PAGE 1 COBB STILL ON DEC'. AFTER 15 YEARS MAYS STARTED RIOT At Bend Theaters Sunday and Monday THR BRIfU MfTIiliRTIN. DAILY EDITION, 1IRND, ORKGOS, HATl'RIMY, HKPT. 13, 1010 (jk.wd 'i iii:.n:it. ..-. I.uuIh IIiiiiiiIhoii will hi) soon Hiiii (In)' only In "Tim Ituml ('itlloil Hlriilglit," 11 comedy di'iimu, doitl t ii K WlH t hu Ii'IiiihiiIiiiiIIiik of li Weill cin cowboy lull) tlm iciiIm of lOiiBli'in Niiclnly, wlinrn lie hocmim I ho husband of n uli'l wlui iniir rlml lilm (or IiIn nioniiy, Tim tilcluro conliiltiM ubundunao comedy introduced liy Ilonnlson (lurliiK III fli't flvn dny III Htlff clothe unil noddy. Thu star Iiuh un ulr nil IiIm iwii und IiIh ublllly to Kt (ho iniiHt from u comedy situation, coinblnod with 111 m cloun und brooiy personality, lira tlilnicM thiit unllo lo mil kn lilm one of thu buHl-llked stars on I ho screen to day dnaplto I ho short tlmii ho him bnun uppnurlng In pictures, i Mr, IIiiiiiiIhoii rocolvon Ntipport of an unuauully high order from Or , ml lluwley an Ilotty, from Henry Mortimer a tlio heavy and from John Daly Murphy ua n comedy nullta. 'I'h e picture contain a variety of acenory, purl of ' lint action laklnK placn III the Went and part In the IuxuiIoiih roiiiim of n fiiHliloniilitii renldnnce. ToiiIkIiI for tlio hint lime Ilulii llamlllou will lin linen In "After 111 Own Heart." Thin In nn adaption of a Htory by Hon Amos Vlllliimn which itppoaroil III n reciMit liimio of All Htory Wookly. Mr. Ilauilllon ha (ho role of n roto of a Ritniluiimn lolmiro, Tlio ina Weiuhworth Duncan by name, whoso fortune uddciily disappeared. Not being at all uaod In work. Dun ran ha not much of un Idea of what to do until ho receive a nolo offering- him ffiSG.OOO If ho will ngreo lo put hlmmilf In cliurgo of cerlulu purt Ion, HI financial plight iiiakoH lilm forgot nil ulmiit III hullnr Judgment If, liidood, ho ever hud any, uud ho Htrulchl way put hliiiHolf In charge of thu piirtluH. What I hi Hiirprlnu, Ihon. to (Uncover that the head party I u doctor who plan takliiK hi heart and putting It In thu body of uif old man I Duncan, lu return, In to net tlio old man' heart, a woll um thu bonus but I ho doctor doesn't hold out much chanco of IiIh recov ery. Of course this situation, gruesome u It limy uppeur on the aurfuco, In dovolopud with flno roard for It furclal polbllltlo by tho producer. And Mr. Hamilton gels the moat from the role of Duncun. UIHOIIT TIIEATKK. Into tho rurul vIIIuko for the sotting, and Into u woman' oul for tho theme, David Wark Griffith ha koiio for tho material of hi now Artcraft picture, "Truo llonrl HiihIo," which will hu Hhown at tho Liberty theater next Monday. Ho Iiiih choHen tlireo characterH, typical and definite lu tho domuiitlc llfo of America, familial' to tlio rosldunu In every nuiiill place and mot lurgo one. Olio Ih that of a lovablo, loyal girl, who never had a chance lo marry hut one man. and when that man pusses her by. uges her oul with tear, and wearlc her day wlih wuIiIiik. Another I a you uk man who goes lo college, ro turn with comical conceit, the prem- ; lor of awnlna, u erlou to hlmolf an tho measles. And tho third In a' Klrl who considers mnrriiiKo never Filipino Belles in School Here The aultan of Jolo has sent tht Princes Prbu Xlran to to '.nlled Stale lo study nod learn American way. With har at U. Inlverslty or Illinois, Chicago. Is Carmea R. Agnlnaldo. daughter ot it fanous Inturrector, Both youog women expect to study and l here tor a number of year. . PrtnoeM Porosis la on the Ion tbe picture. TONIGHT-Last Time HALE HAMILTON IN "After His Own Heart" What kind of a heart it worth a quarter of a million dollars? SUNDAY-Only Louis Bennison IN "The Road 1 Called Straight" Ho didn't know how to wear jrrand olothos or carry himself In a ball room or at a woddlnjf hut ho did have a hoovt and ho showed It oe Uonnlson In ;"The Hood Called Straight" AT GRAND THEATRE fx fKlwW.'iJ m or Ty Cobb, wbo baa Jimt celebrat ed the l&th anniversary of hi In troduction to profeaaional base ball. Is upsetting a tow ol tbe dopestere who flKured he wouldn't last. Ty Ik at the bead of the hat on general averagoe and his work thla year aa a batsman ehows be 1 In prime condition and h not aiirouga by a long aboL - a union of heart, but a necessary patronage, a wife of subsidy rather than of love. With these peraona. Mr. Griffith haa arranged a atory of wondroua charm, piquant In the delightful ubtletle of character delineation,' a warm, wholesome atory of love won nnd love denied. Ho devotea hla deep perception of tho Infinite varieties of each heart, to these throo young persons, each whetted by nature to realize tho fullness of llfo'a experiences, yet each held from doing Just what he or she should. Lillian Olsh appear a.i the glrla who waits, a repressed rolo which absorbs the full power of her acting. Rob ert Hurroii, a the boy who becomes a minister, will remind the world of Homo it know, and give It to a chuckle never forgotten. Clarine Seymour la Introduced aa a merry young milliner from Chicago. MIIKItTY. Fred Slugol, the brilliant young actor, who haa made a host of ad mirer and established a reputation eecond to none throughout the east and west for hla clever acting will play nt the Llborty tonight and Sun day, engaging at the head of hie own company (Fred Slegel Stock Co.) "Daby Mine," tonight and "In Walk ed Jlmmle," Sunday night. . Plays that have never been shown In Bend before. Mr. Slegel has surrounded himself by an excep tionally strong company Including such well known players as Edna Cecil Daly, formor leading lady of the Crown Thoater Stock Co. Chi cago. (Smiling) Cliff Lancaster, ot tho Baker Theater Stock Co., of Portlnnd, Honors Dovera, of the Poll Stock Co. New York City, Grace Bonwell, of the Salt Lake Stock Co. Snlt LakeXlty. Carl Birch, ot the Alcazar Stock Co. San Francisco, California, Lorlng Kelly, ot the J Drop in j on your j I way home 5 take your I family a quart of fresh ICE CREAM Childers & Armstrong When Carl Maya eobmartne pllcher Jumped tbe Boaton Red Bos Club he started tbe blggeal war of rlub owners the American League has ever experienced Tbe New York Yanks bought Maya when be refused to rejoin tbe Boston Club. I hen president Ban Johnson ruled thai Mays' act was against good t-aseball so auapend ed him indefinitely,-This angered (he Yank owDera,-'bo "talke1'i freely, but do charges have been proved Mays is atlll Idle." Wilkes Players Seattle, Washington. To give you an idea of the strength of the organization, the Fred Slegel Stock Co. has In the past two seasons played engagements as follows: Thirty weeks at Bolae. Idaho, forty two weeks at El Paso. Texas, six- THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Coupe with nn electric self-starting nnd lighting system is one of the most popular members of the Ford Family, It is a perma nently enclosed car, with sliding plate glass windows an open car with plenty of shade. Then in inclement weather, enclosed and co7y, dust-proof and rain-proof. Just the car for traveling salesmen, physicians, architects, con tractors, builders, and a regular family car for two. Demountable rims with 3j4-inch tires all around. To women it brings the convenience, and comforts of the electric with the durability and economv of the Ford car. Early orders will avoid long delays in delivery. CENT-ORE MOTOR CO. BEND, ORE. teen weeks at Phoenix, Arizona, and twenty weeks at Salt Lake City, Utah. Never before In tbe history Expression Easily Understood. Are sticks really crosx, and. if ML why should two sticks be particularly . ., . , , . . . . cross? Hold the two sticks before yon of theatricals in Bend has such to fonjJ letter n a big and strong an organization la from this rather che: trick -d poor pon that we derlvo the express as the Fred peared here. Slegel Stock Co. ap- Puc It In The Bulletin. sion that a person Is as cross as two Sticks. Pot it in Tho Bulletin. Monday Only D. W. Griffith Presents "Tin Heart SisS 99 J They will appreciate J your thoughtfulncss. 5 Special orders J for parties, etc. , M IS!- ' One of D. W. Griffith's latest and strongest productions. Sure to meet the ap proval of all who see it. Heretofore this class of productions has been offered at an advanced price in in this city. The management of the Liberty and Grand Theatres assure yoxl that this picture and others in its class will be shown at regular prices.