THE BEND BULLETIN DAILY EDITION Fair TnnlKlit und Cooler. TOL 111 IIKND, DKH III TKH COUNTY. OREGON', FRIDAY. AFTER NOON, OCTOBER 17, IOIII No. 1 IS r RED'S REIGN ; OVER RUSSIA NEARING END DOLSH B VIST ARM I ICS MKKT DEFEAT. VICTORIES IMPORTANT Pi-tioirriiil mill knniMiicll Itipoiliil ( llllll''ll I'olllllllllllnl 'riiiiim Infi-rloi- In Discipline, Ni-i-i-n-t ' nihil Inn, KhhiiiiI Ion. : Hi I' 11 t. .1 fir.. Im 'Ihr llclnl llilllrlili I I.IINIMIN. (Ill 17 Tim rollapHi Mil downfall iif l!iillii'Vllll miliim ill. i iiiinliii', nf winter it 111 h tin. fnri-en if iiiintrliy, In Itiiinlni-iit Willi Die ni-i-lpi nf i I'piiiiH mat on cvi'i) II u-mlau hiiltli' In-Ill Hi" i-ni-lilli-H of It.iMu'VlMti nil- iih-i-Uhk Willi victory. aIhiik vant fiouts.. ii iti oxl uian-ly I'm IK lllllll I L' I N llllll'H. Ill lllll"! I'Mlllll u'l-d al hull a in 1 1 1 lull mi' hulillng In 1 1 ilrnpi'mlt' In ovt-rllllow III' llnlnliKVIkl Pi mil Hi.' W illi" Si'ii In till' Can run, then urn alno uiilhii-i i upd-il , ItiM-N wlit-lf hit I T a ilni-li natliilialll t-H an Honing In upon tin sluing Ii i .IiIk of tin rtovli't rrKliii" llolnhii- j ik nrinlrn. i-Mlniati-d ul hi-twii-n i r. no 000 ami 1100,000. are IIkIiIIiik ' In iho hi t illlrh. iiml ari npparinily ! 1 1 tinililtiiK swiftly. Kills Imi lLi ipllni-. ' lii'lltTltl VlltliMltlrh'll KlIHhlall in my hiiK raptured Petrngrnd. ur- j iitnlliiK lo lli'lhliiKfom dlnputrhi-s Ki ntiNtailt. 1 1 1 gn-ut Itolnhi-vlk miviil ( lunn. In ri-porti-d to have rapll uliiti-d , In tin British fleet after ii bombard 1 Hunt lunlliiK all day yiHlirilay. KunhIiius tu llelsingfnrn rili'liratii1 llni reported capinrii of Potrograd, Ittit there watt no onirlal confirma tion of the news I Ytidnnllrh's fon-i-ii raptured Cutrh Inn Tuesday night It Ih no miles! from Potrogrnd. It In reliably re-j ported from dlfferi-nt sources that Viidenltch him ocrupled Krnlnoycs i'Id and TsiirskoeHelo, fourteen from Pelrogrnd. j According to Hi-lslngfors advices, fitim Bolshevik lenders. It was de- hind ul n tni'itlliiK on October ii, to evacuate Petrngrnd. due to lurk of discipline In the in my. Communist! troop were withdrawn Immediately, and workmen ordered to lenve the cltr. KWUDK.V .NE.NIW NEWS. WASHINGTON. I). C. Oct. 17 Pi-trogrud nnd KroiiHUdt am report ed to huvi) fallen, according (o dis patches received by the State depart ment from a consular source on th Swedish border. A DM I It. I, TV IOl HTKH.. LONDON. Oct. 17. It wan nlulid ill the admiralty tlila mornliiK that no Information bad boon rocolvoU I oKordiiiR tho rupture of KronMitdl. OfftolnlH wore inclined to doubt Un report. PALMER'S POLICY ON RADICALS IS ASKED WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 17.--1'lm Sonnlo today adopted tho Poin rtaxtor resolution requesting from tho attorney general a stutemont of bin policy toword radical dRltatora. MANY EXPECTED INSTATED IB? DnHXI Pma to Tfca Bn4 BiMtn.) cTKivxRsrrv op orboon, eu- gD, Oct. IT. -Two hundred high anhooui of tho stato are eligible for entrance Into the Oregon high school debating leagqo, now entering Its thirteenth yonr, according to an nouncement by H. W. ProHcott, pro fosnor of public speaking In the Un ' Iv-erslty, who Is socrotary of the lougtio, The ntnta is dividod Into' twelve districts for tho purposes, of the I league. Each one of these. Professor J'rescott announce"., will have a sep arate quoHlion for tho preliminary rounds, which will bo contested In January, Fobrutiry, and March, with tho duals In May. The twelve dls ' trlct wlnuors will meet for tho soml ' llnals and finals at the University, f ' ' In Eugono, as a feature of Junior NOT STRIKERS BUT JG AND QUEEN but Europ04D royalty now lha nui't of llio tJnllad State. It la KHi( Albart and Quen Klltabeth of llclKlum. Id ollaklna at Nlaara ralla. N Y.. J tiat aftar coming out from under the falls. Botb ravellod In lb pllfrlmaia. -- LABOR'S VOTE TO BE SOLID in:i,i:;.n ion at iut m taiii.k WII.I. VOTK IN IM)1)V Atf.MNST HKSOI.I TION WHICH WOt I.I A.MI:N1 IIAIKiAININO. Ill VnM lria luTlir Urntl Ilullrlln.l WASHINOTON. II. C. Oct. 17.--The Indiihtrlul ronferenre Ih today di'bullnit a HiibHlltuti ri'KOlnllon en iIoihIiik collective liarKiilnlUK. The NiibHlltuli. which In ofleri'd by Chair man Wheeler, of the deli'KiilcH repre HentlUK capital, would rcHcrve to the employera the right to refUHe to deal with oiRiinlzed employcH und their repriHentatlve. The labor deloRnteH will vote solid ly nKnliixt thin Kiibtituie, uccordlni; to their lendern. MAYNARI) IS SAFE AT CHICAGO TODAY l-'l.ver Now Hun llnnlcst Purt of HJfiht lU-hlnil Him Lieuten ant Kiel Htrn-tn iti-tum Trip. Illy UalU-rf l'm toTli IWod BulWtln.1 CHICAGO, Oct. 17. Lieutenant Mnynnrd Landed hero at 2 o'clock this afternoon. KIKL OX IUCTIIIX TIIU". NKW YORK, Oct. 17. Lloutcnnnt Kiel started his return flight from Sun Francisco at 9:42 o'clock this morning. Lieutenant Queens de parted at 1 1:22. TO COMPETE LEAGUE week-end. May 13, It and 14. Up to last year only the final were, de bated in Eugene. In 1918 the four team remaining In the aeml-Onals were brought here, and the plan proTod so aticcoMful that It wim de cided to bring all twelve district wln nors horo In future years. The trophy for the winner Is the cup put up by tho Lnurean Literary society of the University and Prof. K. R. DcCou, professor of mathe matics horo, who was tho first pros ldont of tho league. The cup goes Into tho permunont possession of any tonm whining tho championship three times. Salem high school tins now won two legs and nooda but one more victory to tnko tho trophy. Kiigono high school was the winner Inst your, for the first time, taking (Continued on Pago 2.) KB l No" miner Wilson Is Losing Ground Gained In Past 14 Days I n ri.itr.i i'i.-.. in Tin- iit mi nun. tin. i WASHINGTON. I). ('.. Oct. IT I'i i-Hldnnt Wilson Ih ukiiIii nulli-rlng from Klandulnr swcl- Unit. whli h, II Ih slated, Ih rhii'kliiK thn Ki-ni'iul linpiovit- ini'itl noli-d in lint IiihI I wo WI'I'kH. "Till l'riHllllJllt pllHHItd a I'oinfol lahln nlKhl. mid Ih ful l- I hi; ni'll IhlH iiiiiiiiliiK." a bill- I.-1 In IhhiiiiiI by Ii I h li -hI i-lit ii h Hlati'd today. 4 REDMOND WILL ! ENTER CONTEST in numin vm: c a niiii. 1 1: in l oiTi.Aiti tv kai i: i:n- hunts ai.i:i:adv wnitKiNt; AT IIATIII PACK. Nillitti llflnl or I'll in- villi- is Ko ini: to liai' a walk away in tip- Hf vi llli- popular Kill content Ited inoiiil f.ill.B li-li-phopi-il IIiIh nioriiliL'. that Hii-y bad mli-cli-d a yoiini: latiy and wi-ri- Kofni; to back hi-r to a IIiiIhIi Tin- ronti-M Ih wax-lltl- waitll lull-rent in iliiri-UHillK bi-yond ev tatloiiH. It Ih koIiik to be a collli-sl riKllt UP to tin- rloHillK lll'llllll- AllboiiKh the couti-Kt Ih all Amer ican l.i-Klon nlTalr. the Percy A. KIi-vi-iih post Iiiih no candidate und In not hiickliiK any youiiK lady In refi-reiici to unotlier. ItH till open content. Individual members of conrni- urn worklnc for their favor Ilea mid Heveral have made nn-iioiinci-inentH that they will enter new candidates Cnndldatt-H can be entered lit any limn until 10 o'clock a. in. Huturduy October 25. All Unit In lieresniiry to enter n candidate Ih to get vote coupon, write the candi date's name on each coupon und de poHite the votes in any of the ballot boxes provided for that purpose. Start your favorite today with us many votes an you di-Hlre. There lire no restrictions on the number, one to u million. i In I lot boxes have been placed at the Owl pharmacy. Chllders & Arm strong confectionary mid llorton drug company. Kuch of the stores hcIIk vote coupons, as does the Miiglll & Krnklne pharmacy Starting Mon day every member of the Percy A. SteveiiH post will have vote coupons. A new candidate nominated today Is Miss Florence Downing. AGES VARY AT NIGHT SCHOOL PIPH.S HIXJISTKKKI) FROM 10 TO OVKR SO YKAR.H ilXs ItKTlR.VKD SOLDI KHS AM) SAILORS JOI.V CLAH8E8. With pupils In attendance ranging from 16 to over GO years In age1 the Bend night school completed Its third session last night with an en rollment of 63 pupils, an Increase of 10 ovor tho evening before. The registration has been swelled by a considerable number of returned soldiers and sailors, some of whom are taking the work In preparation for college entrance, and others who are taking different commercial sub jects to make themselves eligible for promotion from the positions they are now holding. O, J. Selk, a mill employ, Is be lieved to be the oldest In attendance at night school, although he did not give his age on registering. He was a steady' attendant at the evening classes held Inst year, and found them to be of so much benefit to him In his work that he enrolled again this year, ho explained. PERMANENT RANKS GIVEN GENERALS WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 17. The Senate Military affairs commit tee votod today to report favorably on the bill to confer the rank, of Lleutonant General permanently up on General March, Major General Dullard, and Major General Liggett. -THAT ROUND-TABLE i iuouuiiu a rr msKy Goes Into Stove l Ily L'niUil I'rt-u to Thr !h-nl Dulli-ttn. 1 SPOKANE. Oct. 17 "I 4 threw his whiskey into the stove and the house caught on fire, your honor." Cora Lind 4 strom tent I lied In asking u dl r vorco today. "Was he drunk?" asked the court. "I'll say he was." replied Cora. Divorce granted. -S--S- -J- CALL MANY TO FIGHT FLAMES PRINGLK BUTTE FIRF: UXUSU AIXY LARGE FOR SO LATE IX SEASON VALUABLE PINE INCLUDED IX DANGER ZONE. That the Pringle Butte timber Are had reached proportions unusually large for a forest blaze at this time of the year, was the word received in Bend last night, when a phone report to Deschutes National Forest headquarters asked that more men be sent out to fight tho flames. Men were secured In addition from La Pine, and Crescent, while the East Lake rood crew was also sent to Join the fire fighters. No further report had been received this morning. The area In which the fire Is burn ing contains somo of the best young yellow pine in the Deschutes Nation al Forest, and there Is In addition, a considerable percentage of sugar pine. Fire fighting Is made especial ly difficult by the rank growth of manzanlta. WHISKEY IS TAKEN FROM PORTLAND MAN James Olson, of Portland, gave up two quarts of perfectly good whis key yesterday afternoon, and depos ited $26 with City Judge Peoples, to Insure his reappearance In court this morning, following hla arrest by Chief of Police L. A. Nixon. Olson begged to be allowed to retain the liquor, assuring Chief Nixon that his wife needed it to allay pain which she suffers at times. The chief was firm, however and the whlBkey was rotalned as evidence. "He'll never come bnck." predict ed Judge Peoples, after Olson had doposlted bnil. The court was right, for according tc all Information which could be gathered, Olson cranked his engine and started Im mediately for Portland. i 1 I IFIRE MARSHAL TO COME HERE TWO RKKL FILM WILL SHOW DANGKR DURING PREVEN TION WKEK FIRF. DEPART . MEXT TO PLAY ACTIVE PART. Opening Fire prevention week in Bend, which, coincident with Rev eille Week will commence Monday, I movins. in the opinion of the mem State Fire Marshal A. C. Barber and bers of the Lifeograph company who Jay Stevens, manager of the Pacific are concluding their visit today. Coast Bureau of Fire Prevention, I The Willamette Valley has been will arrive on October 20, It was an- found wanting because of the many nounced here today. Mr. Stevens cloudy deys. while in California, the will bring with him a two reel film which will be shown at the Grand and the Liberty theatres during the week to emphasize the necessity for doing away with fire hazards. The film is considered of high education al value, and school children will be especially urged to see it. Fire Prevention week will reach its climax on Thursday, which has been set aside by the American Le gion committee Incharge of Reveille week, for the Bend Volunteer fire department. SLAYER OF CHILD GOES TO GALLOWS (By United Ptcm to Tm Brnd Rullrtin.l CHICAGO, Oct. 17. Thomas Fitzgerald, confessed slayer of six year old Janet Wilkinson, was hang ed today. Fitzgerald, Janitor of an apart ment building, seized the girl on the street, July 22. He choked her into insonsibillty to keep her from screaming, then buired her alive under a coal pile. POTATOES OF CENTRAL OREGON NAMED BEST ON THE COAST While Bend and Redmond are 1 Joining today in the celebration of the annual potato show at the latter town, recognition of the high quality of the Central Oregon spuds Is by no moans limited to the men who grow them. In an Interview published by the Oregon Journal, George L. Burtt, of the firm of Malcolm, Jacobs, & Burtt, nationally known potato deal ers. Mr. Burtt is quoted as declar ing that Central Oregon Is the qual ity potato section of the entire coasl. "The stock from there," he said, "brings a premium above even our Sallna offerings on the San Francisco market, which Is certainly a test of quality. "Not only does Central Oregon produce the best table potatoes we have ever seen In San Francisco and this, bar no section whatever TO START FILM NOVEMBER 10 CONDITIONS HERE ARE MOST FAVORABLE IOKKinK Industry Is Woven Into Plot of Diiuna Light anil HcencTJ houiil Ktcellent '' Kor Purpose of Movie. More than satisfied with climatic, scenic, and industrial conditions found here. President Walter H. Mc.Monlcs, of the American Llfoo graph Co., accompanied by his di rectors, Lewis Moomaw and Jean iit-rnholt, and Miss Elizabeth Ma honey, scenario writer, will leave this evening for Portland, to return on November 10 to begin the film ing of "The Clan of Timber Moun tain." Seven actors prominent In the movie world, among them Jack Mulhall. Carol Halloway. , Bert Sprotte. Ernest Shields, Georgia Woodruff, and Mary E. Baker, daughter of Mayor Baker of Port land, will be brought to Ilend to take the leading parts, with 20 more for less important roles. Hundreds of others will appear In logging and mill scenes. 1 While the logging Industry will play an important part In the drama, the scenes showing this are carefully woven into the fabric of the play, to avoid subordinating plot to the ex ploitation of Industry. Miss Mahoney explained this morning. "It will not be merely the lumber business, but the romance of lumber, and of the pine woods of Central Oregon," she declared. Present day labor trou bles will also figure largely, and a suggestion for their solution will be made through the closing scenes. Light Quality Praised. Because of the quality as well as the quantity of light available In'thls locality, in addition to the wonderful scenic effects. Central Oregon Is par ticularly adapted to the making of stronghold of filmland, the light often has a yellowish glare inferior to the whiter light of Central Oregon for the purposes of the camera man. On account of the widely variant types of scenery within easy reach, it is probable that Portland will re main headquarters for the movie in dustry In Oregon for a time at least, but it was strongly intimated that "The Clan of Timber Mountain" would be by no means the last pic ture to be filmed in .the vicinity of Bend. AMERICAN SOLDIERS TO GO TO LITHUANIA (By United rYM to The IWnd Bulletin.) WASHINGTON. D. C. Oct. 17. The sending of a brigade of Ameri can troops into Lithuania has been decided upon, it was declared in the upper house this morning by Sen ator McCormick. He asserted that be had received advance information from reliable sources, but gave no details. but our grower simply must have stock from that district for seed pur poses. "While the crop Is Central Ore gon Is probably only 60 to 75 per' cent of the normal, still the growers there will get more money than ever before because of the high prices." Not only do the Callfornians rave over the quality of the Central Ore gon potato, but many in the southern states are getting much Interested in land In that district and the forecast of the leading potato people of the coast is that the Redmond-Bend sec tions will become the best potato country in the United States. "If the government will simply put water on the land In Central Ore gon," says Mr. Burtt, "they will pro duce crops there that will astonish the world."