THE BEND BIXLKTIX. DAILY EDITION. BUM). OUEflON, THI UHDAV, NOVKMIIKR 1.1. 1010 PAGE 2 The Bend Bulletin! DAILY EDITION . I nMUh4 Brr Aftarnaon lltift BaaaaT. Br tae Baaa HDllflia (lacarparalaa). j Enured aa Second Claaa roattr. January I, HIT, at tlit Pool Offica t UtnA Urnion. undar j Act of March a. 1H7B. I tOPKKT W. SAWVErt RWor-ManaiwT HKNHY N. FOWI ER Aclat luiitor i FBKU A. WOKl.KLKN... A.lvrtiln Manaiwr ' C. II. SMITH I'lnulatior. Mm HALl'H BTENCKR Machanlcal Bui.t Aa Independent Newapalwr, atandlne tor the , nr dtal, clonil hualiieae, e'n polittoa nil Ikf kMl Inlelaele I Mend knd Central Oregon, j eilHSCRll'TION RATES i 1)7 Mall ' On. Yr , M ill Month J-'J rhrM Month! H.M . B Carrier On. Ye- ' li iWhe :. One lfcnih..v.'iv'.v.'jLVj:';-.!.-' . All iuhacrlptlona are, due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Noticee of nplratlon an mailed ...hKnu.H .nil If rnwal I. not made within aajonebla time tha paper will ba discontinued. Pleaae notify ua promptly of any change of t aidraaa. or of failure to receive the paper rceu. ; lerlr. Otherwiee wa will not be reapooaible lor ! toplee mtesed. i aUae all -therka and ordera parable to The , endJBulletln. THl'RSDAt, NOVK.MBEK 13. 1919 THE CENTIIAL1A CRIME Tlio four Ontrulia yotirts men who. were shot down by the I. W. W.s on Tuesday while parlicipitl ing in an Armistice day parade died for America Just as though they had met their death in the Argonne forest a year ago. Cruel and needless as their deaths were they have brought before the country as nothing else could the menace of the I. V. V., the Wob bly and the Red. Hitherto we have dealt softly with this murderous crew. The easy ways of America, its usual "willingness to palliate and excuse, and above all its extreme anxiety to do nothing which might inter fere with the right of free speech, have permitted these pangs to meet and plot, to foster discontent, and plan murder and revolution. To what extremes they are ready to go was shown in Centralia. The country knows and the country will not be idle nor forget until all possibility of a repetition of such crimes is -gone. They said, these murderers, that it was industrialism that they fought that it was the so-called capitalistic Bystem they wanted to change, but when they fired on former soldiers of the United States, members of the American Legion and repres atives of the highest type of Ameri canism their true purpose was re pealed. They are anti-American revolutionists and they have signed their own death (warrants.. "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church," and the blood of these young men is the seed rom which will spring the new American purpose to exterminate this crew that would pull down the Stars and Stripes and raise in its place the red flag of revolution. From the Columns of The Bulletin, November II, J01I4. Walter Lee was arrested Monday and find 25 and costs when he pleaded guilty to beating his mother. So far this beatsuii, SO buildings have been erected in Bend, having a total value of about $75,000. There Is yet a great dearth of houses, and any sort of habitable structure Is readily rented. The Bend L.ight, Water & Power Co., with an authorized capital of $10,000, was incorporated by A. L. Goodwillie, W. L. Guerin, and Geo. C. Steinemann this week. Fred Wallace, with his wife "and three children, drove in Tuesday evening from Antelope, and will live on their land north of Laidlaw. H. C. Ellis, of the Deschutes Telephone Company,- returned Sun day from his trip to Prineville and Forest's in the Interest of a tele phone line between these points. The Pilot Butte Company's saw mill will be shut down next week for repairs, and to put in a new engine and accessories that arrived last week. Charles A. Stanbnrrough, feeling that he had not time to attend to the duties of school clerk, ias resigned, and the board has chosen Harry Hedges to fill the vacancy. Reports from up the river are to the effect that bears are as thick as fleas in California. The Pilot Butte Company is clear ing the trees out of Minnesota and Bond streets this week. FIRE CHECKED AT GRANGE FARM HOME GRANGE HALL. Nov. 13. Mrs. Pedersen who has suffered from rhe umatism for the past two years, was out in the yard Tuesday during the wind storm and an expected gust of wind caused her to stumble and fall. She was not able to rise with out help. No serious resul s were reportt"'. . Mr. If. Helgesbn has his name to the roll of Ford car ov.:ers, RipplirigRhqmos . Unhappy. '., I will from this land depart, with my gun and carpet bag, when its customs break my heart, when they make my spirit sag; when our government's a bore that has made me raw and sore, I will seek some other shore, where I'll stand and chew the fag. When I know some other land that has got this country skinned, be it on the Asian strand, or. some island of the Ind, I will take the quickest boat, with my corkcrew and my goat, for that paradise re mote, and this country may be tinned. But while I am dwelling here, hanging out my minstrel sign, it seems pretty plain and dear that I have no right to whine ; if I'm sore on Uncle Sam, and would give his flag a slam, I should move to Rotterdam, for a rotter's soul is mine. If the time should ever come when this country seems a frost, all its bul warks on the bum, and its laws not worth the cost, I will sail away, away, to old Russia or Cathay, where I'll spend my little day by some tinhorn tyrants bossed. But while on this shore I roost, ' I will bless its hallowed loam, its palladiums I'll boost till the spangled cows come home; I will hand our sturdy blows to its critics and its foes, and when I run out of prose I'll embalm it in a pome. week on IiiikIiii'mh. VL. V. Y tiuiiK nuiTowly OHi'tipi'd liav Iiik a HurlouH lire tit his .homii live uiIIiik north of town, hint Friday, when tin over IumiIkiI MovM-pIno sol lire to Hie iiinf of llio tlwollliiK. Two iielKhhoriiiiin twllii'i' with .Mr. anil Mrs. Voiidk h.v hIi'iiiiiiiim nunrls put the llio out. by t'liriyliiK witter to tlio rout ti ml by t!i uo of wot bliinkolH In the HorniMt slury. .Mr. Fiii'KUHiin spt'iit In hi iilglil ut Tom MtM'i'liiiul's ru n ell with IiIk em tio which lie wit (i Iii'IiikIiik f id in the huiiil win ois nf the Dosi'liulea. .Mr. I.estur'H 1UIHI lifiitl of sheep arrived yesii'idny. llo will keep thoin on his ull'iilfii piiHtui'o thiH win ter. Dorothy Yoiiiik umt Sunday ill the (,'Iiiih. WillliimHou ru no ti . Mr. lltilKi'nvit, the iiww iiinmlu'i' of tlvy (Ii'.iiik Hull school bou nl, 1I1111 uleil Hiiiiie work In the si'hool Thu ra dii y which whs Brandy upin'oi'liileil h.v llio district 11 ml ospevlully by the .teiu'hers titnl pupils. Mr. mill Mrs. (loo. Erickscn 11 ml daiiiihler'KsliH'i' 11ml Mr, II. lli'lui--smi mid iliniKlitcr Km Inn Inn uiicihI ed i'hui'clfln Hciul Sunday. Ilni'hoi't Nelson Is on thn sick list. I (In ami .Mitliln liable spout Siiiulny with their parents 011 (he ranch. Put It In Tlio Ilullctln. How Starfish Eat. All the Ktiii'IMi fiiHicn lliiMiist'lves to dm mutter they wish in demur, turn thi'lr Htimiut'liM Inside mil, mill enfold thi'lr prey. II, doesn't muiiiiI pretty, lull It's elVerllve, mill Unit's nil tlio lliirllsli euro iilniiit. Two Ffttnlltlca. The fii'lulil (mill ciiiimmI the espln. slim y Mtllnu 11 truck liuuled ullh lieeiylene linikH. The truck 11 nil driv er wim lillled, - HulTiilii News. JtDinF "lln aod MormiiJ. WiiVn."w frow Chan, thallky H CT- '' " ' Tire. Itch, "o(iiV7J .J Smart or Hum, II Sore, Vf... i-JtC Itrltalnl. Inllamnl or YOUR tltj Granulated. uacMurln llten. tfoutbae, Helreebea. Sal (or Infant or Adult. At all llruitiiiiM. Wrltnlor fre Eye buok. Kirf-ln lHiCa,,aia. . No.l uw ' MEN ONLY A Man's Shoo that WILL wear EXCEPTIONAL VALUE $5.69 at TRI-STATE TERMINAL CO. and is learning to drive a cur which he purchased Saturday. Henry Williamson so his house which he had In this neighborhood to his brother. The brother is mov ing it to his homestead on the high desert. Frank Foster brought his cattle from Brooks-Scanlon's pasture last wsek and stayed over night at Fred Hettmans. Bob Schafer's team decided they needed exercise Thursday. So tyhen Mr. Sehafer left thorn ut his ate for 11 few inomeutH they run to .Mil L. C. Yoiiiiks and were making u ruce .truck around Mr. Yoiiiik's hay stack. After the third round they were caught and sent home, with the remains of u wagon. C. H. Lewis of the high desert was in this neighborhood a few dnyg hixi BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when the body is racked with puin. Everything worries and the victim becomes j despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL Q1 Th national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it la an enemy of all paina to aulting; from kidney, liver and uric acid troubles. All druggists, three aftrs. ft for the Mine Gold Mdal e ba aa4 cept eo imUalioa I Fifteen Years Ago Just What, a Hot Spot Chalmers Saves on a Cold Day A TOST cars are hard to start on a cold day. There is a notable except ion in the Hot Spot Chalmers. It responds to' the pres sure of the starter; button, "warms up" quickly and runs at a high point of efficiency in a few moments. It saves many things on a cold 'day: , 1. Your battery 2. Your gas 3. Yjour time 4. Your temper $1685 f. o. Hot Spot and Ram's horn r o v i tl e cold weather efficiency! They "crack up" the gas-, rush it to the cylinders before it can condense, and "warm iim" iu engine in fjuick time. Let us explain to you just how these two magnificent devices do the work. Once you understand I hem your admiration will grow strong er for a Hot Spot Chalmers. b. Detroit PIONEER GARAGE CO. BEND, OREGON l. i', 'r!' 11 u .,-7-1 en ir .. . ,.4J.7M uii in lUBt t'. "( lbh 1 w.'j-.'ai Wst rzr"""""ii"iiiiiirin ui , i ju m nixt ir.J r Progressiveness and Growth in tlu'i community, meant Jollura onJ ccnta in your pocket. Build Now with Deschutes While) Pine. On il J of home proJucta anj patroni'te liome in J-iali y . 1 lie chcupcit and beat kuilJin material it Decliute (Wlnlc) Pine and i manufactured ri'dht Kere into all iie anJ JraJri of lumber. Acquire a home of your own imteaj ol a bunch of rent reccipta. PUT YOUR MONEY TO WORK. BUILD NOW The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. LOCAL SAl.ES AGKNTS MILLER LUMBER COMPANY ?.na::K...!.n....:p.K:... THERK IS NEED IN EVERY HOME FOR AN ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. Stop to count tlio coxt of lh laumlry yau wnd out. Ktup to count tha com .o( laundry dona by old mctliuUH. You will ut ouco wo tlio rciiHoiiH why you ahoulU linvo un i-li'Clrlc wuHhlnit iniiclilnn. $12.50 down and $12.50 per month puts a TIIOR WASHING MACHINE IN YOUR HOME. Bend Water Light 8c Power Co. i:::iuti:m::ni::ilu:::J"H!::i:::::i::tt:::t:tKti:m:K:t:m:K!:Mm:u The fnnner nnd the business man of this com munity are partners in the progress or the failuie of their community. It they pull together, the progress and prosperity is certain' to come. IF they listen to preachers of class hatred there can only be failure as a' result. THE SHEVLIN-HIXON COMPANY THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY WilOLKSALE DISTRIBUTORS I-Olt CENTRAL OREGON OF OIL, GASOLINE, FLOUR, SALT, MEATS HAM, BACON, LARD, ETC. FERTILIZERS FOR LAWNS' AND FARM LANDS t General Commission Merchants WE BU Y HIDES THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Phone 241 A.M. PR1NGLE, Manager 4 1