THE BKND BUJ.KTfN. DAILY EDITION, BRXD, OKKGON. MONDAY, JANlUnY 8, 1020. The Bend Bulletin : DAILY. EDITION tineae sery Afterneen Irapl Inter. Br le Hen Bnllelrn tlneerperetee). Entered w Becond Clean matter. Jenuare i, UI1, el the Poet Otflte at IkuJ. Orctuu under Art of Marth S, 1878. OB&KT W. SAWYER Edltor-Maneter CNR N. FOW1.EH Aoelt i Editor rBEU A. WOELFLKN...Adv.rlliin Manager C H. SMITH .....Clrcul.tH.n M.ruw.T SALPil SrENCER ...trnenlcal 6wt As Independent Neweeaper, tandtn for th; etnere deal, eleen hoelneee, eJeen polltica end gje keel iuUioiu ul Hend eud Orcggn. UBSCRIPTION RATES Br MftU Chit Year ... ill Month! . . taree Montha Oh T-" .... li Monlhi ... Oct M"nth .. ..12.71 ..11.60 Br Carrier ..... ....IJ.60 ...I .00 All obafrlptlone are doe end PAYABLE TO ADVANCE. Notlrea t eipiralion are mailed eobecrlbere end If renewal U not mad within reasonable tiro th neper will be iieeontlnued. Pleue notify ua promptly of any chance of jMreea, or ol failure to rent" th papar rtu awly. OaherwUe we will not bt reeponalble far eesiaa miaeed. Make all ?hecka and order payable to Tht Bend Bulletin. ' 1 ' MONDAY, JANUARY 2. 1920. ISSUE A SUPPLEMENT. The failure of the railroad admin istration to Include any reference to Deschutes county In its recently is sued pamphlet, "Oregon-The Land of Opportunity" has not gone unnoticed In other parts of the state besides Bend. In our mail today comes a letter from Portland which says. "I have sought for Information relative to Bend and Deschutes and Crook counties In a pamphlet recently Issu ed by the U. S. R. R. Administration entitled "Oregon-the land of Oppor tunity" and have sought In vain. I can find no mention of either al though from the map which said pamphlet carries I see there are such places. I see in this document descriptive of Curry county there is a "Continentof the United States" another slight inaccuracy, I sup pose." The Bulletin commented on the failure to mention this section when this pamphlet first appeared and at the same time -wrote to Portland .railroad officials asking for an ex planation. None has been forthcom ing. We understand, however, that the Commercial club has been In formed that a local newspaper man was asked for Information on Des chutes county for the pamphlet and that he failed to give it. On that ac count, it is said, no mention of the county was made. Newspaper men are supposed to be readiest and the best, able ot any members of a community to give facts concerning its opportunities end advantages. ' Ordinarily tbe.v consider it not only a duty but a privilege to say what they can for their town and county. If they neg lect to do so they fail in the trust imposed upon them by their posit ion in the community. However, the railroad administration cannot just ify its neglect of Deschutes county by any such excuse as that offered: Several of the men responsible for the compilation of the booklet are thoroughly acquainted with Bend and Deschutes .county. They visit Bend to get trade for their roads. They know what there is here aid that the advantages and opportunit ies for the home seeker and investor are as great here as in any other parts of the state. They are as able as any newspaper man in town to but that' knowledge on paper. By some carelessness they failed to get it into the pampfilet. Its belongs there and they can now remedy their neglect by issuing a supplement. . - It's iip to them to do so. The West Coast Lumbermen's as sociation has appropriated $1,000 for the use o4 the- Grant Hodge Post .of the American Legion, of Centra lla, Washington In dealing with the I. W. W. menace. According to an association circular none of the money is to be used for attorney's fees for the prosecution of the men charged with the Armistice) day crime but will be used in a general clean-Ing-up of L W. W. infection by means of honorable and law abiding methods. "A part of the fund," says the circular, "will doubtless go to ward the support of families of I. W. W. now In Jail, on the, theory that the kiddies are not responsible for the murderous moral obliqueties of the fathers." COMMUNICATIONS, . ; ' BIXLKTL HAS LONG JOURNEY. Tucson, Ariz.,. December 26,-1819. To tho Editor: Hark to the tale of a, Bulletin Is sued December 15. It Journeyed to a '. subscriber, when read was used to gether with an Oregonian note its affinity to nobility, to act as a buffer protecting a Christmas remembrance directed to us from the customary onslaughts of a Burlesoned post,, was read by two at our home and was the sale and contributing cause of this RipplirigRhumosf ' i -i ii The New Year. . I hail the new year gladly, and say to it, "Good day," while still surveying sadly the year that's passed away. The old year seemed a winner when first its tour began, but now old Time, the tin ner, has put it in a can. That year was punk and daffy, the worst of all bum bets; this much of epi taphy is all the dead one gets. But now its bright successor with gladness I accost, and I'm a cheap john guesser if it should prove a frost. I hail the buoyanf: stranger and hope he'll set us free from dread and doubt and danger, and all the ills there be. I hope he'll bring good feeling, contentment, in his train, -and end the foolish spieling that's driving mnn insane T hon( he'll brint? a season of ouiet i and repose, and back to law oy tne nose, ror i am, on, so weary uj. riot aim unrest, of frowsy skates and bleary who do their dirty best, to stir up useless quarrels, to make men's passions flame, to undermine their morals, and spoil their useful game. -The old year's buried un der a million tons of grit; the new year is a wonder, and ought to make a hit. - letter and the enclosed signed ballot anent the poor old . League ot Na tions which is now looked upon by some as perfect Just as it is flat on its back. Some little accomplish ment for one lone number, isn't It? I am ignorant as to your editorial attitude towards the League contro versy but believing or assuming that you have urged the necessity of its adoption as originally presented, I am wondering "If you permit contro- wise arguments or opinions to be presented. Mr. Wilson's strongest arguments on his , Western swing when not mendaciously repre tenting the Shantung afinir (which is a m-it- ter not of opinion but of facts pre sented by press reports and the Con gressional record) was that reserva tions meant rejection and rejection would "break the ; heart of the world." 1 The following taken from Le Temps, the greatest paper in France and-its mouthpiece shows how fallacious is that statement and that the world's . heart is rather a sturdy affair. "We have been told that the reservations of the Senate were a disavowal of the work accom plished at the Peace Conference. It is alleged that the U. S. shows a tend ency no longer to be associated with Europe and with the peace. In reply to this manifest false.hood it Is only necessary to state the fact, tha.t al though they insist on redrafting in two or three- places, the . covenant which can be amended anyway, the American reservations contain noth ing that should lead the Allies to reject ratification binder these condi The Liberty Bell Bakery & Dairy Wishes You a Happy New Year We have reopened the Freeman Bakery, located on Bond street, and are now in a position to sup ply you with BREAD, sweet through and through; Staple and fan cy Pastry and all kinds of Dairy Products. We cordially solicit your patronage liberty Bell Bakery DON'T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass age of urine, you will find relief in GOLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, livw, bladder and uric add troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 169& Three sices, all druggists. Guaranteed, leek fee Ike saaae Cold Medal e every kl. : Son, .!jN ei and reason lead people tions. On the contrary, they con- tnin certain interpretation whfth are very wise and which it would be to our interest to sanction." Again, Mr. David Lawrence, than whom uo one correspondent more nearly proclaims the yiaws of Mr. Wilson In print, refers in a lute November article signed by himself, to "some unanswerable arguments of the protesting senators" tho' at the same time condemning their t atti tude. Now let's connect the two "unans werable arguments" admitted by a Bend Water Light & PowerCo. Ki ttttKKtttt The farmer and the business man of this corn munity are partners in the progress or the failuie ot . their community. . ' If they pull 'together, the progress and prosperity is certain to come. IF they listen to preachers of class hatred there can only be failure as a result. THE SHEVLIN-HIXON COMPANY Progressiveness and Growth in tbii community, means dollars and'ernta in your pocket. Build Now with Deschutes (White) Pine. Build of Lome products snd patronize heme ind'iitry. The cbeapeit sad beat building1 material ii Deaclmtes (White) Pine and it manufactured right here into all aizei and grades of lumber. Acquire a home of your own instead of a bunch of rent receipt. ' PUT YOUR MONEY TO WORK, BUILD NOW The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. ' LOCAL SALES ACENT3; MILLER LUMBER COMPANY - White. House coiTOHoudinit, nnd tho plain uiiqunllllod Htntumunt ot Le Tumps endorsing I (to reservations bused on (hose same iiiKumonln. Ad mitting the truth ot thnso twu ttrtl eli'H, ii ml oiit'li In open to proof In the columns ot the ureas, doouu'l It look us tho the contentions stubbornly fought, by tho pigmy minded llopilb llcnii senators were not wo politically spiteful us our many newspapers In cluding Uuiiubllauti, would litivo us bollavu, nnd that JJiey tiro worthy of mfpport . by tho Bulletin na well tiH by Le Temps? Yours truly. II. M. CHEINEIt, 807 E. 3rd, Ht. The writer of the fotvfulng, wui formerly u resident of Bond, being in the olllce of tho Bond Company. Ills ballot on tho pence treaty ques tion Is marked for rutlflcution, but only Willi all tho Lodge re.serviitUitis. FACULTY OF B. II. S. INCREASED BY ONE Sister of PrcMdi'iit of State Uni versity win Tcncli KiikIIxIi ut Mulliciuutlcx. Miss Agnes Campbell, sister ot President P. L. Campbell, of the Un iversity of Oregon, has been engaged to tench muthomullc8 nnd English In the senior high school lu Bund, it was APPLES Spitzenberg and Yellow Newtown , $2.50 box TRI-STATE STORE THERE IS NEED IN EVERY HOME FOR AN ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. Stop to count the cost ot the laundry you send out. Stop to count the cost ot laundry done by old methods. You will at once see the reasons why you should bare an electric washing machine. $12.50 down and $12.50 per month puts a THOR WASHING MACHINE IN YOUR HOME. ntnntJfi! itc rS!tRtt:nnu!tnt tiiiiiaitiiiinuiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiMtfjl announced this morning by City Sup erliiluiiilonl Moore. MIhh ('uiiiiliell is a graduate orllio Httilo. University, nnd lias hud two yours of grail mil 0 work ut Columblu In uddlllon, li row th lu tho number ot pii)i)H registered nnd tliu Incrouso expnetud for the second semester, Uuvo uiudv I'UOI DHNIONAIi AND JOII WOUK R. II. FOX CAIjl'KXTKIt HHOI' 131 Mlnmiaotu St. Dr. Charles A. Fowler PHYSICIAN AND SUIfapqN Ofllces In (ho O'Kano Duilding Toluphones: Ros. Ulnck 1383 Office IUd 2361 R. S. HAMILTON ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-18 First National Bank Bids. Tel. til (Dr. Coe't farmer OOlce.) H. 11. Da Armotiil ' CKa. W. Knklae Do Annond & Erskine h A V Y E II 8 O'Kane Building, Bend, Oregon W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 12-14 O'Kane Building Tel. Black 1781 Bend, Ore. DR. TURNER, " EYE SPKCIALIST : Permanently Located In Bend with New Equipment Room 9, O'Kane Bid. Dr. II. N. MOORE DENTISTRY Tel Black 1871 O Kaos Bldg. Telephone Red 171 O'Kane Slilf Dr. E. E. GRAY DENTIST Hour. 9:00 to 12:001:00 to 5:30 Eanlntt eaW Senrfayl v eaae'aloMel Dr. Anna Ries-Finlcy. Has moved her office orer Horton Drug Co. Office Phone RfeC 301 ' Residence 2281' HAIR DRESSING PARLOR Up-to-date electrical aralp treatmenta (or fallinc hair and dandruff. Faraoae Ne puuttqae Face treatmenta, AU kinua Hair Work done. MRS, MD1XRR Oregon St. Phone Rod 18C1 Bend Lodge No. 428 Loral Or der of Moose Meets In Hooss Hall every Thursday. Visiting brothers re oordlally Invited to attend. DR. G. SKINNER DENTIST Phone: Office, Rod 2351 Room 17 O'Kane Building Office Hours: 9 to 121 to 6 MRS. V. A. SMITH . Agent for the NVBONB COIWETS Will call by appointment 1059 Columbia Street. ADDRESS P. O. BOX S38 Corns, Bunions Arch Supports Treated' Foot Appliances " H. F. Shoemaker FOOT SPECIALIST Office: Wright Hotel Hours: 1 to 5 P. M. . Evenings and Sundays by Appointment Examinations free Prices Reasonable Tel. Black 111 THIS PAPER flEPREoENftO FOR FOREIGN a ADVERTISING B f THE ;(i GENERAL OFFICES '.''" NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN AI L THE PRINCIPAL CITIES It nocewtiiry lo mid It) Ilia present touching; fuico, Mr. Monro explained. MIhh CiiuiphoU will liu lu lloiul In time for llio npiMiliiK of Hin npiluv; term, January til. Bulletin "WANT ADH" llrlng It.,, suits Try Them. lU'HJ.NIiHS lllHIX TOKV. L. S. ItH'KARD PJANO TUNING Iti'jfulutJiiK nnd ItnpiilihiK Leave orders, ul Loguus' llliick-211 liniid, ' Omgon RATES TRANSFER CO. 1)111 Bute Tom Whwlvr IN AND Ol TSIDK IIAI LINU Orricu Krniiclilii'H Htoro, 1010 Bond Htriii'l Phone It. Hi 1341 j Bond' ... Ori'Koii ELECTRIC LAUNDRY Itoui(h Dry snd I'lnl.lir.l Work ' Cull 1002 Hill HI., or Ci'iilrul Oregon Cleaning Wks. Mrs. Pearl E. Lattimcr Box 80, Bend. Omgon Work Culled For mid Dfllvored ii Carlson & Lyons PLUM III N ft ' II LATINO I '1 11 in 1,1 11 j; nnd lleutlnjf Hiiiillei, Hath Koom Acceanurlcs, etc. I'ipc, ViiIvc.h and Fittings 1'iioNi: hi: i) ifitii II. C. DAVIS Will liulld or ri'palr your ho unn HatlHfuclorlly, I'liins and otliimle furnlnhmi. Hliop at 808 Ci rem wood Avo. ' Bend Park Co. Real Ettate snj Insurance Hend C'oniiany llulldln)f Own Your Own Home I have some bnrgains in BUNGALOWS KAHV VKKMS . J. A. EASTES Central Or((on' Leading INSURANCE AGENCY Tinning and Sheet Mstal , WM. MONTOOMBRX. Puroacaa, Spouting. Guttering. Cornice und Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prices Hunt, work guaranteed BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Writers of all kino of Inauranoe. Old eat Insurance Aene In Central Ore. C. H. 0. Kllla, Flrat National Bank Idlns, Bend, Oresen. Dodge Brothers Motor Cars WALTHEU-WILLIAMS CO. , R. 8. McClure, Salesman W. A. JACOBS Job CorpcnUir and Contractor Small Repair Jobs a I von Spoolul Attention Center Florida Are. and glaeaiare 8L BO tit, BENf . SEND A TOSTAL TO ' , G. E. MAST PIANO TUNER tuning-cxeaning.repairJvig ' bend. oregon