The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, May 24, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    FAflR a
The Bend Bulletin
ISIaaaii Beer Afteraee. bod Saaaer.
Br law Beta Balletla (Iiuaraaretea)
aWtawed aa Secixl Claaa matter January
aa 1917, at the Port Oftlee at Band. Onm
to lei ol March t, MI. r
OBKRT W. SAWYKR.....Bdltar-ManaL
HKNRY K. FOWl.l!R...-...Aaorfate fcdlter
rBJED A. WOELFLEN.-AuVerttaliul Manauer
H- 8MITII Circulation Vmnr
BALPB SPENCER,-. Unban teal Bapt
An Independent Nrwvpaper, etaadlnjr tm !
mm aqumra deal, clean bualneaa, clean politic
aaaf Uxj beat tntcrwta ol Bend ! Centra
Orajron. . s . y
,. k . i' . J .- ,;
Br MaU
On Year 11.04
Bll Mentha M.U
Hum Moolhe IKS
. . Br Carrier , : -
Oh Year 14.50
Bra Month! , tut
Om Month " ,"
Ail aabaeriptiona era do and PAYABLE
W ADVANCE. Notice of expiration . art
Did - aabeeriDer - and ' if renewal t aot
aaado within reaaooabl time th paper will
a diaeontinued.
Jean notify oa promptly of any chanm
af addreaa. or of failure to receive the paper
rearularlr. Otherwise ire will not be re
aponeible for eoeiea aibued
leak all check and order payable to
Tfce Bend Bulletin.
MONDAY, MAY '14, 1920.
Last Friday's vole, studied in re
spect to the league of nations con
troversy, while full of anomalies,
contains little satisfaction for the
, ',On the republican side Hiram
Johnson Is apparently the choice of
the party for its presidential candi
date, but only by a plurality vote.
The combined vote for Wood and
Hoover, both in favor of the league.
.Is well in excess of Johnson's total,
indicating clearly that Johnson's
narrow position does not appeal to
the majority of the republicans of
the state. , .. .
The same result ia shown in the
.vote, for delegates td the republican
national convention. The men se
lected in this district as well as in
the state nt large all favor a candi
date pledged to the league. So far
as yet reported not a single John
son delegate was chosen. . The situ
ation, then, is as we suggested on
Thursday it might be the delegates
.are to be bound to Johnson only as
long as they consider their pledge
,to:be binding. After. the first few
. perfunctory ballots they will turn
to a league man.
..On the democratic side the situa
lion is much the same, although the
conclusions are to be drawn from
. the senatorial instead of the presi
' dential feature of the . election.
Here the contest was between Sena
tor Chamberlain, supporter of the
league with reservations, and Har
vey Starkweather, ready to accept
President Wilson's ultimatum con-
" eernlng the league and its supporters
without question, and -Chamberlain
was nominated. In other-words the
democrats of the state join with, the
republicans in favoring 'the league
with reservations and reject the Wil
son idea of the league without the
change of a letter or a dot.
. So far as the issue of the presi-
j dential . campaign Is the league af
nations it would seem to have been
' settled in Oregon..
a? r i v jn n aw moil iuiui i
The Dismal Day,
! The day is dark and chilly, and beastly showers de-
scend; the winds are sad and silly, their wailing, has
no end. The men have quit their hoeing until the
weather's dry; the women drop their sewing and
gaze outdoors-and sigh. On such a day a fellow is
willing to' believe that all the world is yellow,-this
life designed to peeve, The cheerful words of
Browning that all the World is well, can't stop his
heavy frowning, or soothe him for a. spell. He
feels that all the sages and bards who sing of hope
can never earn their wages by springing sunshine
dope. The weary winds are blowing, it is a beastly
day; no cheerful cows 'are crowing, no blithesome
roosters neigh. "But all the outdoor critters are
wet and cold and blue; no wren or robin twitters
and makes a howdydo. But hold, the ducks are
joyous, the he ducks and thejr wives! The rain
storms that annoy us bring joy to their young
lives! So let's resume our grinnmgs and caper round
again; the ducks must have their innings, as well
as hens and men. '
Nvmip.l. if llm Annual Ntalniirnl of Ilia
Paoifio Mutual Life Insurance Co.
of California, In inn Ktale uf California, on
tli ;llal day of lliM-emtirr, HUH, made to Ibe
liiauranra (Yiiimlaaioncr uf Ik Mia la ol Ore
gon, ptiriuant to Inw;
Amount of capital linear paid up. l, 200,000.00
. . Incoaj.
Total premium Itti-otue fur the
yr t0,34,li4.O
Intere.i, dltliten.U and raula
1-eoelvetl durhii lle year , , 3.J4K.HM.UO
luroma fruia other aoureea re.
revcivwl during Ilia year . . . Ilrt,la 40 tnrouie .VI'J, 1011,445.03
Pai'l fur lunaea, enduwuietita, ait-
uulliea ami aurreuder aluea.$.'l4;i,l7.7d
Dlfidenda paid tu polieyhuldera
during Uio year V.14,244.04
Coinuilanl.ina and talarlet paid
during the '.',. 010. 0'J
Taxea, lieen.ea and (eea paid
during the year '.'47.1IS0 07
Ainuunt uf ell olkerHiidiluria
Total upefHlituri'a .... ... .S7.7eO.e04 4
Aaaeta ,
i en.e hi . nai eaiaia ownaa
imarket value) $'J,33C,45S.OO
Vulue uf tlnrka nod. bonda
owntnl tmutkei or auiorliied
valuel O.80,4OI.O
Luaiia in mortgagea and cul
lateral. He . .J7,UJo,S44.llH
Premium iiolea ami pulley Ir.ana 7, 704,010. AO
fa.ti n tianka and on baud,. MM, 374,00
Net uneolleeled and defrrred
preniiunia ,. 70,3)3.50
Intereat and rultta due and ae-
eniMl 7IK.41H 'JO
Other. aseela (net) U7I.IU
Thn Monsa a nil (heir filtuid" v,)
tlitiu'B Wodnesdy uvotilng, Junn i,
at I ho lllppodromn. Wllmin Ufii'R's
oiohosli'u. Ho suio und cuuio. HOlfi-
Invtn Ratlt.
' J ml TillikliK liua linllt'Pil that iin Hi
rtintt'iilH nf a iii'liniif urow Mintillavr
tlio liriiultlUK mi Ihv ltitn'1 lli'l lilifniT,
Tittnl aeta life department. $47, U05,llll.J'J
Aeeulrut departluent J,U4a,&'J0.0&
Total aaaeta admitted In Ore
goo ilO.flt 1,004 S7
Net reaenea ft I..1HS.7.MI (H)
tlroaa etalua fur luaae unpaid I0,H47.04
Ail utner llablllliea 4,140.507,67
kekp oi;r ttir.u
mo vvy.ii
Eyulp jour Iiounp, ofliw uf iorn with Wiiiliir Hiilp bow.. ;
i Limited auiily left ut rlliiol prlcv. ,
See T. L. COLLIER, Bend, Oregon
r;tttmumuianitiitiiuuBmuunuiaiiittmtuuiiiiuiiiu uimutttuiutuuitiuuutiuuumiuiitaiiiiiiituumiuiwiuutiii
Almninum Repairing
. We are now prepared to do all kinds of solder
ing of aluminum ware. Bring in your pieces
for repairing quickly and efficiently done.
William Montgomery
Minnesota Street. Bend, Oregon. ,
uf life depart-
way by a wide margin. On the sixth
ballot he had 308 -votes; Bristow
111; Conkling. 81; Hartranft of
Pennsylvania, 50; Hayes of Ohio,
113; Morton, S3; Washburne of Ill
inois. 4; Wheeler of New York. 2. .
. On the seventh ballot the field
combined against Blaine that be
ing Conkling's chief political aim In
the convention-e-and a coalition of
384 votes nominated Rutherford B.
Hayes, with results that all but. led
to civil war ere he reached the i
White House by. a majority of one
in the electoral college. William A.
Wheeler" was nominated for - vice
president by acclamation.
The platform declared "the Uni
ted States of America Is a nation,'
not a league," demanded the coura-i
geous enforcement of the new con-!
stitutional amendments, attacked!
polygamy, charged democracy with
"still being . the same In character
as when it sympathized with trea
son," and reiterated practically
everything that had been promul
gated four years previously.
The convention of this year abol
ished the "unit Irule" of voting so
that a delegate might be free to vote
as an individual, instead of being
bound by a majority of his state.
ceased, and, second, .that undue In
fluence was exercised upon Plttock
In its execution.
Joseph P. Cotton of the law firm
of .McAdoo, Cotton & Franklin of
New York, will be associated with
the local attorneys In representing
the opponents of the will. t
t.lubillliea uf aecidetll depart
. U.7''I..V'.0J
Total llaliilltlri, eieluarea of
aurplua of l.l J7.07.I 71
and eapilal atuek of
JOO.OOO.OU 4el3.7S0.5
amaueea In oregoa tor U Year.
(Iroai preuttunia reeelved during
the year I 134. 010.74
I'remiuma and divldeuda re
turned during the year ....
lt.aea paid during tka year... 40.:l,.'JlO0
ANCK CO. OP t'Al.lfXtltMA.
George I. Cochran, I'reaideut.
C. I. I). Idoora, Hecreiary.
Statutory realdent attorney for aertrlee:
W. II. Mrt'oonrll, Inland. Oragen.
After four years service In the U. !
S. army, most of which time was,
spent as legation guard at Peking.
China. W. A. Mitchell, will go on
this season as a fire patrol at Cabin '
Lake, a part of his brother's dis
trict. Ranger Mitchell and his sol-,
dier brother are spending a few days
in Bend before starting back toward
Fort Rock.
Bring in your, best negatives and
have them enlarged. We make 8x10
enlargement for 50c. Central Photo
Co.. with Symonds Bros., Jewelers.
Bend. Oregon. , ... , 43c
Terminal Co.
Continued tomorrow, with the story
of the seventh convention.
j.,.. The recent statement from Attor
ney General Palmer's office that
. sugar prices could be reduced one
half, makes us-wish -that A. Mitchell
were in. the sugar business where he
' could show us how. It is plain thai
ne cannot as attorney general.
Mt. Hood Ice cream at Buchwal-
ter's . , 30 tfc
Attempt to Break S8,0O0,0O0 Trust
Puhri Left by Publisher Reached
G. O. P.
vSnapSKots ')
; (Copyright, The Ceorje Matthew
. Adanu Seeice.)
. .' . By A. H. Vandenberg. . '
, The sixth republican national- con
vention was the first to do the really
unexpected' thing. "When it assem
bled in Cincinnati, June 14, 1876
centennial year three great repub
lican leaders stood out beyond the
'crowd. They were James G. Blaine,
Vol- Maine, who had but recently vin
dicated himself from the Insinua
tions of corruption in the -Infamous
"Mulligan Letters" episode, ' nhd
whose name was presented to the
convention by Robert G. Ingersoll in
fin oratorical gem which will live sis
long as jewels of speech are
cherished; Roscoo Conkling .of New
York, one of the ablest debaters of
all .time, but arrogant and. unap
proachable and utterly lacking in
personal popularity; apd Oliver P.
lorton, Indiana's great and splen
did war governor., .
There were other candidates,
largely of the so-called "favorite
son" type although. Benjamin H.
. Bristow,. of . Kentucky; t was sufficiently.-formidable
to. muster 113
votes on the first-ballot. ''
Six roll-calls failed to name a
Choice, although Blaine led all the I
( By United Preen to The Bond Bulletin)
PORTLAND, " ORE., May 24.
This is the -date set for-the trial of
the Plttock will contest- the climax
of the attempts of Caroline P.- Lead
better, daughter of the late Henry
L: Plttock, to break the $8,000,000
trust fund which was created by the
publisher : of the Portland Oregon
Ian. ,
Arguments on the validity of the
instrument will be confined to two'
major, points, under a recent ruling
of the court. These points are those
advanced by the Lead better, petition,
asserting, first, - that .the' purported I
will Is not the last will of the de- j
The Bend Laundry
as in the past, is pre--pared
to efficiently
care for the wants of
its patrons.
To You On Schedule
we return everything
you send to us except
the dirt.
Put You Duds in Our
Suds- ,
Bend Laundry
illpli ffj
Made from Cracked Wheat
No Shortening
Very Little Sweetening
The Most Nutritious
Bread Made
'Tbis house lias Electric
When j-ou've said that, you've cone a long way
v toward getting your lease signed. Bticause the mod
ern woman wants a house she can turn into a home.
And or.e of the first essentials of a cheerfui home is
the briRht, isviting light of EDISON MAZDA LAMPS.
The housewife Irr.owa, too, that in the house with '
electric service her work will be lessened and made
easier by electric flatirons, electric washers, vacuum
cleaners and the many other electrical appliances at
her cctntnarvX
, your house will make it the preferred house.
It Wu rent easier, and for more. Special terms
now. Take advantage of them.
' Our wiring representative will call and givo you
facts.' Call ar 'phone for Information and estimates
v TODAY. i
Bend Water Light & Power Co.
Progressiveness and Growth
In this community means: dollars und cent
In your pockflt.
Build Now witti Deschutes
(White) Pine. '
Dulld of home products and patronize homo Industry. Th6v
' cheapest and best building material Is Deschutes '(White)
Pino and Is manufactured right here into all sizes and grades
' , of lumber. Acquire a home of your own Instoad of a bunch
of rent receipts.
The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co.
i -
Loral Rules Agents
Not Just
Meat But
r aw a
Demanding of merchants their
, ( highest priced wares, whether you
can afford them or not, is fuel for
the profiteer. Even with present
prices, proper judgment can be ex-
ercised in buying and money saved.
High prices is no excuse for ex
travagance. . , 1
'; '
The Shevlin-Hixon Company.