rum jmru Bvvumn. daily emtio, bend, orroon, hatludav, jamah y 24, two PAB 7 YPRES A BIG SOUVENIR SHOP Virtually th City's Bolt Induetry Now It ths Oeltlng of Money From Tourlitt. 1 Tin1 fuliim of Vin In mill iiiii'it In In. Nu tn know hi (iri'Ki'in in ttlml rili'iil 1 1"' town tvlll liv rt'liiilll nu II win. All Unit la ci'Niiln la Hint tlit (uriliiT iipiiIiiIiiii uf eiiini. imam Mini t, art now fur tit iimei iiirl in I'nrU I' lute nnil Wliiilti'iilii'iKlif mill Ihui ui(l of llii'iu mw i.lulmm In ri'liini "Inline." Tlirnt art morn tlmii n tli'itiiiinl ihsiiiIo llvlnii In Yin-a unlay, lull lln'Kf I nri imillily MifvvirtUriTK friuu Itr urclti mill rUi'ttlii'i't'. wlm Inivu lii'i'ii ailnii'l- III I))' till1 t'lllUK'O Ut IllllklllX IIHHII')' uill of v IhI I in m, mi,a ilm I.iiiiiiii Tlim-a, A urw Vpce In rlalng aiiiiuiK 1 1 rulna of I lif nlil. bill It I 11 wiihiIpii Viii vf iliiiriicli-r nlluifi'lliiT ri'iniUlvtf in til wliu mull I lut ( N nunrli r of it mil. liuu II m-rv it' I" ilrfcml Hi nlli'lil wlilrli takra lit iimui Iruiu lllr luwu, Th lw Vprrt It a ilar of ciifi-n ud roiiiurniif uf mobe uf iU'iur lUKli'nrd liawkrra, uf plriihiiro wiaffoiia v mill oinulliiiKf", uf euuvrnlr liiinlrm ud liiila. Tlmre It oi'bIIimI "llrlt leli liivrrn" lu Hie vritiid uilm llarlf. uiiil Hie rum) tu ilm Mi'iilu (tit l 1 1 mil will) illlri' of rWrveliiurut. lu llii' t Iiihu anil Ha vli-liiliy llicre am lit.' . rafrt mid rrliiiirnni, ami fvi'ry lien ' aniuiil! I In- IiiiiiIiIimI lira (in uf brlrk and pliiai-r. aluiin anil iilnli-ra lin n are ru (rly Imioiurrliig ami bullillnif tu In rri'imi" I lie iiiiiiiI'iT. . 'J'lir lli'lfinn gmrruinriit lilin aliuwn llm-lf very wllllnii to cihkIiIit all rm ihiiiuIiId inip(inila In iU y uf cuii itvIiik His rulua and uf rrwllng me morial. It liae 1ei-lnrl Hint (lit re uiiilna uf Ilia Clutli tiiill, cullii'dral and aitjiuviil liiillilluca will l li'ft na tiny art. II liaa slloltiil to thr C'liiinillana iVrlulii elt by the Mfitln rt. It Im liruiiilard u alio fur Ilm rrvrtlun uf an KnvlMi vliuri'li. Tlit-r Jiua l.u talk uf irf"rvlni! tlii- wliulc of tliv ri'inuln of llii Imvn na a iiii'iiinrliil. fttmmuiumuuiiiunuimmttmiutuiniinnnfflinnamBuittmnuumim Bend Water Light & PowerlCo. The farmer and the business man of this com munity are partners in the progress or the failuie ot their community. If tljey pull together, the progress anj. prosperity is certain to come. IF they listen to preachers of class' hatred there can only be failure as a result. THE SHEVUN-HIXON COMPANY lllll rW. rrr " I "J DORT -The Family I ' - ' i ii i . H Quality goes clear through. We can make imme- "J 1 diate deliveries on Dort cars. sJ! 1 IWe areSole Agents for Des S,MSA chutes, Crook and Jefferson KSWF counties for the iVor(AueSf Autv Vggnnnnn-n; - -MiM- , Company- It0, Z : i.n.a- uvernauungapBcia.5S GREAT IS FROSTY MORNING Health. (living Air emt to Bring Ntw Lift and Hop U Soult ef Mn tnd Woman. Aflir uluuiiiy ln m. Ilm frimty inorii Inic coiiii-a at u lii-ni'illiiluli. It kfvina lu uil ni'tv II fu nuil iifw lnii nuil new aili'iitluiia lulu thf auiilt uf mi'ii mid Hiiini-ii, miiurki llio C'uliiuilnia I'la imlrli, Nut limit nirn Hiitc una a imaiy "ilk. t'liniila nnil iiiulaiiiru mid ill' irraaloii. Tim ami una nil bill forgol-ti-n. fur if It aliuwfd liaclf 11I all, li wee wlib a alrkly fli'i-lliiK (luw. Tli uiiiai'lfa In-niine lluliliy from I lie wiirm la-li. I t-III 1 11 if ; llliimltluiia liuik till Ilia liuliirti uf lii wi-utlier, Tlit'i'f wna no rliiMW'lty In I hi- alri, no uilrlli III Ilia vuli'v, a aluw, dull, lleilree llrfdiiraa took I111I1I uf ii-oilr. And tln'ii rum Hi fruaty iiiumlny. Out did net liuvr tu lia ryia lu know lliat lb ami urn atilulnu, nur rara lu lii-ur Ilm um air uf itlliinvd Nalilit. A liutxlivd yrara wrre mini rlitlit lirri lu Hit city lu Ilia uU krnf d buit uf lb itHiilr, A tliuuaaiid liur'Miwir waa iiililid lu lb atrriiiflli vf Iba la burrra, 'Hi (uud rrwiliiliuna lliut wire inadr would till a library aud tb iuaulratliuia Hint ram to tliuao who brrallird di'i'iy uf Hie fruat-ladi-urd air will kri-p lb world b-koIiik fur auutbrr amatiu. (Irrnt ar the blraa ttiKta of (IimI w'liillllntliili from vry rryalnl : divine uiiikIc Iioi ii iiKin lb wlut't of lb briiltli Klvlux ulr. Alrplant Bavct Taxpaytrt' Money. 'ilie pruiilce uf cnnveylnK prlauuer tu Jnll by alrpluiie waa beguu In Kan l-'rnlirtei'u recriilly nbi-n villi Unlet, pulli' avlulor of lb Hun Knimiaeo deparliueiil, flew nrrii III bay lo Aliiiueilu and relumed Willi Jiuiiea II. Kelley, who bud biin arlilenred tu alx liiuntba In Jnll. Kelley. who wna bruuiflil airoa Willi nu liiuidcufTe on, aayt Im nijuyed the trip acroat lb !'"&, Ibnuii'i It rallier ajiort lent THERE IS NEED IN EVERY HOME FOR AN ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. Stop 'to couut Hit coat of tba luutidrr you aund out. Stop to count tbo coat of luundry dona by old mulhoda. You will at ouca tea tba reimoua why you ahould bsva ao eluctrlo waUlu; mucblua. $12.50 down and $12.50 per month puts a THOR WASHING MACHINE IN YOUR HOME. Light Six ...tM a w Mftnk1 nAO f .H.ral I K vJKILIjUIi 3r1JtJS OREGON llian flv inlinitea. Tb alrplnna ut op R.tKKI feet. Cbitf of 1'ulU Wbll aaya: "i'liluk wbat tavlng It wlli be If we ran aeud a. plana to Keno or lia Auitelea fur man ami bay lilui bai'k Id a few liuiira. Now Ibara iiiiihI br a luui!, rtienalo trip by train, with atop uver uliflit at a liulel." To Maka Potato Flour. ArriiiiKi'ini'iila buv been inadu In (treat llilliilu fur Hut eatalillaliuii-nl uf inllla for tb prudui'llun uf putnto nuiir, wlilrli It la Imped will lit on u larg aiule. AHIuniuli Hilt Induatry baa bei'ii eliililllii'i un Hie continent fur aeverul year II la a new oint In Ureal llrltulil. 'Hie Itrlllali mlnlalry of fmida baa fur nine time, been eoniltu.'t Inn experliueiil In pulnlo flour, na there but been an overproduction of IMilaluea, and Hie flour will provide u meaiia fur tlie'cuuauniplluu uf the urer upply. Poatgraduata Court. A mnlili-ervaiil III (he liuuie uf the povt Wurdawortb, told a caller wiio aakeil tu tr ber maaler'a aludy, Ibal lie aluilled lu the flelda. No mm car read Wurdawurlh'a pueuia without reallr.liig that however much lie uwed lu book, be owed mole tu nature. Nu mailer buw many diplomat you may Inkv. your edueatluu will nut be com plete till yuu bnv taken a puatKradu ul uur III the open. Cilrla' Coin- plllllull. Lucre Abttnt. Arllft (tu patruiD "Yea. air, I am weililiil tu my art." Patron "Well, yuu rerinlnly didn't marry fur muiiey. - liiiUoii lull. Unkind Remark!. In lilinte lu enU'h a aireet cur be fore Hie roiului'tor rloKetl Hie diMir, a man dropped a Iwu-poiiiid piieknltH uf eurnr In Hie alrwt. The aaek burnt : Die gnuiulated rune waa rallied. lie had tu wait for the next car uud to bear wbut the vol popiill enialined over Hie dlanaler. liere'a amne of It: "Juat wult until hla uld wumun meet a bliu." "Ilia cruabed oula will Insle foggy fur three weeka." "Kwifleu tbe corner where you are." Mural : Curry n bnaket. ,ustuii:uu:::;i:!tt:::::i:Ru:ii:in:uii:mut:u!ii::tm;u:i:ui' 0 J?t the. Qhu Eimuutimra;:t!r.:a!:ran:!!:!nmiju:iii!!i!:tii'iniu!!i:i MtHhodlnt-Kplwopui. The poator will preach both morn ing and evening at tbe "Little Brown Church" tomorrow. In the morning" the, theme will be "Doet it Pay to Pray." At tbe Happy Sunday EvenfDg err ice, 7:30 o'clock tbe paator will resume tbe interrupted "Puttie Ber' monn," tbe tople foe tomorrow eve ning feeing "Tbe Puule About Hell Join the happy crowd at the "Lit' lit) Brown Church" Sunday achool. SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. Tbe world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL bring quick relief and often ward off deadly disease. Known aa th national remedy of Holland for mora than 200 yettt. All druggists, in three site. Leok for die urn Cold Medal aa eray kn aa4 accept M unitouo y. . i. tomorrow morning ut 9:45. We be lieve tbut we buve tbe lurKat at tendance In town and an efficient corpa of teachera ure ' Working to make It the boat. The achool In graded, and the Inatructlon methoda employed are, we believe, up to grade cbool atandurda. Kntbualaam and a ;oly, uomey feeling characterize the aplrlt of UiIh "Hchool of Itellg lou." We bellove you will like. ui. If you do not go to another Sunday echuol, ciiiiih with u In the morning. J. EIJOAIl PlinnV, puator. I'ii-sbjt.'ibill. If there la any one thing above another. In which a Clirlatlun ahould bit IntereateJ, It la the welfare of the aoula about lilin. It it thla thut prompts many of the aacrlflcea that ure aomntimea made In the liltereata of othera. TIiIh In what baa prompt ed tho aeiiea of aermona that are being preached In the morning aer vlce. fl"hla anrlea on "8ouI Winning" promlaea to do much good. Tbe next one In the aerlea will Je on Sunday morning. The apeclal sub Juct will be "The Pathway of the Boul-Wliiner." If you. like atraight tulk, "hot off the bat" aa la aome- llmea aald, give tbla aubject a hear ing. For reuKona that cannot be avoided and which will be more fully ex plained from the pulpit on Sunday evening, the paator cannot preach on the "Lord'a Coming" aa he had announced. The subject la not drop ped but poatponed for two weeka. The aubjiict for Sunday evening Is In line with what waa aald last week and it la the one that moat logically follows what we had to aay. The aubject will be "Ecclealaatlcal Baby lon, or Sutun'a Chief Ally." Many thlnga, even more startling than aomo that were brought out last week, will be made In this aermon'. Tho statement: of prophecy do not repreaent eventa that are la the far off distant furlure: but they record happoiilngs'that are at our very door. It la this that makes It such an In teresting subject at tills time. Here la a question for any who care to answer It: "How Much of the Ful fillment of the Bible do you See in tho Columns of the News Paper You Ilend Every Day? Hj C. HART HAN FT, pastor. More Important Than Air or Gas Fire Personal Injury TWt Property Damage Trntportatlon Collision .Automobile Insurance BEND PARK CO. J. C Rhodes To Car Owners If your car needs repair ing, why not have it done by an experienced me.-chanic?--one who has had years of experience. My aim u lo here every cujlomet tli fced, Cive me a trial. A. W. BONTRAGER 135 Greenwood Ave. Phone Red 381 APP REDMOND Ncuiiilliiuvliin-I.ulhi'ran In tbe Scandinavlan-Lutboran church, Ilev. Frederick A. T. C'orn elluiwen wlli preach Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock and In tbe evening at 8 o'clock. The morning aa well the evening aermon will be in Norwel glun. Song and muiilc, Tbe Sunduy achool bexlna at 10 o'clock. You are cordially Invited. The CASH MARKET on Oregon Street WILL BECOME CASH in fact as well as in name, On and After January 25 We go on a cash basis on that day. The economics mde possible in a cash business will save you money. READY FOR. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Five Rooms Each in Park Addition These bungalows are for sale, not rent, and if you are in the market for a home, drop in and talk over the matter with J. RYAN & CO. First National Bank Bldg. OREGON STREET flnptlat. " Sunday, January 26, Sunday achool at 9:45 a. m., morning ad dreaa, 1 1 a. m. Subject, "If St. Paul Should Come to Bend," Evening Servlcea, "Ilrotberhood Meeting," 7 p. m. Evening aermon. Subject, "Fol low Me," 7:30 p. m. !iupllnmnl ter- ' vlcex, 8: 15 p. m. IAL0WS Acetylene Welding