TIIM nKM) BULLETIN, DAILY EDITION. BEND, OREGON. HATIHDAV. APRIL 8, 1030 PAfiR 7 AT THE MOVIES I.IImi ly. ICIhol Clliy Iiiii'h now plclui'i', "Mill" llcailly Tlwill Tlu Mule," Ih I'oinhlK to llin l,llii'ly Theatre Hiiinliiy mid Monilny. It wim udupuid fruiii ii Hlnry tluit iippnm-oil In a j c i 1 1 1 1 e. linn iiiiikiibIiih recently mill cuni'i'iiirt II lllKll'Hlll'lllfll Kill Willi ClIIICIMidll It clever Hi'liu.inn Ky which lo ;ir i-vunl iliu iniiii (or wliuiii iilin Mi-iTctly i'ii mil from koIhk lo Koiilli Africa. In Hniireh for udviwtiiio. I MIhh Cliiyton huh ihe ruin of llin lll'I'olllll, lll'llll O'lllll'll. Hill! ItlCVlH Kichurd (.'iii'lln. mi old friend mid u i'iihiIiiki) iiilviniliinr, mid urgca op tin llin to bo found In oidlnury life, iIiiIIIh Id liiifiimid In iirdlniiry llfn t tin it In Ilia African wlliU. I In ro- fumm lo bnllnvu her, lint Kly her iiii opportunity to prove her word". Adventure In in ilil - ft i0 order fol low. The iitliliK of lliu picture Ih mild lo provide, u NlurtlliiK HurprlHH. TONIGHT Last Time OLIVE THOMAS IN TOTOW AH EXQUISITE LOVE ROMANCE of I'nris and Lut in Quarter. BRIGGS PARAMOUNT COMEDY LIBERTY (jiniiii. "Iloiut of Junnltn," ut tin' Oruiid Htmdiiy only, Mnrj'liiK dm volnW" nnioliiitiiil ui'lri'im, llmili rl. Mk'h elniiu, Ih ii Mull Iniiiilon, pulrtnHtlinii lutlnil ill ii inn of llin in 1 1 1 ii k pot por lod of Hhj ijiii ly iluyn of CnllfornlH, wlmii con vvui lo iih wore foiisoiten anil lii'inilH luirki'd buck to u primitive UK". ' l Ah JiiiiiiIiii, tint iUi)i'ii of llin tlnnee j hull, ii verltnblo HplllliM mill Iiiiiiiiiii llyillllllU Of llltll pi'Hl IIOI1H IK't loll, .MlHH Mlehnliiuii Iiiih llin moHt effective rolu of her lirilllmit career. Inleiiaa In hnr lovn und liiipliinihle In hatred, JiiiiiiIIii Kuvn nil lo llin mull Klin loved. J I in llrmidl, 11m bona of Hi'i dnnco-hnll, mid would have Konn throuKh Hull for III in If ho liuil pluyud fulr wllli her. Ilul whnn Jim played fnlne, Jiimiiiii turned on hi in llkti ii iIkh-hh. JiiiiiiIIii wiih no hypoa-llo, nor wuh hIki iiii iiiiki'I. Hlin w:ih Hlniply it wo mull will) a big honrl mid hIim obeyed Iih IiiipuIhoh, whatever (hey iiiIkIiI Iiii. Klin would have kllli'd Hie tmin who wronged her. mid h)io did try Iwlcn; JllHl UK Hint would Iiiivb given hnr I If-) lo mivn Culvert, llin young trapper who uved her from tho dimce-hull hum who (rlod lo Hlrungle her. "Ilrolhnm Divided." Frunk Koe iiuu'ii niwiHt production for I'uthe und booked for llin (irniid Thnulre lioict .Mouduy ii ml TucHilny In onu of (bono picture (hut inn ken tho world Benin like, a inlghly flno place to live In. Tim Hlory rovolvea ubout Iwo brotlmra onn crabbed nnd bbHIhIi und linrd: the olhnr lender und gon orouH nnd aquiiro. Twenty yeyim In llin coiiflnnH of ii priimn hud (aught hi in lo appreciate hiimmi nnture, and when circumnlnnccH placed him In charge of Im hrother'H mill, whore whnro (he. employees wore overwork ed and underpaid, ho told them of IiIh plan und linked for a chance to mukn'Kooi!. Ho not It mid (he renuK brlngii thlR dnllKlitfiil, huniiin Intercut alory of work und pluy nnd JuhI plain hap py IIviik lo o clone Hint Henda a Hllllle chuHlng (ho I Mi m awuy. cronkK, who kidnap lior. uri mild to ho u burrngo of liiuiflgi. Tho Hiibito iiiienl ruHciiii of hnr from (ho crookn' rendnzvoiiK will both uiiiuhu und iiinuze. PART OF RELIGIOUS RITES Hula Dnnccrt Ware Trained by An cient Huwallana to Take Part In Ceremonial. I lulu (Inin liiK Ii i ii ic IiiiiI ItH entail Hulled kcIiooI for llin IrnlnlliK of ihinc ith In lluivnll. (irlKlmitly, however, II wiih not the HiinucHilvii diinio It In tndiiy, IiiivIiik been u relluloiiH rite of Hi" undent IIiiwiiIIiiiih. To them the Iniiii occupied I he plnco of our concert hull, ledum room, opern mid llienier, und win ihelr chief men iih of micIiiI enjoyment. 'J'hn lluwullnllH ieiieluiilei their piiHt, und Innplred pure Heiilltiient nnd lofty piirMien by IIiIk iIiiiicIiik. 'J'he ilmicerH were highly I in 1 1 1 nrllHlH, mil beciniHe It wiih held III illcrepute, hut lieenuwi the urt.of the 1, ii I it wuh mi iiccoiiipllHhiuent of Hpeciiil education und iirdiioiiH train IiiK, III both hoiik mid dance, moHtly for relluloiiH purpoKeH, Ah ii rellKloiiH mailer the hula iluuce wiih to if u u I'd liKiilnxt profaiin llon by the oliKervaiico of vurloUH re IIuIiiiih rllen. The entire cereinoulea were the rcMiilt of preiiiedllulloii and oriiiinlM'd effort, Hie diilicerH belnif e lecleil wllb jireut cure from I be (lower of Hie hind. IneludlliK Hie hiiihI beauti ful und phyxlenlly perfect. The mrt orn repriKeuled koiIh und KoddexHCH of old en rill come buck ucnln. MANY LEGENDS OF THE HAV Scarlet Barry Regarded In Some Parti of the World at the Emblem of Hope. Around Utile llnek llin liuw Ih hccii In the full L-lory of IIH frulliiue. In wiioiIh tluil lire dull nnd brown lt myr iad IiiitIch unci the eye with n kMirin red of ItlowliiK coiiIh. Here Ih II alnelu tree, 111 Hprciidlni: hnnehei hliuhled nil over with Kcnrlet fruit. It iimkeH a plelure I tint eeinn In he wiilllUK to bo trunuferrcd lo ciiuviih. Kiirtlier on are five or hIx treed Hliiudlnij louetber Ihelr iiiiikk idiowliiK u wenllh of color (but a liiiidvnpe n rl I xt niltihl re joice to reproduce with til h urt. Any one of Hciiri-H of croupH of lliene IreiM would. In ii piildle park or liirfe prl vuto (ri'ouiidH. he u iiever-eiidlni; ob ject of Hdnilrntlou. lie ho him not rend of bnv, lliorn hcdKi-H Iiiih not rend Hie llli-rulure of KiikIiiihI. reiniiiki n writer In Hie Lit tle Id.'li Hnzette. In that country of beuutllul laiKlvcnpcH (he hnw blooniH III UiHiiy h,i,Ih Ihut hnve been beniill fled by Puin yeiirn of cure. And II bill IIH h't'i'iuU. I,,,i h pimnii und ChrlKilnn. It Iiiih been ii-Kiirded ah Hie emblem of hoiw und lu hruiK'lieH ure Knld In huve been cnrrlcd by Iho mifleiit Hreekn In wedrlhiK proccHnloiiH nnd lo huve been imed to deck the ulliir of Hymen. An old HiiperHtltloo In the IlrltlMi iMlei iiecounlH ( iinliicky lo uproot h buw. There Iiiih been for cen (iirlen n Klory tlmt (bin (ree wrh Hie HiiUree of rhrlM'H crown of thorns, nnd (here Ih n (rudlllon ainonif French nciim nix thai, in Hh Innocence. It ut- Iith nrenn niid crlin en ifie miiilver n ry of the dny when be wbone Idrlh we relehnile on ClirMiiinn, euffercd ilenlb upon Hie eroH, SEEK VEALTH UNDER OCEAN Thai ho Ih onn of (he be( atlilete III pIcluroH ia cltinrly ahown by Al H(. John In bin find. I'uramount-Rt. John comedy. "Kpeed." which will be ahown ui the Liberty Theutie Sunday nnd Monday. A n meHieniter boy railed "Speed" he dellvcrH a gown to the dauhRler of the weulthy 'CotluwudH, where his Hwee.lhnnrt In employed as a mnld. and cniiHUH aldo-npliniiiK nllunlions when ho Ih chimed 111 roll li (he houxo by (ho Irulc fulher. II Ih iicrobullc h(uii(h and fulU in rcncuiiiK Ii Ih Hweelliourl from society GRAND I MONDAY - - TUESDAY I FRANK KEEMAM 4, Americas Greatest Character Actor. lv OTers Divided 2 ir Eaater at tbc Xittle JSrown Cljuvrb HDctboDtet episcopal Sunrise Prayer Meeting 6:00 o'CIock A. M. Sunday School Easter Service 9:45 o'CIock Knights Templar Easter Service 11:00 o'CIock Epworth League 6:30 o'CIock P. M. Happy Easter Evening 7:30 o'CIock A Splendid Program of Easter Music The Church Choir; Soloists; the Male Quartet, Led by Dr. J. G. Turner. Nightly Services April 5 to 9, Inclusive Preaching by Dr. Charles A. Bowen of Portland ENJOY EASTER WITH US J. Edgar Purdy, Pastor Minera Think Little of Burrowing Be neath (he Wavee in Their Pur. ult for Treaaure. Mini Ih ii hurrouliiif iiiiliiinl. In Ihe piirmilt of wealth he will even burrow under Hie Hen. The nioxt valuable Iron iiiIiich lu Nova Seolln ure under Hie ocean. There are outtfropplin; of Hie ore bedn on Mhore, but the irilnern follow I Im-iii far out iih they dip doun under the hcu floor. . It iniKht be linked, how do they pre ven( Hie ca floor from caving lu upon lliem? No trouble ut nil uhoul ll.nl. Kuoufr'h of Hie Iron-beariiii; uinterhil Ih b'ft tintoiicbed to nerve iih pillar, up holding' Hi,, roof. KlM'whcrc on Hie coiih! of Nova Kcotlu coal Ih mined In the xauie nay, under Hie en. It Ih nil excellent final ity of bltuinlnoiiH coal. (Ml Hie coant of Cornwall, In Knulniid, niloinu' Ih done for tin under the 01:1-1111, Hie IoiIch belnK followed out from Hliore. The liotloin Ih of volld Knmltc and lb workmen can iiclunlly lunr the l.onl derH rolling ubout over their beadM iih the Hlorm waves drive lliem about. In one cne vein extraordinarily rich In tin wiih foliinl nt extreme low water In a patch of rock. A bulklieuil nan built around Hie rock and n chnfl nink, Inriie (UiiiitiliiH of pieciouH ore belni; luken oul before a storm wiped ou( Ihe work. PROVED HIS RIGHT TO WORLD TITLE See the Point? full! Ihe obxervlng feller, "Newspa perH cannot be KUlHy of prevnricadob BB Iomi an they te( proof of everydiins they Kay." IndlnnafKdla Star. tlJ V Jlruioy Wilde. Brttiab flyweight boxing champion, baa clinched bla claim to world ehamplonahlp In hia decialve defeat of Frankle Mason of Fort Wayne, Ind., at Toledo lait week. Wilde, weigh ing I OS yoanda. beat the Amert--n cbamo In a 12-roond battle. h THE RED BLOOD days when pasiions ran strong and the law was weak, when might made rifcht and love was all. A PICTURE that comes only once in years, for it takes a star with the' magnetism, the witchery, the rcwer, of BEATRIZ MICHELENA to carry the conviction that makes . "The HEART of JUANITA A POWERFUL PICTURE Pathe News Rolin Comedy GRAND t SUNDAY ONLY 99 IB I I 1 1 iii i.y' i.i)Jiffin"TrTlraB,ull iiTiTEIni'mTgrH -A , "I c3( m i 66 M The Mafl 99 ily Warn FEATURING ETHEL CLAYTON Being a mere male, he thought he must go to the wilds to find adventure. But that was before he met the girl! She filled his life so full of thrills and daring deeds that the police got him, death just missed him, and love stabbed him to the heart. A vivid romance that proves that wherever woman is well, see what she did to this man! EXTRA SPECIAL AL ST. JOHN'S "SPEED" It wets the eye hecniise it touches the heart : , because it tells of the home. LION MAN, Episode No. 1 1 GRAND-Monday and Tuesday-GRAND LIBERTY SUNDAY MONDAY jHHSESffiaaM