THB HKSV BCIiMtTIIf. DAILY EDITIOW, BB.VI). ORKOON, FRIDAY, M1T 1J. 1020. PAOB TONIGHT Last Time MARION DA VIES 'The Cinema Murder" SATURDAY Only OLIVE THOMAS IN Prudence On Broadway i . AI-SO GAIETY COMEDY ami Paramount Magazine LIBERTY IIRND TRAIN HCIIEOUIJs. Oregon Trunk. Arrives. 7:35 AM. Lmm 1:00 P. H. 0,-W. R. N. Arrives, :S0 P. H. Umu, 7:00 A. M. AGAIN TONIGHT and SATURDAY Rex Beach's Fitiflous Story "The Silver Horde" REMEMEBER l-.Ton.gnt and Saturday will be youro lyjcbsnce'to tee thii wonderful play. GRAND Daily Market Report (fsrnUh.4 hr rrn.ipnl Ilk Um Ontisl Umn unk.) NOHTil PORTLAND, May J4. Cuttle, 1)0; slow, Htnudy. drain und nnli fi.l ulimm I IK I'll In 113: Ikoo(J to cholcu, fit to $11. CO; iniul- I u in to good, flu to III: fair to good, $11 to 110; common to fair, $8 to (9; choice cowh und holfent, $10.25 to $11; good to choice, H to $10.25; medium to good, IS to U; fair to medium, $7 to $8; cumiurs, D to $0; bulla, $4 to $9; prime light calvov, $12 to $10; med Iiiiii IlKlit, $ to $12; beuvy, u.6u to $8.50. Hog. KiicelptH, 120; 2Do to C0 lower. Prima mixed, $15 to $15.50; med ium mixed, $H to $15; rough heuv li'it, $10 n $11; Ikh, $12 to $14.00. HlllT. Receipts, 00; steady. Kuxt of moiiiitnlii lamliH, $16 to $16; Ugh! valli'Vn. 114 to 115: honvv. it 3 In $M: feeders, $10.50 to $12.50; yearlings, $13 to $H; wolhorH, $12. 50 to $13.25; owi.h, $8 to $12; spring lumbM, $14 to $15; throwout spring lambs, $10 to $11. All shorn Htuff $2 undnr these suotu- tl()IIH. VOTE FOR C. S. BEN SON FOR DISTRICT AT TORNEY. Adv. AT THE HOTELS. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS J. Fellows, of limn. In In the city today, L. K. Hinllh, of Redmond, was In lt".nd Innt night on business. Waller .'oib loft lout nlKlit for 1,'urllund on business trip. ,f .Mr. and Mr. It. I). Mle Ic.iv.t to night fur o two month's vUlt to Minneapolis. Mrs. O. O. Tlcknor arrived his morning from Portland to visit her sister. Mm. A. M. Prtngle, A mnrrlaga license was Issued Inst night from tho offlro of tlin county clerk for William lllack and Elltn both Kentnor. Work hat been Blurted on a 10 foot addition to tho Miller Lumber Company's oflco building on the cor ner of Wall and Franklin. , W. l.ulr Thompson, formerly pi ev ident of the slate sennlo woa In bend today with hla wife and (ion, on Ma way from Portland to Lakevlow.. C. W. RoblnHon, of Antorla, ur rlvedin the city today and will apeak ttlila evening at tho Hlppodromo In the intercut of tho Johnson prcrl dentlal candidacy, t John H. Lewis, former stulo on Klnr. la In Dend today in conncc ', tlon with tho circuit court hearing on tho Injunction asked against the C. O. I. company. . John R. Lntourello und Harrison Allen, of Portland, arrived In Rend thlH morning, and with H. H. I)n Armond and Charles W. KrHklns o' Ihla city, will upponr in circuit cun t tomorrow to argue for the recently nuked Injunction against the C O. I. company, I'lliit llulte Inn. L. E. Smith, Itodmond. C. V. TouhnIk, Portland. W. A. Stnwurl, Portland. John R. l.alouri'llo, Portland. Hurrlaon Allnn, Portland. John A. MclMHncr,. Portlund. C. W. rtulilnaon, Aatoria. (Dim r. Woolli.y, 8prlnKfl.ld. John II. Iiwla. Portland. H. K. Mpcncer, Portlund. W. J. Tmliy, Portlund. I Jan Aniilund. Alfalfa. Ilurold H. Kniith, Portlund. W. Iilr Tbompiion. and fumily. Portlund. V. W. Morrixon, nud family. Ouk. lund, Cal. C. I). Kmlth, Ht. Marina. Idaho. C. B. Martin. Portlund. Mr. and Mrn. II. C. Fletcher, HID boro. It. n. ilicki, Portland. Mr. und Mr.. Vern Van Gilder Waaco. , Mra. Qny Foater, Kummnr Lake. F. W. Fot!r, Summer Lukn. Hoy W, Kdwarda. Portlund. HiXrl Cray. H. D. Carter, Tacoma. (5. W. tancuater, Oregon .Tiunh. M. H. Taylor, Dufur. C. W. Waahburn, Portland. II.K-I WriRtif. T. C. Logan, Iiarnea. Jim Lopnr, Klamath Fulla. H. M. Farrier und aon, Portlund. Mr. and Mra. John Hnrlon, Elk Rlwr, Idaho. Ed' Reaaley, Portlund. We maintain a free aorriee tor everyone owning a kodak or camera. I.t ua ahow you bow to got good picture and help you with your kodak troublea. Central Photo Co., wfth Kymona Droa., jowolora. 38c DANCE .AT GYMNAS IUM, WED., MAY ' 19TH, PEERLESS ORCHESTRA; $1.00 COUPLE. . 35-S8c DANCE AT GYMNAS IUM, WED., MAY 19TH, PEERLESS ORCHESTRA; $1.00 COUPLE. 35-38c VOTE FOR C. S. BEN SON FOR DISTRICT AT TORNEY Adv. Bulletin "WANT ADB" Bring Re aults Try Them. Pnl n m The Itnlletln. 1000 Lbs, of Prunes 7 Pounds for $1.00 Limit 7 pounds to a customer. One $1.25 Broom to Each Customer on Second Booster Day, 60c. ; V ' SATURDAY, MAY 15 ONLY Smith's Grocery GOT WRONG MAN THAT TIME CoMega Senlora Mad Decided Mlatake When They Tried to "Smoke Out" Young Kentucklan. Tom Honnn. former attorney gen eral of Indiana. wu tnlklng of lila col lege daya at Indiana unlverxlry. Ho rerallrd, will) a lauvh, how Uiu aenlora naed to "amnke nut" tlio freshmen In the good old daya. "Hie big Idea waa," wild Mr. IIo nan, "for Ove or fix. or twrliapa a dozen n lor, to eonKresale In tho room of a freahman and mioko plpea until Itiu amoke made him alck. Caually Uio fellow aelwted for the making out' proceaa waa one of theae mollycoddle youngatera who hnd not long been divorced from lila uiother'a apron atrlnga. "One time we aclerted long, lean Kentucky boy. One by one wo dropped In. lighted our plpa and begun the game. Kentucky fired up hie pipe, too, and tlia evening wore on. The moke grew heavier with each paw ing half-bonr. Not a window wna up. not a door open. Along about eleven o'clock two or three aenlora dinar peared. They had been ahlpwrucked. Flnnlly tho tobacco begun running out, much to the plcexnro of ecvernl of ua. Rut Kvntuck amoked on. "At Inst one of ua remarked to Ken rock that we'd have to go, aa our to bacco bad run out. "'No, don't go,' Ken ruck Inalated. Te got a lot more tobacco. Lawdy. I couldn't tliink o' comln' 'woy op nawtb benh without aome good to bacco.' . "Kentuck opened hla trunk. One end of It waa Jammed with old Ken tucky long green tobacco. We tore out We had picked on the. wrong bird." Indtanapolla News. SERKESS FOUND HIS MOTHER Pathetic Caeae Such aa Thla On Re ported Hav Long Bn Com. men In Armenia. Brigiit and early one morning band of Araba drove up to the Near Eat Relief orphanage at Kara, Ar menia, bringing with them a forlorn little chnp about Ave years old. "We wafit yon to take thla boy," aid, the leader of the band to an offi cial of the orphannge. "Be ha no father, nor mother." "What la hla nareer the leader of the band waa aaked. "Fie la called Serkeaa," ahouted back the leader of the Arabs aa they galloped away. In thla way little Sorkeita became a member of our family. Uo wna an Intelligent little chap but seemed su able to remember anything about bl Dome or hla parents. A few days luter one of tho native women helpers ut tho orphanage was going through the playground when she suddenly stopped, turned pale and stared unbelievingly at one of the lit tle chnpa who . wna plnylnc there. "SerkeRS!" she cried, nnd riuiitliiir to the yoii'igsHT enMiernd him Inio Jier VOTE FOR, C-S.-BENSON FOR DISTRICT AT TORNEY. Adv. FANCY NETTED GEM SEED POTATOES FOR SALE Tri-State Terminal Co. HIS JOB TO ADJUST RAILROADERS' PAY Ait fTV ,S v& R. M. Durton of Tcnne:fee. baa hla Job mapped out lor him for three years at Icnm. lie bob been made chairman of Hie fUllwuy La bor Board by Provident Wilfon He, was for muny yearn u im-r-.b -9f the Tenneaaee cour. o! uui' anna. Kcrkeoo w im tii.p son who Imd lieen laki.n from ln:r two yen re liefore by tlu; Tiirke. Country of Little Change. Itet-enHy u In n l',r WIIIImiii' vlHlted Hie vice ngnt of Komb Mo rocco, the latter iiioim from a Hair ier (flv-n lv Ihi- Milliin of Moroeeo In 10.1L The vlnltor expreKed Kur prlxe that llils nnelent parelnncut ll!l remained In Hie vault, and the vice resent exclaimed: "Why 1101? We have never moved I" Thla Incident la said not to be at all remarkable. Wherever ono goes In the Turkish empire, ho la likely to lie confronted wllh the evidence of uge by the tradl tlona handed down from generation to generation. It la no more Strang for a Turk to enk of hupiieiilng In hla family of centuries ago than it I for an old man lu this country to rem II with pride the exploits of bis fallier or grandfather. 8entitive Pendulum. The pendulum of liie great clock In the tower of the hou.- of parliament In London Is so dellc-uie that a small weight of only one ounc: placed on a particular part of the apparatus will alter the rate of the clock one second per week. JOHNSON KPKAKKK COMING C. W. Robinson will spoak at the Hippodrome Friday evening. May 14, on campaign Issues in the In terests of the candidacy of Senator Johnson for tho republican nomi nation for president. The public is Invited to attend. 134-5c 1T ir u --iiir-''" y rmt- ia U TOMORROW'S j uwiivw wrai w mmmm m mm "'f 1 1 1 Booster Day' Special Men'sj Khaki Serge 2-piecel Norfolk Suits Regular Price $42.50; Second Booster Day Special $36.95 Women's anGr owing Girls' 81-in. Outing Boot Regular Price, $5.50; Second Booster Day Special $4.15 SPECIAL From 2 to 6 P. M. only, Women's 25c Black Durham Hosiery, 18c a pair, 3 pairs to a customer. ' BROTHERS Quality Pitman Since 1911 Dog Highly Prized in Alaska. Nowhero In the world has the dog such unrestricted right of way as In Alaskn. In winter, when more than OOO.OUO square miles of territory are sealed up in solid Ice, dogs are almost the sole means of getting from place to place In fact they seem necessary to lite. The aristocrats of Arctic dog life are the mall teams In the service of the United States government. " Oddities of Chinese Market Day. Marke! ay In China usually affords many quaint -sights to the foreigner. As the country is one largely devoid of vehicles, the commodities to be of fered for sale are carried to the mar ket places In many odd waya; by wheelbarrow, on manbaek, poised oa the heads of women, or swung to a pole borne on the shoulders of two carriers. Saturday, May 15th aim Day B'ajrg MATTRESSES Best composition, full size Mattress, with best art tubing ; Regular Price, $10.75 Bargain Day only, $8.25 DINING TABLES- Solid Oak, 42-inch Top, Six Feet Extension r v ' , ; Regular Price, $34.00 , , ' , . Bargain Day only, $21.75 OVERSTUFFED ROCKERS Genuine Spanish Leather Overstuffed Rocker. , Must be , seen to be appreciated. Regular Price, $G7-50 Bargain Day only, pt2.50 Gilbert Furniture Co. PRINGLE BUILDING