TOO BENT) IHTIXBTItf, DAn,Y EDITION, BEVD, OREOO. PRTIMY, OCTOnEH 21, 1010 PAGE H 014 Friday and Saturday Hale Hamilton llie King ol CumwJitfia, in "FULL OF PEP" And a Metro Comedy of Cenuiire Laughs LIBERTY THEATRE wo SKowi Nightly -7:1 ud 9.00 I W T Friday and Saturday VIOLA DANA in ltd vrry latest l)e Luiff Mriro Comedy "Please Get Married" m ' , 2 Reels of SUpititlc ComeJy "Her Honor, tti Scrub LiJy" GRAND THEATRE Two Show Nightly. Msiiaae Duly. (Ml II KM) TRAIN HCIIKDII.E. Oregon Trunk. Arrives, 7:35 A. M. Learoi 8:00 P. M. O.-W. It. N. Arrives, 7:00 P. M. Loaves, 7:00 A. M. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TOOAfH TKMPERATCBB Maximum, 71 DiiKrwiin. Ills in Cioi'K Child In apiitlltiK vuciiiUin nt Tho Dulli'H K. I.. Clark, of I.n Pine, win llnnil today on business. Mm. K. P. Joch returned (his HKiniliiK (rum a trip to Portland. 4 I.tilKl IiiiiiiIhiiI will leave I on Ik lit for Italy, In make liln liuiiin with his futher. Mm. C. S. thulium and mm Dun, will mart for Portland toulKlit (or a short vhill. Mr. and Mm. V. R. Smith are Ilia parents at a niim pound baby Klrl born this week. Mm, J. F. Arnold ha been con fined to tier homo for. tint piihI two (I uyii liy a severe cold. J. T. MuTawtnrl, ot 8nn Pedro. Cul., Im In Ilund u tho Kuest of Mr. and Mm. A, M. Prlimlo. Mr. and Mr. Thomas Meyers, of Kunwood, urn Hie parents of an II pound baby boy born yesterday. Sir. and. Mm. I.ouIh linn mitt left (or Silver Lake yesterday after a visit or navnnil duyn In thin city. Mr. and Mm. H. M. Horton loft thlH tnorulng (or Burns tby auto. Thoy Intend to return within a week's time. Ml bh Col la Gavin, of Tho Dull?. In hero to Rpnnd tho wook end at the homo of Mr. and Mm. Churlim JV. Krsklno. Harry Wlso, formerly of thin city, 0 has returned to Bond aftor receiving hln discharge from the service. Ho Intends to mnkn IiIh homo in Bond. Mr. and Mm, A. B. Oortson am motiving congratulations ovnr tho arrival of a 10 pound buby boy born ut tho Bond BurKiciil bospl till recently. K. A. finow, who bun been spond- luic severul weeks piiHt ut the forest service ilmhiir reconnussiiiicit camp, In In llend (or a few duyn. ' Ho ex pect to Hike thu runner's exuml nut Inn shortly. How many of you love to trip tho MKHt innliiHiln lo ii piping good or (.'liimlra mid then uh uu glldo, away to thn rythm of it liuuullful tenor voice? How iiiiiny, I miy? Come on up witn tho rent or the Hendors to thn tiiiisiiuerudu at tho gym on Hul- lowu en. 119c Daily Market Report. IKurtiUliMl hy srrsnK.mmt with tta Ontrst Ornein Hank.) NOHTH PORTLAND, Oct. 21. Cutllii steady, good number rccolv ud today. Bunt steers. 9.r0 Tf 1 1 .CO ; good to choice, $9B.fi0; niodium to good, fKffD; fair to flood, 7fi8; common to (air, 6. 6006.50; choice cows and hoKnm, f7.60fl 8.50; good to choice, f a.604U7.50; medium to good, tr,.r,0(ir fi.00; fair to medium, .715.7u: canners. .1tfM. bulls, IMfG.r.O; prlmn light calves, $13fi16; heavies, $8 13. IIK Market. Two hundred anil twontv-flve lion received. Market uncertain. Prime mixed, I13.C05I H.00: mn- dlum mixed, 1 1 3.00 Df 13. CO: rouich heavies. $1 1 00 iff 1 1.60; smooth hen vies. 112.00 W12. 60: plus. 112.00 41) 13.00. Sheep Market. Vary alow about Htaady east o( mountuln, prlmo lamb 10ill; bmit valley lambs. I10W11; feedora. : yearlings. iii; wotbers, (.DuUB.i)u; ewes, 18W0.60. Championship Game for Central Oregon FOOTBALL Bend High School vs. Crook County High School . of Prinevllle, and PR1NEVILLE 7th and 8th GRADES vs. BEND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Depot Grounds, Saturday Afternoon, Oct. 25 First Game, 1 : 00 o'clock. Second Game, 2:00 P. M. Admission, 25c and 50c, AT THEJIOTELS. Pilot Itulio Inn. O. O. Packwood, Portland. M. O. Hiebulliig. Portland. K. It. MeCluru, Beuttlo. Kdna Huston, Prlnevillo. A. W. I'arshluy. Porllund. H. W. Olover, Hpokiinn. W. A. OrllfTlh. Chlcugo. II. V. West, Porllund. Mr. and Mrs. Put Hurry, Silver I.uka. n. A. Know, V. 8. F. S. C. K. Klchurd, Kliunuth Falls. I.. Kgll. Hllvor Uko. B. II. Nobles, Bpokuno. Mr. und Mm. II. R. Tulip. Port lund. Hotel Ciny. W. H. Htubler, Great Fulls. 'Mont H. B. Hayes. Mt., Vornon. W. A. Orimth, Chicago. H. P. WoHt. Porlund. E. L. Clark. La Pino. Leo McLaughlin, La Pine. Hotel Wright. Georgo V. Cloury, The Dalles. Marv WoodH, Porllund. W. E. 8mlth, Bedmond. Burt Looten, Sisters. Duwoy Pnge, Portland. BEARS AND COUGARS CAUSE STOCK LOSS Beam and cougars ure the cause or considerable losses of young cat- tin In tho Dry Crock section of the Kistors-Metollus ruugo. It was report ed nt national forest heudquurters horo today. Calves Jwvo como in badly scratched and bitten, .and others. It Is certain, have, boon killed. iii"iiiiiiiii"iiiii:imii!iimitiiiiiiiiiii:tiniiiiitiuiiimmimimiiiuma!iimii i iiim:uu:nia:iiiiumni ' ' ' i Knit Underwear For Women and Children Anticipation of Underwear needs Is real economy, for prices will be much higher later on. It is wise to antic ipate and get your season's supply now. Note the following values: Children's Cotton Vests on . s o and Pants.... JOC lO OOC Children's '07 . d o O C Union Suits OC CO JJZ.Zj Women's Cotton . 07 , dV 1 C O Union Suits O C CO q I .-0 Women's Wool and ' ' Silk and Wool f0 AO. j. . b "2 HQ Union Suits qJZ.H'O .tO ipJ.VO Women's Wool (tICQi. d?1 7D Vests and Pants I .JO IO CJ) I .O ' '. ' MILL MEN GIVE TO FUND FOR B. A. A. C. Ladles and Misses Ready to Wear That Interest Is growing In the campaign to raise funds (or the dls charge of the obligation against the Bend Amateur Athletic club, was In dicated this morning when subscrip tions voluntarily made at the Brooks- Scanlop. mill were " modo public. With tho exception ot the subscrip tion of Sum Blakely and E. T. Gcr rish, of tho logging department, the donations wore all from members of the night crew at the mill. The list ot subscribers Is as follows: Sam Blnkely '...$125.00 E. T. GorrlHh 60.00 T)nn Allon 6.00 E. Brandon, J. MiiBsart, . Curl Gorhnrt IT. J. Dnvis, Nick Soltz Tom H. Robinson .' i.00 A. H. Trottlor 16.00 H. M. Robinson, 6.00 N. A. Cobb 6.00 URGES EXAMINATIONS FOR EX-SERVICE MEN Lungs Attacked by ;UH Khperiiilly ii HUM-cptfble to Tuberculosis In fection, Kays Miss Cionen. All men who were gused during the war should have medical exam ination, even if they consider them selves to bo entirely recovered, is tho bclld( or Miss Mary E. Cronen, representative of the Oregon Tuber culosis association, now In the city on an official trip to this section. The lung tissues which have been uKKKnnt:s::::n:::s:::r . Novelties for your Hallowe'en Party and Dance Table Decorations Crepe Paper Fav FOR.MEN WHO ARE OUT IN ALL WEATHERS, OUR Plattsburg Model in heavy oil grain leather, with heavy sole, fills a want not found in many shoes. It has all the fine' points of a dress shoe, combined with wearability and service. THIS SHOE At $9.00 Is one of many . others we have at Saving Prices. Our Shoes will give you' full equivalent for every dollar you put Into them. MEN'S DRESS SHOES $4.50 to $11.00 MEN'S WORK SHOES $3.95 to $13.50 BOYS' DRESS SHOES $2.75 to $6.00 BOYS HEAVY SHOES, $3.25 to........ , - $6.50 for High Tops Rubber Footwear We have provided a Rubber Shoe to meet every need, whether it be a light foothold or heavy pac or sportsman's boot. Compare our prices for the same qualities and you will Supply Your Needs Here Stop and Shoo at Quality Pioneers since 1911 attacked by tbe poisonous vapors used by the Germans are rendered more susceptible to tuberculosis in fection, and the disease should be I .given no opportunity to gain a dan gerous start. Miss Cronen says. . ' Miss Cronen is one of the few wo men members of the American Le gion, belonging to tbe organization by virtue of 10 months service In the front line in tbe western war zone: Pat It In The BoUetln. Pat it In Tbe Bulletin, j ' R. M. Smith Says: Jl I Leave vour orders rs -v . , 6.00 i tat plump 111(11 ''::::::: S j s ! CHICKEN! J 7.60 j . -v I I U 6.00 ! I 1 ITATJ 1 ! Will ni i ll HENS- ALIVE.-lAr BROILERS. DRESSED.Afto Pharmacy sZtLTjS Jr r. IUt U In The Bulletin. U:::::::::::::n:: ' i . - - , . . J '.. j . - - i i -i i ' . .... GORDON is the ultimate word in hats. It's the word that will get you the right one from your hatter, whether your fancy is for a stiff or a soft hat. tfr&x Hats this fall are good to look at espe cially the SPENDER. H A T S CASHMAN, Bend s Clothier When Bleak Winter Comes What Cheers Your Home ? A Glowing Fire and Flowers I HAVE RE-OPENED MY FLOWER SHOP AT MAUD LOGAN'S KITCHEN. ORDERS WILL BE RECEIVED THERE. FOR CUT FLOWERS AND POTTED PLANTS. FLOWERS FOR ANY SPECIAL OCCASION Kiversid Florists le MRS. M. KEENEY Phones : Black 211 Black 2161 i IsiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiminniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiitiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiuHinuiiimi '""nmMimiiuiiiiiiiiummiiiiiitiiir; llliMIBIIllllBIIWIIllllffillllilllllMiWIIIW