PACK 5 ' Local nkws items TODAV'H TKMI'I.HATlltB Muxliiium," 3.1 iJi'Hi fcK. Hoodira IIKNI) THAI Hl''l.K. IN Oregon Trunk, Arrlvas, 7:86 A. M. Leaves g;00 P. M. (),-V. It. N. Arrives, 7:40 J'. M. Luuvoa, 7:00 A. M. The Greatest I ANITA STEWART THK BEND UCMETIN. DAIJiT EDITIOX, BBJfP, ORF.OO. BATITKnAY, JAVUATIY 21. 1020 ane IN If. V. Wlekiinr, engineer for Oskar 1 J it Ixti-, contractor, left tfilH morning by uulu for I'ortiulil. Il urrlved hero, truvullliig by giioliiii power', two iluyit ugo, u nil roporiH tlm roada to ha In good condition wjtli the ex ception of u J J inllii stretch nour An li'lopit. A delightful iiirprlsn party win Klvun by Minn KIhIo Horn ut her homo . lust ovonlng, t ho occaalon btilug hnr birthday, Many KlftH were brought Jy Ino guesla, mid the evening win . plfimaiilly apeut In guinea. Lunch wu nerved for 23, Mlaa Agliea Cuinpbftll, who will tench In I ho IiIkIi achool during . tlm aprlng lorin, arrived lu llond luMt i n Ik lit from Kugonu. Iti'V. J. Kdgur Pwdy returned thin uiornliiK from Walla Wullu wbera bo wui ciillud liiNt week by tbo death of hla futhar. Mra. Ullluii Orvla, of Hnn Fran cisco, Ii visiting In Hmid at the homo of Mr. and Mra. C. V. Bllvla, for few dnyil. , : Mra. K. M. Thompaon returned to Jlend liiat night after spending sev eral wwka vlalllng with frlenda In tint fiiat. , ' - Mra. F. I Hot rich and duoichtar. Minn Adeline, uro vlaltlnK In liwiiU toil n y from their home In " Terre bonne, i . Mr. and Mra. C. W. Dunbar, of Kodmond, arrived in the city lust night, und uro remaining ovr to day. . ' Charles V. Kraklna roturnod (o lleud Hi Im morning from Portland where ha wim callod on legal bual imul. Deputy Sheriff August A. Anditraon returned thin morning from a busi ness trip to I'ortlund. J. W. Spenoer. of Alfulfu, waa In Film Ever Shown , Hero drops from one plune to another 13000 feet in the air. Si. Actual' collision of two airplanes (accident not intended in story) the most thrilling ever seen. There is no trick in this scene 3000 foot full. 8. Many other thrilling feats. IN "The Grim Game" SUNDAY & MONDAY LIBERTY licntl thin uflurnoon tranaactlng bua Inoss. J. C. Thorp, of Tumnlo, i trana actlng bualnvaa In Heiid tbla morning. . notkh. " Having . left my bod and board, I will not be reapooslble for debta or bllla contracted, after tbla date. Jun uury 24., 120., by my wife, Beatrice Laiigford. ' H. F. LANOFORD. Adv. 40-42p Pit I n In The liuUetln. "HER KiGDOItil OFDREAimS" A romance of a marriage of convenience with the worlds great est stars assembled, telling how a young girl's idealistic conception of life was sent crashing on rocks of harsh reality. ., MONDAY AND TUESDAY-JAN. 26-27 AT THK MOVIKH If you are looking for a real thriller, and If you want to see whut huppi-na In the air when two ulrplum-H collUlo, ihi-n ace Houdinl in bin atrial performances on tho arreen tomorrow and Monduy at the Liberty. Tola atmaatlonal picture abowa un aviator la the moat daring acreen atunU performed during the war and actually abowa an acciden tal colllalon In the air between two plunea at a height of 3.000 feet. The clone-up on thla accident Is the only one on record, t. IlnglnninK Monday and for IS aucceiuiive Mondays tbe Grand Theatre will show a late aerial, "Tbe Lion Man," featuring James Cor bett In "The Lion Man," a story taken from the Saturday Evening Poat atory, "The Strange Case of Cavendish." This picture, being shown at matinee, will give every one . an opportunity to see ewry episode. On Monday and Tuesday at tbe Grand Anita Ktewart will be seen in "Her Kingdom of Dreams." a story of a marriage of convenience in which a country girl's idealistic conceptions of life are dashed on tbe sharp rocks of reality. In this picture some of tbe greatest of tbe moving picture world's artists, are assembled. The Grand shows tonight for tbe last time "The Auction of Souls." There Is nothing delicate about this picture. It is gruesome awful. Some who saw Aurora Mardiganlan portray the role of tbe sole survivor of 500,000 Armenian girls say some of It should be omitted because tbe picture Is too terrible. But if any of it should be taken out the true story of the condition as existed during jtbe Armenian massacres would not be fully told. ,The- picture- is for grownups', not children. It is a picture you will be glad you saw, but will' not care to see again. Last Wednesday the Pioneer Ga rage Co. unloaded : two Maxwell trucks at 4- p. m. and at 8 a. m. following these two trucks were loaded with merchandise an were on tbeir way to Paisley. It Pav s to !Pay Promptly r .... ' .... . ... -; . You 11 Agree- i.-.v ;-." It pays to pay punctually , It pays morally H . It pays financially '1 It inspires confidence It Establishes credit j m It commands respect It brings success in business and social life v To pay promptly establishes a reputation for integrity and commands the respect and confidence of friends, busi ness and professional people. Don't be indifferent. Always be mindful that you have been given credit on the assumption that the obligation has been contracted in good faith and on the assumption that you will pay promptly. s ? i A reputation for, prompt payment of financial obligations will bring you great enjoyment and contribute to your success in life. . . , - A . ; PUT PROMPT PAYMENT ON YOUR THRIFT PROGRAM. It avoids debt - It avoids worry It avoids trouble It avoids embarassment It avoids suspicion It avoids scandal It avoids failure V ..SMITH'S GftQCpRV MANKHfilMER BROS. Contributed; arid paid for by ' U'! f i i o i , v. -.,; S .S-;.i i I. :, ' 1 bendIrotture CO. i , American bakery:;: . , vi tit si'-' n in ,?$ f,; -tfiB J