THE BEND BULLETIN 'air Tonight mill Tomorrow. DAILY EDITION vol, in iii.xn, ih:hi in iks idi'Mi', oki (;o, t i:ixkkiay m j i:iixoox. otToiicit i.i, ihi No. Ill ROUND TABLE DEFERS VOTE i ON MEDIATION (JUMPERS IS ABSENT FROM MEETING. WILSON TO TAKE PART, I'l.-lilont In rinse Touch and lleuil) lo (liiik An) Movrmrnl Willi li Might I('hiiI( In IHmiiuiiiiI ntliin of i 'oiiforeiire. I Mr ttnll-l I'm- I" The llriul II..IM.II.I WASHINGTON. II ', Oil. 15 Alter poHlponlnK Iho voh on liihor'a proposal for mediation of the steel strike. Urn I nit iikI t'lti I ronfmonci, ml Juiiriiuil it ti 1 1 1 tomorrow afternoon (iOMI'KKH IS II. I.. WASHINGTON', It (' . Oi l IS. I'l uhli'iil Gompoi h of the American Federation of l.iihnr. Im seriously III hi h ih liumii here, mill In unable lo nil. ml llio srs-lons of lliu lutliiHti lit I rtinfei once Wll.suN IV ( MSK Tot ( II. WASHINGTON. 1) C . Oi l I : )'i I'NlilituI WIImiii In III touch Willi tin' pi nri'i'dliiKft of the Industrial con foreiwe. unil will check any move ment which in Ik li li'iid to 1 1 n dia- Ol unitization. It WIIH ma I I'd lit till' Whltehotme today. Tin' pro-ldi:nt. It nn learned, will IiikIkI Hint Ihi' 11 Hi f roiirii urroiupllh mimiiof tin' pin pones for whlrh It wan coiirniii'd. V.V.i I TIVK NKHHIOV. WASHINGTON. II. C . Oct. 15 Throe llilijor group of tho Indus trliil conference went lino tho cxeru tlvn -en-Ion toilny In work oil plans for thn nrhltrnllnn of nil industrial dlnpuloK Tin- o poll I UK of the moriiliiK somlon was delated lo permit tin groups to meet. riga is firkd by german shells llrfrnse of City by Letts Is Aci-om- pntili'd liy Many Inilileiils of Valor. 'Hi l'iiilr-1 I'tr-. iTn- It.-nil llull.ltn.l I.ONIlON. Oil If, -Part of ItlKll In hunting, set on fire by Gorman hoiuhiiriliiii'iil, u HolaliiKfur dispatch i Dm mil toilny. Tho resistance of tlw Letts wiim in n m im n lod by miiiiy Incidents of vnlor. Al oiiu place, Caroline Mnzian. a Lettish woman Hi'Ui'd a rlfln and entered thn trench on ulnngsldo thn moil. TWO MAY DIE AFTER ERIE TRAIN WRECK Yir Injured When Keven fan Go Into Dllrh TOO Chicken Aiv Ground lo lli-rrn. ;ltt United Pi-mui to The Rem! Bulletin.) K1UK, Pu Oct. 16. Kirn wnre luidly Injured, and two may din a t lie roil u It of a broken wheel caus Iiir Koron enra of a freight (rain to n Into thn dllch. Mora than 300 elilekena in onu car wore ground lo pieces. Wllllnm Ilnnd, of Fremont, Nebraska, Hiiffnroil concussion of tho bi n In. i WIDOW IN SEATTLE INTERESTS RANCHER Mayor I'miilfflio- Nnnio of l.onoly Wilhln(-1oii Woman, anil Offri'N lo I'l-rfoim 'oirmoiiy rYn, "Publlclly pnya," dnclurntl Mayor J. A. Enntea tlil.i mnrnliiR, when ho dlppluyod a loltor from a pronilnont Pownll Ilntto rnnclinr, who had writ ton lo Inqulrn tho nil mo of a fiouttlo widow who had written to the Bond Mayor early in the month object inotrlmony. "I liopo hoy find each other onlirely up to tho expectutiona, for I am counting on the privilege t( porforinhig the niorrlngo cere mony,'! lie fluid as ho pauHed In dic tating a roply to tho rancher, "In fact, I am offering to officiate free of charge at tho wedding." , Taxi Men Refuse to Work 13 Hours Carrying Pickets Pr United I'm loTtie Mrllil nullnlln. I 4 CHICAGO, Oft. 15 l lilon 4 pickets around tlm Hli-i'l plniitH, Una It with a Mrlko within a alrlko thin morning. I'nlon tilllcub driver ciiryltiK plrkntH 4 4 to t!r pout a, rofuimd to work 4 tho 13 hoiiin donnindi'il of llimn. 4 444444444444444 COAL STRIKE DATE IS SET Hrii in miu:ii Tiiors.wK i:x- l'l'XTKI TO tut OIT ON NO- i:miii;u i ham kiiahh aki: ai oiit iv riti:nn'AMi:T. lr timid I' loTlir IWnJ I'.ull-tm I IMHANol'OI.IS. Oot. K... Kour bund rod thounatid roal iiiliiorn won ionlorod to Htrltto on Novi'inbor I. In a rail from ArllllK I'roHldoiit I.owIk ! nf tho 1'nlli'd initio woi koiH. Thn j rail affonta prnttlcully all blliimln iiih roal minora In tho Cnitod Statoa. ItoftiHal of waKo iloniandii la tho ratine K I vo n. Altiiuuh tlio ordor afforta only ion, 000 men directly, union loadora announced today that inoio than fiOfl.OOQ will roHpond. irodlrtliiK that III flolda whoro labor la only paitly organln'd. tho non-uiilonlnod minora will walk nut with their follow work era. MI'S'l.V IS HMAI.I.. WASIIINCTON. II. P, Oct. 1.1 Tho Htrlko of coal minora will catch tho railroad of thn l ulled Slatra with only a 10 day aupply of coal, ac cording I" daUi now before tho Ko mi lo liivoHtlgatlug roimultloe. POTATO FAIR WILL REfUN ON THURSDAY l.llioral AhuciN Offorml fur Sihii-.i.-fnl CuiitoHlnnty llnne'K to lie Kiiilay nml Suttii-flH)' MkIiI1. liKli.MOMi. Oct l.V All arraiiKo moitta have boon completed tor (lie potato nhow w ith proHporta of one of tho moat AtircoHHtuI ovvuta of tlio kind ever hold (here. Tho formal opening will bo tomorrow morning, thn fair laallng through the October I Sth. Liberal prize have been provid ed covering nil rlnaaea of agricul tural, live atock. poultry, and domes tic aclunco prod iicls with iiHKiirnnee Ihul tho entry will bo a long one. The nniURoinciit aide nf thn fair hna not been neglected, ampin pro vision being inudn for aporta and gen eral entertulnnient that will remove uny pnaalblllly of there being mo bile momnnta for thoao In attendanco. The boat Judgva poaalbln to find will Insure fair dlatributlou of the nwarda and tho liberal cnah prizes will make It worth while for tho ex hibitor lo enlor in all clauses for which he bus entries nvulluble. Ounces will be hold In tho gyinnua lum Friday and Snturdny evenings. A movement la on fool to make this annual evmil thn Deschutes County Pair after thla year. Wilson is better, physicians state Knjoyed Cool Sleep arid In MuktnR Steady Improvement Today Aside, from HllRlit llendaclie. I Ily United PrM lo Tht Ilpnil ftulletln. WASHINGTON. D. C. Oct. 15. A bulletin which tho president's nhv- alcluna Issued today, said: "The president had a good night's rest, and onjoyotl Ills breakfast. Aside from n slight hnndnohe, ho la continuing to make Improvement. Tho condition causing restlessness Monday night, Ruvo him no further trouble" SEATTLE LAWYER DIES IN NEW YORK (By Unltnl Pros to Tht Btnd Rullrtln.l TARRYTOWN. N. Y., Oct. 15. Colonol James McNnttght, Sent tie luwyor, dropped dead at the railway Htntlon hore while wtiltlng for bin trnln fhlH morning. Ho waa 75 yonra of ago. Pholografjhs Rush Food Stuffs to New York as Strike Is At End Uy I'nltrd Pr U Th.- l-n IlullMin.J XKW Y(J!tK. Orl ir,.- Knor- IIKHIH (Uiift KIcm of ptTlsttahl fdOfl HlllffH hvlfl Hi the liTIIll- j rial', at JTy My. MdhoLvii. mill '(fha wkrn urt tin; rHiilt of Ih- IohkmImm .'iiH'ti'H ntrlk, mu i I.Hiifc i u h h-f J to NVw Yirk today 1 )4 following the ending of j4 Htrlko abortly before duwn. 4 4 444444444 the iDEMOCRAT IS AGAINST PACT i jltKPUII.IC.tX KKXATOK, IX l)K IIATK, A TrACKS A M K X ll K.X TS, ' HI T II K C I. A It K H THAT UK 1 ! K.tVOIW ItKHKHVAlTOXS. I 1 11 tinilod rr- to Thr nDil llulli tin. I WASHINGTON, n. C. Oct. 15. I One domocrutlc senator declared for the amending of the treaty, and one j republican camn out against tlio j amendments in speeches delivered to 'day In the upper house. Owen is the j democrat, and Coll the republican, j Tho latter said that In is against On: amendments, lint for the reserva tions Tito speeches were made when tho Senator took up tlio Shantung amend ment. j SPEEDING IN FOG i FATAL TO CYCLIST It). Vein -Old llo) ( rallies Into MoUir Truck, anil lleatli Hesults from l-Yiirtutvd Skull. Ill- l'niti-1 I'rru In Thr ll.nd llullrtin. 1 roUTI.ANI). Oct. la.-Iiuo to a fog. Daniel Scbnell. 19 years old. of Tlgnrd, Oregon, crashed head on Into a heavy motor truck, while riding his molorcyclu a few miles north of the city tills morning. Ho wus in stantly killed, n compound fracture of tho skull causing death. N. I). I.ichtenthaler. thn truck driver,' was absolved from all blame. j ! Mr I'nltrd l'rM U Tht- rA IIullMin.J pAjfe yMj I I POPULAR GIRL CONTEST TO BE REVEILLE WEEK FEATURE Listen, girls, tho Percy A. Stevens post, Atnericnn Legion, Has arranged a little feature for your benefit. Lota ot folks decliiro its tho best feature of Hnveillo Woek. its a popular girl contestIn which tho three girls get ting tho greutcHt number of votes will receive valuable, worthwhile gifts. Tho first prize Is n white gold La Vlilllern, set with diamonds, pearls and sapphires. It's n entity, pur chased from tho Larson mid com pany Jewelry atom and now on dis play In their window. The second prize is n tG-ploco set of Ivory, On Barry liattern. dresser sot, pur chased from tho Horton Drug com pany and now window. Tho Senocn camera, rolls of films, young Indies on display In their third prize Is a number 3, with six An ovou dozen of linvo already been riomlnnted and the contest promiseR to wax warm ub the and nenrs. Fol lowing rulos will govern the contest: Any young lady can enter 'the con tost nt any time. Contest will close nt 10 o'clock p. in. Oct. 2S, on Greater Alamo show grounds. . Votes are tire cents each. Each lo Help Convict Omaha SX0B ABOUT DUBWINO ASfiOpO QRUC9ar- TO SHOW BOOV Old "John Lynch Law" haa a nw oamy. It U tha camera. Omaha. Neb., mob liadera know this now. And when thoy ara dragged before lb court a -remarkable eolleciloD of photograph will tie thara mote but conrtneing artdaboa of rllt. Tdom treat picture are excloaWe and taa nrat from tha Nebraaka city wbtw a negro was taken from tha aberltf afur a deaperate fight, haayed. ahot and burned; wnera the mayor waa twloa "atrung" up In altemptlnt to perform hta doty and praraat It: whar new million and a halt dollar court honae waa gutted by lire from torcbea of tbe mob, and over SO persons wounded. Regular 10 Idler and martial law were becaaaary to restore order. Mayor Ed Smltn waa twice hauled off tbe ground, bnt each Uano rcd by batOlaf police Md tent uucoa adooa U a boapltai. J - U. MAILED FIST SEIZES REDS:' HO.MKS IW SISI'KITS IX GARV KAIIIKO HY SOLOIKIIS A.XII Ol AXTITIKS OK KKVOLITIOX AllY LITKILXTI KK TAKKX. l!,riY, Ind., Oct. 15.--The mailed fiat fell with trip hammer speed on Gary reds and bomb plotters today. Forty homes, whose inmates are sus pected of revolutionary activities, were raided between midnight and dawn by I'nlted States soldiers under the direction of nrmy intelligence headquarters. Kighteeu were arrest ed, and are being held with 40 tnRen in previous raids. An army truck was used to curry away printed pro paganda. candidate will have a ploutiful aupply ot vote coupons. Each coupon must bo marked with the name of the contestant for whom the vote Is in tended. Voles will be counted at noon dnlly and the standing of con testants published in Tho Bulletin daily. Boxes for the depositing of votes will be established at the fol lowing plnces: Horton Drug Co., Owl Pharmacy, Chllders Arm strong Confectionpry. Tho young Indies who have nomi nated In tho contest and their respec tive standing is ns follows: Miss Margaret Schraeder 50 Miss Marie Fox 50 'Mrs. Fish 60 Miss Doris Glllts '. 50 Miss Mabel Boyer 50 Miss Forn Allen GO Miss Gladys gather 50 Miss Daisy Carter 60 Miss Gladys. Farnsworth 60 Miss Mlldrod Hunnell 50 Miss Hilnh Brick 50 Nomlnntion of candidates may he mado to Gene T. Comstock, it Brooks-Spanlon Lumber Co,, office, or The Bulletin office. Mob Leaders r3 3 W '. WIUIAM FPANCIS covyn or girl UllPCO LC AO MOB. tCIIRL ADMITS AIDING ! DRAFT LAW EVADER .sell as Wife of Seattle Man t Help Him Stay Out of Army Jl-Iinnte Sentence Imposed. It) t . niUsI Pre- tu Th Bvr,d Pulli-tin-l skitti.k. Oct. 15.- Pleading guilty to a charge of posing as the wife or Walter Arena tnai ne uugni escape being drafted into me army. Karris Peterson. 18. was sentenced by Judge Neterer to serve 20 miliu-1 tea In the custody of United States i marshal Areud. who is a waiter, didn t get off so easily. He was so easily. He was sent to the;l""1 " " """"" county jail for six months. Testimony in the case was to the effect Arend befriended the girl when she came to Seattle and found her alone and penniless. He assisted her in finding work. They fell In love and decided to marry as soon as the girl could get a divorce from her husband. But she didu't want Arend to go to war. so she signed his question naire as his wife, and he escaped the draft, she told the court. The youth of the girl, and her mother's loyalty impressed Judge Neterer, so he imposed the nominal sentence ot 20 minutes, and caution ed the defendant to be guided by her mother in the futflre. BODY OF WOMAN FOUND IN LAKE Xo Murks of Violence Found to Sub stantiate Theory Thiit Drownliii Vt'ns Not Cuuso of Dcuth. I By United Trcs- to The Dcnd Bulletin. 1 SEATTLE, Oct. 15. The body of Mrs. Miller, who, was mysteriously drowned In Lake Washington Mon day, while riding In a launch with her husband, was found floating in the lake today. There were no bruises or other marks of violence found. FLYER STARTS ON RETURN TO FRISCO tBUnltcdI-rtMtoTlBndBulleln.l : M1NEOLA, Oct. 15. Major Spatz started on his return trip to San Francisco nt 2:45 o'clock this afternoon. CLUB AROUSED OVER ACTS OF HIGHWAY BOARD H. J. 0VERTURF SAYS COURT AT FAULT. NEW PLAN PROPOSED Would Initiate Dill Milking C'o Mnictlon of The UalleN-t'alifornli-Hlglnvay .Mandatoi-y on the State Commission. Indignation at the action of the State highway commission in again deferring action on construction of The Dalles-California highway, ran high at tbe meeting of the Bend Com mercial club this noon, the subject coming up in a report given by H. J. Overturf, chairman of the roads committee. A Wbianant declared that tbe time bad passed for non action, and urged that a movement be started which would result in every Central Oregon town interested In sending large delegations to Port land to demand action from the com mission. J. A. Eastes declared that this would not be enough, and urged that a meeting be called of represen tatives from every city and town along the line of The Dalles-Callfor- nia highway to Initiate a measure to compel action, and to get the State Chamber of Commerce behind any such attempted legislation. W. C. Dirdsall asserted that the Portland papers recognize tbe need of high way through Central Oregon and that the time is ripe for action, and Mr. Wblsnant. taking tbe floor again, asked that when a highway meeting is called, the state commissioners be invited to attend. A favorable vote on a highway meeting was glvea by the club. Illume County Court. ' Before outlining his suggestion for meeting the situation, Mr. Overturf declared that he blamed the county court for the delay, asserting that t lie co'irt had turned down an offer inac'e by the state commissioners." ac cording lo which by preparing the grade from Bond to the Jefferson .oiintr lij;e. tbe county would have insured the surfacing of this stretch of road on the part of the state. The course of action which he recom mended for stimulating the commis sion would be to initiate a bill mak ing the construction of a highway, . P5slbl" llard surfaced, through Cen- tral Oregon, mudatory tin the com- I mission, with automatic retirement i from the commission as the penalty for non-performance of this duty. The positions on the commission would be made elective, instead of appolnt- Ira i Miiprl I r In tila nl t n ' ' 1 Irnmv i - - " w e- . o..n.A 1 1 1 ...- It,., 11.1a k-lnaa tne commission into pontics, ne ac- knowledged, "but I do not think that (Continued on Page 2.) DEAD WOMAN FOUND; RELATIVES SOUGHT In a telegram received this after noon by Sheriff S. E. Roberts from Salt Lake City, Utah, the report is made that tbe body . of a .- Mrs. Hazelton. believed to tie ot Bend, has been found. The telegram far ther states that the woman's hus band was an employe of the Dyer Construction company. Mr. Roberts has been una-ble to secure any clues as to the whereabouts of relatives, and will welcome any information which may he glen him in connec tion with the case. BANDITS GET $25,000 FROM MISSOURI BANK Br United Press tu Tht Btnd Bulletin.) ST LOUIS, Oct. 15. The bank at Potosl, Mo., was looted early this morning. Two bandits with aft acetylene torch, burned their way Into the vault, and escaped with $25000. PRINGLE BUTTE FIRE IS AGAIN REPORTED Reports that the Pringle Butte fire, which has broken out several timet this fall, is again out ot bounds, were received this morning at Deschutes National Forest headquarters. , tfo confirmation of the report has been received as yet. 1