T1IK IIKXD MI.LKTIN, DAILY KIHTIOX, IlKNI), ORIXION', Till USDAT, tXTORKIt III, 11)10 improvliiK the MeKenrlo Hlver Na tional Korost road project located within Urn ('nuclide Nallonul I'm i-.il . HI lit of Oregon, County of l.une, will be received hv the Dliiliict Kn gllleer, Uni"iiu of I'ublle Itoudn. I' S Department of Amicullnro. at 1MM I'OMloflli'.. lltillilluK, fort land. Oregon, it hi il III o'clock a in on the L'.MIi day of October, l lit. at illicit tune anil place the will he publicly opened and read Tito right Is reserved to reject auv ami all hols and none will he ri.iii,l erod ci'eil llioj.e from colli I -o i or-, . sccrtal'-i .1 lo be wvierloiu'eil ulol vemien-.ll'le The le'.r.lli of p I ) i-l lo be colisii'niid or nil;i!oV.. h, up lroiinate ni;..-.. and i to pillicip.. ! Itellr. of a mi U are up proximately n follows: 47 aeres clearing; 4 3 acres gnildilng; BOOH cu. yds. rock excaval Ion ; 4 4.001) iui. yds coninnili excavation; I) (It) Mil . ft. log or pipe culverl. Tim work embraced In thin coiilriu'l shall lie completed within 3 6 II weather work ing d.is The coin met form and tin' maps, plans, speclllcal Ions and eiitlma'oa of iiuiiiii It les iiiay be ex 11 lit l M,', ti V lespoloilbl llllli'lors ill i folliiw iug addresses: 204 I'ii: I. it fee II II I Id I II i: . I 't 'I I l.tllll . Ole goti . Forest Supci visor. Kiti'.cno, Oie.oti All pioposals iiitr.t bo made on foi me, and In aci-oi dance with iiif.l i act Ion-, foi inlnr. a part of tl'e 'tpcelN.Ml Intl., allow- lefelleil to. i' ii I l " I ; t ' -: ! . I ., iio.iiici Hug r. in:i I te 1 WHERE PRICES AND QUALITY MEET .a Id a 'a B5 a IS I I !( I KSSIO N A I , I II I ! I - I 'It I II V . PAOK 4 twit Wo Uavd a slock of real benefit to the progressive buyer. We say this slucerely and soberly, not because It Is the cus tomary thing lo gay at this season, 'but because il is the truth. The styles have been selected for their sellitiK qualities. Here are Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists. Skirls. Sweaters, Silk Underwear and Millinery, chosen to meet your individual de mand. The demand for stylish, serviceable, wearable garments ut sane, moderate prices. Knowing as you do that we have never yet ovor-es;imated our values, you will be eager to try on and examine our gar ments and millinery- They are of the exclusive and individual type. THE PARISIAN LADIES' OITFITTKKS IJEXD, ORK. SAFETY WEEK DATEjS SET RAILROADS ANXIOUS TO MAKE RECORD OK NO ACCIDENTS FROM OCTOBER 18 TO 31 PUBLIC IS ASKED TO ASSIST. By United Prat to The Bend Bulletin. PORTLAND, Oct. 16. The Direc tor General of Railroads has ordered that all railroads under Federal Control shall carry on The National Railroad Accident Prevention Drive for the period from October 18 to 31. 1919. The object of this drive is to demonstrate to the world that acci dents in connection with the opera tion of railroads can be prevented. During the No Accident Week cam paign last June the employees of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railroad and allied lines made a perfect re cord and they are determined to make a similar record in the coming Drive. Reports from the Safety Sec tion of the United States Railroad Administration showing reduction in accidents with the same period last year, show that the Spokane. Port land & Seattle Railroad made a greater percentage of reduction In accidents to employes than any of the five railroads operating in Ore gon and Washington. While the coming Drive will apply principally to railroad employes. It IA.VINGS banks person the safest place to invest his money. The returns are greater in the long run than most people imagine. Thus speaks the presi dent of the largest savings bank in the U.S.- - His advice comes of years of ex perience with, the laboring classes. Act on it at once, by starting your account today. (Four Per Cent. Paid on Savings) a ti Tm Biwa or Soameai 3avic The First National Bank OF BEND is the endeavor to interest the public as much as possible) with the view to eliminating accidents at highway crossings. If the drivers of auto mobiles and other vehicles will Stop, Look and Listen in approaching a railroad crossing, many serious ac cidents would be avoided. Timothy. Timothy buy was flint crown In the New England states nnil was taken from there to the Carollnas in 1"'J0 by Timothy Hansen, from whom It de rived its name. ! Clmsmflisj advertising etiartfe ter Ku 20 : renta for 20 wnria or lew. One cent pi frorri for ail over 20. All claahiflcu-ftiiverliftinir i itrirtir ch in advance.. WANTED I WANTED Stenographic w ork be j tween 4 and 5:30 and Saturday from 9 to 5. Inquire Mrs. V. A Forbes. Red 781. 73-U2tfc ; WANTED To buy. young turkeys. I Call at Loven & Chinlund store, 'on Bond St. 72-1 12-13c WANTED Position us cook on a ranch or for a small crew of men. Inquire 43 Irving Ave. 67-112p WANTED Used furniture, rauges, rugs, phonographs, office desks. If you want to sell, see us. Noth lnig too big or too small. Standard Furniture Co. 112c offer the average Children Love Them Instinctively tliey crave this wheat food with its tasto of salt. And indeed nothing could bo bettor for thorn than crisp, dainty Snow Flakes. Your grooor has them. Don't ask for Crackers say Snow Flakes 4 St ..... WANTKH ( lean cotton rag'. Will pay 11 c-'v's per pound. li inre j Deschutes Oarage. 4-llttfr WANTKD - Man dishwasher for! logging camp. JUT .'.a per uiontli an(J board. Apply at Hrooks-Sran- ' Ion Lumber Co. Ua-lllUcj ! WANTKD - Disc-harted soldier wants ranch work. Imiuiro Mrs. V. A. ( Forbes, Court House. ft!-l lOtfp ' FOR SALE LOOK! LOOK! LOOK ! Real Estate llargatns -',-room house, two lots, modern, fireplace, line lawn and garage, any terms. $2200; :i-rootn house, close in. SiJaO; 4-room house, close in. $1251); 7-rooru house. Uoulevard addition. $17.'i1; 4-room hous". Kenwood. 170l; 2-rnoui funiibhed house. $750; 1 line lot, Delaware, near Hond street. $400. If you want quick action, either to buy or sell, see us. Central Ore gon Realty Co. 1 12 p FOR SALE Two 1918 Dodge cars in xod mechanical condition; one model N llupniobile, apparently In j good condition. Inquire of It. S. ; McClure, Walther-Williams Co. I 70-llM:Sc FOR SALE - SO-arre farm, fenced. 14 miles from Ileml, HO acres ir rigated in alfalfa and potatoes room house, barn, chicken etc Terms. Call or write Mi- house. I. (i Kennedy. Uend. Ore , r Ueer, Aubrey Heights. s of I'has. 71-1 12-Mp , FOR SALE I!ig saving on Colum ' but phonographs vsiih records. Same guarantee -as new. Terms if .wanted. Standard Furniture Co. 1 1 12c FOR SALE Good oak rolltop d-sk. first class shape and cheap at the price. Standard Furniture Co. 112c FOR SALE Ranges, the old reli ! nble Monarchs and Charter Oaks. , flood used ranges to pick from, $20.00 up. We sell on easy terms. Standard Furniture Co. II 2c FOR SALE Hound pups, out of some of the best bear and cougar hounds in Oregon. Call on or write Winkle or Fox, Sisters, Ore. 60-11 1-I2p REAL ESTATE FOR HALE -I will sell or rent you 40 acres of Irri gated land within one and one-half miles of the city limns of Rend, located as follows; SW'4 SWVi. Sec. 26-17-12, for $250.00 a year for a period of throe years, and at the end of that time 1 will sell It lo you for $65.00 per acre, let you pay for it out of what you raise on the land, and allow you on the purchase price the amount of rent you have paid. I paid $100.00 an acre for it, but as I am not a farmer have no use for It. Write J. R. Moore, 2115 L. C. Smith Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 44-1 1 l-12c FOR SALE Team, wagon and harness at a bargain. $100.00 takes entire outfit. Inquire Ken wood store. 67-U0tfc FOR 8ALE Good milch cow, Just iresli. Call uurul 1167. 63-110-Mp FOR SALE 2 good milch cows. Rargain for cash. Box 005, Bend, Ore. 8o FOR SALE 6-room house, close to mills, $2400. See J. Ryan & Co. 7-80tfc FOR SALE Two new modern five room bungalows on Delaware avenue Inquire J. Ryan & Co. 70-64tfc FOR SALE OR TRADE Willy Knight Overland, nearly new, in first class condition. Inquire A. W. Bontrager Oarage. Telephone Red 381. 40-108tfc FOR SALE New Buick. See Chas. Carrolf. Central Ore. Realty Co. 30-106tfc FOR SALE 3 modern B-room bun gilows, $3150.00 each. 1 four- factfrCW BixmUOt. W"W L 1 , , ii.X.49B .S ..Ljl Ii room bungalow. Il.snnno. I four room bouse, $o;,iiio i three room shack, 1' lots, atiUO 00. 3 lots. '.' bouses. Ill business district, lilt 00. J. A. Knsles. 17-lOtlfc FOR SAI.K Klein apartments, fur nished complete. tiooil business, ! paving $275.00 per month lniiiin ' Klein Apis. 23 lO.'itfc) FOR SALE - Slvroom bouse., plumbing in line shape; 4:ood lot; close to mills. J R vim & C.v f,2-84tfc FOR SALE Alfalfa bay, 450 tons i at $20 a ton. Some pasture will go with it at this prlcn. Address 1 J. II. Miner, Rend. Ore. 77-98tfc FOK RKNT FOR RENT Two-room flat. In quire Hotel Portland. 00-11 I-12p FOR RENT- Store room on Wall I street. Inquire at Carlson & I.vnns 4 4-9fit fc I TO TRADE. TO TRADE- Two properly. Phone cars for city- lilacs 112 i;.r,-l 1 I - I 4c LOST i LOST It, tween Shevlin-lilxon new Camp No. 1 and Uend, one 34x4 Jfloodvear cord casing and r'.m. I Finder please return to Pioneer tlarage and receive reward f,9ll2tfc NOT l( E. Striyed from farm 2 miles east of Itenil. verv small, long haired black dog. white spot on breast, long bushy tail. Especially nnxjous for return of same as it. was left In my rare by lady taking husband to I hospital and dog had belonged to iiniigiiier wno men in i iiinu. Any information or return of dog will be liberally rewarded. Mrs. L. M. Hurt, Uend. Ore. R. F. D. No. 1. l.ox 7 A. Adv. I 09-1 4. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals for constructing or ::'.::::::::::::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ii:::- g A lady advertised for a a girl to help with housework while going to school. She received nine ap plications on the fol lowing morning. Bulletin Want Ads Are Read Dr. Charles A. I'Wlor PHYSICIAN AND SUUJKON Offices 111 the O K. me llinlding Telephones lies llhirl," 1 .1 s '.' Ufllce It, .1 2351 R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT LAW Rooms 13 16 First National Hank Illilx. Tel. 611 (Dr. C. Kotiiifr Oltlm.) II. II. II. ArmonJ t'h... W. El. kin. Dc Arniond & Krskinc i. . w v E It H O'Kane llulldliiK. Rend, Oregon W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Sulto 12-14 O'Kaun Building Tel. Ulack 1781 Bend. Or. DR. TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST 1'erma itly Locatid In Bend with New Enulpment Room !). O'Kiinti Rldg Dr. II. N. MOORE DKNTISTKY Tel Black 1671 O'Kane Bldg. T. Ii-.h..lir Knl I'l O K. in Dr. E. E. CRAY nr.NTisT I loui. VCX) i 12 (! i I" t ' 30 Dr. Anna liif-l-'icit Han moved lo ' ..I c a -r Hortoti I i tK 'o Ofllce Rhone K.-. 3ui Resldelic. '::i hair hkessim; parlor IJl-tolatr rlrclriral Mralu Irralm.nU tr falllinr liair anj dandruff. F'amnua Nro pla.tlg'10 I- a.- trcalmcnt.. All kif.il Hair W,,rk den.. MRS. MI LLER OreBon St. I'honc Red H31 llend lanlRB No. 4211 Ixj1 Or der of Mmme Meets In Mooie Hall evory Thursday. Vuvitlng brothers ara cordially inrlted to attend. CKNTRAIi ORrMM).1 COIXKCTING ACKNCT Rooms 2-4 O'Kane Building Bend, Orr-(on Collections Made In All I'arta of Central Oregon DR. G. SKINNER DKNTIST Phone: Ofllco, Red 23U1 Room 17 O'Kane Building Ofllce Hours: 9 to 121 to 6 MRS. V. A. SMITH Aent for the NLIJONE COIWKT8 Will call by appointment on lOiiS Columbia Htreot. ADDRESS I'. O. BOX 638 Corno, Iltinions Arch Supports Treated Foot Appliances II. F. Shoemaker FOOT HPKCIAIJHT Office: Wrlnht Hotel Hours: 1 to 5 P. M. Kvcningft and Sundays by - . ' Appolntmont Kxumlnntlone Krco Prlcos ReiiHonablo Tel. Black 111 t I'.'N'I It I. Oltl liO V lllvlVIMi WORKS 111 rU'tning, t'tlti anil Allttallurta !:, itll Mr. Oii ! I'll.il holla Inn MILS u'iTo (JIOSS lilt! Hales Tom Wheeler IIATKH TRWSI-'FR CO. Ill mid I lot Me llimltiiK Ofllce I'leiicliles Hlul'u i ii in ii. out hi i t I'll. .lie Kelt 34 I MENU. OKKtiON LLKCTRIC LAUNDRY Rough Dry mill l lolslied Work Call 1 1, () J Kill St . or Central Oregon I 'l.-aiiinn Wkn. Mrs. Pearl E. Lattimer llo NO. Bend. Uleitilll Work Called For mid Delivrred Carlson & Lyons iM.r.M mi n; it hi atix; I'luuibing and llcatlng Suppllea. Ilulh liooiu Acceurie, etc. I'ipc. VjiIvch and I'itliiiKH I'Iio.m: hi d ish Bend Park Co. Real Ettattf 4nJ In.itraiu- Rend t'oiujani llmidin Own Your Own Home I have somt: liaiains in IJUNCALOWS ! AsV i MM Ms J. A. EASTES Central Oregon i LcaJintf INSURANCl- AGENCY Tlnulnic and .Slumt Mmal VM. MONTOOMKRY. Furnaces, Hpoutlun. Ont;rlni, Cornice and HkyllKht Ropalrlng promptly attended to Prlren rlKht, work Kiinrnnlwed '1 BEND INSURANCE AGENCY WrllT of all kind, at liwuranM. Old al Inauranm Ar.nrr In Cantral Or E?r., Hl ' yint National Bank Bullitlns, Band, Orasoa. Dodge Brothers Motor Cars WALT UKH- W I UA A MS CO. U. 8. MuCluro, Siilcsiiuin W. A. JACOBS Job Oii-ncntcr and Contractor Smull Repair Jobs Given Special Attention Corn.r Florida A... and H la. mora St, 110 X 713, IIBND SEND A I'OSTAIi TO; O. K. MAST PIANO TUNER TUNING-CLEANING-REPAIKING BEND, OREGON unuwimttummtuiininntiutnuuuuuuitiniiimmu.