PAOB a THH BENTJ BCU-KTIX.. SATl'MMY, AI'RHi . I OHO (It.v Mr. I.. V. (ouch oil) l'liono ltlnck l8t rroginniH of deep spiritual sig nificance are being arranged for the Easter services at the vari ous churches tomorrow. At the Methodist church the , Knights Templar of rilftrim com mander No. IS of Bend will put on their regular Kaster service. Tho special musical numbers will be rendered by the Methodist choir, the male onarlct and Mra. C. V. Silvls and Mrs. Ashley Forrest as soloists. Rev. II. C. Hartranft will deliver an Easter sermon at the Presby terian church, to be followed by the receiving of a class of 20 new members Into the church.. Special music is being prepared by the choir. j Rev. G. E. Williams will con-1 duct appropriate services at the Christian church and Rev. Juhnson la to present an Easter message to the Baptist congregation. At the Catholic church mass will be conducted by Father Luke Shee- han at 10 a. m. The choir, under the leadership of John Gagen, will sing Leonard's "Mass in E Flat" and Miss Mary Linster will sing "Ave Maria." Mra. Claude Black of Portland is Bpending the Easter season vis iting her mother, Mrs. H. D. Allen, and sister, Mrs. Frank Burch. at the home . of the latter. Mrs. Black is accompanied by her ter, Claire. Word has been received of the birth of a daughter, on March 30, to Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Whilmore at Spokane, Wash., where Mra. Whltmore has been visiting rela tives. The little girl has been named Mary Jane. Mrs. Paul Hosmer has returned from a visit of several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs." Law rence, at Monmouth, Ore. Mrs. J. J. Clapp entertained a few friends at an afternoon tea on Wednesday. The regular business meeting of the Baptist Missionary Ad society was held Thursday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Harvey DeAr mond, after which dainty refresh ments were served and social in tercourse enjoyed. Appreciative greetiugs were extended to Mrs. M. I). Inloe and Mrs. C. J. Lov- erett, who have been absent from the city several months. The I'niversity of' Oregou Gloo club whs pleasantly entertained in the city Tuesday by the alumni and former students of the institution, under the chairmanship of the Miss es Ella Dews and Margaret Thonip son. At 6:30 p. in. the visitors were served at buffet luncheon at the Pilot Butte Inn, whero col lege day experiences were recalled and the future needs of the uni versity discussed. After the con cert at the Athletic club, -a tew hours were spent In dancing, the Wilson George Jazz orchestra fur nishing the music and being cour teously assisted by a number of members of the Glee club personnel. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS I hereby announce, my candidacy for the nomination to the ofllce of County Judge of Deschutes County on the Domoonitlo Ticket, subject to the prlmury election, May 21, 1920. If elected, I will promise n nro- gressive business administration of County affairs. Action, economy, ef ficiency. At your servico always. J. A. EASTKS. Adv. Children's Theology. A little girl explained God's omni presence by saying tluit lie was every where without going there. A small boy. ivllectlng tin the misdeeds of Sm ii ii, remarked: "I don't see how lie ever gut to In) so bail when liu hint no devil to put him up to It,'1 The Women's Civic league of Bend is to give a public dance at the Athletic club, Monday, April 5. for the benefit of the Day nursery. The committee in charge, with Mrs. Franklin Toomoy as chairman. is making every effort to insure the success of the affair. Mrs. Horton's orchestra will fur nish the music and light refresh ments will be served for a Bmall additional fee. The admission tick ets are $1. The patronesses include: Mes- dames J. P. Keyes, C. S. Hudson, J. H. Haner, . D. G. McPherson, Charles Hays and J. P. Arnold. The following gentlemen will serve as patrons: J. P. Keyes. A M. Prlngle, Clyde McKay, D. G McPherson, J. F. Arnold. Carl A Johnson and F. E. Toomey. Wo hereby announce the candidacy of John Marsh, of Tiiinnln ri. otllco of County Commissioner of Doscliutes county on the Republican ticket subject to the primaries in May. TC.MALO DEVELOPMENT LEAGl'K I hereby announce my candidacy for the olllce of county commissioner of Deschutes County on the, Repub lican tlckot, subject to the will of the voters at the May primaries. CHARLES CARROLL. First Cotton Export, The earliest exports of cotton from America were iiimlu In 17W, In vhl1i year ouu hag was Sent from Charleston1 to Liverpool while Ii! were sent from I'lillnilelplilii iiml ime from Now York. Giving In Borvlot. "Hvcry wniiiiin, nnd every rutin, for (hut mutter, should do soiiicllilnii In justify her or his existence. I'iiIch a woman gives mm iuiicIi.iih she takes In servico situ Is u liability, mill not mi asset to the community." Dr. Krftlier l.ovejoy, H Dcn't Work Out. People who iiiiuru out now n small hicnimi may he made to support a largo family generally know u great deal yore nlioiit nrltliinetlv than Ihey do about human iiiiline. More Important Thau Air or Uiu Fire I'i'i'Moiiiil Injury Theft Properly Dumagu Trnsporlntlou Collision Automobile Insurance 1IKNP PARK CO. i J. f. Rhodes ! m THH UNIVERSAL' CAR The "Punch" In Gasoline. The genie that came out of the hot- tie In. tho "Amlilun Nights" story be came, when liberated, a monstrous power. The energy stored In a pint of gasoline Is unruly less stupendous. tine pint of gasoline represents 12. WO "It. T. IT.V of energy. A "It. T. IV (the abbreviation for British thermal unit) will lift 750 pounds one root. Ilius there Is In Hint single pint of Innocent looking fluid enough power to lift six tons 7.10 feet Into the air that Is to say, 200 feet higher than the top of Washington monument. Kansas City Star. That Bridge Fiend. 'Who Is Kdltb to marrf?" "III. name Is Brldire." "Good ernelm, ! la she carrying the craze us fur n. that?" Boston Transcript. USED TOBACCO AS INCENSE American Indians Inhaled Fume as They Burned the Fragrant "Weed" to Their Gcds. Smoking was a habit acquired by European nations from the Indian of America. In 1402 Columbus found 'them using tobacco, not as Is now 'done, but as an Incense burned In honor of their deity. Tobacco smoking began as a re ligious rite. Tobacco was used by the Indians much as oriental nations made use of myrrh or frankincence in their religious observances. Voyagers to America after Columbus revealed dif ferent customs In the tobacco habit. . It was discovered that In certain parts of the- continent the natives Inhaled the Incense nntil they became exhil arated or even Intoxicated by the fames. This meant for them that they derived Inspiration from the good pleasure of their deltv. The tinnnr paid to the deity came back upon them In exhilarating profusion. From that step was not far :o as certain that Incense offered to a gnd could be employed as a medicine. It was drawn Into flie mouth through a hollow tube n kind of pipe nnd then expelled as smoking. To the ra tionalizing European It was left to transmit, the poor Indian's worship Into an ordinary pleasurable habit , GIVE STIMULATION TO. GENIUS .Toxins Manufactured In Man's Own System Powerfully Affect the Associative Faculties. Genius Is n question of sensltlzn' Hon of protoplasm It goes hack to physical fact. And the foundation of ..the greatest cathedral of beauty ever erected by the mind of genius rets squarely upon the flesh of a man's body, writes Jennette Marks In the Yale Review. Sensitized protoplasm vibrates In answer to outside Impres sions, with concentric waves of vary ing dinmetcr. The stimulated, sensi tized protoplasm gets the associative faculties to work, and the bigger this associative faculty, the bigger the genius. It is Just here in the morbid stimulation .of protoplasm that tox ins, drugs, alcohol, enter In. Disorder reigns supreme, chaos, noise, nervous ness, near-madness, through the stim ulus of some toxins manufactured In a man's own system. Tea, coffee, ' drugs, alcohol, seem temporarily at least to put tho mental furniture in order, to bring harmony where there has been disorder. Opium Is not genius. Madness Is not genius. But both would sometime appear to have the power to net ns umpire for genius where Its rlj;lit to go forward Is in question. And It would seem (hat the purchasing power In ili-eams was even greater In insanity than with either uleohol or opium. TAKE WIFE ON MOTOR TOUR Writer Calls That Real Test of Mar riage, Especially If She Can Drive. Before being taken on a motor tour wives who themselves drive should be anesthetized and nil knowledge of motors removed. Sinclair Lewis writes In the Saturday Evening Post. For If uiey snow anything about the game It Is so hard to explain to litem why wnen you are trying to pass a car on the hill nnd suddenly see another car bearing down you Brst step on the accelerator Instead of the brake, then retard the spark, yank the gear lever Into neutral, grinding!)- try to get It Into reverse or low or anything, that Is handy, sound the horn, step on the gas again, finally get Into second and then kill the motor. So dangerous a thing is a little knowledge that In such cases women have been known to doubt your-having a perfect reason for all those cicv- er maneuvers. Motoring Is the rent test nt mni. rlage. After a week of It yon either stop and get a divorce or else free from telephone calls and neighbors nnd dressing for dinner, slipping past fields blue with' flax and ringing with mendowlarks in the fresh morning you discover again the girl you used to know. SVLPHIR, MINERAL AXD STEAM BATHM A Proved and Tried Remedy for Rhoumatlsm, Bnd Colds. La Grippe, Nervousness, Kid ney and Liver Troubles DR. R. D. STOWELL Telephone B-611 MASSAGE TREATMENTS Twp Department: Ladies and Gentlemen Over Standard Furniture Co. BEND, OREGON One Hundred Per Cent "Pep" When your Ford car or your Ford truck doesn't display i' umm quantity or quality of "pep" and dash, it's time to have a repair man who understands the Ford mechanism give it the "once over" then make the necessary adjustments or repairs. And return it to you full of its old time power, "pep," energy, pull, and service. You'll notice the difference. We employ only skilled Ford mechanics men who know how Ford cars are made, and how they should be. kept, in order to give the most efficient and economical service. And our shop eqoipment boasts a great many specially designed Ford tools and time-saving devices and machinery. In our stockroom is a complete' assortment of repair parts genuine Ford parts that are exactly the same as their tough, sinewy originals in the Ford car. For prompt repair work or adjustments, phone or drive to our garage. Don't risk chances, play fair wilh your Ford car. Keep it in the hands of its friends, the authorized Ford dealers. Cent-Ore Motor Co. Insist on Genuine Ford Parts. Human Discontent. I tow does It happen. M.-ioc cons, that no one Is couiinl with ihat lot In life which he ens chosen, or which chance has thrown In his way, hut praises those who follow n different course? Horace. ' . . ' Don't Throw Away Old Shoes! Add six months to a year's wear by hav ing your shoes re soled and heeled by Champion Shoe Repair Shop Wright Hotel Bldg. YOU MAY SEE the beauty af the Essex on any highway. You may hear its praises sung by thousands of persons. But to really appreciate the Essex you must ride in it yourself. Words alone can not describe the qualities which already have aroused the deepest enthusiasm of everyone who has given it an opportunity to speak for itself. For the appeal of the Essex is irresistible. Everybody admires it. And it makes friends of all because of its appearance, luxury, power, endurance and economy. This is your invitation to test these qualities for yourself. Won't you come and ride with us? Just let us know the hour which will be most convenient and we will bring the Essex to your door. loneer Garage