THK BKXO BCIXKTIX, DAILY EDITION, BEND, OREGON. FIUHAY, JANUARY ttO, 1020 IMGB 9 The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION MlbM rrr Altaraaaa Bicavt "aaaaj. r taa Baari BaUatta (litwMrfl. atarad aa Hacond CJaaa mattar, January I. lilt, at tha Pxt Olfica at Band. Orwon, ttndar Art at Marrh I, lin. ' OREKT W. SAWYER WHor-MMawr BNRY'N: FOWLER AaaoclaU Editor PKZU A. WOKLKMiN...Advrii M C. H. SMITH. ,i...Circultmn tanar ALFH SpKMCER ataraaaiaal oupt, Aa Indapandcnt Nawapapar, atandln for tha raaar dial. alaan aualnaaa. a.'aa politic and Mm tail latiau at Band and. tal Ona-un. ' tUBgCBIPrioN SATES Ut MaU Oaa Taar , J" III Mentha Jf-tt fane Montha 1W Br Carrlar ox t- ; Ir ontha W.; Of.Monlh .... .... iii.'.V.V : - - - All eobatrtptlona ara dua and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Noticaa of aspiration ara roailad taaaeribara and II rantval ia not mada within aaaaonaola lima lha rrr will ha diacontinuad. Plaaaa notifr ua promptly of arty ehanira of Hlihaaa or alfailora to rafalvntao paptr rantl aarly. Othrrwlaa wa will not ba raapooatata for aoplaa aolaacd. . ' Maka all ibtcu and ordara parable to Tba aad BuUetuv. - 5? FRIDAY. JANUARY 30, 1920 THE COMING OPPORTUNITY. The public must be Betting 'rather tired of ' these frequent announce ments from Washington that an im mediate Investigation of high prices is to be made, and the profiteers hunted down mercilessly. The lat est is from the Department of Labor, while before that the Department of Justice' announced with painful reg ularity that it was investigating, or about to start to investigate, or that it had a drag net out, or Indictments wej-e brought, or some other form of words that deceived only those who used them. . In spite of all these announced in vestigations the only change In prices noticeable since the first one was launched is upward. . The American people are a patient and longsuffer ing lot. They will take a lot of promise from their employees in of ficial position but every now and then, wjhen election time rolls around and there has been nothing but promise they do a little performing on their own account. Here's hoping that next time they will select officials who will function otherwise than with the mouth. .It take, more than one swallow to make a summer but so far our winter has consisted of one storm. "I'm dying for a dripk," was a re mark made by a chap who could not keep away from the wood alcohol. t COMMUNICATIONS. BEND-BURNS MAIL ROUTE. . The Editor of' The Bend Bulletin: . Through your columns, please al low the Burns Commercial club to thank the Bend Commercial club and the energetic community for the very earnest assistance rendered us In this much to be desired improve ment in mail service. I noticed- In your paper a captfon "Bend-Burns Route Given Body Blow" but we were not counted out and have come back stronger than ever and may win the bout. Our friends, Sen ators Chamberlain and McNary and our very energetic and conscientious worker. Representative, Sinnott are at the ringside and the following tells the tale: . The Fourth Postmaster General in the first Instance, after a petit ion was made, for the establishment of the route by the Bend and Burns commercial clubs, turned down the proposition on account of excessive cost and on the ground that under the law the postmaster general is required to have due reard to pro-; ductiveness of postal revenue when considering the question of estab lishing or rearranging Star route service. However, B. C. Jones, the secretary of the Commercial club, kept the matter moving and having received' the endorsement of the Ore gon State Chamber of Commerce, the Portland Chamber of Commerce, pet itions from merchants in the city of Burns, SunTex, Riley, etc., which were sent to Washington, and the following letters speak for themsel ves: ' " ' Washington, D. C, Jan. 2. My dear Mr." Jones: I have yours of De cember 27th with your carefully worked out reply brief on the Bend Burns mail route matter and alBO petitions. ' " " ;I 'am taking the matter up today personally with ' Superintendent Wood of the'rural mail division and urging him as strongly as I possibly can that he perconally review the whole situation and carefully' con sider all points which you bring out so wejl In your excellently prepared brief. I am. asking him to establish this service' and hope that . we may ba successful ' altho the department is apt to adhere to a position they RipplirigRhuniGS MtfVV 7 A- iV'V' Wheels and Legs My auto's beastly hard to start, and every day it breaks my heart. All frozen are its greasy worjes, and when it goes it goes with jerks that nearly dislocate my spine, and throw my false teeth out of line. It takes an hour to get her warm, h alj Her works in proper form, and if I stop her fT a while she jerks along another mile ; she humps and bucks and throws a fit, until my diaphragm is spjit.' And often, as she' jerks aong, with half her spark plugs acting wrong, 1 vow I'll send her to the block, and use my good fat legs and walk. 'Ah, then, J fully realize that walking is the exercise, that braces up old flabby men, and makqs their sinews ' young again. Dame Nature gave iis je'gs and feet that we might 'use them and repeat ;" ai)4 vising them' brings back the glow of flawless health we used to know, restores the color of our hair, and makes us fit to cope with care. Such thoughts as these my head beguile; but when I've walked for half a mile,' I sadly sigh, "I've had enough! The old gas buggy is the stuff! She's cranky as a bucking broncn, her plugs wop't spark, her horn won't honk, her tires are flat, her springs are lame, and still she gets there just the same ! !" !",). 50; medium to good, J7. 50 Ut; full' to in.'illinn, $ tf.R0 1r 7.(i0: dinners, f It.Mxtr ii.r.0; luills, IN. 00 (llS. 00: prime liKht t'ti 1 vim, $lfi.(iu 4117.00; medium light, J 13.5011' 15.r0; heavy, $7.00t)i 1 8. Ml; Block ers and feeders, IS.OOV .o0. I Hon Mm'lu'l. Receipts, ' K07; steady, mo mixed, $!5.n01f 1 ff.Ou; medium mixed. $1 5.00 Jr 1 R.fiO; r o u K h heavies, f 1 2.00 Ji 1 5.00; Ihk, $12.50 h 14.00. Miim'Ii Market. Receipts. 0ilt: stonily. Kaat of imimitalu liiinhx. $ 1 (1.50 Of I 7.50; Hull! valleys, Jl 5.00 (jf 1 6.60; heavy, JH.ri0 15.00; feeders, J 11!. 00 at 15.00; yearlings. 1 1 :t.0U i 1 3.50; wot hern, 1 2.00 if 1 ;l.0O; ewes, $9.00 Hj' 10.50. ADVANCE SALE OF SEATS IS HEAVY Advance stiles of reserved sen Is for the Kite Depurlmeni iiiliiHlrel show, Indicated today that the Liberty theatre will be Jammed for both per formances. Tuesday and Wednesday of next we.ok (ire the dittos set. Tickets may bo secured at the Mor ton Drug store. t'HKCK CASfJ (X)TIN'K. Following ti nell lemon t of Ilia ciihk brniiKht iiKuliist J. I.. Kroemnn of silver Lake, chiii'Kd with IhhIiik'u check for which IiihuIIIcIkiiI fluids wore ou deposit, tho action brotiiilit In JuHtico court, hus been coiitliiund Indeflnllely, Put It In "THK ll'M-HTIM." Medicine From Otng Horn. HtiiL'H uru hi't'il In Cliliiu' for iliflr liniiis, tint linrim heliiK nil mIiIIii oft enrli year and used In the uiiimirucluri) of liivdU'liin. 'Si ' I'ut It III The llulletln. Put ii lo Tho ltiliiln. ritOI'DKSIO.NAIi AM) lU HIXKHH HItK( KlltV. G. E. MT-PIANO TUNER TUN Nfi pj.EA N I N ( . - It El'A lltlNO OUU'tf with I'sy I'utidy't'o. IM'ID. OHtGON KUOK.NKItT NKKKS KlVOItCK. i.. - ..i. ,i, . ... . in n ami M'vruwy I1IOU 111 I'OrtllinU. Andrew J. Kroenerl. of Uend. seeks a divorce from Alice Kroenert. The , cause for action Is not known. once take in such matters. Very truly yours.' N. J. SINNOTT, Washington. D. C, Jan. 9. My dear Mr. Jones: It gives me special pleasure to Inform you that I learn this morning from the fourth post master general that in view of the showing made in your excellent let ter brief, 'apd the other matters 1 presented to Superintendent Wood of the division of rural mails, that the fourth assistant postmaster gen eral has decided to refer the entire matter of the establishment of the Star route between Burns and Bend to the chief inspector' with the re quest for a personal investigation and report by representative of the department. a I hope this will result in an action such as we both desire. Very truly, N. J. SIXNOTT. '' While we are working al) the strings we possibly can from this end, we trust that Bend will stiLJ con tinue to do what they can to bring this town nearer clvijliation. Thanking you, BURT C. JONES, Secretary Commercial Club. STATE CONSTABULARY MAKES FOR NEW POLICY IN IDAHO (Continued from Page 1.) . veloped quickly in northern Idaho, the constabulary, by giving Instruct ions to police officers, as well as by augmenting its state force, was able to cope with the situation. "The attitude of the bureau and its aggressive policy of ridding the state, of this undesirable element. stimulated local and county units to greater activity. "The state established the policy that it could not handle the menace a a 'a wafer dll cksl THE LIFE OF LEATHER Might ' well try to raaVe duck carry an umbrella as to make a "Red-Blooded" dot wear Rubber!. Ther're too much bother and bait tba time be forgets them. , A littla ' ' BEBGMANN SHOE OIL trpned o tba boy's aboaa, wstar proofa tnem,-makea tbem aoft and pliable, and greatly Increase their wearing Cjualltiee. Will not prevent ahlnlng flood for all klndi of Shoei. Theo. Bergmann Shoe Mfg. Co. . '. ' PORTLAND, OREGON Pof Sale at Uae. Dmr. Hardware by merely prodding members of the I. W. W. to move on into other states. Its policy called for the ar rest of I. V. V. everywhere. Fur thermore, the constabulary organ ization ottered to county prosecutors every possible asststunce In obtain ing and developing evidence." Daily Market Report (Faraiahed ar arrancemtnl with the Central Orrron Hank.) MVK8TOCK. XORTH PORTLAXD, Jan. 30. Cattle Receipts 26: steady. Best steers, f 12.006 12.50; good to choice, Jl l.OOlfi 11.50; medium to good, 9.5010.25; fair to good. $S.50 ff 9.50; common to fair. $7.50 (JS.50: ' choice cows and' heifers, $9.50:810.50: good to choice, JS.50 fri im- Men's Crush Hats Staple colors $1.25 Men's Black Sateen shirts -------- $2.00 Men's Jersey Sweaters ...... $2.50 Boy's All Wool Sweaters khaki color $4.00 Men's Dress Shirts -..$1.25, $1.50, $1.89 Men's Cotton Work Sox I5c Tri-State Terminal Co. QATTtE BETWEEN TOOTH PASTESj Who Will Kt-lll.. Hi,. ArnmneiA j l.el Yuur DiiikkIsI ,' Hie ' ,' llefeiee. the the are the vu It must he iierplexlni; to reader to decide which of claims ore IokIcuI and which unsupported when he reads glowing advertisement of the nous manufacturers of Tooth Patm. One maker's product lays stress on the flavor. Another clulms to "remove the film." Still another leaves a "clean feellnK." Another calls attention to the teeth of wild animals and is reputed to bo highly antiseptic. After reading all carefully, the intelligent person decides to refer the matter to the court of lnt re sort for the true answer. The drug gist Is the one whom tho physicians and dentisft relies upon to furnish expert advice on the action of chem icals. Why. therefore, is he not the person for you to trust? Long years of patient training and u knowledge of the relative valtio of the various ingredients in all chem ical products have fitted him to express an opinion. Ho knows be cause ho is qualified to know; ' Something over 2S.000 druggists and physicians ' In this country be long to national association known as the American Druggists Syndi cate. The national formula bom committee of this great association met annually in conference for 10 consecutive years In drder lo select the 'best formulus for household I remedies to be manufactured In ! their own great laboratories main tained at Long Island city. . One of their well known prepar ations Is A.D.S. Peredlxo Tooth Paste which ha been endorsed by leading dentists In every state of the nation. Your druggist will toll you that it enjoys a fust repeal InK sale and Its claim as a perfect prod uct is briefly stated when he tells you that "besides doing all that any other tooth puste can do, Peredlxo 'whitens like peroxide.'" Large production of this remark able preparation enables' you to still purchase the large tube at the old price 25 cents. Try a tube today and be convinced. Adv. pC WhHens i Peredixo TooihPrtsti Sold only A D S foci .:.:::::::s:v::.:::::::n:u THERE IS NEED IN EVERY HOME FOR AN ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. Stop to count the cost of the laundry you send out. Stop to count the cost of laundry 'done by o)d methods. You will at once see the reasons why you should have an electric washing machine. 1 l Grocery GRISS Cowl Wl" store IraMHalLlIn m P M $12.50 down and $12.50 per month puts a THOR WASHING MACHINE' IN YOUR HOME. Bend Water Light & Power Co. ianumimmnwiniiiimraiiwmirlmnmr.uKTCmnnra Dr. pharles A. Fpwer FinrsiciXp anu sfcBOjKpN Offices Vn' tho O'nns jjulldlng Telephones:' Res'lliCk 13f3 Offlce ted 2351 R. S. HAMILTON ATTORN Ar-AT-LAW' Rooms 13-19 first National Bank Bids. Tel. ill (Dr. Coa'a Foraaar OSca,) H. B. Pa Armoho ' Chaai W. ntlu' De Armond & Erskine l a w v e n H O'Kone Building, Bend, Oregon W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 12-14 O'Ksne Building Tel. Black 17(1 Bend. Ort. Practical Nurse MARION M. LESII Telephone Red 1911 I'bone Rod 201 Lutcst Up-To-Pate instrumentt and Equipment'. . DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist Room O'Kine Bldg. Bend, ' Ore. ' ' ' Complete Lens Grinding Fact ory, on Prtynlsei. Lenses Du Dr. IL N. MOORE DENTISTRY Tel Black 1C71 O'Kane Bldg. Telrphone Kd rjl irKanc nidg Dr. E. E. GRAY DENTIST ' Hour 9:00 lo 12:001:00 lo 5:30 Eotnlngt ana Sundoyi lu apaa'nfiMnr Anna Ries-Finley, M. D. KI.KfTKKTTY A HI'WIAI.TY Office, Hod HI. Kesidence, 281. Phones: HAM DKKSHI.Va I'ARLOH Up-toMlate alertrieal aealp trratinrnta fur falllna hair anil dandruff. Famoua Nro platli.icA l ara trratmanta. All klDila Hair Wurk dona. MltS. VHI.I.IMt Oregon St. Thone Hed 1851 I,. H. KICK A III) PIANO TUNING lUT'iilating and IlepitiriiiK Leave orders at Logans' Blnck-211 Bond, - Oregon Podge Brothers Motor Cars WALTH KR-WTI.LIA MS CO. R. S. McClui'C, SitloKrniin RATES TRANSFER CO. Hill Hate Turn Wheeler I.N AMI OI THIDi: IIAl'I.I.VU Office freuehle's Htore, 1010 Bend Bond HI rent I'hono llvd 1341 Oregon Carlson & Lyons PI.l!MIUN(. k hi: ATI N(J I'UiihIjIui; and Healing Supplies, llsih Koom AccvkHUiliis, elo. Pipe, Valves an J FittiiiKS i'Honj: ii:i) ibm H. C. DAVIS Will build or repair your houso Satisfactorily. Plans and em I mates furnished. Shop at 30S Greenwood Ave. Bend Park Co. Real Etat inj Inaursnca linnd Couipany llulldliig Own Your Qym Hpme I have some bargains in QUNGAijQWS' KAKV THKMB J. A. EASTES Central Oregon's Lai ad in INSURANCE AGENCY Tinning and Buoet Metal WM. MONTOOMKKY. furnaces, 'Spouting.' Outterlng. Cornice i.nd Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prices right, work guaranteed BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Wrltara of all klnda of Inauranea. Old. ml Inauranoa Aaanrr In f'utral Ora- 6 on. H. C. Kill,, Klrat National Bank alldiai. Band. Orasoo. MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent for the Nl'BONE COItHKTH Will call by appointment 10011 Columbia Htreet. ADOHIiSS P. O. BOX 638 WALTER A. JACOBS Contractor Riiilder of Modern Homes Corner Slsemoro Street and Florida Aveuuo . Hex 71:1, Bend JOB WORK R. II. FOX . CARPENTER SHOP. 121 Minnesota St. llenil Lodge No. 428 loyal Or der of MtMise--Meetl In Moos Hall evory Thursday. Visiting brothers are aordlally Invited to attend. DR. G. SKINNER DENTIST " Pbone: Offlte, Rod 2361 Room 17 O'Kone Building Offlc Houra: t'd 12 1 to 6 1 i