The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, August 09, 1919, DAILY EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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Why Is It?
Every third big Truck in the State
of Oregon is a
. Republic
It is because Republic Trucks
Cost Is Low
Service Is Good
These bring satisfied customers
That's the Reason
WaltherWilliams Co.
R. S. McCLURO, Selling Agent
132 Greenwood
How to Gt On. Buttenheltlcu Collar,
rrnrtlro yuiMlf, for liravrn'n nke, InMiuil of Inn loiilinla-n, new collar
In lltllr thing; nnd llu'iii'i pniwd to for mrn liux h to llp over the but-
grrater. Till U tin- 'lvko ut lCiili-to totix, Hiokp In front Inlcrlwklng to
tun. hold tho collar wfuri'ly.
For the man and
woman looking
for a house
You may be one among
many looking for a per
manent location. You
know how hard it is to
obtain a desirable place.
I have several very de
sirable houses upon
which I feel certain fa
vorable terms can be
Come in and talk over
the situation with us
and it is likely we can
Nbe of some service to
Roads and Streams.
The following euntnrn Oregon
roud are now open and In perman
ent tuniniur condition:
Bpurta-KuHt Eugln; Mltcliell-Duy-
vlllo; Kntorprlito-Chico; Knterprlso
lmnulia; Wullowu-Promlbo; Prlne-vlllo-I'uullna;
Pendloton-La Orunde;
I'aullna-Uurn, via Hour valley;
liUkavlew-llnnd; Lakuvlow-Klamath
Kul l, und Lukovlow-Alturn.
Puullnu-Burn, via Fife Open
entire length und In fulr condition
wltb the exception of a rough lec
tion between Grindstone crook and
Duck mountain.
Squaw Luke Qood cutchoH of
ouHtern brook trout are being mude
ut the north and went end of the
luke. Heuched by auto road from
Sinter to Buttle luke, by way of
Bend and by trull from Buttle
Tiiroo Creek Lake Qood catche
of rainbow trout are being made In
till luke. Reached by wagon road
or by uuto roud und trull by wuy
of Sinter nnd Bend.
Elk Luke Good cutche of east
ern brook trout ure being made
bore. Iteacbed by auto by way of
Bend or La Pine.
Denchute Klver Good catche of
rulnbow und dollies ure bolng mude
ut Crane pruirlo und Prlngle Full.
Heuched by auto roud by way of
Bend or La Pine.
"With the announcement of our
new 1920, K series," says Walter
Coombs, of the Bend ' garage, "ant
the market Improvement In refine
ment, brine our new sorlcs before
tho buying pub'.lc ' wfthun instant
stamp of approval, . nnd Invariably
the expression Is made how ' such
beautiful types and thoroughly con
structed models can be manufac
tured at tho prices announced with
tho high cost of materials and the
lubor entering into them.
"To muituln the 1919 price upon
somo models, with only a slight in'
crease upon the coupe and sedans,
coupled with increased quality and
Improvement, is the result of strong
purcliunlng power and careful con
sideration on the part, of the Bulck
Motor company. Prices instantly be
come a secondary consideration in
compnrinon with the different mod
els, as hundreds of these models
have already been sold by dealers
upon a sight-unseen plan, buyers
having complete confidence In the
Bulck Motor company to manufac
ture a series of models retaining
the Bulck hkh standard of quality
first, price Inter. True to all former
policies and backed by their In
tegrity, there Is not a slglo part
enterlivg into the construction of
the 1920 Bulck car that Is not as
good as, or bettor than the same
part used at any previous time,
Tho model K series excel in finish
and all materials, Including uphol
stery and every component part
that enters into their construction.
"M will be a pleasure for you to
see these new series. Inspect every
detail, check over every Improve
ment and part that has been em
ployed in their manufacture, ac
quaint yourself with the methods
of painting, note the fenders, steer
ing wheel, top, upholstery, comfort
able seats, now stylo wind-shield,
Improved top materials, and Inspect
the motor and chassis construction,
see the staunchness of all improve
ments that the best engineering
talent in exlstonco can produce,
combining power, speed, beauty and
economy, thereby making the Bulck
car a seleoted ' Investment, which
commands the attention of thou
sands of other discriminate buyers
nnd enroful observers.
"The most difficult situation that
confronts tho Bulck purchaser Is
the matter of car dollvory, for
domnnds are Increasing daily for
these famous vnlve-ln-hoad motor
Full Duty Not Boina Done.
L Much lias been done for the child,
mucn is now Doing none, nut the best
la not being done, It Is toward the
best that nil unclnl endeavor should
aim, nnd short of the best neither the
state nor the Individual should rest
satisfied. Xf. Clnrk Hull.
Seek Wis Counsel.
Consult with him that Is wise and
conscientious, nnd seek to be In
structed by a better than thyself, rath
er than to fallow thlno own Inventions.
Thomas, a Komnts,
Hints and Hunches.
Uso only the best quality of rub
ber hose for wutor connections. The
Inside of a cheap tubing Is upt to
dissolve and the rubber clog up the
system. Go over the hose connec
tion in the spring, because some
anti-frenxe solutions have a dele
terious effect upon the rubber. Also
they have a scum inside the radi
ator which wll not dissipate tho
heat and which must be cleaned out.
In filling the radlutor, only clean
water should be used. Strain the
water through a cloth where none
but dirty water is avuiiable. Above
all do not use buckets In which oil
has been kept.
Keep the fun cleun and well oiled
so thut It will turn easily.
Not all of the cooling of the
engine Is effected by water, ' but
lubricating plays an Important part
as It cools tho bearings. Keep the
crank case clcdn. It cools the oil.
It has been found that gasoline is
apt to wash the lubricant from the
cylinder walls, and a mixture of
gasoline and oil runs Into the
crank case, where In time it will
destroy the lubricating quantities
of the oil .For this reason the oil
In the crank case should be drain
ed and replaced with new oil every
1600 miles. If this is not done the
oil will not be able to properly
lubricate the rubbing surfaces and
heutlng will result.
Auto Motive Troubles.
11) J. 11. Meyer
Starting and lighting troubles are
due to one or more of the following
causes: bad contacts, broken con
nections, grounded or weak bat
tory. Symplons of these various
difficulties may be conveniently
grouped under the following heads;
lamps, -generator, battery and motor.
Lump trouble is under discussion
ut this time.
When the lumps do not .light up
examine the fuse and see if some
of them are blown out. If the fuse
Is blown do not put in another at
once but look for a short circuit,
or ground or lighting wires. If the
fuse in the headlight circuit blows
out and leave the switch in the
headlight off until the trouble 1
locuted and removed.
In looking for grounds, cut, or
worn insulation of the wire, abra
sions of this respect will cause a
ground, or the wire coming to
gether at some point will cause a
short circuit. When the trouble is
located and remedied, replace with
a fuse of the proper size. If the
fuse is not blown, look for open
circuits or loose contacts; or tbe
battery may be disconnected or ac
cidentally run down; even the
lamps may be blown out.
Examine the cutout. See that it
is open when the engine stands still
or closed when tbe engine is run
ning, at approximately eigbt miles
per hour, car speed.
In case the battery Is run down,
Immediately recharge it, and If pos
sible give it a gassing charge. When
a battery Is fully discharged it can
take current at its highest rate
and will not be hurt thereby. Cau
tion should be used, however, in
the recharge of a battery which
is only partially run down, because
it will not stand an excessive cur
rent.. At a high charging rate as
the battery becomes almost charged
the plates will not take all of jthe
current ,and It goes to form gas
and a consequent wearing of the
plates and a heating and deterior
ation of the elements.
Carries Many Seaplane.
An Italian seaplane ship carries a
large number of planes suspended from
the sides of the vessel, where they
may be readily und iqnlrkly, dropped
Into the sea when occasion occurs to
make a flight.
Ruby's Significance.
Marbodens, bishop of Rennes, who
wrote early In tbe twelfth century,
said that a ruby signifies divine power
and love, dignity and royalty. It baa
always been considered one of tbe
most beuutlful gems and tbe rarest.
The. average working temperature
of oil in the summer is higher than
In winter and so oil of tbe same
body will be thinner. Sometimes it
Is advisable to use a grade heavier
oil Irt the summer. In excessively
hot spells an especially heavy grade
of oil may be required to maintain
tbe oil in the proper consistency In
operation. When a heavier oil is
used care should be taken not to
work the engine too hard before
it -is warmed up. Buy oil from re
liable refiners.
Don't spend a lot of time crank
ing the engine with tbe starter
if it fullH to start after a few times.
Look for the cause of the trouble.
Continuous cranking runs down the
battery .
Don't start on a trip without at
tention to oil, gasoline and water.
Don't race with anyone on the
road, as It bas caused the majority
of automobile accidents.
Don't 'try to break speed records
going around a curve.
Don't speed your engine up dur
ing the first 300 miles of its life.
Don't turn a corner without first
sounding your horn.
Don't attempt to start your en
gine unless the spark is retarded
and the switch key inserted and
turned in the switch.
Don't dr've fast around corners.
It is dangerous nnd destructive, es
pecially to tires.
Don't step off the curbing to
cross the street without glancing
both ways.
Don't full to use plenty of lubri
cating oil and grease where needed
before stnrtlng on any trip and do
not use a cheap grade of oil or
grease at any time.
Don't start your car with a jerk.
Always engage the clutch gradu
ally and see that the car starts off
easily. ,
Don't race the engine. You can
not abuse it worse than to allow it
to race at high speed without a
Don't neglect: necessary adjust
ments and repairs until It is too
lnte and you are laid up by the
way side.
Motor Car Repairing
; work that is
to satisfy....
'1 F
185 Greenwood Ave.
Phone Red 8S1
The Bend Auto School
Under the auspices of J. H.MEYER, will OPEN on or ABOUT SEPT. I. 1919.
A special das lot ladies will be arranged for if a sufficient umber of student can b .
cored. Write for particulars to
Or oil Red 2061 , readme
BUck 1341.
One Thing More!
Most car owners know that this is the place
to have their batteries tested with a hydrom
eter. That it is the place to buy a Bone Dry
Battery with Willard Threaded Rubber In
sulation which carries with it the evidence
of battery newness.
That it is the place to come for battery
charging, repair and a rental battery.
But, one thing more it is the place to come,
just as soon as you buy your new car, to have
your battery registered and get the benefit
of Willard 90-day battery insurance.
Drive in, whether you have bought a new
car or not. Perhaps we can give you some
battery information that will mean longer life
to your battery and fuller use of your car.
We test, repair and recharge storage bat
teries, and always carry a full supply of bat
tery parts, new batteries and rental batteries.
Bend, Oregon
Greenwood Avenue
Only a few months old in Bend
Pennsylvania Vacuum
Cup Tires
are gaining daily in numbers
on local automobiles
We are pleased to tell you that our
new Pennsylvania Gup Tires
and Tubes patrons are
pleased also.
Deschutes Garag