Tim RF.sn nvthwrtn. vaily edition, bend, ohkoon, TiiritsnAY, fkmutary 2i, iouo IMOR It LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TOItAY'H TIC.MPKIlATIIHW Maximum, 00 Degrees; in I ii I urn in, lilt 1 log. rues. IIKNU THAIN HCIIICrOI.K. ' Oregon Trunk. Arrives, 7:36 A. M. Leaves 8:00 P. M. O.-W. It. A N. Arrives, 7:40 P. M. Louves. 7:00 A. M. Louis 'Irsrhl In in from Tumalo today. f. A. mill W. B. Pulgliniti. Culver Hpi'iit liiduy In llond. Jiihkk Dny ii tur I I'd IIiIh morning on u business trip to 1 In I mi. A. M. Prlnglq Is recovering rapid ly from mi attack of bronchitis. Oacnr I. Illiiek was In tli'l city to day from his Iiihiiu In Hampton. V. C. IllrdHiill In able, In lie about ii mu In after ii severe attack of grippe. Percy Hi ink water, of Kunmier l.nke, Ih it basilicas visitor In Head. I'm Clarvity, of Prliicvlllo, arrived In tint city IukI night, mid la remuln Ihk over today. I For the next 8 K. M Thompson left llils morning on a trip to Hun Diego, li t'M'Ct to remain in thu souili for iliu next tlll'MO IIIOIltllH. J. L. .Miilliolliihd ulnl wife, of flpo knne, am vIhIHiik with their daugh ter Mr. VV. K, Handius, on Awbrny Itoad, mid limy loeiilu In Jlond. 1'onlpnheinont of the l.adlus Alii social to. have been Imld tonlKht, wuh in u do today by Ilia Hcundlnuvlun Ltithoruii clini'i'h, In coinpllunca with Oui roijiittiit of Mayor J. A. Kastes, heavy, $H.li04illi.liO: fnodors, $ I 2.11011 I 5.00; yearlings, llo.OOtfV 15.50; wether. i;i.00i:i.r0; owi h, IO.OHil2.00. Daily Market Report (PurnUhMl bjf irrinitflil trllh Hit Cvnlral tlrun llsiib.) g 10 days 8 Palmers Salmon tall cans 25c Smith's Grocery Phone 51 .kOKWI-W'I,'I'M,'M' I ii i.ivichtock. NOItTII POUTI.ANI), Fob. 20. ('mil" lluoolpls. 12; weak, lower In spots. Host steers, gruln unci pulp fed. $10.2u(j'I0.7G; cliolco. U.7B & 1 0.25; Kood to cliolco, !l.00 tjilt.7r; iimmI I a m to kooiI, I8.00M 0.00; fair to good, 7.004fII.OO; com moll to full', $B.004p7.00; cliolco cow anil heifers, $11.00 W 0.25;, Kood to cholcii, Id.OO'ii 11.00; medium to Kood, 17.00 'u b.00; fair to niodluiii, $0.00 4i 7.110; cuiinorn, $:i.00i G.00; bulla, tS.OO a 7. DO; prmn light calvoM. $ I 5.60 1' 1 7.00; medium liKlit, (IV.OO'ii 10.50; heavy. H.UUiti 1 0.00; stocker and f lorn, f k.00i It. GO. Hiikh Itocolpm. 275; timely steady. Prime mixed, $15. 50W 1 1 7.75; extreme, $10. 00; uiedluin mixed, I5.00!. 15.50; rough lioav Iom. 111. 00'i 15.110; pix, 12.00 H.'HI. Hhoop Itofolpt. Oil; nt,-;idv. Kimt ot ineuiitaln lamtik, 17.u0$r I S (Mi; llirlil vullyca. I ! C.UO Uv 1 7.00: AT TllE HOTELS. Pilot Hut Id it ll. II. V, l.ntti, Han Kriwifiliteo. llonry W. llowurd, Now York Clly. T. J. Woblj, I'orllnnd, Mr. mid Mm. W. If. Hrouk, Croii cant. ' I. MoiKiiii, Mllllcun, KdriM .Malhouy, Mllllcau. Mux Wtirzwullor, HlHtnm, IkiiiiiIh It. Hunt, aiHtcru, Mm. T, 0. Coniiell, Portland. 0. (1. CaiUuii, I'rlnevllla, It. If, Horry, Portland. P. KlIiiK'iiiHhlth, houttlou Jon Clare, Hoattlo. 1. .. O'Hiilllvan, KtaiiDold. ItoU'l Coxy. OHcnr I.. Itliick, Hampton, It. A. liuncan, Hood Itlvor. H. A. nroiifull, McMinnville. Klmiir K. Miiwltt, McMinnville. Frod Out toil, Tlio Da lien. f . J. H. llarnoH, Portland. HoK-1 WrlKlit. F, fi FiiIkIiiiiii. Culvex. . Jo 'riiornton, Portland. J. A. Ciinm, Portland. I'i'rcy Drink water. Huiniiier I.uko. M. KiiKln. Portlnnd. Put (lurvey, Prlnevllle. Kdwurd lloimon. Idaho. I. ouIh NlrHChl, Tumalo. Put 11 in Tl.o Ilullciln. Don't ask for Crackers say Snow Flakes ljrk fm rn d ttiM on aO V. C Jl I'm GOMK MOKB P. C. H. PKOUOCTS Annlr IjiurM" Sbnrl bnad Ih4ir ThtuB Yin Sutiftiui f,larJ:rniH" Santtwkti jmtfiir him h Soli mc 'UkM ()tiitl l'r M-km l'lty;fiii (.trams 1'cahui Wal Because their crisp-from-the-oven purity is as fine as their flavor kiddies love them and Snow Flakes are good for kiddies! Coverd Them All. At 1,1'leeMer, KiiiiIiiihI, thero l an Inn upon Iho null of w.. ili yoirs iitrii ii paxtor wrote; " pniv ir nil." 'I ! WIIiiki! Iiniyer, coolou in MiIk n iiieaii for frei- adici tlHiiiif, wrote nmlor. noii'li: "I plead for a:i." One dny a farmer Ihoiiclii ho wan Julllle. in inl lliitf: "I feed i;,-' mid im nnuy olllci-r paruldi; t;:r-vli tlio villas" loft : "I in-lit for i.ll." ' Km mi un known author lidded I lip lltl -line ly rlllii(;; " uil.u tlniii all thu devil." Tim linut, rot tvl;liij- to ihow uny pnrtlnlliy, nur i' Hut Ills hIii; "The Hoiimi of All Five," Town Without Street. The wuullest deponde.iH'y of France Is the Ho d'Hoeillv, Kltiintod at the cant of Kvllu IhIh. ItH population I 2.'S8, mill Hie n-opi do not npeak French, hut Celtic. ' FIhIiIiik I the principal luduxlry. anil all the iuliuhl inntii urn provlileil with food nt an Inn muiieip-d by women. The town hue no Mrei and the houot-i are montly of mud. Dance Postponed Owing to prevalence of. illness, the dance to have1 been given Friday, Feb. 27,1 by the Tumalo Co-operative, Cattle Association, has beenj indefinitely postponed. Advi Ilulletln "WANT ADS" milts Try Them. Bring Ke- one yoar old. brand.'! uridcclplicrablo; ont rod ronn KcldluK, Blxiut 0110 year old, welxht about 000 poundn, brunda undecipherable. Notice la hereby further Klven that III" nndui'HlRned will on the 5th day of .MurV-h soil at. Public auction the, above dimcrlb"l llveetock to satlxfy ihe rhnrifv for impounding the mime with all accru Ing COSH, j. A. W. NIXOM, Some Never Learn That Young Mm. Torklns Kays that If ex-pcrjoiic-f wore nx Rod a toucher ns advcrtlfct-d, f 'hurley would hy thmtlme have learned siunolhliiK ahoul which homo to tie! im. POP V O NOTK K. .Vol Ice Im ho.reby given that the city of Bend has canned to be Im pounded the following described live stock pursuant to the provlHtnns of ordinance No. 120 of said city to wlt: one light biickakln mare, about 10 years old. weight about 1,000 1 pounds, brands undecipherable; one; light buckskin mare about two years I old, black points, weight about 900 poilnds. brands undecipherable; one light buckskin yearling mare, black ' points, weight about COO. brands un decipherable; one gray mare, nge about 9 years, weight about 000 pounds, brands undecipherable; one black gelding, two white hind feet, white face, about thrcjo yeurs old weight about 1)00 pdunds. brands un decipherable; one bay gelding year ling, white face weight about 600 poundH. brands undecipherable; one bay mure colt star In fore had about TOO LATE Death only a matter of short time. Don't wait until pains and ache9 become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking COLD MEDAL Tb world's standard rmdy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid tToubUa th National Remedy of Holland sinca 1646. Guaranteed Thie-a eize-a, arl drug-pista. Look for tfc n&m Cold Md on rr b-e win HE Qualify w ARNERfT'OMPANY Merchandise at Ht Popular Plica VISIT OUR NEW AND COMPLETE BABY' WEAR SECTION HERE'S A PARTIAL LIST OF THE MANY ITEMS YOU'LL FIND Rubens Vests 35c, 65c, 98c Tiny Tot Vests 65c, 98c, $1.15 Bootees 25c, 29c, 35c, 50c, 75c Layettes $12.50, $18.00 Lonpr Cashmere Coats $3.98, $5.75, $6.00 Short Coats $1.98, $2.69, $3.45, $4.00, $5.50 7 Lonff Dresses 59c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.50,, $2.69 Short Dresses $1.69, $1.75, $2.25, $2.50, $2.95 Short Muslin Petticoats 35c Bath Robes $1.25, $2.75 Carriage Robes $2.98 Outing Gowns 75c Outing Kimonos $1.00 Long Outing Petticoats 89c Short Outing Petticoats 69c Short Wool Petticoats $1:39 Silk Crocket Caps ' $2.00 Rubberized Pants 35c, 75c Bibs 10c, 15c Play Beads 35c Stocking and Shirt Forms 25 c Coat Hangers, Fancy Silk Covered 95c Buggy Straps, Silk Covered $1.50 Safety Pin Sets 95c White Wool Knit Hoods 50c Silk Poplin Hoods $1.00 Boby Books . 50c, $1.00 )ont "Pan" Your Merchant To the Other Fellow Talk over your troubles with your own merchanthe's human. Have you ever thought of it that your local merchant is your employe ; that you pay him to perform certain services for you, which if well done you retain him and if he does not you dis pense with him and employ another? Now then if you were employing laborers who did not serve you satisfactorily, you'd call them in and talk over matters, showing them, from your point of view, wherein they were wrong. And by this procedure, perhaps, you, an employer, might learn that you, yourself, were wrong, in that you had a misunderstanding, were misinformed, or, perhaps, prejudices held by others against you had influenced the laborer. In nine out of every ten cases a conference straightens out mat ters. Seemingly big difficulties often are, in reality, only triv ial matters settled in an instant. Why not try this on your local merchant? He's your employe. You are the employer. Call on your merchant when things seem to go wrong. Talk over your problems. He's human and reasonable. Don't go about panning your merchant. It's not the way to get down to bedrock. He has some stiff problems every day. Grant that he may go astray. Your going to him with your troubles will help him to keep his ear closer to the ground; to feel the pulse. Your merchant is sincerely trying to give you better merchan diselower prices, or at least the benefit of the best price he can obtain he's trying to give you service. If he isn't doing these things to your satisfaction CALL ON HIM AND POINT OUT WHERE HE IS NOT. There's a little 50-50 idea here. Surely you're willing to go with your merchant on the basis of an even break. BEND MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION J. C. Penney Co. Union Grocery Heyburn Hdw. Co. S. H. Stockman Veltum & Co. Holmes Grocery Fuller Bros. M. P. Cashman The Fair Store McCuiston & Johnson Aug. Nelson Horton Drug Co. Standard Furn. Co. Loven & Chinlund Golden Rule Magill & Erskine R. M. Smith Tri-State Terminal O'Donnell Bros. Gilbert Gi'ocery Mannheimer Bros. Bend Furniture Co. Boyd's Market P. A. Erickson Bert Shuey " Gilbert Furn. Store Owl Pharmacy Liberty Bell Bakery Co.- Beaver's Market Kenwood Grocery Peoples Store Warner's Store . American Bakery Cash" Market Long Muslin Petticoats 95c qii-e