Tim iikxd nrixCTix. n.ni.Y edition, nrcxn. onrccox, Tirriwruv, octorer in, ioio taoe s TON 1(1 1 IT Last Time ANITA KING and CRANE WILBUR. in 4 'Stripped For A Million" And IO1I1 IiiMi)Jo of "ELMO, The Mighty" Friday and Saturday CHAS. RAY in "TiT. Busher" I U hid ewr ytlunu Chmiy Mtllirwton had instil paltWrt ily 'crA hit ird, cuivn and Itiaini. Mack Scnnrlt Come J y "Treatii.' 'Em Rough" LIBERTY THEATRE Two M.owi Noilly 7 IS and ) tJ H I TONIGHT Only PRISCILLA DEAN in "TiT. Silk Lined Burglar" Friday and Saturday Gladys Brockwell in I The Divorce I Trat" I r A SHOW YOU WON'T FORGET GRAND THEATRE I vo SIpjwb Nililly Matutrr tJ.iiy. ni:.i iiiaiv si ii i:im'i.i:. Oregon Trunk. Arrives. 7 : 3 1 A. M. Leaves 8:00 I'. M. o.-w. it. a n. Arrives, 7:00 I. M. Loaves, 7:00 A. M. KiiKe Hi tin Hume Iiu-Ohch-i in IJctid. uliil will Til ll It hlH ioadi'0:ti i.Tit it i LuiMti n mi Wall Hlri-i-(. I Mini i-: to masons. I All Mauler M.iH'int. (heir aIvi-h jiiad ini'tutii'i a nf O I-:. S an In vited In (In- nul l.. I al I In' Manual!' '(oliiile Friday nig III III K :HJ u cluck i i im 3c hkcultahy Daily Market Report. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TOIIAVH TKMPKIUTUtK Maximum. B degrees J K Hutllcf. of l.a I'l in'. Ib ii vis lor In IIkiiiI (ol ii ' I.uilln lloniinlt. Killer Luke nn-r-' hunt. In In llond fur ii few dnyH ul li'mlliiK IiiiiiIiiiihk mailers. C William Klttii-il-re, Mlcliiii'l Duly. and Hugh O'Connor, of Silver Lake, urn visitors In (In rl(y loiluy. County Comutl-iiildiior ('. II. Miller came In Imliiy from Itcdinoiul to a I tend n sc-mlnn of county court. Dr. V. ('. ("in". Hi I'm lliinil. formcr ly of tlilii i lly. Ih In llond unlay look ItiK uflcr liunlni'Hfi tutcrcHtH here. A. M I'll i: ! ami Hon John h'ft laHt nlttlit for i 'ul I In nil whom Mr. PiIiikIo will roiiKiill an i'ar spoclull'il. MiMiilii'i-'i of tlin llend lllirury club will hold a special iiii'uIIiik Ht .1 o'rlork tomtiiTnw afyvrnoon at th- lllirury. ('. K 1 1 .i in 1 1 1 it n . fin ini'ily of M-tid. wiiH in yi'Hti'rilay from 1'iirtlain! vih filing old fileiuli Mr I Ii in 1 1 1 on u III (III UllllHIIIllllll IiUhIC-OI. MIhh Kllza belli T.i inly, nf the Amnrlean Ited ( 'i'uhh , will arrive In lli'tid on October .'in. to t-iionl; on the subject of "Ponco Time Activities." g Word wim received today nt hnad iliiurti'i'H of tin1 DrKcliutcH National Kori'Mt hero. Unit District Forester " Ceorgo II. Ci'i'll will arrlvo from I 'oi l la ml, toinorrow. I'. R. Duncan, who tins been aiding In tlio campaign to rotlrn (ho debt on thn lli-iii Anintmir Alhlrt Ic i:lub gymnasium, rot urn ml to llond thin mornliiK from a (rip to Portland and ' Idaho. Mm. A. M. PrliiKln entertained yesterday afternoon at her homo on tlrennwood avenue, for MIbb Patricia Ilyiiu, whoao ongngumont to ' Jumna Clifford, of HiIh city was ro coutly annoiincoil. I. H. Hlckiird, a friiqimnt vlHllor In llond dni'liiK tlio piiat wlutnr, has iiiovnd to" tli Ih olty from Portland, whom ho Imu lici'ii counoRtod with miiHlc liDUHoa a h n' piano tuner, rnKtilfttoi', and ropiilror. Un will on- ' VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles ore most dangerous be cause of their insidious attackn. Heed the first warning they glvo that they need attention by taking GOLD MEDAL I.IVKHTI UK. If urnUh-1 bf arranvrmvnl ltb thm Ofilra) Orviiofi Hank. I SOUTH I'OltTLAND. On. I No can I" ri-ci'lvi-d. Mui ki'l un clianiti'd. Ileal Hleeril. JO fi 0 ifl 1 0 f.O ; Kood to rhoicn. !l'J.f.O; tneitiuin to Kooil. Sj!l; fair to 1 1 u in. f'fri ij I'oninmii to fair. $'. f u r, Ml: I'lllllell i-owh mid lll'Ifl'IK, f7.r0f 18 .26; Kood In cliolm, JiJ.CO (w 7.60 ; iiii'dlum to Kood iri fil) u 0, fill ; fair to ini'illilln, f i .7 r Tt.7 r ; canneiH, $:ii?H; lull I ii, ri4.ll.fi0; iirlmn IIkIiI i'iiIvi-h, 1 1 4 bv I ii : iieavien. K'i i:', ; Hlockem and fi-ediii'H, 1 7 . f J Hf 11.25. HoK .Mni'kel, Mix hundred and II fly Iiokii m I'.'IvimI, .Mink i'l iincerlaln. I'l llliii lulx.'il, 1 1 fi rin 1 fi.60; ine ill u in iiilxed. 1 1 I fit) U I Ii ; riiU'Kli heavy, 12.M'W III. Ml: iiIkh, 1 1:1.00 til 1 l.liO; lxi I k of MM lei, l r, Hllecp M.llkel. Heven liiiiidred anil llfly :heeji ru eelved. .Maikel Hleady. I, 'a n(e in in line lainlin, f 1 L ''! Si (IC 1 2: lient valley lainlix, JIO T.OW I I. KO; ri-edeiH, f (!); yearlliiKH, IK 9; welheiM, 7.ri()if H.r.O; ewe, 10 'il 7. Dally Thought. Kiipi-mlllloii Ih ii nenni'leH fear of find, Cleero. AT TIIK HOTELS. Pilot Untie Inn. ('. K. lloiiHlon. Portland. It. D 01 1 un n, Portland. II. J. Middle. Portland. JliineH V. I.oper. Klamath KallH. Arthur I), olneii. Portland. J. II. fliibeoek, Hpokane. I.. It. Karnheed. Portland. Dr. I'. C. Con. Portland. K. It. Placer. Kan KranclH':o. Jiiine A. lirown. MetnlliiH. William Kittri-dK", Kllvnr Lake. Michael Daly. Hllvnr Lake. Iliil'.li O'Coiinor. Silver I.uke. Kdwln It Celnel. I'orlland. I arletoii II Swift. Portland. J T Hard)'. Poltland. W II MiMoiiIi-h. Portland. I. II Moniiiaw. I'orlland. Jean llernlmll. J'uitlaiid. I:il7.abet Ii Mahouey. I'm (land. I'. S Duncan. Porilaiid. Iloli-I '-. F C llllilile. l.a Pine. O I, Kailow, Waiiitc. Mr. and Mm. J. A. Cain. Walla Walla. W. O. McClellan, Portland. C II. Miller. Keilniimil. Mm. (irace Chiinrn. Stunlex. Hotel WHkIK. II Haley. Portlaml. S. Ilcric. Portland. J K. Sulllef. l.a Pine. W. F. KdwardK, Fleetwood. J T. Iluckley. Portland. Mm. UeorKu ("ourzoil, Ualnler. TIioiiiiih WoodH, Kpokane. AT THE MOVIES To Mpeak In (he parlance of haH ball, which furiilHheH the aliiioKphern of hlH latent Blnry, CIiiii'Ihh Kay hula an averaife of 1.000 In "Tho iluHher." Ilm iinw 'Ihoin.iH H. luce Paramount plcluro. which will open un niiKaKe meiit al I lie Liberty Tlieatnr for Krl day and Hal unlay. Tim Hlory coiiceiiiK a youth In a uniall town who In Klfed Willi a re iniirkubli! thiowliiK arm and atiractK tho altenlloii of a luiiKiK! inniiiiKi.'r. Hu la piouioleil Into profemlonal handball, but Burfem a noticeable af fliction of Inflated cheHt and falla down on the Job, Juat wbnn all IiIh homo folkn are at thn jinmo to aeo Ii Ih wninlerf til pitching. Do takna an oath never atsaln to play, but to Have hlH Hwnethnart's homn, ho (,'uch again to the pitcher's iilub and wlim thn kcukoii'h "rubber" for bin own homo town. Tho HltualloiiH are novel and re froHlifiiK. It will tickle thn lovum of tho Krnat Amorlcan Kami), for there are Home nubile til tH of diamond Ha tire. SOLDIERS PREVENT SINN FEIN MEETING K.i ted to the Slli ll PVIn f onvciitloll. There wui no disorder. Dl'JiLLV, Oct.-10. Heavy detach meulH of HoldinrB, all arnind, ur-. rounded the maiiHlon houne today, to prohibit a Kathr-rlng of 2000 dole- HARGAINS IN IRRIGATED LAND linut harRaltiH In 40, HO and 100 acre trsir!n In Central OrcKon. AIho JlO-acrn tract with IE-acre water riKht. One or two cretin will pay for this tract. A horoHtnad location near Ilend. adjoining land nell Intc for 1100 per acre. This for little more than filing foe. S. R. HOT.IN- Manager Hoein Land Co. 34 La fa ye In Avenue Tha world's standard remedy (or thaa I'.iaordeni, will ofton ward off thou dis eases and strengthen the body against further attacks. Three aires, all druggists. Leek lev Ike name Cold Medal ea every tea and aeeept M tmilaltoa BUY YOUR BEDDING-HERE-NOW STOCKS COMPLETE. SELECTIONS GOOD. PRICKS RIGHT. Silkoline Comforters, $3.75 value iv&l rXiZ) full mm fiKured material covering with clean, lofty cotton a sized Comforter and a leal l:L7.- Othem priced nt. $:l.i2. $1.1.1, $0.00 Wool tilled Comforter figured silk oline coveilng- a largo hUi- and full value SUI.r.o Satin Finish Bed Spread $4.75 A beautiful Satin Finish Red spread with scalloped edpes, cut corners size 7G.S8 can be had for $1.75 Regular finish Spreads, with cut corners, scalloped edges size 78x 90 heavy weight, at $3.50, $3.95, $4.45 aaajaa , ,. :ttaiWlioAiliwlfc2J Wool Mixed Blanket, $9.45 Gray or Fancy Plaid. Size G(ix80 White wool Blankets large sizes heavy weights $10.45,' $11.95, $13.45, $14.45 Wool mixed Blankets in gray and fancy plaids $7.00, $8.00, $9.45, $9.95, $10.95, $12.45 Wool finish Blankets large sizes heavy weights plain and fancies., $4.45, $4.98, $5.45, $5.95 Cotton Blankets a complete line $2.49, $2.79, $2.98, $3.48 1 .... When Its Bedding, We Strive to Please. THE WARNER COMPANY Quality Merchandise at roruLAx. Pricks Ml Hi :rn ':;- i r 'i;L'T;!-''.:Ma:i.'"iti raj xt '.a riCs?nwdHK8.i8iaga8 Poteto Slow Fair Exhibits will be received up to 7 P. M. Thursday, ex cept cooking and livestock, which will be received up to 10 A. M. Frfday. FRIDAY- Is Ben d-Tumalo Sisters Day. Everybody Welcome for a Big Time. Street sports in morning. Industrial parade at 2 P. M. Carnival afternoon and evening. Dance, with Cole McEIroy's Portland Jazz Orchestra furnishing the music. SATURDAY- Prizes awarded in forenoon and auction sale of win ning products. Football game at 2 P. M., Bend High School vs. Redmond High School. Another dance, with McEIroy's Jazz Orchestra fur nishing the inspiration. Carnival all the time. $100.00 first prize for best five bushels of potatoes, any variety; $50.00 second prize. $50.00 first prize in General Farm contest; $25.00 second prize; $10.00 third prize. . .. i .'' Other prizes for individual exhibits in proportion. Livestock, poultry, children's department, culinary, fancy work, grain and seeds, fruits and vegetables, all taken care of with liberal cash prizes. Good clean sport and amusements, and exhibits that will open your eyes as to the productiveness of Deschutes County in agricultural lines. OCTOBER 6 7-8 fUBsjMM