The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, December 31, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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    PAGE) 4
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IKccp The Home Fires Hurnimr.SSS
The time is fast approaching when we must turn the last page of
the 1919 calendar, and sum up our deeds and accomplishments of
another page of life. '
Each year as it rolls past but serves to mold more firmly, the cjay
in our pattern of existence, fashion more staunchly our habits,
dispositions and duties to our fellow man. ' " ' "
In the year that has just passed we have endeavored to meet you,
every one on a half-way basis, to deal fair, and be of the greatest
service to our customers, in this we hope that we have not entire
ly failed.' '
Our policy for the year to come will be prompted by the same
feeling of good fellowship and service, to believe in the brands of
floods we handle and to offer them to you for just what we be
lieve it to be, no more or no less. '
We wish to express our appreciation for your patronage and
hope to so conduct our business that you will feel that you are
doing yourself justice by giving us your patronage. ' "
R. M. Smith's Grpcery
Fifteen Years Ago
(From the columns of The Bul
letin of December 30, 1904.)
That Ilend believes lu a good pub
lic school was shown last Wednes
day night wheu at the school meet-
ing called for that purpose, a 12 mill
tax was voted. This will yield $1,632,
if nothing is allowed for delinquents.
Christmas exercises were held at '
the First Ba'ptist church Saturday
night for. the children in town, and
to cite the stability of Bend's pop
ulation, it is estimated that there
were' not less than 450 nresent.
The Methodists in Bend have taken
steps to organize a Sunday school
and build a church edifice.
The Bend, Water, Light, & Power
Co., which was incorporated a few
, weeks ago with a capital of J 10,000,
perfected its organization this week
by electing E. F. Batten, H. C. Ellis.
and W. E. Guerin directors, and mak
ing Mr. Batten president and treas
urer , and Mr. Ellis vice-president
and secretary. The purpose of org-
anizing at this time is to start work
for a public water service In Bend.
A second story is to be built on the
bank building immediately to furnish
necessary office accomodations for
the telephone company and other
corporations now in the building.'
Miss Sather arrived in Bend last
week to make her home with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sather. She
has just completed a course at a
Portland business college.
. The Deschutes Improvement com
pany, which has hitherto exiBted as
a partnership, was this week lncor-
ylien you tell your grocer you want
You get the same good powder
that rises in the oven, and makes
lighter, sweeter bakings.
You get convenience, for you may
bake as soon as 3'our dough is
mixed, or you may delay the bak
ing for hours. The dough will
rise to perfection whenever placed
in the oven.
You pay the
pre-war price
2.5c for 1 pound
$1 for 5 pounds
Seattle, Washington
porated by W. E. Guerin, H. R.
Lamb, and C. M. Weymouth.
"Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Overturf and
J. I. West were Prineville visitors
this week.
"A Girl to Order."
See this snappy farce comedy at
the Y. M. C. A. vaudeville show
New Year's night, at the gymnas
ium admission 25c and 35c 19-20c
HRIFT separates the tem-
Derate, we hehavpH. re
spected, from the unsatis
factory members of society
Can YOU afford to be
without a Savings Account? "
91 Snivel
The First National Bank
Classified advertising chars W ku tO
tent for 20 words or lest. One eent per
word fur all orer 20. All ciaMifled advertbiog
itrictly casb in advance
WANTED Man flunky at llrooks
Scanlon lopping camp. Salary
$67.50 and board. Apply at
Urpoks-Scanlon Office. 1 0-20-2 lc.
WANTKD Black Spaniel male pup.
See Mrs. Guy McLaughlin, De
schutes Apartments, Hoom 7. 3-19-20c.
WANTED To rent three or four
room fiirniKhed house. Call
Thomas Coxen, Wright Hotel 90-18-
Zlp 1
We believe we can make it practically whatever we wish to have
ft -But we must have confidence, confidence in ourselves and
confidence in others. " ' '
There are a lot of pessimists about the country these days claim
ing everything Wrong Let's begin the New Year by saying
some things may' be wrong, but we are going t.o right them.
And we believe conditions will right themselves, just about in the
proportion to the confidence which we have in ourselves and our
ability to right them.
Necessarily there is considerable unrest in the country, but
we must understand that it cannot be adjusted in a few days.
We believe there are too many red blooded, honest to God Ameri
cans in these United States to allow a few foreign agitators to
come oyer here and do more than cause a momentary discomfort.
We believe the real American laboring man is too sensible to
believe that in these days his employer is seeking to make him
an industrial slave.
We believe the real American capitalist is too sensible to be
lieve that labor is seeking to take over the industries of this
country as has been 'done in poor Russia.
NOW THEN Let's resolve on this NEW YEAR'S DAY that
we will all do our part to see that the old U. S. A. returns
quickly to her normal condition of peace, prosperity, and security
as the best country in the world.
Furthermore let's determine that 1920 shall be a record break
ing year of prosperity and growth.
And if by any mental process, and faith in ourselves and our
country, we can bring about this happy state of mind we need
have no fear but that 1020 will be Central Oregon's banner year.
"Keep the Home Fires Burning."
A Happy New Year and may it be one of those years on
which, when it has passed into history, you will look back with
pleasure as well as profit.
Bend's Clothier
Keep The Home Fires Burn ing. gg----:
pay cash. N. If. Gilbert, Cor. Bond
and Oregon. D7-125tfc.
WANTED Used furniture, range,
rugs, phonographs, office desks.
If you want to sell, see us. Noth
ing too big or too small. Stand
ard Furniture Co. 98-130lfc
KOK RENT Small two room -furnished
house. Inquire 1070 I'n
ion at Iloulerard Addition. 9-2 0c.
FOIt SALE by owner at a bnr
. gain Chevrolet 4!0. Call 4F12
or write box 57, Hond. Ore. 12-fc0tfc
FOR SALE Cull potatoes for stock
feed. Inquire United Warehouse.
house Kenwood, f 1,000, term. J.
Hyan & Co. til-Htfc
FOR HALE A real bargain. Five
room modern bungalow, Park ad
dition, built Ibis year, close to both
mills, reasonable terms. J. Ityan &
Co- t 62-1 3tfc
FOR SALE Four room house on
45x114 lot. Price ll.pou. Plume
Ited 401 or Hod 781. 7fi-iiltfc
FOIl SALIC Most up lo dnio house
in Bend, 5 room brick bungalow
with electric accessories Intuited, in
fine neighborhood. For partlularH
see J. M. Luwrcnen 80-1 Sltfc.
yewr old heifer. No cur marks, no
brand drlihcrnhln. Owner may
have name by paying charges. Clint.
Carroll, flint Highway. G4-18-2tl
LOST llettvcun Kenwood and tlm
round hoiih... black hand grip con
taining lunch, win party who
round It please call James Elliott,
Phono It.-d fl72. Reward. K-20p.
WANTED Used furniture.
The Liberty Bell
Bakery & Dairy
VVishes You a
Happy New Year
We have reopened the
Freeman Bakery, located
on Bond street, and are
now in a position to sup
ply you with BREAD,
sweet through and
through; Staple and fan
cy Pastry and all kinds
of Dairy Products.
We cordially solicit
your patronage
Liberty Bell Bakery
FOR SALE 1 918 Ford bug four
speed tranHmlHHlon. Inquire 424
East Kearney. 95-17-2lp.
FOR SALE Why purchase used
phonograph!) where you can't pur
chase parta? Wo have a good line
of UHed phonogrnpbK; alHo pari.
h. K. Shepherd, Minnesota street.
FOIl SALE 1918 Ford car. four
speed transmission Inquire 424
EaHt Kearney. 83-lfl-20p
FOR SALE Iiy J. Ryan & Co.. 4
room house, Slants addition, cloao
to mllla. Price, $1,100. terms. 3
room. hoiiKe, Park addition, close to
mills. Price y 1 .000, terms.. 3 room
LOST Jle.lweon IJocoinbor 19th and
25th, a mink muff specially prized
as keepsake. Reward for return to
Miss Eugenie llnnulon, 811 fieorgln
avonue. Phone Mack 1531. 1-18-20p.
TAKEN CP Came to my place
about, November IS, hrlndle two
Notice ' Is hereby given that the
city of Ilend has caused to be Im
pounded the following described
livestock, pursuant to the provision
of ordinance No, 120 of said city, to
wlt: One black mare weight about
1000, ago about 4 years, star In
forehead, branded loft shoulder.
'Notice Is further hereby glvuu
that the undersigned will on the
8th day of January, 1020, at the hour
or 3 p. in. at Iho city pound In said,
city, sell at public miction tho above
described livestock to sallsry Un
charges rnr Impounding the sanio to
gether with nil accruing costs.
Chief of Police.
The American Bakery
Extends a wish to each of its friends and patrons for a Happy,
Successful New Year. ' '
Accept our many thanks for your patronage during the year that
has just passed and may the next year bring even more co-operation
between the retailer and consumer. H ''
ifiWiTl I I'l I'lil'iiiMMliMil