tub hkno mriiiKTinr, nii,v edition, bkno, orkoon, fiuimy, avhii. 2., miho. rAGE 8 I Wt.!;j;::i:i;:;i;:::i:'j:im: H I LIBERTY 2 TONIGHT SATURDAY Cecil B. DeMille's I'KODL't TION Male and A HtlTLKR HKCO.MKS KINC A KIN(J HKCO.MKS BUTLKlt AND 1JKKS IT! AND TI1K (J1RL? WHAT A SITKI'KISK FOR I IKK liiitiK th- children to Un mitt Im-t-t fii uvohl the -vt-ultiK rrowilrt. No i hllilrru innlVr lJ .furi Mill Im ulm(ll'l to tin i-t-nfnu iNi-forniiint-'t. HKNI) TRAIN HC1IKDUI.B. Oregon Trunk. Arrived, 7:35 A. U. Leaves 8:00 P. M. O.-W. IL ft N. - Arrives, 0:D0 P. M. Lcnvns. 7:00 A. M. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS . Tom C. WatHiui Is In Bend today from Iij Fife riini'li. J. II. Mclslor loaves IoiiIkIh on business trip to Spokane, Mrs. Fred Bochmo and son are vI.hIIIiik with relatives hi ldmo:id. I II. II. (I raily. of Madras, im al I tnl - : imiK lo business matters lathe rilv today. Harold M. Charlton, of I'owi !l 1 llutti'. wiih a visitor In H"!id la'., hll'.bt. Miss Harriott Met'iino K In II. nd from Spokane, vIhIiIhk lin sisters. MrH. W. (I. .MiiiiiiIiik and Miss Audri'y MoCune. A tnarrliiKo license was Issued last nlKht from 111" office of Coimiy Clerk J. II. Ilannr. lo Lawrence (.'. Tyler and Myrtle Mnlloory, both of thin city. J. Ky ii ii , accompanied by IiIh koii, William, returneil to llend laHt niitlit from n (rip to Seattle where the son Iiiih boon attendliiK Krniikllti hlRh HChool. MrH. F. O. Mills, of Spirit Luke. Idaho, and dutiKliler, Harriett Mc Cuno, of Kpokano, nro visiting In I lend with Mi'H. W. O. Manning anil Miss Audrey McCuno. Tho IikIIoh of. tlio I'rosbytorliin r.lmrcli uro rIvIiir a mfotorlu dinner nfi o'clock tomorrow afternoon in tho vacant Htoro rooms ailjolnhiK ' tho O'Donnell niaiket. HopuliliniiiiH who uro harking Herbert Hoover for (ho ropuhllcuu nomlnullon for preHldont of tho United BtnluH, will meet at Ro'clock Monday nlnht in tho county court rooms. The Homo Scrvlco Heclion of tho Hond Chapter, Americnn Mod CrosH, Is oiideavorliiB to locate Margaret WuBonor, for whom Information has noon obtained roKiirditiR tin ullot mont und tin nllowunco chock. The office of tho Homo Service suction Is in room 9, Doschutos InvoBtmont. Co. building, cornor oof Wall and Oregon ntroets. ' UOXT KOKCKT TIIK NOVKLTY I'KOCKAM AT GRAND TONIGHT and SATURDAY HAROLD LLOYD in tin (irt iidc-splittini; $100.000 00 Spccul Comedy "Bumping Into Broadway" blllli M.lli Topics of The Day Put lie Hcvicw Hrucc Scenic Put he News Paramount Magazine ami CAIKTV COMKDV AT THE MOVIES MAI.K AND FEMALE" STROM; PRODUCTION j It Wim only a thoti;hl at rii.t. !mi wli'-n planted pr.;,jVod id In- Utf seed of iu.'.pii at Ion. Il Kiew from ii t-eney ! Hprout lo u Hturdy stock, bloomed, bore fruit, and when replanted, inul- tlpllcd many fold Tin- thoiiKlit ' HtrtiKI'.linK for exlsliinoe in a duslv ' brain that ruled a rave-man body was i tin- I j i Idea lii their f ti ikI.i f ti of Kf'al nations that In Iholr tinn, wticn planted. afl'T bloomfiiK. withered and died. If you stop to reiiwoii you will nee oaeh exintiuj thiiiK. plant life. natlotiK. anirnuls. man and woman, live in the name routine designed by the Creutui and all in their turn, after rearhliiK their elimax, fade and past Into the u know ii. TltlM is somewhat the thought that ruled the pen of the author of "Male and Female, " and a moie in iplrliiit nttiry is Keldoni presented for public approval. A utory with u modern Heliums, based on the same allegory In na ture, mid fur-n achliiK enough to sup ply the thinker who sees In this mas ter production food for unlimited iaiaKlliation. 'Mali- and Keluale" Is umiuchtloi! alily one of the biggest things in moxedooi this season, with an all vtar vomlerful setllngs. suiierb phi loj:.-.iih.v and Infliilte detail. I'holoolays of this typo lire bring lug the nioie theater Into greater popularity every day. They are get. ting away from ihe old Idea that a tllrill will please th.. sensation Keek er and that they are the only patrons a movie ever has. It is putting 'lie something Into the photopby thut the amusement seeking public ii,'.it. "the fo 1 for better thought." "Male in . Female, " that Is being ex hibited hi the Liberty theater to night und Saturday Is a picture you can well afford to see. and consider your time well spent. AT THE HOTELS. Pilot Ilutto Inn. H. Flora, Portland. L. K. MtidlHon, San FtanciHCO, . H. Orudy, Madras. A. Krliuboner. Portland. L. II. Chester. Portland. Gordon Q, Jones, Portland. Marshall Hooper, Sitlom. L. I). Kelly. Muupln.' Mm. Jay Hillings, Wallown. Tom C. Watson, Flfo. . C. J. nuriiH, Dtifur, H. 1. Hnmmnr, Ogden. Hotel Cozy. Harold M. Charlton, Powell Dutte. M. P. Htiruett, Powell Ilntte. Warron HaRtlngs, Portland. James Ilonnlck, Fort Rock. W. J. Meade, Tho Dullos.i Hotel Wi'lKhU Fred Nolson, Spokane. P. M. Piper, Prlfiovlllo. Oust Anderson, Spokane, F. Hnmmond, Lu Pino, n. A. Bggs, Powors. P.- A. Brlggs, Powors. mmmf . ' is y Better Bread Insist on being given Wholesome HoL Ask for 1 lVLbVIIl Bread AMERICAN BAKERY Daily Market Report LIVESTOCK. (I'umUhnl bf trrinffmtnl wllh th Central (Irvfun llank.) NnltTll I'OHTI.ANI). April 2.!.- Caltle Iteeelpts were 70; steady. Cruln and pulp fed steers, $12 to till, cholre, (II to $!-'; good to choice. )10 to $11: medium to Komi. ?!i to $10: fair to k-ood, $K.?r to Slf. common to fair, $7 to $X.25; choice rows and heifers, $10.50 to $11.00; good to choice, $!l.7! to $10 Ml; medium to good. $8.25 to 5 '.i 25; fair to medium. $7 to $8.25; canners. $5 to $7: bulls. $ii to $8.50; prime light calves. $15 to $17; med ium light, $10 to $15; heuvy, $7 lo $10. Hog. Hcrelpts 2U0. Weuk to 15 to $17 10; I in in mixed, $10 to cents lower. I'rline mixed, $16.50 $10.50; rough heavies. $12 to $15; pigs, $12.50 lo $15,550. Shifp. Itecelpts .105; steady. Kast of horoipls none; stoutly. Kust of mountain lambs. $17 to $IS: light valleys. $15.75 to $17; heuvy, $14.25 to $15.75: common to med ium. $11.50 to $14.50; yearlings. $15 to $10; wethers. $14.50 to $15.25; ewes. $10 to $14: spring lambs. $17 to $19. All shorn B'"ff $3 under these quotations. Part of the Game. A referee lias lodged a complaint ngalnst the football club on whose grounds lie was nssuultcd by several spectators who disagreed with his de cisions. Although sympathizing with him we four bis attempt to rob our na tional game of Its most sporting ele ment will not meet with general ap proval. rnneh. tendon. Foibles of Genius. Ituffon wrote In lace rulllos und Sir Walter Scott liked to nrray himself In his shooting Jacket from six. o'clock until dinner time, whilst Guldo Iteno painted with much pomp mid consid ered himself nt his best when dressed magnificently, nnd hud bis pupils at tend him In slleuce, ranged around'! bltu. I IIKMSTIICHINt;: All kinds neatly done by Mrs. J. L. Tuckor. Leave work ut Fair Variety store. 17-22p RdJTllS AND PUFFS , TO SUMMER FROCKS "Ruffles and puks They can't get 'miff That's what little girls re made out Of' So goes tho 1920 fashion rhyme, Judging from these new tnodoli for Bum mer wear. They may be organdie or rolle or batiste. Tissue ginghams are also in great Toguo Injmrly showings. -I'hoto by Nick McDonald. MR&. JOSEPHINE BENTLEY, Illinois' llrst gold slur mother. Is for l.cunard WooiL Record of Transfers. FI'ItNISHEI) I)Y THE nESCl'TES A BSTKACT COMPANY. i Mary A. Eastes to Diana Snyder, j lot 10. blk 25. oHnd: $10. Walker Basin Irr. Co. to Lawyers Title & Tr. Co., irrigation project; trust deed. It. I). Black and J. S. Black to William Clur,k, S 1-2 of SIC 1-4, sec 15-15-11; $1255. Murtln Swunson to John W. Bow ers. NK 1-4 of SW 1-4. sec fi-15-13; $10. Wurd II. Coble to Bend Park Co., lots 12, 13. blk 37. Riverside; $10. Matt Clark to' Brooks-Scanlon Lmbr. Co., W 1-2 of SW 1-4; SE 1-4 of SW 1-4, sec 35-21-14. und Nff 1-4 of NW 1-4, sec 2-22-14; $10. John A. Carlson to Matt Clark. W 1-2 of SW1-4; SE 1-4 of SW 1-4. sec 35-21-14. and NW 1-4 of NW 1-4. sec 2-22-14; $10. Robert D. Moore to Brooks-Scanlon Lmbr Co., lot 7, blk 7, Staat's add: $10. This Electric Sewing "" iV if ITYJ t jf X Munsingwear for Women4 M tiiiMiigwcar I iiion Suits, uitti kIovc silk IkmIIii' top; ftc-h or i white fti-.gtilar sizes $.?.J."J Out Si-s fW.riO Munitig Wear Cotton I'nion Suit.: tight, knee, wiilo knee or cIommI gore styles; lap. top or shell stitch lop Regular Sizes at SUM, I.:W, $1.75 j Out Size at - 8 !..', tdl.rid, $1.75 $I.tr Munsingwear for Men ' Athletic t iiderwear of check nainsook, wovi-n madras ur solM'tte ut 1.7.-., a. 1 5, $2.25 Men's Knit I'nion Suitw; short or long sleeve-, ankle length; in-ru or white $2..-.l, $2.75, ffil.SO Mousing Wear medium weight, wool and cotton, all-wool, silk and wcM.l at, per garment :l.00 to $12.00 Munsingwear for Boys and Girls Cotton Knit I'nion SailK at $1.25 to $1.95 Underwear for Infants Vanta Vests; recjuire no pins; fasten with twislless tape, Ttk- to $1.85 Vanta V. Ilamls if. to 95c Carter's "Alma" Vests '. 55e to $1.25 Curlers "Alma" Hands 45e to 95c Vauta Abdominal Hinders 50c BROTHERS Quality Pioneers Since 1911 Cultivate Patience, ratleuce Is one of the tinest attri butes of character. It may be bused on great self-control ; it may also be based on true foresight. As mi oxer else of self-control, It Is wise because everything comes to him who waits. The whirling of time brings In Its re venges nnd Its rewards. Patience, as a matter of calculation. Is creditable to the intelligence. Humphrey J. Des mond. Wanted a Demonstration. Louise hnd the habit of running to her mother 'for a hug and a kiss at frequent Intervals during the day. One day she stood before her mother, who was busy knitting, for some moments without getting any attention. Finally Louise said: "Lio you love me, nminina ';" "Yes, dear." from mother. Louise waited a moment longer with out receiving the uceusturuod caress, then burst out with, "Well, why don't you love me by band?" Machine is as Handy as Portablecan be used anywhere that there's an electric light socket.. When not in use takes up no more room than a hand bag and is carried as easily. . ,-. Worklesselectricity performs the labor. All you do is guide the sewing. Inexpensive costs no more than footpower machines, and can be obtained on easy, pay-as-you-use terms. Be ready for Spring Call today or Bend Water Light & Power Co. 'THIS ISTHEMunsing wear Store. We be lieve in Munsingwear and so will you when you give it a thorough trial. We have studied the under wear question for many seasons and believe our judgment should be worth something to you. We would not recommend Mun singwear so strongly if we did not know beyond a doubt tbat it has all the good qualities we claim lor it. Munsingwear always satisfies. To wear it means better health, more comfort and underwear economy. Views of the St.irs. People in the southern hemisphere see different stars, but there are some constellations which are visible at different times of the year In both hemispheres. If the earth's axis kept always perpendicular to the plane of Its orbit none of the northern con stellations would ever be seen In the southern hemisphere, but as the axis Inclines first one way and then the other, some of both sets can be seen at different times. Old Age Greatest in Serbia. Serbia Is the country of centenari ans. One man In every 2,G0O reaches 100 years. Ireland ranks next, with one In every S.130. Out of every 43, 000 Spaniards one ,1s a centenarian. In England. Scotland and Wales one In 177.000; In France one In 180.750 nnd Switzerland, with all Its reputed hcalthfulness, seems not to possess one. Your Work Basket and Summer Sewing let us call on you.