brunches
that we are standing In our own i f ,u service; passage of a budget
light. Ilefore the season is over we iM w tt i o It was vetoed, the merchalit
will be lucky if we can get Japs at ! ma,.,. iMu ul ,, railroad law.
$5 a day." Profiteer). Target.
Douglas Mullarky and Max Cun- .
railroad law under which I lie lines
were returned.
ning. of Redmond, Davis aud
Hugh O'Knne. of this city, were
among other speakers.
Objections to Japanese labor, it
gradually developed, were based
chiefly ou the fear that Introduction
of the Nipponese as laborers would
lead to colonisation. With positive
assurances from Mr. Hurtt that he
would aid tho settlers In preventing
any such occurance. and that he had
no intention of bringing In any more
Orientals for his Terrebonne ranch,
the delegates from that section ex
pressed their personal desire to co
operate with him. He accepted
their invitation to meet with other
farmers from the community in Terrebonne.
Compliment for Uncle Dick.
Cncle Dick, n bachelor, fond of chil
dren, was a great favorite with his
little nieces and nephews, so when the
new boby came ami pupa told them
that the stork had left It at their
house, Buddy said thoughtfully: "Too
had the stork didn't know where Uncle
Dick lives."
Homi Abovo All.
tlome is the chief w-linnl of human
virtues. Its respoiiHlbllllies, Joys, sor
rows, smiles, tears, hopes and cares
form the chief Interest or human
life. Channlng.
(Continued from page 1.1 I
which our government has always
rested. The return of the democrats
to power with Mr. Wilson or one of
his disciples still the master and the
leader of a great party, would be a
long step in the direction of the au
tocracy for which Mr. Wilson yearn-.
and a heavy blow to the continuance ; tration
of living, is the most pressing, as It
Is the most difficult aud most es
sential problem which coufron's us."
said Lodge. Profiteering Is subject
now to ample punitive laws. Those
laws should be enforced, not In the
houdllues of the newspapers ofter
the manner of the present attorney
general hut quietly, thoroughly and
efficiently in the courts of the Cnited
States. Something more In this di
rection can he accomplished by the
proper regulation of cold rtorai
and a bill for that purpose has
passed both houses."
Deflation of currency and credit
; also wolud do much to rednce living
costs. Lodge added, declaring that
! "it should he one of the first -u ls of
: congress to ileal with this essential
i point."
PriHlitctjtni t-etletl.
The most potent remedy of i.ll.
however, is increased production, ho
said, and although legislation can
not accomplish this directly, ami
"Just how much the government can
do is uncertain, it can aid and sup
port, ami if anything can he done it
must not be omitted or overlooked."
Lodge said.
Lodge next took up the Mexican
question, hotly criticized the "watch
ful tvallingg policy" of the admiuis-
aud declared ;
of free representative government.
The peril inseparable from Mr. Wil
son and his system involves the fun
damental question of whether tlu ,
government" of the Cnited States
shall be a government of laws and
not of men. whether it shall be a
free representative government oi .
"We have watched and waited
long enough. It is time that this
condition, disgraceful to us and ruin
ous to Mexico, should ceuse. We
need a firm hand at the helm. Let
the Mexicans choose as their presi
dent some strong and upright man,
friendly to the Cnited States and
that of a dictatorship resting on a, then let the Cnited States give til in
plebiscite carried by repellant nieih-lreal ana cordial support and so
oda." : strengthen and uphold him that ho
Later in discussing the treaty is
sue. Lodge declared again the party
must stand "against utterly
against" the policies of President
Americanism nt Issue.
will be able to exterminate the
bandits and put an end to the civil
war. The Mexican people would not
resent the influence or Intervention
of the Cnited States If It would only
help to bring them peace under a
"We must be now and forever for i president of their own choosing.
Americanism, nationalism and
gainst internationalism." be toiitin
ued. "There is no safety for us if
we do otherwise."
The work of redemption accom
plished. It s the party's first duty.
Lodge said, to reestablish order and
respect for law. following that with
a vigorous attack on the domestic
problems of the day. the first of
which in Importance, he said. Is the
high cost of living.
The republican congress has al
ready made a beginning towards
handling this and other problems.
Lodge said, but has been hampered
Praises Work of ( 'ongress.
"While some of the master minds
of the democratic party are chirrup
ing away like little birds that noth
ing has been done," Lodge said, the
republican congress has made in 18
months a record of legislation which
he declared would not suffer by com
parison with the five-year record of
Can the Lady of Your House Draw
A Check On The First National Bank?
EVERY Bend housewife wLo aims to conduct Ker
household in an economical and business like man-
should have a checking account and pay
tradesmen's bills as
counts -by check.
ber husband settles bis ac-
Handling domestic money in tbis way enables you to keep
better track of your expenses, provides indisputable re
ceipt, for all payments, and makes you more careful in
your spending.
We. are glad to open sucb accounts and we jive women
tbe benefit of our experience, and advise in money and
business matters.
Til Bm or Bofmol Sgvtc
The First National Bank
Mexican (JiicMion Vital.
"The president bus been unwilling
or unable to do nuything for Mexico,
but he thinks it our duty to take a
mandate for Armenia, which would
Involve our sending an army there
for an indefinite time and the cost
would he $275.000.KiO for the first
year, besides entangling us in all the
iqunrrels and intrigues of Asia
I Minor."
j From Mexico and Armenia Lodge
swung into a discussion of the treaty.
I He declared, in a lengthy review of
the treaty fight that President Wil
son has' prevented restoration of
peace between the Cnited States and
I Germany. The people of the country.
I he asserted, are with Hie republican
senators who refused to accept the
; Wilson treaty aud league of nations
"The American people will never
accept that alliance with foreign na
tions proposed by the president,"
said Lodge.
j "We of the senate have stopped
Mr. Wilson's treaty and the Issue
goes to the people. In 1910 Mr. Wil
son won on the cry that he hud kept
ns out of war. He now- demands the
approval of the American people on
the ground that he has kept us out
of peace." he declared.
fbii-moiiy Is Crgcri.
Lodge urged harmony within the
ranks, and banishing of fear that
the party dares too much. Ho re
minded the convention of the bold
stand in 189G, when the republicans
wrote a gold plank Into their plat
form and won. He urged that the
party think of the country's future
rather than of party future. He also
advised against raHh promises which
he said could not be fulfilled.
He declared emphatically against
government ownership of railroads
on the ground that In the end It
would mean not only that the gov
ernment should own the railroads,
but that those who run' the railroads
shall own the government. The
rights of the general public would
disappear under this scheme and
nothing would be left the people but
the duty of paying taxes to support
the roads. "Our government must
not be dominated by any one man
or any class or any selected body of
men who represent n part of the peo
ple and not the whole."
Lodge scored government admin
istration of the railroads as waste
ful nnd extravagant and praised the
M.IVti lit I.I S.
Residences on the odd numbered
side of the street will sprinkle only
ou lie odd numbered days of the
Residences on the even numbered
side of (he street will sprinkle only
on the oven numbered days of the
To avoid Impairing the water
service In ruse of fire, tho above
rules are now covered by a city or
dinance. The state hoard of fire
underwriters required this ns one
of tho considerations for reducing
the fire Insurance In the city.
FOR 8AI.K UmhI Ford crt. Can
guaranteed Cutit.-Oro. Motor Co.
, 83-4 ltfo
FOR SALK l'our roiiin modern
house, ror. Columbia and .luck
sonville; $21100; roiit.oiuiMc letnts
Inquire I'anllnic, or phone :' I 7 1
( 20 2 M
l-'OU SALIC 1 ll .1 lit ll l, -cycle. In
good r ii ii II til u condii lou . !' "
ash. at City KxpriMni oft Ire. I n.U
llond si. I ti 2 rp
bred while leghorn hens, one year
old. Call at I00H Wall St. Ino-oillfi!
I'D It- SAL K The rinenl little bunga
low In I tt-ml . ('nine and look II
met. buy (loin the owner. I'licii In
reiiMOitiible, terms. Waller A. Ju
coin, -.'in Florida Ave. UK n2-57p
FOIt mile at a bargain, one lol. tnv
110 ft., mid two four-room shucks
on the same; will bring to per ruiil
on money Invested. I'rli o $r,00
cash P. (I. Itompel, 1128 River
front si l-2p
Notice Is hereby given that tho
city of lleud has caused to bo Im
pounded tho following described
livestock, pursuant to ordinance No.
17:1 of (be city of llend: due roan
horse, halter on, white stripe In
face, three white feet, branded
C II (connected) left shoulder and
undecipherable brunil right shoul
der; weight about 1000 pounds, use
about ! years; one gray mam.
branded A. left stifle; weight about
900 pounds, age about 10 years,
brand undecipherable right stifle;
one bay horse, branded S P right
shoulder; win cut right shoulder,
white stripe on hind feet, shod four
feet; weight tibout 900 pounds, age
about 15 yeurs. Notice Is hereby
further given that the undersigned
will .ou the 1 2th day of June, at
the hour of :i p. in' , In said cliy.
sell at public auction the above de
scribed livestock to satisfy Un
charges for Impounding the same,
together with all accruing costs
Chief of I'ollce
l-'OK SALK- Two choice lot-t III
Itoulevurd Addition. font over
$300. will take $321. cash. T. It
Denny. 2 MS Logan Ave, Situ 1)1
ego, Calif. a -f. .1 -.1 7 1
FOR SALK Apart Illcnl house aud
two lots, 'i'ii llroadwuy. 14 1-tlp
POll SALK flood violin, splendid
volume und good, mellow tone;
uit Instrument you will appreciate
Call at 1S7 Jefferson at rent after
6:30. i:i-i:ic
U WI LD fo lout a lypewrller.
Inqultc Aiiiurlcnii l-Apicss Co.
Hi life
WANTKI) Woman for housekeeper
on ranch Inquire rn-l I olnrailo
Avenue r.-lfill-liu
IIWI-: M. A I'ALMKK, Cabinet
Maker and llullder, make your
screen doors and windows. Shop
tear of old Irrigation llldg-
WANTKI) Clean used clothing for
home service depurtmuiit of Itud
Cross. I'lease deliver to room V,
Press llldg. Mrs V. A. i-'orhes.
ited only by ability and lime du
voted In selling our trues. Com
plete Hue all varieties backing you.
Write for terms. Start Immediate
ly Salem Nil wry Coiniiiny. 437
Oiegou llldg . Suliim, Oiegon.
77-4 1-04
dun. In No. 1 rondlllon See or
write I- II. Johnson, llend. Ore
10-1 2c
FOR SALK Klvti room modern
bungalow, with built n. full base
ment, sleeping porch. Icnns 24 1
Delaware. .,S I'Jltc
l-'OK SALK One lot 1,01125-twj
houses, onn six room, onu four
room. $1300, $300 down, easy
terms. Inquire Uullntln or Joe Rock.
WANTKI) Furniture, phonographs.
range and household goods of all
description. Standard Furniture Co.
6 life
WANTKI) To buy second hand win
dow shades. We sell new ihndn.
Seo Ciogguns. 87-8Jtfc
FOR SALK 3000 pounds white
sweet clover seed, all rcrleuuod
and ready for market. See or write
T. L. Collier, at Tumalo, or llend
TO TltADK A phonograph for a
piano. We will trade you any
kind of nhmioKruph for your oll
"' r' piano, no mutter what make, or
..VlI.- ,'"' "" l''",n '"r i'1""" Al1'
O. box 412. lleud. Ore
MnU for 10 word or Inm. On emnt vr
word fur !! ovr to. All claulBvd twlvrtUlott
rtrictlF emmh in ivam
I KOU SALK Two mlirii flvn room
liiiiiffulowH, now tin lid in r, on
Drill warn: cutty trii)H. Inriuir?
Curlsou Ac Lyon. 4 i -2 T 1 f c
Ktverf rout.
!itwn rntiwrr In K"ol
clinip. liMiilrr I 1 5
1 1914 Studebaker $ 550
1 1918 Dodge Sedan $1200
1 1919 Chevrolet $ U25
I 1914 Cadillac $ 000
FOR SALK OU ItKNT Store build
ing with living rooms upstairs:
all modern excepting heat; alio 3
furnished rooms for rent. Call at
Hotel Portland. 9T-l3lfo'
TWO IIOCSKS -mi large comer lot
In Larch Addition, for sale rlit.ip.
with easy terms. Owner leaving
town. Inquire first shack ou Second
Street running south from (iret-n-wood
Ave. 9i) D2 r.7p
FOR SALK Two doen thorough-
!,( ST lift w mi Mfiul uihI l.av.i
lnitti. uitn pair hlurtt rulttn-r hip
limit und on i' pair ml iuIiIht kni-n
hootrf I 'liuJi r plt'asi- liav a Hut -I,
-tin offi.,. 1 I l-4p
Foil RKNT Two fuiiilnheil bonne.
keeping rooms Deschutes Apart
ments, liieftiwnod avtv
i T-sstrc
FOit ItKNT Large garage. also
suitable for shop, and u two-room
house near Kenwood grocery. In
quire Mis. V. A. Forbes. Telephone
Red 251. 77-Sllfc
KOU ItKNT - 3 room furnished
house Inquire 4 i S Division at
I S I -3p
As a special inducement this week we will
offer for three days - TJiurs day, Friday,
Saturday, June 10, 11, 12
Michelin Tubes
at a Reduced Price of 25
Do you know why Michelin Tubes are.
the world's greatest tubes? A Michelin
Tube is made concave. When inflated the
thickness of the rubber is equal--therefore -every
part of the tube has' the same re
sistance. There are no weak spots in a
Michelin Tube.
Save Money-Buy A Michelin Tube
This Week.
Pioneer Garage Co.
l i ! ''
. ' ' .