THE HKXI) ntTTXKTIX. DAILY EDITION, IlEND, OMtfUON, Tl'KHDAY, OCTOI1KU SI, 1010 PAGE 4 limine, touring cur, fabrics. Liberal to mm on till emu, Pioneer auriigu. 116tfo. TO TRADE opened at the Count House In Henri nne-llility p. in,, October 22, 1019, Bonds will be dated Nov, 15, 1019, 5 1-2 per cent Interest U pnyuhln semlamiully, November 15, and Muy IB, bonds are payable $1000, November IS, 111:' 5 nnd $1000 each year there uflur until final payment Is made, November 15, f34. $500 cell Ifled check lo ticcom pnny hid, J. ALTON THOMPSON, Clerk Bohool -District No, 1, Henri, Oregon. I13-I16n FOR TRADE 7-pnsseiigor Hludo baker auto for building materials, Phone Rod 331 or cull at 1051 llond 81, 116-1171), For Sale At A Sacrifice. MODERN IIJ'NGALOW NOW VA CANT, RBADf FOR OCCUP ANCY, 6 rooms, three bod rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen nnd bath, plumbluK complete, fire place, dutoh kitchen, located close to mills In a good neighborhood. Price $3450.00. ' J. RYAN & Co. First Nil. Hunk Dldg. ll&lfc. FOR TRADE 7-pnssenger, six cylinder automobile, for Real estate. Address F. F. Ilox 338, Dead, Ore. 115-117p, . CALL FOIt mm, School District No, 1, Deschules County Oregon offers tor sulu $10, 000.00 bonds. Sealed bids to bo For Reveille Week Just received a big ship ment of Ladies9 Plain and A Novelty Skirts in latest styles. This lot rep resents Wonderful Values. Don't miss this chance to get one or two skirts at tz real saving. Priced $4.50 to $18.50 LADIES' SUITS We defy all competition on these values, -to suits to choose from and every one of I hem New Fall Suits. The Latest in Style. These values are better values than any mail order house is showing. Come in and be convinced. Priced $19.75 to $54.75 LADIES' SILK WAISTS in Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe. We have them arranged in 8 grades, at $3.98, $4.98 and $5.90. Here is your chance to profit by bur buying power. Compare these values with others and you will not be satisfied with one, but will want two or more. . ' Priced at $3.98-$4.98-$5.90 Crystal White Soap, 5c J. C. Penney Co., Inc. Coats Cotton Thread 4c 2 197 BUSY STORES to-aeav-o-eaBaxi-eaeax) 0 SCHOOL PROGRAM WILL BE SATURDAY 1'ublic Invited to Morning Kntcr-tuinmc-nt on Closing Day of Reveille Week. As . their part toward the cele bration of Reveille Week, the. Bend schools will . put on an elaborate program at the high school Sat urday morning, City Superintendent S. W. . Moore announced today. Musical selections, folk dancing, and gymnastic drills will constitute the main part of the entertainment. The public is oordially invited to attend. The big high school even In the afternoon will be the football game between Prineville and Bend. . Put It In The Bulletin. boy who has learned to satve is likely to require little help from his parents either to complete his higher educa. tion or get a start in business.' An Active Savings Account is -his best ally. Start yours TODAY. It earns 4 per cent : with us. i The Bank or Sufkhick Shv;cb The First National Bank OF BEND Ban Up Against Ants. The common glass .Insulators used' nn telegraph poles can be made to keep a refrigerator free of nuts nnd oilier Insetis by placing them under the legs of the refrigerator and filling the Interior with kerosene or similar material. itessSfflffid Mm v mm Claiuiffied ad vert I Bin ehartr iter Iwtie 10 ttnti for 20 worr)n or lew. One cent per word for all over 20. All elaanifled advertising itrfctly cash in advance.. WANTED WANTED Girl for general housework.- It. D. Poole. Congress St., two doors north of number 131. ' 115-120p. WANTED Have buyers for several houses. See Henkle . & Haines. Log Cabin building, Bond St. 115-120C. WANTED Piano tuning. Work guaranteed. Leave orders at Logan's. Phone Black 211. L. 8. Rickard. 1 15-117p. FOR SALE FOR SALE 9x12 1434 west 4th Terrace. rug. Inquire street., River 116-118C. FOR SALE 1917 model, five passenger Dodge touring car. Good condition, A-l tires. Bargain at $700. Call 22 McKay St. 115p. FOR SALE 3 room house, BO by 100 loot. $500, terms. Apply 1620 Lytlo St. ", 11B-I20p. FOR SALE 1918 Dodge touring car. Cord tires all around; 1917 Dodge, new cords all arouml; 1918 FOR 8ALK -Small Charter Oak . heater. Head guard for wall and slovn board for - floor. R. S. Alun, 1019 Colorado Ave. llG-llSp. FOR SALE Strictly modern 7-room bungalow. Most desirable locu tion In thu city. Phono Red 1872. llli-lttic. FOR SALE 1918 Dodge. Good as new. Six good tires. Full equip ment. $1000 cash or Liberty bunds. For further particulars lntiulru K (). Stadter, First Nationul Hank building. 8I-114-17P FOR SALE 12-wuige Marlln pump ...... t....l.. Klin. uuvih, tmu eiuiu.r. 80-lH-lGp FOR SALE Team, wagon and harness ut a burgnln. $100.00 takes entire outfit. Inquire Ken wood store. 57-llOtfc FOR SALE 2 good milch cows. Ilargain for cash. Box uOK, Bend, Oro. . So For Sale On Easy Terms. 4 room houso In good condition, close In, corner lot GOxlOO, a bar gain at $1250.00, terms $150.00 cush balance $25.00 per mouth. ' J. RYAN & Co. 115tfc. FOR SALE OR Knight Overland, first class condition. Bontrnger Uarago, 381. TRADE Wllly nearly new, In Inqulro A. W.' Tolephono Red 40-lOStfc For Sale On Terms. 6 room house In Lytlo addition, well located, two 50 foot lots. Prlco $1000.00, terms. J. RYAN & Co. 1 15lfc. FOR SALE -New Bulck. Sec Chun. Carroll. Central Ore. Realty Co. 30-10Gtfe FOR SALE 3 modern 5-room bun gilows, $3150.00 each. 1 four room bungalow, $1800.00. 1 four room house, '$1050'00. 1 three room shack, 2 lots, $600.00. 3 lots, 2 houses. In business district, $6500.00. J. A. Busies.- 17-104lfc FOR SALE Klein apartments, fur nished comploto. Good business, paying $275.00 per month. Inquire Klein Apts. 23-105tfc FOR SALE A I fa If u hay, 450 tons at $20 a ton. Some pnsture will go with It at this prlco. Address J. B. Miner. Bend. Oro. 77-98tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT Store room on Wall street. Inquire at Carlson & Lyons. 44-9ntfc LOST LOST Small curly-haired black dog, with brown feet. No col lar. Finder return to Mrs. Dwomey, 116 Lexington Avo. 11 5-11 Dp. LOST Mink furs, between Deschu tes and Bend. Howard 'for re turn to Mis. Mcintosh, Wall St. 115tfc. FOUND FOUND Leather case containing mountain ' lily bulbs. Owner may have property by paying charges. , W. D. Barnos. 115-117C. FOUND Storage battery. Owner may have same by proving prop erty and paying charges. II. II. Rliey. , 113-llflc BETTER DEAD Life ia a burden when the body is racked with pain. Everything worries fcnd the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. , To bring back the sunshine take GOLD MEDAL The national remedy of Holland for ovor ZOO years; it is an enemy of all pains re Bulling from kidney, liver and uric acid troubles.. All druggists, three sixes, look for the name CoM MM en everr Bex aad accept no- imltatlua L. H. RICKAKI) ' . , PIA?P TUNING KckiiIuUiik -and . s ! Repairing , Leave orders at Logans' . . BIack-211 ' Bond, - - : Oregon PROI KHMONAL DIMM TOIIV. Dr. Charles A. Fowler ' PHYSICIAN AND 8URQEON Offices In the O'Kane IlulldlnK Telephones!" Res. Pluck 11183 Office Red 2:151 . R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-16 First National Dunk Bids. Tel. til (Or. Cee'e Former Offlce.) H. II. De Armonil Cliaa, W. Kraklne Dc Armond & Erskinc l a v v k it H O'Knna Building, Ileiul. Oregon W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Bulto 12-14 O'Kano Building Tel. Block 1781 Band. Oro. DR. TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located In Bend with New Equipment Room 9, O'Kano Illdg. Dr. II. N. MOORE DENTISTRY Tel Black 1671 O Knuo Bids. Telephone Red 771. O K. lie Bill Dr. E. E. GRAY DENTIST Hour. 900 to 12:001.00 to i.M Efnlngt tnd Sunjmyt ie eeaflirm.n( Dr. Anna Rics-Ffaloy lias movod her office ner Ilorton Drug Co. Office Phone Ht-C HOI Residence 2281 IIAIIl Dlti:ssl.N(i IMKI.OR llp-to-itnte eleetrli-el ftralp lriatmnl. for falllnir hair and ilamlrtilf. I-ainfiii Nno platl(,ij Knre trratmcfttn. All kin,J flair Work dono. AIRS. Ml I.LI R Oregon St. Phono Red 1851 llend Lodgo No. 423 Uiyal Or. ler of Mooh Meets In Moose Hall evory Thursday. Visiting brothers aro cordially Invited to attend. CKNTR.tL OR1XJON COLLlOCTIXtJ AOIONCY Rooms 2-4 O'Kano Building lltfiid, Oregon Collections Made In All Parts ot Central Oregon DR. G. SKINNER DKN'TIST Phone: Office, Red 2351 Room 17 O'Kane Building Offlce Hours: 9 to 12 1 to 6 MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent for the NUUONH COnHETfl Will call by appointment on 1069 Columbia Street." ADDRESS P. O. BOX 63S Corns, Bunions Arch Supports , Treated Foot Appliances II. F. Shoemaker FOOT SPECIALIST Office-! Wright Hotel ; Hours: 1 to 5 P. M. Evenings and Sundays by . Appointment Examinations Free Prices Reasonable Tel. Black 111 CENTRAL ORMJOX LKA.MNO WORKS flrr Cltantna, Prtulni ana Allarailana Mill Wall Ml., 0.iH,li l'lliil Hutu liia MRS. OVTO CROSS lllll Bales ' Tom Wheeler ll.VI'KH TH.HI'i:il CO. In nml Oull(le lliiiillng Ofllce Frenclile's Store 1010, llond Street Phone Red I Hi 1 1IENI). OREllON KLKCTRIC LAUNDRY j tough Dry nml FlnUhril Work Call 1U02 Hill St., or I Central Oregon Cleaning Wks. Mrs. Tcarl E. Luttimcr Box 80, llend, Oregon Work Called For and Delivered Carlson & Lyons iM.r.M m sr. & iii:atin(; 1'luiublng mid llvutliiy Suppllea, Hath Hooiu Acceaaurlcs, etc. Pipe, Valves nnd l'itlinn 1'iioNi: hi: i) is'ii Bend Park Co. Real Eitate and Iniurance i llend Cuiiipsny Uulldin Own Your Own Home I lmvo some liurnin.s in BUNGALOWS KAttV VKMMH J. A. EASTES Central Oregon's Leadinif INSURANCE AGENCY Tinning and cil'uiu Metal WM. MONKJO.MERV. Furnncea, Spontlnic, Out.'orlug, Cornice nod SkyllKbt RepaltliiK promptly altinded to Prices rluht. work (tuarsntnnil BEND INSURANCE AGENCY WrlUm of all kind of Iniunnr. Old. ml liifturatic Aafrfnrjj In Cmitrat Or kion. II. U. KIIU, Kint NHttunal Uftnk DulJdliitf, Ilonti, Orouon. Dodge Brothers Motor Cars WALTUKK-WILLIAMS CO. H. S. McCluro, SalosmoB W. A. JACOBS Job Carpimter nnd Contractor Small Repair Jobs Olvon ' , Special Attention Corner Florida Ave. and hl.emore St, UOX 713, HK.ND S EN D A rOHTATj TO O, E, MAST PIANO TUNER TUNINC-CLEANINC-REPAIRING BEND, OREGON