THK HKND IIVIAKTIX, DAILY KD1TIOX, HRND, ORKGON, HAlTllDAVi SKIT. 18, 1910 ESSEX SEDAN ard Furniture Co. 84o "!f ' - .'V' WANTED By school girl of -it who Is not afraid to . .work, a place to work for board and room with some pay. Hazel ituniauy, Box 641, Bend, Ore. 47-S4tfc PAOH SEEN IN BEND riONKKR AltA(iK CO. UKCKIVKS KVl'THl;Ii CAB 1KTAII.8 SHOW V1NW WORKMANSHIP MOKK TO OOMK SOOX. Beautiful In every respect is the sodun. driven to Bend yesterday by H- S. Uoyco, of the Pioneer Garujte. , This la the ru-si closed car ot this make ever seen In Bond and Is ntlractlug considerable attention among motor fans today. The new Essex U a model of per fection In every detail. It's straight lines give It the appearance of great strength and simplicity. . It's upholstering, gray in color, is of the finest material. It is electric lighted. The new closed vehicle Is to be seen at the Pioneer Oarage. According to Mr. Royce the Pto neen Garage has been promised a car load of Essex cars this month, the first to be received this fall. lflSSKS REPAIRED A. W. Bontrager has completed the repairing of the two Studebaker closed busses which will be again used for conveying children to and from school. WANTED Placo to work for boa i-d and room whilo attending high school, by strong, willing iioy. Write R. R. 1. Box 20, Bend, Ore. 46-84-6p WANTED Good milch cow Juat fresh or coming fresh, giving from (our to six gallons. Inquire Bend Bulletin office. 24-831(0 WANTED TO BUY A second hand pluno. Musi be cheap. No deal ers. Will make good payment down, rest on time. Write to P. O. Box 672. 37-83-Sp WANTED Live man. for helper in retail lumber yard. The Miller Lumber Co. - 30-82-4c WANTED Foundrv worker helper at Bend Iron Works. 33-82tfc WANTED Two heavy teams with harness, wag ons and drivers. The Mil ler Lumber Company. 32-82-4c TO GET CARS. Pete Beaullteu leaves for Portland next week where he goes to obtain a consigment of Nash tonring cars for the Deschutes Garage. DAXCK AND CARD PARTY. The Catholic ladies will give a card party and dance at the Hippo drome Friday evening, Sept. 12. for the benefit of the new Catholic church. Adv. 8J-3C STATE BOARD MEN PLEASED WANTED 6 or 8 men to cut 4-ft. limb wood, 2 to 3 miles from town. The Miller Lumber Company. 31-82-4c WANTED School girl to work for room and board. Phone Black 682, or call 1905 West 6th St. 10-79-84C WANTED At the brick yard, a few good $5 a day men. Bend Brick & Lumber Co. 77-42tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room for one or two gentlemen, 531 Flor ida St.. west of S. E. Robert's. Mrs. M. E. Knotts. 60-84tfc (Continued from Page 1.) wig and Mr. Flynn agreeing that it signified mismanagement in the home. During the latter part of the hear ing, points touched on In the morn ing session, relative to the import ance of the mills in Bend's develop ment, were reinforced, when figures furnlBhed by T. A. McCann, of The Shevlln-Hixon Company, and J. P. Keyes, of the Brooks-Scanlon Lum ber Co., Bhowed the combined pay roll for August to be $221,000. nsmtfied advertbin chare ter tart SO tent for 20 word or tea. One cnt per word for all over 20. All cla-slfid advertkins trictly eaah in advance WANTED WANTED Office furniture and typewriters. Standard Furniture Co. 84c WANTED Girl or woman to work in retail department ' ot store. See Day at once at Day Candy Co. 42-84C FOR RENT OR SALE Electric vacuum cleaners. Standard Fur niture Co. 84c TO TRADE. TO TRADE Piano for cows, calves, horses or pigs. A. C. Kirtsls. 3 miles north of Tnmalo. 48-84-7p FOR SAI.E FOR SALE BY OWNER About 35 acres of land, well improved, on state highway. 20 minutes walk from Brooks-Scanlon mill. Easy terms. Box 81, Bend, Ore. 46-84-6p AUTO FOR SALE Party leaving win sell their 1918 six-cylinder automobile, in A 1 condition, at a Durgain. Kun about 8000 miles. See Pete Beaulieu at Deschutes Garage. 43-84tfc FOR SALE Six-room house. plumbing in fine shape: ood lot: close to mills. J. Ryan & Co. 52-84tfc FOR SALE- for cash. -1918 Dodge. Bargain Deschutes Garage. 39-84-6C FOR SALE Six-hole range and BIYIull kaal(n B,nvn U . . T nmic, vueaj,. in quire Hanson store, by Brooks Scanlon gate. 40-84t(c FOR SALE New- Buick. Inquire Central Oregon Realtr C.n. Rnnri St. 41-84-6D WANTED .Ranges, household fur niture and phonographs. Stand- FOR SALE; New White sewing ma chines. Special, $50. Standard Furniture Co. 84c FOR SALE Columbia and Victor Rpri it inn ii i ; ! .' SIS Thrift and Citizenship W E have learned that savings helped us win the war. We have also dis covered that a careful saver and a sensible spender is not a miser. He is a Rood citizen and a valuable man in his community.' r Make your deciiion today to open your saving , account with ui. It will earn you 4 per cent. Tg Bank of Bupo Skmviom The First National Bank OF BEND FOR THE YOUNG BOY OR MAN entering school or college the clothes question is an im portant one. The boy desires his money to go as far as possible. He will find that his money will do more if he decides on Hart Schaffner Marx Clothes. Men's and Boys' Sweaters Positively the lowest prices obtainable any place. A careful investigation will convince anyone that here is the place to buy the best Sweaters at the lowest price. We have most any size desired in most any color. , Lot 3060 Heavy d0 Cft grey knit P--.OU ' Lot 3008 Heavy &A flfl grey mixed J'.UU Lot 1800 Brown and grey dQ OC packet PO.0 Lot 1801 Pure fleece QQ Men's Jersey, cotton knit, fl0 C( mixed Sweater; $2.00 and 4.OU Men's all-wool Jersey, Oxford C flfl grey Sweater; $1.50 and vO.UU Men's heavy knitted grey jC ftf Sweaters, a special at vO.UU Copyright 1919 Hart Schaffner & Man Buy Your Leather Vests Now They are going to be scarce in fact, are now. We have Leather Vests at $9.00 $10.50 $12.50 $15 $18 $20 Boys' Mackinaws Boys' Mackinaws, from 5 to 9 years. An extra value at $7.95 $8.50 $9.00 . . Come and See These. ' WORK SHOES Mr. Workingman, -you can make your shoe" bill by coming to this old, store. Others ar(e saving on their why not you? " Men's Black or Tan Q Cfl or Tan Elk Scout Shoes VO.UU Men's Tan Elk Shoes, 10-inch top, composition soles, at Men's Smoked Tan Elk Chippewa, rubber heel : Men's Chocolate Elk Chippewa, Renox sole Men's Black and Tan Chippewa Shoes all leather, 9-inch tops.:.........".!: a saving on reliable shoe shoe costs , $3.95 $4.50 $4.50 $4.50 : $7.00 . $7.50 $9.00, $io;oo $6.50 Men's plain too, B!a'.k Calfskin Shoes Njehoff all-leather Locreers Men's Tan Uhv.h Loggers The Niehoff hand-made Pack and tQ flfl Logger, 10-inch top..... Vt.uU LT8!"!3: :. $6.25, $9.00 Chippewa Calked t 1 O flfl Loggers.; Pl4.UU $14.00 We do not solicit any business except on the basis of mutual interest. Either lower prices or better qualities of goods at same price. We abide by the SURE test of COMPETITION. No "ifs." no "ands" no "buts," no "baits' JUST VALUE. Mo P.CASMMA BEND'S CLOTHIER. Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes phonographs with rocords. Stand ard Furniture Co, 84c IF YOU ever expect to quit paying rent, come and buy thin property. Price $1250. Terms $100 ennh, October 10th $50, and balance $25 per month; only 8. Larue lot, good house, 4 rooms downstairs; can be made Into 3 rooms upstairs; water and lights In house. Also goes with place good cook Move, 2 beds, springs and mattresses, 1 cot, 2 tsblos, 4 chairs, dresser, some cooking utensils, House Is rented for $15. ' Barn rents for $3. This property Is well located away from dust and noise of mills. Room for chickens and cow. Owner is a non resident. Orders to sell at once. Se C. J. Leverett, 1063 Bond Street. 38-83-4P FOR SALE One large safe and eight-foot show case. Inquire Symons Jewelry. 1 35-83-Cc FOR! SALE 'Now Whito rotary sew ing machines. Special .$50. Standard Furniture Co. 83c FOR SALE Dodge; has run 4500 mlleB, nearly 100 new. J. Ryan. . , . 72-70tfc FOR SALE By ownor, Chevrolet 400; reasonable. Write Box 67, Bond, Ore. 63-75tfc FOR SALE Electric rungo, com plete with wiring and fuse block, automatic double oven; $70. In quire at Forest Service Office. ', . .v' .3M8-72tfo FOR SALE Two new modern five room bungalows on Delaware avenue Inquire J, Rynn & Co. 70-64tfc FOR SALE 2 houses on Broadway, $650.00 , cash, balance same us rent. Inquire :nt Hnnson's Store, Broudwuy and Arizona Avn. 21-81tfo FOR SALE 40-acre ranch; Sfl-ncre water right; 20 acres in nlfulfa; 4 milch cows. Will soli at a sac rifice. Joe Warnstaff, ' 2 A miles oast of Bond. . 19-81tfc FOR SALE Lois 10, 11 and 12, block 48, ' Deschutes - addition, $900, Terms. J. Rynn. 2!S-81lfc FOR- SALE Nlnoty-Hovon acre ranch on Tumalo project. 83 acro wnlor right, 40 acros undot cultivation, small house, good burn and outbuildings. -v One cow, 2 horses nlid 2 wagons. Four thou sand dollnrs tukos all. Will accept Improved city property In part pny mnnt. Tonus, Inquire Bulletin. . ' 8-80-5p FOR SALE 6-ronm house, clnso to mills, $2400. Sao J. Ryun ft Co. 7-80tfc FOR SALE 1017 fOverland, good mnchnnlnnl ennrtlHnn nu.nnrt Petor Byberg. Cur enn bo seen nt I'lor.eer Oarage. . 3-8OU0 FOR SALE Rend baby buggy, Phone Black AH3 ,k null inn ww 1 v s 1 AtfUtl West 6th Bt.v . , ; . I.79-8J0 v.