,. the MK$n nvW'VtW, ;AjtY. edition, bend. onKgov, hatihpav, octoiikr t. ioio. n 1 iw - - Comivemiltioim Biiii;ij!i!;iH;:,'i:iji:miiiii, ifiiMMMaw fswwww:. gs aoor Under auspices of Central Trades, Labor and Farmers Council of Bend Tuesday Evening, Oct 7, at8 p.nh B. A. A. C. Gymnasium ft? . MAIN EVENT a KItKO lill.llKKT of lieud T;4 1 Z 1 V. of "m rr- I iHkr VI A1P r"vt: r of Idaho riCU UllUCl L Bend Vr Utt ITIUII ICJ Falls, Ida 10 ROUNDS at 145 POUNDS Main Preliminary 10 Rounds Speck , Woods Bend vs. I Bert (Battling) Taylor j First three rows i Tavlur rwntly bent "Mult" Bionwjn m Mumhlleld I! : 4 a Admission I Preliminary 2oo i Ernest LeClair Balance lower floor . 1.50 Balcony-. 100 Tickets on Sale at Carmodys Pastime Metropolitan Windmill vs. "Kid" Taylor Both of Bend Rounds I r : i 61 LEi: MORRISSEY of Idaho Falls ..;:rir. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TODAY'S TKMPKKATUKB Maximum, 64 U'K rM. IlKM) TIIAIV HCHKDII.K. Oregon Trunk. Arrlvei, 7:36 A. M. . Leaves 8:00 I. M. O.-W. II. N. Arrives, 7:00 P. M. Leave, 7:00 A. M. l. II. (irmly of Mud run spent hint lilKlil III III" city. lno M. Mm Kn of Mlllicun Is in llcnil for u fuw day. L. 8. Logun unci C. K. Dunn, both of i'rlnnvllli!, were In the cliy lust lllgllt. Dennis D. Hunt of Sisters spent limt night In Ili-ml, und reniulned over for ii few hour (IiIh morning. Mm. JxhhIo J a rv In of Portland, president of lint Kobeknli assembly of Oregon, v.111 be In Hend nwl Wednesday to visit tli local lodge. E. N. KuviinuKli arrived In nend Kilo tnoruiiuc from the dlHtrlct fur Htor'a office In I'ortliind, and will upend several du In . tills city on business nt headquarter of the De schutes imtlonul foroHt. Mr. nnd Mm. Arthur Wolcott und !two children nro vlHitlnx rit tho home of Mr. nnd Mm. Hen Sbuey In tho coui'ho ( , mi uuto tour throuKh lh woM.';' TUejr ore from 'Durtlimvllli', Oklfihoum, tho former A Watch Like Good Health You don't mLss it until you haven't it. Our stock of watches .is of the very: best.". A watch for every need at many 'prices. 'Jj The Hall watch, we say, is k good watch and , we do not hesitiateHa ' reconii mend it. They cost, you less. . Our 7 service on ' ' us is for you. ii!:itiirnni:!im!iinirti:i:!i:i::(Jtm;:in::iH:n!::t::::;:::i THEY SAY THYLIKE THEM The Lunches The Dinners nt the 0.1. C. CAFETERIA on Bond Str-t. CLEANLINESS-SERVICE-QUAIITY imttuiii!i:ti:tiiii:lHm!:imi:tiii:ii::!t!iiii::::ii:::!:imi homo of Mr. und Mrn. Shuy. The Liidle', Aid of' the ChrlHtlnn church lll hold u npi-cliil nn-ntlnn Wednundiiy uflernoon. t the home of MntJ D. K. Ilurch, ' 1977 Wort .Second ntreet. Alt memhei-H und lndl'B of ths ohuisli nro requested to be preiienl to (Hbcuhs Important tiusinefui and plan for the winter's work. AT TlVE HOTELS. l'llot-llutte luu. C. D. neali, Portland. n. H. Howard. Seattle. C. B. Duan, Prinevllle. L. S. Locally' Prinevllle. P. M. Angland, Sllvor I.ukc. ! Jim O'Noll, Dnvla Lake; Jarae F. Loper. Klumatb Fulls. C. I. Rlcnrd. Klamuth Fulln. i W. H. Lincoln, Klamath Fulln. Alfred O. Mead, Fort Klumutb. ' W. II. H. Williams, La Piny. (' W. . nirdwood, Portlnud.t Dennis D. Hunt, Hlsters. K. N. Kirnnuudh. U. S. F. S. Mr. and .Mir. J. C. Smith, Hillings, Mont. , Mr. und Mrs. W. F, Snyder, Pony, Wash. A. H. Knox, Sonttlo. -make your Home a ootRest Home it pays . , , 1 1 Happy Children U u 1 1 -Happy mothers are On, ttipn. , Rough and tumble Dlav all dav long 3 downon kneti.t'hrough brush and grau but no holes at . ' night for mother to dam. , lFdot Rest num- teri arb hert. Come and see 1'V ' J. J. Darby. I'ortliind. D. I. HuyncK, Portland; ' Tl6y Edwnrds,' Portland. A. K; Ilrown, Portland. I Hotel Coxy. It. (Jnthericood, I-a IMnc. W. Ed."Mdore. La Pine. Mr. alia' Mrs. Peter Ruber. La Pine. Inez M. Morgun, Mllllcnn. W. O. llurrlman, Fort Hock. ,:. H M.' 8. lister, 8llverjIyUk.,V, . II. H.'6riiy. Madras. ' A. Anderson, The Dulles. J. L. McCulley, Llnd. Wash. Hotel WrlKlit. Charles rilank, Portland. Ueorgo Melson, Sulem. L. F. KiiKle. San P'ranciHco. J. W. Jones, Imperial. J. L. Ilai'i-lngton, Culver. A. R. McMInn, Hoquinm. L. E. Harris, Iloquluin. ' A. J. Ktzel und son, Portland. It. 0. Calluglian, Portlnnd. . Another Mystery. One of the slnincciit tlilnK" In this world. ls how imiiiy tears a baby can shed and still keep Its face dirty. Oalvostou News. , . '. Optlmlstle Thought. , Teste In pursued lit a less expense than fashion. J Put It in The Bulletin. v l2tsly Market Report. i . LIVESTOCK. !ForflUhc4 bt srrsnsrmeiit with the " Central Orccon Busk.) ', NORTH PORTLAND. Oct. 4. Slxty-elnht catwtlo received. Tone of murket stendy. Host steers, $9.75 W 10.75; good to choice, 19.2509.75; medium to gTiod, I8.25gi9.25; fuir to medium, 7.2fi 8 25; common to fair, $5.7$ 0.75; choice cows und heifers, 7.75; medium to good, $67; $7.7lii'8.25; good to choice, $7 fair to medium, $506; cunners. $304; bulls, 56.50; prime light calves, $14 16; heavies, $8 14; stockers und feeders, $7.60 9. 25. , Hog Market. Four hogs received. Tone of murket steudy. Prime - mixed, $17.50018; me dium mixed, $17017.00; rnugh heavy. $15.75 016.50; pigs. $16.75 16.60; bulk of sales Thursday $18. J k Sheep Market. Ones thousand two hundred and fnrty-one hogs receive. Tone of market steady. Mount Adams prime lambs. $11.50$) 12.50; best valley, $10.50 011.50; feeders, $809; yearlings, $7.5008.50: Wethers,- $7.5008; ewes, $5 0 7. . - SBB8SSS8SSS8S8SSSSSBSBBS8S8SBSSBBSSBSBSBeaBgSBBB EE : ;.' -.rr ' -. .. . - That's What "ReveiDe" Means That's What Reveille Week in Bend Will Be. The Percy A. Stevens Post of the AMERICAN LEGION will step on the accelerator for six days. THE Greater Alamo Shows a completely guaranteed attraction and backed by the American Legion, will be in Bend the i whole week. The Legion has some sttints up Its sleeve that Will give everybody in Central Oregon more fun than they have had this year Join the Outfit in Bend ;m toCTOBER2Q-25 Bo a QQ uu u OO L1L1 nl uu iu in f3D DO oa DO DO DD DO DO DD ro ua DO BB DO DD BB BS nrj BE uu DD DO DO DD OO ffi Your Evenings at Home Made More Enjoyable . if you can have Music . - A Player Piano Will Help You T : How delightful after dinner when you are through iead-' ing the paper by the fireplace to have a few .selections before you retire. How easy to entertain company whe you are at home alone. ; , :.. - We have .the finest stock of pianos' and - player pjaaos In Central Oregon. "We -urge you to' permit us to tell yu and show you all we know about pianos. r The standard and recogniied makes. ',. ' ' The Highest Clam Talking Machine in the World . THt IHSTSUHtHT OS QUAtlTY lOnor. ClIAS AS BCkl Si You'll be proud to own this wonderful instrument. Its tone pure, vibrant, rich and true is matchless for beauty. Hear the Sonora and no other phonograph will satisfy $ou. . See our superb line . , V Price $50 to $1000;,'''' ',.,:'V V-' ... You Know. Yotr Want One 'fa I t L. K. Shepherd ilil.VM Home of " Columbia i;aWd.,$ottpriiV jfdap' Columbian Records, ; Musical . Instruments i and, ; i u,ir, sheet'-Music -; W Mi ' At the Slgn'Wtth!, mS'Warner Co. I If