PAQH 4 TBE REND DCIJiKTIN. DAILY KMTION. HKNl), OIUCGON. TIKS1UY, 1 Kllltl AKY 17, J OHO New Arrivals in Summer Dress Goods We have an unusual display of New Dress Goods that will please the wife if she is thinking about her Summer Dresses. HP Ft an ft u fri?tfL 7HomT -iH.ti7fi intltx "fttrnt -tH 7jf -tttrnTif I I Printed Flaxons : 39c yd. Voiles (colored) 59c yd. Printed Organdies -19c yd. Batiste (in colors) 49c yd. Cotton Crepe de Chine (in figures) 9Sc yd. Cotton Poplins 35c yd. Zepher Ginghams 49c yd. Toile de Nord Ginghams 32c yd. Percales 33c, 37'2c, 39c yd. Cheviots 35c yd. Kiddie Cloth ..49c yd. A nice assortment in new House Dresses, in Ginghams and Percales $2.98 to $4.98 Bungalow Aprons $1.69 to $2.35 Muslin Underwear o I J. C. PENNEY CO. Inc. Wash Waists 197 BUSY STORES t titS-iftf pT-tfti Nqq , -LSLqo ; IIQQ I poo -rZZ ' TZ " -V-1 1 T-C , . . 4. .4. -- -T-.T'y 1 '- I,. .. ' - i ...I . .,, ., ....... , ! iiMi rjnn X1?V J.,,.. --- Ao0 soo . 1 qq 1 , I 1 1 l I 1 I I ZEZ f itto.iOf - . V . - i $7fff -t- -4- -t- -f- -f- -t----f- -fy o ooo o ooooooooo ........ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Cluaifled advert Uiii etikrvt ir uu lu ttnti fur 20 words or lra. On cut pr word for ll ovmr 10. All claNlfird tUvsrliamif itrietlr euh in advanc WANTED ory. 14t (.reenwood avenue. Tele phone I line k 1 1! 5 1 . Office bourn 1 to 5 p. ill. lS-60-4p j KOlt SA1.K 6-ronm modern hoiixo with Imtli. cheap. Imiulrn F. I,. , , Smith. lull t'olumhlu SI. H-liO-Blip I KOll SALK - rii'hr IlroH. plium nt a I biii'Kitln. Call 10 l.uvu road, aftor- nooim. 9 4 -6 Op USED CARS i WANTED Your dressmaking Take I work to Mrs. Alley, 1555 First street, Just across railroad track. 10-G0-65P PORTI.ANn rcniTPATOR limitations. Being here In person nn. v nnrxi cnunni we shaU be able t0 on"er Personal j muu urm ovnwL, sprvlce to aII student3." The branch school will WANTED Washing to do at 50cts. per hour. Call 1125 Ogden Ave. 12-C0p operate Branch of Pacific Extension as a model school under Prof. I WilUams personal direction. Stud- W ANTED Girl or woman for dining room and up stairs work p. hone or write Mrs. J. Manning, Silver Lake Hotel. , 13-60-61'c tute to Ilo Established by W. W. Williams. ents are already enrolling in the course. Prof. Williams guarantees working proficiency In 60 to 90 days. Taking offices in the O'Donnell Building over the post office. Prof. W. W. Williams of Portland is open ing today a branch of the Pacific Ex tension Institute;, introducing the Williams system in shorthand. Prof. Williams was in Bend during the winter when he made a survey of conditions about the city and upon his return to Portland conferred with other officers of the institute later deciding to open the first branch in Bend. Prof. Williams is a graduate of Lawrence Ui dversity of Appleton, Wisconsin and took post graduate work at the University of Wisconsin where, be obtained his master's de gree. I "I have come here," said Prof. Williams, this morning, because I believe that this is an ideal city fori the opening ofj a branch of the Pacific ! Extension Institute. I am the author of the, Williams System and know ' thei nnnclliilillau It .(Tnwa ! Having studied all the other short-1 hand systems I am thoroughly ac- quainted with them and know their ' WAR MORTALITY RATE WAS UNUSUALLY LOW WANTED Good woman cook for hotel, good place, good wagos, phone or write .Mrs. J. Manning. Silver Luke, Oregon. 14-60-62C At a recent meeting of the sales force of Oregon Life Insurance Com pany in Portland, Oregon, President A. L. Mills announced that the Com pany now had over $20,456,000 busi ness in force with more than $2,000, 000 assets, all of which is invested In Oregon with the exception of Lib erty Bonds, reports Ashley Forrest Just returned from attending the meeting. The Oregon Life Insurance Com pany makes a rule of reinvesting the ' money where they get it. having sev-j eral thousand dollars invested in De-! scuutes county. Jlr. Mills, President! of the Company also announced that the mortality of its more than six hundred policy holders who went to war, was so iavoraoie that not a single penny in extra premiums was exacted from any -of them and all claims were paid in full. WANTED Neat appearing young man not over 22, single, and not afraid of work, must be able to leave city at once. If you are Interested fn having a good paying position from the start with chances for rapid advancement. se,e Mr. Kent, room 7, Cozy Hotel 6 to 8 p. in. only. 4-59-61p WANTED Woman to do washing regulur for gentleman. Write Box 459, Bond, Oregon. 98-59-OOp BARGAIN IN Illltl(lATEl) LAND 80 acres In the Orhnco projitcl one nilln north of Prlncvlllo. Easily Irri gated. 30 lie r i'H in r til 1 1 va lion. J. E. llliiom, Prliievlllu, Oregon. 7-60-62p. FOU SALE If you iirn liiiklng'for a modern 6 room house In Mend's moHt exclusive rvsidi'iice district, call at Bulletin olllce. ll-tio-iitp FOB SALE High grade alto horn cheap. 83 Oregon street. 3-5U-OOp. FOU SALE Good sewing muihlno and feulher bed. Cull at 532, Ogden Ave. 0-59-0 lp FOIl SALE Four room house. Largo front room living and din ing mum combined. Water and lights. Three lots, trees and rhlck- j en park and II no lawn. Inquire ! Holmes Grocery, 112 1 Newport Ave 3-59-G2p FOIl SALE One uvun-passKiiger Studebaker. Will consider trade for Bend property. Call 1012, Bond St. 91-30tfc muy have property by Identifying said property mid piiylng for this ad vertisement. Cull 145 Hawthnrmt. G-59-60p. FOIl SALE l'sd Ford cars. Curs quarnntoed Cent. -Ore., Motor Co. 63-4 life FOUND KOTNI) BICYCLE Sec, Chief of To llco lit Best room. 4-59-ASc FOI'ND- One turkey which riuno to LOST my place Thursday night. Owner hu tronlile. LOST 324 Goodyear tiro and rim, Also tiro ruck from Ve.llo cur. Ho ward for return to C. W. Hayes, Bend Hardware Co. 2-G9-04p LOST Smnll bar pin set with sap phlre und peufls. 15 reward for return to Bulletin ottlrn. 9-COc LOST A turkey. Finder notify the Mtnmnut Hotel utid lie pulil for FOIl SALE Three Holsteln powh. 2. 4 and 5 years old. All gid mllk i Hon A. Slaughter. 6 miles north of Bend on Hedmoud road. 96-58-S0p. WANTED A black or white sow, bred, full blood preferred. Also a spring tooth harrow with shields and u roller. I'. G. Deubcr. Dry Luke, Oregon. l-59-60p FOIl SALE New 3 room plastered house, corner lot. near mills, pos session at once. C. V. Slivls. 70-5 5 tfc. Put It In The Bulletin. NKS prosper only in the same ratio that their customers prosper and the degree in which they render helpful assistance to those customers. More than 3,500 individuals, firms and cor porations bank here because they receive every form of banking service consistent with good business practice. Over a million dollars in deposits. Tn Eimk or Sumo S.hvic. The First National Bank OF BEND WANTED Party .with portable saw mill to saw 1 1-2 million feet of timber this summer also a party to log the same. A good proposition to right parties. Adress post office box 673, Bend, Oregon. 90-58-61p FOIl SALE House mail hnsen. at Ilueh waiters. 83- 7lfc HAGS WANTED Will pay 5c per puundfor clean rags, no small trimmings, sacks, old pants or socks wanted. The Bend Bulletin. 'FOIl SALE Six room house nenr j foundry, with furniture, chicken ( park, wood shed, garage, garden, ! good corne.r lot on Main highway. Inquire at place. Cor. Scott and 3rd Streets. 76-G5-60p POCKET KNIVES Best grade for less money. Buckwnlter, Oregon street. 30-DOtfc WANTED Work or any description by 12 year old boy after school and Saturdays. Call lied 781. 80-29tf FOR RENT FOn BENT Fine upright piano. Thompson Music Co. 2-59-61C FOR RENT Store room formerly occupied by postoffice. Inquire Bulletin. 66-64tfc FOR RENT 3-room apartments, un furnished. Downing's Cafe, Bond street. 7-47tfc FOR SALE FOR SALE Apples. Spitzenberg, Newtown, Russet and Home Beauty. Low Prices. Free deliv- FLASII lights, batteries and lamps. Uiickwulter'n, Oregon St. 39-50tfc SAFETY razors and nil blades. Buekwulter, Oregon St. .Is-GOlfc Kn hALIt, Four room house," close In, now vacant and ready for occupancy. Price $1250. $350 cash, balanco like rent. .1. Ryan & Co. , 56-25tf.c FOR SALE Why purchase used phonographs where you can't pur chase parts? Wo have a good line of used phonographs; also parts. L. K. Shepherd, Minnesota street. 99-130tfc DON'T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass age of urine, you will find relief in GOLD MEDAL 'Mi Th world's standard remedy or kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Three sizes, all druggists, Guaranteed. l-ool for th. name Gold Mdl on every box and accept no imitation Don't Throw Your OLD RAGS Away We Pay a Cent and a Half a Pound Bring them to 1012 Bond St. Second Hand Store immmn:::m;.::j..i:;t..::r::;:m THERE IS NEED IN EVERY HOME FOR AN ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. Stop to count (hn cost of I ho laundry you send out. Stop to count the cost of laundry dono by old methods. You will at once seo the reasons why you should havs nil electric washing niachluu. $12.50 clown and $12.50 per month puts a T1I0R WASHING MACHINE IN YOUR HOME. Bend Water Light & Power Co. dti::.::::::::u:i::::::u:i;.i::.:: INDUSTRY THRIFT These Ate The Watchwords of Success In these days of reconstruction try them yourself unci wnteh results. The Brobks-Scanlon Lumber Co. bend', oheoon The farmer and the business man of this com munity are partners in the progress or the fuiluie of their community. If they pull together, the progress arid prosperity is certain to come. IV they listen to preachers of clnss'hatrcdthere can only be failure as a result. THE SHEVLIN-HIXON COMPANY