paa TBE I1RXD BULLETIN, DAILY EDITION, 1IKND, OREGON, Tl'KNDAV, JAM'AHY III. IOSJO rosTorncE will MOVE JANUARY 18 Same Hj'Mloni if Numbering to lie IVd W illi KMopllim of : ; Larger lloxos. Wall Btroet will again become the Jiomo of the Bend postoffice on Sun day, January 18, when Acting Post master V. II. Hudson believes the office futures and mall on hand can he moved to the now building con structed by W. D. O'Donnell. There will be little change in the system used in numbering boxes. Mr. Hud son states, as the numbers will con tinuu to run In sections, while with few exceptions, box renters will be given the mm numbers which they now have. The new office will have 50 large boxes, and business men changing to the larger sine, will of course be given different numerals. These large boxes will have the highest number in the office not beins re garded as a part of any sections. TELEPHONE MEETING ; IS HELD AT TUMALO PINEHURST. Jan. 13. Mrs. Mary Garner. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Phelps and daughter. Itozelia. were in Bend Saturday. Lester Snyder and John McMan man took a load of potatoes to Bend Saturday. Mrs. D. I. Ladd and son, Paul, of Redmond, were callers at the Phelps home Wednesday evening. T. E. Wimer was a business caller at Bend Saturday. Those who attended the telephone meeting In Tumalo, Saturday, were: T. H. Spaugh. T. E. Wimer. C. M. Phelps and G. W. Suyder and G rover Cerking . John Bollinan and Walter Andrews came home from the Pine Tree mill, Saturday evening, to spend Sunday with home folks. C. H. Spaugh and family called at the C. W. Howell home Saturday eve ning. Mrs. C. M. Phelps and Mrs. Mary Garner were callers at the John Boll man home Sunday afternoon. C. M. Phelps and Lloyd Root were callers at the C. Peterson home Sun day. Mrs. G. W. Snyder was in Tumalo Saturday.. C. M. Phelps delivered a load of wood for the Tumalo school Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Albright and children were shopping in Bend Sat urday. Leonard Snyder was a caller at the Cosner and McManmon home Friday R. A. Smith was a business caller at the Gerking home Friday evening. Lester Snyder spent Saturday night at the McManmon home at the Pine Tree mill." Lloyd Root spent Sunday night at the Spaugh home. C. H. Spaugh and family and Lloyd Hoot attended the show In, Bend Sunday night. . G. W.; Snyder has been hauling wood for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Eiec Howell have1 been visiting at the. C. W. Howell home since Christmas. Roy Wells, of the Pine Tree mill, was a business caller at the Phelps home Monday evening. C. W. Howell took some steers to Bend Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave MIckels were callers in Bend Sunday. Mrs. -Ada McManmon was a caller at the Iteed home Friday. Leroy Howell was absent from school several days last week on ac connt of sickness. Rozelia Phelps was a Sunday guest of Bessie and Lenora Snyder. Tom Mickels and sons, Edwin and Myron, were in Bend Saturdav. Lloyd Root was in Tumalo Friday.; wav rry Bayley. Wells Cooper and Chester and Henry Lumberg were at the Snyder home Sunday evening. - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wells and family were in Tumalo Sunday. Mrs. George Snyder and sons Les ter and John were callers at the Al- nngnt home Sunday. ' Financial Statement Of . The First National Bank 1 0F BEND At the CloK of Buiineaa December 31, 1919 ' RESOURCES LOAN'S AND DISCOUNTS ; . '. 1774,312.87 BONDS AND WARRANTS G4.29l.79 STOCK IN FEDERAL RESERVE RANK I,'00.l0 BANKING HOUSE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. . . . 34.781.11 OTHER REAL ESTATE OWNED 1VE I"KK -CENT KEUKMI'TION FUND CASH AND EXCHANGE...'. LIBERTY HON OS AND U. S. CERT :':".,'..!:',,.:' LIABILITIES. ' tArjTAL .... :. SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS CIRCULATION DEPOSITS Mr. and Mrs. F, L. McManmon wore caller at the Suyder home Sunday. Wise Indeed! He Is n wise man who can on oc casion put up or bul up but he is a wiser man who can put up and shut up. Savannuh Morning News. Cluutaed adMi-tUtti chare vr tau 10 twnU for SO word or On cent (wr word for tl over 10. All i&tfld adrtiim itricttr cuh in tdvanc.. WANTED WANTED Housekeeper for general housework. Phono 2091. 87-30 31c. WANTED 1'aed furniture, . range, rugs, phonographs, office desks. If you want to sell, see us. Noth ing too big or too small. Stand ard Furniture Co. tlsc. We pay market prices for chickens at all times. Rend Fish and Poultry Market, Wright Hotel Bldg. oS 29tfc. WANTED You to know that we do cleaning,, dyeing, pressing, re pairing and alterations. Bring work to Dick, the Tailor. Wall Street. 3 4 -Use. WANTED Cattle to winter. See P. A. Devers & Son, Tumalo. Ore. 2!r-22-tfc WANTED Place to work for board and room by school girl. Call Red 781. 81-29tfc WANTED Used phonographs- Standard Furniture Co. ttsc. WANTED t'sed furnitnre. Will pay cash. N. H. Gilbert, Cor. Bond and Oregon 57-125tfc. WANTED Work of any description by 1 2 year old boy after school and Saturdays. Call Red 781. S0-29tf WANTED Used furniture, range. rugs, phonographs, office desks. If you want to sell, see us. Noth ing too big or too small. Stand ard Furniture Co. 98-130tfc FOR RENT FOR SALE Two houses with furni ture. . One 3 room house well built and furnished, rents for (22.50. One 2 room house furnished, large lot on Columbia street Boulevard addi tion, rents for (12.50. For price and terms call at 1051 Bond St. or write F F Box 323, Bend, Ore. 92 30-31 p. FOR SALE One seven-passenger Studebaker. Will consider trade for Bend property. Call 1012. Bond St. 91-30tfc FOR SALE 45 X 114 foot lot with 3 room house, electric lights and water, nice lawn, woodshed, chicken house and run. Cheap for cash sale. 527 Portland Ave., Kenwood. 90 30tfc. FOR SALE 5x7 view camera, case tripod, printing frames and trays. Call at 52" Portland ave., Kenwood. 89-30p FOR RENT Sewing machines Standard Furniture Co. ttsc. FOR RENT Furnished room, strict ly modern, suitable for two gen tlemen. Inquire 255 Delaware. 72-28tfc FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners by the day Standary Furniture Co. ft sc. FOR SALE FOR SALE Roll top desk and chnlr Standard Furniture Co. ' 7.MS.S7 $25.09 1312,971.20 179,200.09 491,217.20 SI.36,I18.( 2.1,000.00 ' ,.. 38,751.53 13,50.09 . U8MST.1 1 41.386,118.41 lijBal)HH(14B():l4Bl(lBm()(l'eaBllB()eal)itlBt) NEW RECORDS! I Coming in every day Call and hear them. You are welcome at any time, whether you are ready to purchase or not. POPULAR A 17:1.1 Mother Maehree', Sung by Taylor Trio. IkH-auxo, Sung by Taylor Trio. AUtlDS That Tumble-Down Shark In Athlone, Suiir by Sterling Trio, Vou're Still An Old Sweetheart Of Mine,' Sung by Sterling Trio. .VJTHI Divinity Alabama, Sung by Campbell and Burr. Hawaiian Lullaby, Sung by Campbell unit llurr, .VJilOH Silver Tin-ends' Among The (ioltl, Sung by Henry Burr. The Itouu-y, (Nevln) Sung by Henry llurr. 'AlKIIWl Huh A Rye, Ma Hah). Sung by Campbell unit llurr. Mnit Me l.ove'H Lullaby, Sung by Henry llurr. COMIC SELECTIONS A FEW NKI.KCTIOXS WITH LAttillS WILL AIM) SI'll'i; TO VOIR LII1KARV OF RKCORDS. Vol' WILL Ali WAYS Fll Til KM KNTr.RT.UMNU. A'MI RrvakfnHt lu My Hel On Sunday Morning, ( Scotch , Song Sung by Evan Puvles. It's Nice To lift l p In The Mornln', Sung by Evan Davlea. AI7H7 War Talk At Pumpkin Vnler, I Rube Mdnologue) by I'al Stewart. Moving Picture At Pumpkin Outer. (Kube Monologue) by Cal Stewart. Ait I. 10 III Lend You Another, (Comic Sons Sung by Bert Wll- llama." Constantly, Sung by Bert Williams.' A:iwi Vncle Jch'a Courtship, (Comic) Sung by Cal Stewart. When HefAro Married. (Comic) Sung by Cal Stewart.' AIRHO r.s.y An A Doctor, (Irish Monologue) Michael Casey Casey At The DentUta. (Irish Monologue) Michael Casey. A 1712 I'nrle JoMi Al The Opera, (Rube Monologue) by Cal Ste wart. I'ncle JohIi And Aunt Namy Kntllh To New York On A VIK. (Kube Comedy) by Cul Stewurt. A 1.11(1 Cohen On The Telephone, (Ylddlah Monologue) by Joe Dayman Happy Tlui'i MurriMl, by Fred -IHiprex. -Tin I'll Sv Khi Does, by Al Jolson. Just As We l'el To Do, by Al JoIhoii. .VJIMI I'm Saving l'p The Means To iet To New Orleans, by Al Jolsotl. NigKt-r Blunt. Sung by Ceo. O'Connor. A'J22I r'rotn Here To Shunghal, Sung by Al Jolsou. M lM.lssipl, Sung by Anna Wheatheu. A-JS21 Tell Me, Sung by Al Jolson ' Wonderful I'al. Sung by Al Jolson. VJ071 I Wonder Why She Kepi On Saying Sl-SI-SI-Senliir. Oh Susie Itelmve, Sung by Irving Kuiifmun. AU7M7 Who I'layeil Poker With Pocahontas (When John Smith . Went Away) When Alexander'!! Hum! Is Ihu k In Dixie Land. SAXA&IONE SELECTIONS V7o;j The Kiiiliunrr In Your Kyis (Solo) Wheeler WndHWorlh. SiiiK Me Love'a Lullaby, (Solo) by Wheeler Wadsworth. VVf Ting Lonit Toy, by Columbia Suxaphone Sextette. Where The Lanterns Glow, Col. Sax. Sextette. ,V784 Beautiful Ohio Blues, by Col Sax. Sextette. I'm Ever Wowing Hubbies, by Col Sax. Sextette. ..7;,0 Walling. (Listen Lester) Medley. Col. Sax. Sextette. a Chong, (He Cornea From Hong Kong) Col Sux. Sextette. I IU'JO.1 MIkh Sprlngtinie' Snxaiihone Sextette. s Follow Me. Col. Saxapbone Sextette. - ! L. K. SHEPHERD T - -r tiea-)ea(ia(a4 FOR SALE Four. 4 room modern I Every Bend :, Druggist How Much He Gives' In Service Compared to What He Receives No professional man In Bend ser ves the community better or more conscientiously than the druggist. Mo nrnnmndates vou Willi postage stamps at cost, maintains a general information bureau and iree wuiiinn room, his store Is a first aid hospital conducted without reward.) he; gets up in the middle of the night to ans wer your emergency calls., . n Night and day he is. , consulted oftener than any other, and he gives his professional services without ree. His only reward, and It I a sman one at that, comes when you make a purchase from his stock of merchan-' dise. You his recommendation Just as you accept that of your law yer, your doctor or your banker, be cause you know that his word Is good and that he' knows best. Ho can't afford to make mistakes and he doesn't. He knows that his whole success In his chosen profession de pends on accuracy ou skill on keeping faith with his customers. He stakes his reputation a hundred times a day with a hundred different customers but his Judgment Is founded on knowledge and experi ence the knowledge and experience of the men of his professldn handed down through the ages, through schools, colleges and text books and the knowledge and experience which come In the day's work and in association and . conference with others In his profession. The druggist , of today doesn't guess he knows. And one of .the reasons he knows Is because be in SONGS 1 i house", living room, dining room enmhined. two bed rooms, kitchen, hath, plastered. Bend View, nominal Is Grossly Underpaid in Return. sists that the preparations ho sells shull measure up to the highest standards. To reconimond an article, the druggist must of course, know whul It contains and how It is mndo, and this was one reason for the formation of a co-operative national association of druggists and physlclnns who pre pare a complete lino of household remedies and toilet goods. This as sociation is the American Druggists Syndicate. This Is the largest enterprise of Its kind in the world. More trial) 28.000 druggists and physicians own and operate It and guarantee Its pro ducts. They know that A. I). S. Milk of Magnesia Is the best In the. world, they guarantee that A. I). S. Aspirin meets the highest standards of qual ity, they stand back of A. D. 8. I'ore dlxo Tooth Paste the tooth Paste which whitens like Pe.roxldo be cause It Is incomparably the best. And the snmo druggists In the same way are squtiruly behind the entire fumlly of A. D. S. products, It. means everything to you to have Hitch a guarantee behind the reme dies you buy a guarantee based on the scientific knowledge and ex perience of thousands of exports. l When you buy an A. I). 8. product from an A. D. 8. druggist, you muy do so In tho conlldent belief that you hnvo secured the finest possible pro duct at the lowest possible prlco. Ask nny A. I). S. Druggist for A. D. i S. product- the next time you need any household remedy or toilet ar I tide sold In a drug store.-Adv. . 'k. cash payment, 8 per rent of hit In lice to be paid unmtully, 8. per runt In tel est on prluclpal, Sou II. J, over turf. 78-a9tto FOR SM.E--llti.VK' bleyulo Hlulld lirtl Fit ntlt tiro Co. lino. FOR SALE -Ford rondHler. A 1 con dition. Inquire. Ill Delaware. 711-29-Slp. , , FOIt SAI.K-Suutli lletid Malleable range. ('Ned only it bout seven months. Also Nitptha kllt-beu cab inet. 43ft llroiitlwuy. 77-: ai KOIl SALE- Edition plloiiographii ami records- Siuiidurd Furniture Co. It HO. OFIt SALE New Maxwell roadster Never run a mile, Cluitsy little ear for 1118.1 If taken beore Jan. 15. Inquire. Hend llulletiii. 13 -2S-3Sp KOIl HALE Four loom house, I'HOI'ESSIOXAL AM) HI SIXEHH DIKKt TOItV. JOB WOHK R. H. FOX CAKI'KXTh'll HIIOI 121 Minnesota 81. Dr. Charles A. Fowler rttVSICIAN AND 8UUOEON Offices la I ho O'Kan Building Telephones: Res. Black 1382 Office Rod 33S1 R. S. HAMILTON ATTOHNET-AT-LAW Rooms 13-16 Klr( National Bank Bld. Tel. 811 (Or. Caa'l fornw OIHu.) H. H. D ArmeiMi Chaa. W. Cnklna De Armond & Erskinc L A W Y K R 8 O'Kane Building, Bend, Ore(on W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIBT Suite 12-14 O'Kan Building Tel. Black 1781 Bend, Oro. DR. TURNER, ETC SPECIALIST Permanently Located In Bend with New Equipment Room 8, O'Kano Bldg. Dr. H. N. MOORE NKXTISTnr Tel Black 1671 O'Kane Ulng. Tekphvna Hcd 711 O'Kunr nt-lg Dr. E. E. GRAY DENTIST l lou9:00 lo 12:001:00 In 3:30 tctfilngi and Suitdoui by apaainnwA Anna Riei-Finlcy, M. I). ELKTIUCITV A SPECIALTY Office. Rod III. Residence, 2281. Phones :, ' HAIR DRESSING PARLOR Up.tolata elvctrlcal aealp lratmimt4 for falling hair and dandruff. Parmma Neo plaMtlfiua. face treatment. All Iclmla Hair Work don. MRS. MULLICR Oregon St. Phone Hud 1851 t Itcnd IkIko No. 4iiA Loyal Or der of Moose Meets In Mooss Halt evory Thursday. Visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. DR. G. SKINNER DENTIST . - Phone: Office, Rod 2351 Room 17 O'Kane Building Office Hours: 0 to 121 to 6 MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent tor the . NUIIONE CORHIOTH . Will call, by appointment 1059 Columbia Street. ADDRESS P. O. UOX 638 W. A. JACOBS Job Carpenter nnd Contractor Small Repair Jobs Given Special Attention Caraar PlarMa- Av. and 81m Mara St. BOS 711, BEND close III, now varan' nnd ready for occupuiiry. Vrlnu $1SD0, I3D0 nthli. h it I n life like rent. J. Ityatt H (',). r tl -i! 5 1 f.o Foil HAI.E by owner til a bur TMiln Chevrolet 400. ' Call 4FIS or wrlle box D7. Hend, (H o. I U-aotto KOIl BALK--Why puicluiBO umid phoimgrnplia w Intro you can't pur chase pnrUT Wo havn u good line of used plionngraphs; also imrt L. K. Shepherd, Mlnuvsola at rent. UU-1 lotfo LOST LOUT Man's gold watch, substan tial reward for rut urn lo Hbevlln llUon lloardlng House or notify llul-It-tin olllee. 84-.1U-34P LOST- Lady's wrist walch bulwenti llroolis-St'iinlon Kill" and Trl-HlatO store. Finder pli'iise ret urn lo or notify Warner's slur. 80-30-3'Ji L. H. Itl( KAIll) PIANO TUNING Itegllliltllig mitt Repairing Leave orders nt Logans' lllurk-211 Baud, Oregon BATES TRANSFER CO. BUI Bates Tom Whnelnr IX A Nil OUTSIDE HAI'IJNO Orrii-o Krenchle'a Store, 1016 Bund Street Phone Red 1341 Bend ... Oregon Carlson & -yons IM.I'M II IN fa ct Ili:ATIN(i I'ltitiiblni and fhittln Kuppllet, I tut It Room Acceuorlrt, etc. Pipe. Vulvcs and FiltiniiH I'Iioni: ki:d is!) i H. C. DAVIS Will build or repair your house Sailnfuciorlly, Plans and estimates furnished. Shop at 303 Green wood Ave, Bend Park Co. Real Ettate and Intursncs Rend Conipany Uiiliillny Own Your Own Home I have some htrgtiin.s in BUNGALOWS KASV YKKMI J. A. EASTES . Central Oregon's Leadintf INSURANCE AGENCY ' Tinning and Shoot Metal WM. MONTGOMERY. Furjnces, .Spouting. Quttorlng, Cornice and Skylight Repairing promptly sttended to Prices right, work gtinrnnleed BEND INSURANCE AGENCY t WrtUra of all klnda of iniuranca. Old at Inatiranca Aa.nrr In Cantral Ore ton. H. C. Ellia. r'irat National Bank Btlildlna-, Band. Orason. Dodge Brothers Motor Cars walthkr-willTams CO. U. S. McCluro, Salesman - SEND A POSTAL TO 0. K. MAST PIANO TUNER TUNING-CLEANING.REPAIRING - BEND, OREGON