PAHK 4 TIIK HKND I11IIJ.RTIN-, DAILY KDITION, IIKNH. OltKOON THURSDAY, A I'll! L 1, 1024) STADTEU MENTIONED FOR COUNTY JUDGE llend, Lawyer Cimsliloriiig Request Thnt Ho H Candidate, but Him Made No DocUiou. Tho first mention of lor the republican nomination for county judge is being made In the report which has come from n num ber of sources K. O. Studter. member of thu Bond bur. will bo In the running to succeed R. W. Saw yer. When Interview as to the possibil ity of allowing his name to appear on the republican ballot at the primar ies, Mr. Stadter was unable to give definlto confirmation of the report. "I have been nsked by a number of people to enter the race." he said, "but to be Quite frank. I have not yet made up my mind." E. E. BUTLER NAMED ON ROAD COMMITTEE Resident of Grango Hall Section to Represent District Candidate for Coiuniisioner. Resident of Grange Hall section to represent district, is candidate for county commissioner. Settlers living in the Grange Hall district last night elected E. E. But ler as their representative on the county committee for the considera tion of a road program decided upon at the meetine called bv the Bend , . . ... . . t..,j.. Butler is also being urged by the people of that section to become candidate for county commissioner nas rendered and filed his final ae on the Republican ticket and nomin- co,""1 of hi "''ministration of said estate. anon papers are now being circu lated. GILBERT FUNERAL TO BE HELD TOMORROW The interrmcnt of the remains of Frank Gilbert who died at St. Charles hospital yesterday of intestinal trou ble will be made, in the Pilot Butte cemetery tomorrow morning. The funeral will be held from the Nis wonger Chapel at 10:30 a. m. Rev. J. Edgar Purdy will hold the service. The, lute Frank Gilbert has been a resident of Bend for the last nine ' years, coming here from the Willam-I ette valley on account of ill health. Finding his condition improved he ! ! remained n Rend nearlv nil tho cina Via Cw-t I nt. - . ! 13t jug ueceasea was the son Of Mr and lrq D V Classified adverting char? ner iu fc . ... ' ' iwiiu for 20 worrt. or lou. One cr, iwr uiiDert, one of the pioneers to Ore- """i 'or "v" All cluiiOnj jvrti.ine gon, who crossed the plains in 1843.''""'" 'n Frank Gilbert was born January 10, 1657. was unmarried. He is survived by a sister. Mrs. J. W. Gardner, of Los Angeles. XOTICK OF HEARING OX FINAL ACCOl'XT In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Des chutes. In the- matter of the es tate of Knute Nelson, deceased. Notice is hereby given that R. S. Hamilton, administrator of the es tate of Knute Nelson, deceased, has rendered and filed his final account of his administration of said estate. That Friday, the 23rd day of April, 1920, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the office of the County Judi;e in the court house, in Bend, Oregon, has been fixed by an order made, entered and filed in the above en titled County Court, by the judge thereof, as the time and place when 1 i I j J 1 Saving will bring down prices by reduc ing the supply of money. When people have more money than there are goods to be bought, goods get dear and money gets cheap. Statement No. 4. bTARr A SAVINGS ACCOUNT TODAY. IT WILL EARN YOU FOUR PER CENT. Thst Bw or SUPKBIOsT BuUVlQt The First National Bank Or BEND SiHiii ! GCOWit, LOOK Al I 00NALO SEINING O TMOse ,JGPAmTwlrri! HOME SWEET HOME by Jack Wilson and where any may appear and said final account person interested ' file objections to, March Paled at Bend, IS. 191'U. K. S. Administrator of Oregon. ,.. HAMILTON, the Estate of I Knute Nelson. Deceased Stj-92-9 0410c XOTICK OK HK.MilMi OX FIX A I. AffOl XT In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Des- chutes. In the matter of the estate of ftoliert Hyslop. deceased Notice is hereby given that It. S Hamilton, administrator of the es tate of Robert Hyslop, deceased That Friday, the 2.1rd day of April. 1920, at 2 o'clock p. m.. nt the office of the County Judge in the court house, in fiend. Oregon, has been fixed by an order made and entered and filed by the Judge of the above entitled court as the time and place when and where any person interested may appear and file objections to said final ac count. Dated at Bend. Oregon. March 13, 1920. R. S. HAMILTON'. Administrator of the Estate of Robert Hyslop, Deceased. 8'5-92-93-OI-lrtc (IfcugjHie; WANTED WANTED To give a Collie pup to a farmer or sheepman. Inquire De pot Feed Yard. 52-98-99 WANTED TO no children, letin. RENT Apartments. Inquire Bend Bul-50-98-100p WANTED Woman to work by the day. Call Mrs. W. G. Manning. Red 1711. 53-98-Oc WANTED l.'SED DRESSERS audi CHIFINERES II i g h e s t cash prices paid. Gilbert Furniture Co. i 2ii-98tfcj WANTED Party to rent SO acres of I land, some planted all good and water furnished. House and build ings. W. P. Dom, Box 673. Bend. 32-90-99P I WNAtO-MftW DoYOO KNOW WHICH I II K(J' x poNT j J 1 'R GiRL,rlOW CANHWTfeU. 'CWArWr? "XtM To ji TMI VWlLk YOU UP TO ONE WILL. wT DO KNOW MtY, CONliBATOlATIONS SOM.-T MEW? VOU'RG. FLYING AHOUNO WITH Bk A00UT r 1 3 That ' ONE Of GBANT i WAXTKD Woman to rare for two small children and holp about iumu uouseKeoping in .imall town. nearby; no washing or heiivv work- muium ui nouse away mix Hours a day. Write TO, care of lliilletin. -n .. v..-,, WANTED wife to wages. S. Hutte. Ore. Redmond. Experienced man and work on ranch: good D. Mustard. Powell Phone 2!0G through H-97-flSp WANTED To buy second nana win dow shades. We sell ne.w shades. See Goggups. S7-S3tfc WANTED Woman cook for hotel at Deschutes. Write or cull I'eu- ,..l n-.,.. t....i i: ' tiui UllUII llIjUUOIl lo., IIOH- chute.i. Ore. M-S2lfc WANTED Furniture, phonogrnphs. ranges and household goods of all description. Stnudard Furniture Co. Cltfc HAGS WANTED Will pay Gc per poundfor clean rags, no small trimmings, sacks, old pants or socks wanted. The Bend Bulletin. FOR RENT FOR RENT Sleeping room; suit-1 able for two men. at IS McKay Ave. .1T-97-99p: I Foil RENT 1 room apartment un i furnished. near mills. Apply I Downing Cafe. 42-8ifci FOR SALE mares. weight. 'old lllly; 14 one Incubator, FOIt SALE T-nni 1200: one 3 ear Mitchell wagon: Gecirgn T. Iluettl, Bend. 4 7 -! S FOR SALE Good work team weight, about 1 100, for wile cheap. Inquire , R. M. Smith Grocery. 49-98-2p FOR SALE - One of the. nicest IHtle: homes in Bend Call Ml Georgia j Ave. Phone Red 2 121. 51-9S-99' I FOR SALE - ."0-acre irrigated tract. five niilen from town; will takic.n cur hi pari payment, inquire bul letin office. 4 2-II7-2p FOR SALE Soda fountain and cur homitor. Apply at Pastime Pool hall or phone 21 7 1. ' 28-9C-0p FOR SALE Eleven thorobred Wyandot Pullets and one rooster. Call Bend Shining Parlors. Oregon St. 25-98-9Spl FOR SALE Kimball Organ, two line rugs. 9x12 feet each, China cabinet, cut glass, silverware. George Howard. 300 Riverside Bvld. 19- 95-99p. I FOR SALE 100 acres of land. 90 aCrpR liniler Wsllor ftft noma ttlnw. ed . Write Box 458. Iten.l 99c. REAL, ESTATE FOR SALE Mod ern 5 room bungalow can give Im mediate possession. J. A. Eastes. 79-82tfc FOR SALE Old Oregonians; SO cents for bundle of 100. Central Oregon Cleaning shop. 1024 Wall street. 68-991 p FILIPINO "SIAMESE" The little Filipino "Siamese twins" who now live at Washing ton, D. C. do not want to be sep arated. Their guardian, Commis sioner Yaugco of the.Phlllpplne isianas, a surgeon at 'the John Hopkins Hospital, says &a jrKlHt '!. , ,1 TWINS ft EASTER EGG BUNNY 01 This Is an entertaining Easter stunt for the kiddles. After the egg is dyed, clip fan from same colored paper and pasta, as shown, Then with heavy black crayon pencil or wutor-color paints paint on tho eyes, none and mouth. 1 Crack 'slightly at sldo and slick In thin broom straws. FOR SALE Why pu-riiiiso used pbonograpliH he:e yen can't pur- chase parts? We have a good line of used phoiioitrnphs; also parts L. K. Shepherd. Minnesota street 99-130tfc , FOR SALE -Threci lots and two room house. Si'OO for quick Hah Inquire Gertson at Curmody's pool hail. 4 4-8'Jtfc USED CARS FOR SALE -- Bargain for somebody: ri-iiiiHsenger R. C. Hupp.; Al running onl"r; good tiros: $200 cash for quick sale. lti2U l.ytle St. 3!l-'.l"J-!l!lp CAR FOR SALE -1919 Ford Sedan j in good condition at a bargain, j Deschutes Garage. 83-92lfc TRCCK FOR SAI.E-'one ion "Ford truck. Inquire Deschutes Garage. I Rl-92trc! FOR SALE VwjI Ford cars. Carl guaranteed Cent. -Ore. Motor Co. 03-4 Hfc FOUND FOUND Bicycle. Inquire 'police 3 8-9 7c station. LOST LOST Sunday between Be.nd and Deschutes, check book on Crook county bunk containing checks and receipts. Finder please return to Bend Bulletin or A. D. Matthews, Deschutes 21-96-98C STICK TOGETHER tion cutting the muscular wall which binds the two little bodies together would be a very simple surgical feat, But Lucia and Slmplicio say tnoy are nappy as they are and the picture above opera.-Undicates that It is so. n LOST Largo brown nutoiiiohlle Bfi3!H Finder pleiiHK reliirn to lobe, figured with deer'M head, III '' i"K" ""! lecelvo 'WUJ'' Bend or on road between Bend and l-UU-WHil T. P. Turneiii ranch. Return to llul- " , letln. Reward. I Ull-U7p LOST To ten lor. brown spots on . face II. J. Ovorlurf, Telephone LOST Automobile license plate No. Reil 2 a 1 1 f4-Kn i 1 PROFESSIONAL AM) IHKIXENS IHRFITOHV. i (J. E. MAST WANO TUNER 1 Tuning, i leiiiiing, Itegiitiitlug, Itepiili'lnu I I. A Fit I'l AM) WORK A H'F.I I AI.TV orflce wllh the Head briiiicll of SIIFUMW. CLAV V t'OMPANV ' I lluehwaller's Slorel Hlelumiy anil Oilier I'Ihiioh u - .1, ' c c. dick pano Tuning AlltO Sh()) Regulating and Repairing Cencral Kopmrinjr l. S. RICHARD Phono Black 171M , ,UBV0 ortlon Bt - Knot Ueiirney j j Shepherd's Muslo Hloro Miss Ccnevicvc Wajjncr has openi'd a Studio In her home and will take a limited number of pupils lu Voice Culture and I'one Production. (HMI CongrcHH StriM't I'll. me Red I. Ill I Dr. Charles A. Fowler PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offices In the O Kane Building Telephones: Res. Black 1383 Oftlco Red 2351 R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT LAW Rooms 13-19 First Nations! Bank Ill.lg. Tel. 611 I Dr. Cm'i Formr Offlc.) II II. I). Armond Cl.u. W. fcr.kln. I)e Armond & Erskinc i, a w Y E It s O'Knns Building, Bend. Oregon W. G. Manning, D. M. D.. DENTIST Suite 12-14 O'Kano Building Tel. Black 1781 Bend. Ore Practical Nurse MARION M. LKSII Telephone Red 1911 loi- I'ublic Stenographer tall Hend Company Office. Phone 7 1. Phono Red 201 I.;!'"'! I'p-To Ii.ite liirtti uiuelit.'l and EiUipment. DR. J. (J. TURN ICR Uye Specialist Room 9 O K;. I," IIMg. Ilend, Oiu. Complete Lens Grlndiiig Fact ory, on Premises. Lenses du plicated Dr. II. N. MOORIC DENTISTHY Tel Bluck 10 71 O Kane Bldg Telephone Krtl 171 O'Knnir ntil Dr. E. E. GRAY DENTIST Hour. 9.00 10 1 2:00 1:00 to 5:30 Eonlng and Sunday a by oppointtntnt HAIR DRICSSINO PARM)I Ui-to-4lst slcctriesl scalp trcstmsnU for fallinir hair and dandruff, Famoua Nao plaiitiQua 1'nco Irc-atmanta, AM kioda llalr Work duno. MRS. MULLKIt Oregon St. Phono Red 1851 Real Window Cleaning u BEND WINDOW WASHING CO. 1 House Mini Stores Cleaning g a Our pilots is very ronsonuhlo a Phone us and sun o: Phone Black 1251 148 Greenwood Avenuo Dodge Brothers Motor Cars WALT A MS CO. It. 8. Mc.Clure, Salesman Newton High Powered Rifles 256 and 30 Calibre Colts Patent Firearms Write Hox H'.H. IUikI Vocal Instruction M ii rl u l il Ida M. Mavis, late of Now York, has opened hor studio at 720 Arl.onu avenuo for vocal liutruitlon Frmi voire trial Interview lu a. in. lo 12 in , 3 to G p. m. RATIOS TRANSFKR CO. Bill Bales Tom Wheolor IV AM) Ol TSIDE II VI LINO Offlco Frcnrhle'n Store. 1016 Bond Stleet Phono lied 1341 Bend ... Oregon Carlson & Lyons I'l.CMHIMi & iii:atin; I'' nulling and Heating Supi'lio, i'.aih ltooiii Acci.hiu ie, etc I'ipc. Valve ami I ittinns I'llONi: HI I) SM Own Your Own Home I have son u; !mrg:tins in nux(;.Lovs J. A. EASTES Central Oregon Ltijinj INSURANCE ACKNCY Tltinllig and Uheut Metal W.M. MONKJOMERY, Knrniices, Spouting, GiiCorlug.. Coinlce mid Skylight Ri railing prompily ottindod to Prleei, right, work Kiiarnulned RUN!) INSURANCE AC.KNCY Wrllara ..f all klmla of In.urane.. Old. "t Iniuranira Aavnrjr In Central Ora on. II. C. Kill., Fir. National Uank Huildlnv, Uend, Oraon. MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent for tho NCBONK COItHKTH Will call by appointment 1009 Columbia Street. ADDRESS P. O. BOX. 638 WALTER A. JACOBS Contractor llulliler of Modern Homes Cornor Slscmoro Street and Florida Avenuo Box 7 til, Bend JOB WORK R. II. FOX CARPICNTIOIl SHOP "121 MlnniiBota St. Bend Lodgn No. 4'J I,oyu )r. der of Mnoim Moms In Moose Hall ovory Thursday, Visltlug brnlhors are cordlnlly Invited to attend. DR. G. SKINNER OKNT1HT Phono: Ofdco, Rod 2361 Room 17 O'Kiinn Building. Office Hours: 9 to 12 l i0'