1,1" The Bend Bulletin ,: ' DAILY EDITION rsMMiei Beerr Afternoon ' Kieept dir. tlj UM am , Valletta . lacerpeatM. j Ktitaratl mm S-nnil clae BialltT. January I. llll, at Ue FoU Office at Beud. Orocta, under Act of March , l7a. i- URKKT W. SAWYER Edltor-Mmwer ' BENHY N. FOWLER AiwoclaU Editor rBEU A. WOEU'LKN...AdTerllin Manager C. II. SMITH Circulation Munm.-rr AUfH Sr-fcNCKR MechaoloeJ 3-t An Independent Neweinper. atandlnc for the Mwara lral. clean tmeltieea, clean poHtlra and Ike keel iuteieeu u( Head and Central Ureaoo. SUBSCRIPTION BATES br Mail ' One Tear ,...( W.N llx Month! 12.71 rare Month i .- 11.(0 8j Carrier One V It.tO IU konthi .....$3.60 On Month t .60 All lubwrirtloni art due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notice of expiration arc mailed eubecriber ana If -renewal ia not made within eaeonable time tha paper will be dUcontinued. Pleaie notify ua promptly of any change of atdreaa. or of failure to receive the paper rciru mny. Orherwiae we will not be reapoiuibJe for opiea mtaeed. Make all ?hecka and orders payable to The em Bulletin. SATURDAY, OCTOBKR 4, 1919. . PRICES. A dollnr is .worth what you can get for it. A dollar now isn"t worth much because you can't get much for ' it. It will be: worth more next year and twice as tnuch five years from now when production cutches up with demand. Profiteering, no doubt, has some thing to do with the present depre ciated value of, the dollar but It is not the big factor. In 1865, according to a Chicago account dated February 21, 1S65, Chicago consumers' were paying 29 cents a pound for sugar, a dollar a gallon for kerosene oil, two dollars a pound for tea, and seventeen cents a pound for rice. Even in the face ot present high prices a dollar now is worth about twice as much as it was then. , It was worse after the Revolution ary War. Martha Washington paid three dollars 'or a pound of sugar, one to two dollars a pound for meat, and $25 a bushel for wheat. ' The moral of all this is that prices ; are going down within the next five years which nea-ns that a dollar sav ed to-day will be worth at least 'twice as much five years from now.' ; Therefore cut out luxuries and some ( necessities. Invest every' dollar you cart in United States War Stamps and Treasury Savings Certificates. They bring 4 Jour j'per; cent interest com i pounded quarterly. Five years from now J4.12 will be worth nearly ten dollars, taking into consideration in- t terest and a certain drop in prices as production catches up with demand.; Leud, and what oxcuxo U thero for not using Pratt and Lamberts Var nishes, which have been on the mar ket for a long time tun: wnoo quali ties are. known, instead of some other grade which will not wear nor stand the test required in suoh a building as a school? '' A. J. GOOQANS. ::i:t::t::;i:it:a:i::::tu:::u::::::t:tt.i::t:t:::i:::iii::u::;:m:t::E J?t t,e (duweh I:,,-, ies ,:t:t::::R::kj Apparently Oregon Ctty -folks--- do not have much to do but intlate measures' for the voters to pass put A while" ago it was an anti-cigarette biUtuid now 'comes a low Interest measure. - .5 ! 1 - v tt:::::!:::::::::.'::::!:::::::!:!::::. IVcwbytwIuii. For some time past, the pastor has been busily engaged in remaking parts of a model of The Tabernacle of The Wilderness, which parts hnj boon destroyed by firo. This week he has succeeded in completing that model, and next Sunday evening at 7:30 tie will begin a series of teu lectures, using the model to illustrate them. Among the many things o in terest in tho' bible, it is almost need less to say that this tuk'es first place especially in the Old Testamont. The original, as Moses had It constructed contained four tons of fine gold, five and one half tons of silver, and seven tons of brass, to say nothing of' the very fine quality of rare hard-wood that was used. Specimens of wood grown In the Holy Land, and of mar ble from the same place, with Chal cedony from Mount Olive have beeu procured and will be used in the first lecture, on Sunday evening. The topic for the first lecture will be "The Tabernacle, Its Material and Construction." The morning service will be at 11 o ciock. i ne ineme ot the message for that hour will be, "The Satisfied Servant Still Serves." ' which is the fifth in a series of the Great Ser We desire to call special attention to the change in the hour of the eve ning service. The hour has been changed from 8:00 to 7:30 o'clock. H. C. HARTRANFT, Pastor. WholesSme Entertainment Is the Most Comforting in; e- Motliotilst Kplscopul. How would you like to be one of the richest folks on earth? Would you? Well, come out to "The Little Brown - Church" Sunday morning, 11:00 o'clock, and hear the Sky Pilot's ' practical sermon on "The Richest People oq Earth." ' And in the- 'evening. ' at eight o'clock, come again and hear the ser mon, "Beware The Dogs." It will prove a tonic to 'youjr'spirlts. a re sora!lVe? fo', : your -"nerve," and a happy hour for you.' Bring the faint ly.' ' - -. -s- r. And the splendid quartet, and the spirV good-fellowship., and the , 'Thero l,.u Investment, that will bring' you more real comfqrtHiitt ont'ortainnieut than u " . ' S'-'.- ''.' .i-jr- . ':' V ., , ,' ' ' : : Victor or Edison ' v - ,i ", - - , .' Z Phonograph With a phoniegrapb In your home you have niiido it pos sible to enjoy the' muulo by tho best organized bauds and orche&traa.'lu tltts World. You liiivo brought (jrimd ami Cpmic Opera to your home llres. The most tiilcnted Hlngora will enter! 4in you and your friends for all occasions. A PHp(XJR.IPH IS PAST BKIXO A l.l'.M'HV . ANU HAS UKOWX T(),,K A XKt'KSSlTV One (hat is within tho reach of every family lu America. Money no longet stands, between you and the best niulc in tho world. " e Mrs. Larson will entertuln tho f.adloa Aid Society ut our church par lor Thursday, -tint lllli u( Oiitobm'- lit regiiliir tlnui, '"( ' ' Kvnryoiiu uro' aordlully luvltml to ull our liiiHidiiKM, I'lt'iiKo roiiiiiinbiii' our church Is ppposlto tho (Jyinna slum. Comu ;"yoursolf mid bi'lng others with you, that Is tlm right spirit. Song and Muulo. -: ... i i. .'tie, J ,XOTI(K. Vnillit 1m litti-tihv 'vlvtiti I,-, ntit, ...! nil piMsons having any btiHlui'Hs to mi iiio tuiiirinr; auio Htnmi t'o. that K. Ji. Clark of Lr. I'lmv OrtKon, has iidiIiIiik furihiir to tin with tlm, uld liilrrliir Auto Hiiiki Co., and any ami nil porsuiiH are roiliiiiHled to add ions all ruiiiniuui catlinis tu said t'liiniiauy at Hllvur Lake, ()i'ikii. Ailv.lOSp. F, M. ailUBMAN. . s uwunr. Put It lit The ilulli'tlii. LADIES ONLY SPECIAL IN SHOES r FOOTVyKAI OK, GOOD. QUALITY," AT A JtKAI. SAVING TRI-STATE TERMINAL CO. $5.00 5SS'N $5.00 EACH MONTH will buy any style ot Victor or Kdison Phonograph. HORTON DRUG CO. Exclusive Agents " HKXD, OllKXiOX The iiirmer ami the business man of thin coni iminity me partners in the progress or the fniluie of their community. ' If they pull toRether, the progress ami prosperity is certain to come. , IF they listen to preachers of class hatred there can only be failure as n result. : THE SHEVUN-HIXON COMPANY real cordial welcome will make you glad you earned " Service begins and ends on time. Sunday school at 9:45. Epworth League at TOQ. .,.-,- i- ? . A Jolly1" party, will be given y the young people next Tuesday, evening at the parsonage -one block south of the church. The Epworth League Is giving it, and they know bow to put over such. affMrs. No written invi tations are being sent out- If you are young enough to feel young, come. ' t ': - - t J. EDGAIt PL'RDY. Pastor. 4 lii'lKtlnn Si'irnm Hnrli-ly. Services are held every Sunday morning at 1 1 :00 a. m., nt 418 Hoiid street. Subject "Unrealty." ' Scaniliiinvlan-Lutlirran. Rev. Frederlk A. T. Corneliussen, the pastor of the Scandinavian-Lutheran church will preach Sunday morning at 11 o'clock In English and In the evening in Norwegian.. The Sunduy school begins at 10 o'clock now Is the time to send your children everyone meet up af ter vacation. The Portland Ad Club had a cow to lunch the 'other day. Usually i the club features only the other sex at (Jts meeting?, .. ' Portland is rapidly dividing into three classes rikers, employers . and arbitrators.'. . " - .'-V COMPLICATIONS To the Editor: Bend, Oct. 4. 1919. In reply to the committee's report on the painting ot the Kenwood school, which report was partially given in the Bulletin of yesterday. I desire to say a few things. Director Nordeen, who bad been appointed to look into the matter complained about, reported that the architect, Lee A. Thomas permitted the "change of the specification by H, J. Bookman, who has the contract for; palfi ting the school. The specifi cations 'called for the use of an . orange' shellac. - " Mr. -Bookman claim j ed itbai' orange' shellac could hot be . procun d, and , therefore requested !) that beri be-permitted to use a wood filler, which request' was granted by the arcUi'tect-ttCcordihg to the report: " Orange : shellac has been on the -' market at' all "times, and as a tax i payer I fall to see why it should be :' necessary to buy an Inferior quality of goods at 'he same price that is i asked for the first grade of material. The material which In the report whs ; called "wood filler," is nothing Short j. ofJshellac substitute; -end,' the -lbel i onfit reads '"Shellae" substitute." It 'j is fta,ted that,.the,quality of the (Jnish j hastiiiboeii- ehahgdi'1uittiaf'bhiy ' the material has been changed. If j that which has been used is of' the ,i same quality, why doj the manii I factures jauV" belc ijitrttfe? 5 Nor is it necessary; for-'a'ny. Wi' tio j think very long in order to 'arrive at t the concjuslontha.tj the . real ithinjjs 1 always'! cbsWJm'drB -"than ' tne'r'siibs'H'- tulai'tr'ad yei'VWeua' MUl)stitute'i:w' 1 said to'-be of the same prlBer iBlWhej fr orange shellac which was called for 1 Dy ; tne speclHcatlon. Juaf. Ajang,! j i.ifi0.,iiiiB ii. iun ut9 ur. luivrest to asK I why Whiting should be used on the $479OOOoOO ..Mt Deb f Piaising Campaign A CHALLENGE TO THE PUBLIC An opportunity is being giyen the citizens of Bend to put The Bend Athletic Club Building on a sound financial basis with a guarantee of efficient Juture opera tion so that the whple community will 5 have the 'benefit of a modern character and efficiency plants n?c . !' Th6 young men and wonieii and Itoysand girls w r ?nj are lts greatest asset. ;v Lot us .match tl$29i40M:red: b iv h"vo. vviiii. juuLt.uvvii uuiiais. miu uii nave a ft .,1 em tnis community project. i hyiy- y.u U : '- !';'. .f..' J..'. i..;-. , ' ' .. . .-i: THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY wiioij-sali: nisTKiurioKs IOR CENTRAL OKI-COX OF " OIL, GASOLINE, FLOUR, SALT, MEATS HAM BACON, LARD, ETC. FERTILIZERS FOR LAWNS r AND FARM LANDS ' . . -' - , . , . , , General : Commission Merchants WE BUY HIDES THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Phone 211 A. M. PR1NGLE, Manager puni::!;tt:i:mi:imm::nuu:mmnimaniu:ium:::niK - WHY IS A BROOM 7 . Mrn. HouM-wlfp Wlmt iM-tunlly hipcn when )ou puNlr u broom uvrr v m run or viir t-ft . ... You hnvn ouly i,iit!icroU part of thf) top dirt. You can't (tnt down Into tho fabric A cloud of slunt I raised at nvory stroke. You undo purt of your work by ' duntlnn oil everything buck onto tbo floor. ; THK KLW.TIUg CLKAN'KR Kt all tho dirt from on lop, with-In- and bmHtli tho - rag 'or carpot. iuiiI firom tlio floor.' Not a puitlt'lc of duit Is raised to nnttle) in the room. -' Kloctricity dot ull tho hnrd part yon alniply (oiMn tho Ctranor.t ., You try our Tbor Kluctrlo . 1 ' tUeannr In your borne. ( Thon, If you ere thorouKh- I ly oonvincod thnt .It Uowj ' this kind of work in your , home, Just a lew cents a -'' week -will pay for it. Bend Water Light & Power Co. iiiiiniiti:nfRK:imm::M:::i::::R:miim:ttti:intt::itit:i:i::i!::H:ii::u:iiii:u:miii:iti:nuifiii :'""'':. Progressiveness and Growth , ' ',-. in tbii community, njm Jollari and cnt ; V""''"-' ":'' ' ' " " ,in ydiir pocket. " ', ,., ' ' ,n V . ;,'"V'.,'; '0lfaitd fyotbioith Deschutes '' Bmld'of he'nirf products an d patronize lent induarry. Tk ihtilpett aiaBetbuildini imeriali u JJcMntai (Whilr) fine ana i.minurscrura : D.r . 'bf iumbir.' Acaoire a Lo I,. in: fZii-:.;ir,;i km ityht er.e-jntp all tizes and tfraflct ' 'pi your own 'iBrtrad bf a iutitW' TO WORK.3UILD NOW i if j Ifriii fttf aVi7WaT''-r--; ' ,. ... , - rl. .... J-., .t. j. . ,