PACK 4 BB BEND BULLETIN. DAILY HDITION. HRND, OHKOON, l ltlDW, MAIICH 'M, lOUO LITTLE GOOD IN ARGUMENT Many Men of Nota Hav Set It Down I a Utelet Form of i Bickering. Lord Flalicr, not iiritulnK. of cours, with Ills opponents, Iiut Just tolling them, renewed dlxeu.sslon will! the renin Ik : "le Is only fools who nruuu." Something of the sort has heeu said before In I'liituri'h you Und: "Euripides was wont to say, silence was In answer to a wise man ; but we seem to have greater occasion for It In our dealings with fools and unreason nbla persona, for men of breeding and food seuse will he satisfied with reason and fair words." Jonntbau Swift wrote: "Argument, ns usually managed, Is the worst sort of conversation, as In books It Is generally the worst sort of reading." James Russell Lowell gave this ad vice: "There Is no good In argument with the Inevitable The only argument available with an east wlud Is to put on your overcoat." In Samuel llutler's Notebook, which holds much common sense, Is an entry to the point : "Argument Is general waste of time and trouble. It Is better to present one's own opinion, and leave It to stick or no, as It may happen. If sound. It will probably In the end stick, and (but Is the main tbiug." Tf you are still fool enouKh to areue don't let the other fellow do si. Re member Sir. Godkln's penetrating warning that "hearing both sides con fuses the mind." SCULPTOR FOUND IN ERROR Stonemason Had to Be Called In to Shave the Bust of John How ard Payne. v "The man who never had a home" meaning John Howard Payne, of course also never had a beard. When the author of "Home, Sweet ' Home" had died In Tunis and bis body was being brought back at- the ex pense of W. W. Corcoran the news papers broke out all over In a beau tiful something about "the man who never had a borne and was coming home at last." And when Mr. Cor coran had erected a monument at the poet's grave In Oak Hill, about all Washington attended the dedication ceremonies, either as privileged spec tators Inside the cemetery or Just plain people packed against the rail ings on the street side which, gen erally speaking, folks, Is a good place to be, so far as graveyards are con cerned but, anyhow: The bust of I'uyne that topped the marble shaft showed a dreamy face bearded like unto the gentleman of western literature usually mentioned as a "pnrd." And everybody said what a manly man he must have been, but you kuow how things get around after (he laipresslvc ceremonies were over say about two weeks the town become aware that the lute Mr, Payne never wore a beard. And the licit thing that happened: he was shaved by a stonemason. Washington Star. f Varied Uses of Coconuts. Coconuts have long been considered one of the most valuable products of the tropics. The palm grows wild and Is utilized in many ways by the na tives. The meat of Hie nut, eaten raw or cooked, forms an important article of food and the liquid contained in the center of the nut a most refresh ing drink ; the sap from the unopened flower buds Is also used as a drink and ts highly Intoxicating If allowed to ferment for some time; the husk of the nut Is used fur fuel and Its fibers to make rope, matting and brushes; the shell of the nut Is used for fuel, for drinking cups and various household utensils i the leaves and the wood of the palm are utilized for mats, thatching und timber for huts. There is a real need in individual savings in requisite capital for the industries. Statement mi START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT TODAY. IT WILL EARN YOU FOUR PER CENT. Ta Bank of Sui'moi Skhticb The First National Bank OF BEND CIsMidtd hlvwrtUlh ehftrv tr tout 10 cnta tor 10 wunl or On cnt pr worrf for nil ovor 10. All clMlflrti avrtUlog WANTED WANTED Married man on ranch. $75 and board. Inquire tlulletlu. 7-93-iHc WANTED A few swampers and steel men. $5.23 a day. Apply Rrooks-ScHUton cilice. 9 4-93-84 WANTED Tlmberfallers, contract work, ninety-nine, cents a thous and. Apply Urooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. 95-93-91C WANTED Place in good home for school boy to board und room. Leave name at Bulletin ofHre or phone, black 2191. 1-93 -9 4c WANTED Woman to care for two small children and help about housekeeping In jm.iI I town nearby: no washing or heavy work; woman of house away six hours a day. Write 70, care of llulletin. 70-9-p WANTED To buy second hand win dow shades. We sell ne.w shades. See Goggans. S7-83tfc WANTED Woman cook for hotel at Deschutes. Write or call Cen tral Oregon Irrigation Co., Des chutes. Ore. St-S2tfc 5 IT PAYS To Advertise when you have a product that gives satisfact ion. That is the reason we are ad vertising Monamobile 1 Oil CONVINCES THE i MOST SKEPTICAL i LOCAL DEALKRS: BEXD OARAGE. DESCHUTES CAKAGK. A. W. BOXTRAGER. HARDWARE CO. BEND Monamobile'Oil Distributors j Mvmvmwiwivtvwmvwvtvw for a great increase order to provide the expansion of our No. 2. , 1 GARDENING I have moved back to towu and am now booking orders for gardening work. Telephono Rod 1771 for appointments. C. H. Ilia- hop. H:i7p WANTED Furniture, phonographs, ranges and household goods ot oil description. Standard Furniture Co. 61tfo RAGS WANTED Will pay to per pound tor clean rags, no small trimmings, sucks, old pants or socks wanted. The. llend Uullutln, FOR RENT FOR RENT- Nicely furnished sleep ing room. Telephone Red 2292. 98-93p FOR RENT 4 room apartment un furnished, near m ills. Apply Downing Cafe. 42-89tfo FOR SALE FOR SALE 3 room furnished house, wuter, lights etc., at a bar gain. Also about twenty chlckons. Inquire 433 Riverfront. 93-96p ,'FOR SALE Complete housekeeping out lit tor four rooms. C. C. Miller. 53 Louisiana Ave. 2-93-94p PIUS FOR SALE Four Inrge sows. with seven due two weeks old pigs each. Will take, seventy-llvo dollars for each sow and njgs If sold at once. I. D. Goodhue. One, mile South of O'Donnell'a slaughter house. 91-92-94p. FOR SALE Second band furniture. 1$ yoo Mild Leo Adler, Baker, Ore,, Wholesale Distributor The Dalles to Salt 75-92- RKAL F.STATK FOR SALE Mod ern 6 room bungalow can glvo Im mediate possession, J. A, Hasten. 79 !l litre RANCH FOR SALE It) aero Irri gated ranch, 7 room house, good barn, itc. Inquire Anna Hoard num. 3 miles out on Uond-Rudiuoud road. 88-92-971) FOR SALE Kimball organ, two line l'UIIS. 9x12 fool oaeh rlilmi ,nlilii..l cut glims and silverware. (ioorgo Howard. 630 Itlvorsldu livid. 93-92-97p. FOR SALE Rhubarb roots; spo- clal variety. 11, Llnutur. I'hn Rod 22U. 83-91-9GU FOR SALE Old OroKonluns; 50 cents (or bundle of 100. Central Oregon Cleaning shop, 1024 Wull street. 08-99 Ip FOR SALE -Eggs for hatihliiK from pure-bred S. C. R. I. Reds: also six laying pullets for Halo. 527 Portland Ave., Kenwood. Cl-9l-94p APPLES FOR SALE The best grades, different varieties; low prices. 146 Greenwood Ave. Tele phone lllurk 1251; office hours. 1 to 5 p. m. 0-ttl-!ip FOR SALE - Practically new 4 room house, water, lights, good tided lot. large wood-shed, chicken house, etc. Apply owner 820. Newport Ave. 47-90 :.p FOR SALE Three lots und two room house. $500 for oulck sale Inquire Cascade llotol. p. Five hundred women, $68 and three weeks' time elected a mayor in Columbus, Ohio. For sixteen years Columbus, declared one of the worst governed cities in the United States, has been run by a, political machine. How 500 Columbus women in three short weeks fought this machine and beat it, makes one of the most astounding stories that has ever been written. Every man and woman who admires a clean fight against nasty odds, owes it to himself to get the truth in this article. Then too, perhaps there is some life-sized problem in your own town that 500. determined women can solve. Good Housekeeping is edited for the 100 progressive American home and the March number proves it. There is fiction real fiction by such famous authors as: I. A. R. Wylie, Kathleen Norris, James Oliver Curwood, Con ingsby Dawson, Judge Henry A. Shute, Marjorie C. L. Pickthall, and Dorothy Dix. And there are complete departments devoted to Fashions (14 pages of early spring styles), Furnishings and' Deco ration, Cooking, House Managing, Health, Dr. Wiley's feature article, in all a big 250 page issue- magnificently illustrated (many pages in color). Two pages of cut-outs for the kiddies and Harrison Cady's Bug Pictures both features illustrated in color: GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Out Now Everywhere Inquire Geiitinn at Curmody's pool hall. 4 4-8Ulfc FOR SALE Good light team and harness. A. C. Kliinln. 3 miles North of Tuinulo. 3B-8-93p FOR BALE Good horse ut n bar gain; works double or single. In quire 2511 SI. Helens. 31-8S 04i FOR BALK Why purcnuso used phonographa where you can't pur chaan parts? Wo Itnvo a good lino of used phonographs; ulna parts. L. K. Shuphurd, Mluunauta si root 90 lHOlfc USED CARS $:n5CASiT Ford Touring oar, in running condition, 1920 license. 1126 Federal street. lOl-M-Dlp CAR FOR HALE 1919 Ford Sedan In good condition ut a bargain. Deschutes Garage. 83-92lfe TluVcK FOR SALE - tine ton " Ford truck. Inquire Deschutes Garage. 84-92tfc FoirSALE UMdFord cars.' Cart guaranteed Cent.-Oro. Motor Co. 63-41tfc St. 91-30tfc LOST LOST -Chevrolet crank Finder leavo at llend Garage. 80-93-9 Ip LOST Hub rap from White car Kinder please return to llulletin 9-93-94c The same issue of March Good House keeping further advances the position now taken by the American woman as a citizen. Read, for instance, "Mother No. 22,999" by Rose Wilder Lane an article which makes it possible for you to help save the lives of 23,000 mothers and 125,000 babies every year. "A Woman in a New Field" shows that there are no limitations to woman's energy, and "A Call to Budgeting" shows how to run your home like a business. If you expect to build your own home, you will be interested in the plans of two wonderful houses in this issue. Get your copy tonight. The Million Dollar Formula for Automobile Owners REDUCE COST OF YOUIl l n a n rrw t.' a m n u r.'n a t i? BILL WONDERFIL DISCOVERY- Ouii Chemical can bo purchased from uny drug store, that will glvo twenty tu fifty per cent more miles on gasoline. Posi tively prevents and removes all carbon. Mukes easy starting. Contulns no arid or ether. Ab solutely haiiuless to motor. Cost of Chemical onu-half ctit per gallon of gasoline. Send 12 for foi'inulu mid full di rect ions. UNIVERSAL CHEMICAL COMPANY ' 2411 MAIN STREET. HUTU NO. 0 iiorsrov. TEXAS Lake City.