THE) BBNI) BPIJiKTIM. DAILY EDITION. iHrXD, OAKOON, HATlllDAV, Al'UUHT 0, 10 10 PAGE 8 iM s AT THF. IJHERTY. i WITH THE STARS ! AT THE GRAND MATINEE EVEUV AFTEKO0N AT 2:15 P. M. Two Complete Shows Every Night First Show, 7: lSecond Show, : 00 SUNDAY AND MONDAY ANITA STEWART IN "Virtuous Wives" How diffarsnt tle itandard of virtu. How widly divartfent the opinion of ona toeial t oa the vital quaation. Tbia wu muck talkad of itory in the Cosmopolitan matfasine. I TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Sessue Hayakawa IN "The Man Beneath" In tha throat of tha hopelcia lova tha nohla soul howa through a darltanad akin and wini graat itrutfle. T THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MAY ALLISON IN The Island f Intrigue , It ii tha prettiaat uland avar, hut tha seat of aome of tha msaneit mtritfua. 1 SATURDAY-Matinee and Night SUNDAY Matinee-August 16-17 Gladys Brockwell IN The Strange Woman Will f a lova avar ha rccotfnised tha world ovar? . Will tha marriage lawa of man aver ha trampled into the dut ar they have in Rum's? ' I TONIGHT AND TOMORROW MATINEE NAZIMOVA V. IN "TOYS OF FATE" Eddie Polo in "Cyclone Smith Story' GKAND TmilKlit. 1 Wulluco Held In "The Uimrlmf Ilmid. Huuiliiy Miitlni'O mill Kvi'iiinK mill Monday Kvenlng. (ft Marguerite Clurk In "Lot' Klnpe." Travelogue. I ToplcN of the day. Tuesday nnd Wmlnniilny. iP Shirley MuKiin In "The It'- culng Annul." Drew comedy, "Squured." Internutlonul Nuwh. ' Tliui-iMliiy Only. Mary I'lckford In "Ilaga." . Initial uppearance 'of the serial Klmo Lincoln In "Elmo the Mighty." Friday and HHturuny. ' Gran co Darmond in "What Enry Woman Wanta." Walluce Held la delighting the lovers of the uutomohlio tonight In la lively drama. "The Roaring Koud." It la a picture adirptablo to the , liveliness of the Held spirit AT THE GRAND. Holiday mill Monthly. Anitu Btvwurt In "Virtuous Wives." Tuewlay mill 'Wi-ilni-mlny. Hohhuo Iluyakuwa In "The Mun Iiuneath." Tliurwlay unil Friday. May Allison In "The Inland of Intrigue," Halurdny, .Matinee anil Night unit Humlny Matinee. Gladys Urockwell in "The Strange Woman." Tommorow and Monday Marguer ite Clurk la to be fnatured In the anuppy little play "Let'i Elope. 'Siilutary lessons to young brldea who think themselves neglected by their hard-working huHbunds and who enguge in more or less harm less fllrtatlona with other men. The theme Ik a fascinating one and Its treatment by the producer and star haa been guided by delicacy und taste with auperb effect. The plot deal with the young wife of an author who believes her self neglected and plaits to elope I with a aballow brained young man. I (low the husband learna of tbla and jtakea a hand !n the aubsequent proceedlnga combines to make this ' one of the greateat comedies In vhlch Miss Clark has been aeen in many a day. Miss Clark wears several stunning owns In this pic ture, ull of which will Interest her women admirers. Virtuous Wives" la an adaption from a serial story in the Cosmo politan magazine. It sparlea with cleverness. From tho very Introduction, an Introduction In the way of a scene between Father Time and a baby who talks of the career before her as a sophisticated debutante might, it Is well cntortainod and woll re warded for its collective struggle for seats. This introduction which causes a laugh and creates an eager Interest for what Is to follow exemplifies the Interesting manner In which George Loune Tucker has treated Owen Johnson's story from beginning to end. It Is a story of sophisticated so ciety, a society that persists In skating over the thinnest Ice. And while Mr. Johnson's plot Is too fluffy to be worth much In a dra matic wuy, under the bund of Mr. Tucker the peregrinations of Amy Foster in society take on a faclna- tlon that hold the Interest admir ably well. The film has been lavishly pro duced, revealing a combined sense of artistry and extravaganza that Is always enjoyable. This feature is to be shown at the Grand Sunday and Monday. OF INTEREST TO LIBERTY GOERS NEXT WEEK TONIGHT LAST TIME WALLACE REID in '1Ee Roaring Road' For the lover of the automobile "The Rescuing Angel," a breezy comedy drama featuring Shlrloy Mason, will be the main ntlracttlon at tho Liberty theutcr on Tuesday land Wednesday. This Is 'from the clever pen of Clare Kummer, one of the most prominent playwrights In the business and affords the star la splendid chance to display her abilities as a commedlone. As Angela Doming, the daughter of an Impoverished family, she enters up on a matrimonial career that in volves her in all sorts of difficulties. How to rescue her father from flna- clul troubles Is the perplexing prob- llem that, enters her mind. Shall I she marry a wealthy admirer and solve the problem. Just so. But the ceremony is hnrdly over before the husband finds that her motives have been mercenary from tho start. A stormy scene occurs and An- gelu Is considerably ' crestfallen to discover that her spouse has con demned her with some pointed truths. This situation naturally de velops a deal of trouble for the bridul eouplo, as well as for An' goln's friends and relatives. You see she has married without their knowledge. At this point the picture unfolds a plontitude of high-spirit ed action that Is skillfully bandied by tho author, and the scenos offer the players a good opportunity to bring out their fun-making powers. The story, while modestly humor ous hns Its dramatic' moments, nnd so carries a' note of contrast. With this picture wll be featur ed the Drew comedy, "Squared." On Thursday only Mary Plckford comes In one of her clever plays,, this time "Rags." This is full of the usual good comedy and good I acting thnt goes wl(h Mary's plays, The oponlng serial of "Elmo the Mighty" fenturlng Elmo Lincoln will be shown nt the Liberty at this performance. Elmo Lincoln is one of the world's strongest men. A dramatic photo play with the scenes in Scotland ' and India, and the "East is the east and the west is the west," theme, with a side touch of the black hand Mafia, and the Japanese star portraying a Hindu scientist. He loves a Scotch girl and the girl loves him, but caste and racial prejudices conquer love, and their romance is ended. A seml-bnppy ending Is provid ed however, by the girl's sister, who weds the young juvenile, whom the Hindu saves from the hands of the Mafia, with whom he had associated himself In the more tended years of his'' youth. Continuity, sets, di rection and casts are very fair, and while not an entertaining story It will generally satisfy. Sessue Hayakawa Is featured in this Aim, which comes to the Grand Tuesday and Wednesday. As adapted from the novel by Isabelo Ostrander, "The Island of Intrigue" presents a lively mystery picture with a pretty romatic thread traveling through it. May Allison, the star, Is usually associated with pictures of comedy or farce mold, and while these are more in her line, no one can deny that - her latest effort fulls to Interest. The plot opens when Malda War ing, daughter of a millionaire, re ceives an invitation to spend tbe summer with an old friend of her father's, a Mrs. Smith. A Mrs. Smith duly calls for her and Malda Is far away on an Island when the true Mrs. Smith arrives. From there on the action moves at a good pace. The suspense Is well upheld and the romantic Interest Is well work ed In. May Allison will be seen at the Grand Thursday and Friday. Grace Darmond Is to be seen next Friday night and Saturday In "What Every Woman Wants." The thome of the story Is a love affair, The herolno marries nor employer, when her sweetheart, on aviator, 'fighting In Franco, Is re ported as missing. The husband soon discovers that sympathy, not love, Is what prompted him to marry her; bo he noglocts her. The hero, who was not killed but was made a prisoner, escapos and re turns. The husband la' found mur dered nnd tho wife is accused of the crime. It finally develops, how ever, that ho was accidentally killed I by the mnld, who was pleading. with him not to give her up to the authorities for a theft she had com mitted. In the end the heroine finds happiness In the arms of the hero. "The Strange Woman," which Is to bo shown at the Grand theatre Saturday and Sunday,' August 16 nnd 17, matinee and evening, has a powerful love thome which is bound up with the question of whother .marriage is an essential social custom. The heroine, a wid ow refuses to be wedded to her American sweetheart. The love af fair begins Jn Paris and comes to a somewhnt unexpected and star tling climax in a little town In Iowa. The IOwa folks do not understand Parisian ideas or clothes, and the heroine of tho story, Miss Gladys Brockwoll, experiences a great many very natural difficulties in educat ing - them. Optimistic Thought Men should he teytpcrnto In cat ins as well as In drinking. ' Plants That Feed on Animals. Thnt such plants ns "Venus' flytrnp" actually catch nnd squeeze to death files nnd other Insects Alighting on their leaves hns long been known, but the discovery Is comparatively recent that the plants digest the softer parts of their prey by means of peptic fer ment secreted by the leaves. These are rent Instances of plants (ceding upon nnlninls. Sunday Matinee and Evening, Monday Evening August 10 and 11 Marguerite Clark "LET'S ELOPE" She was willing but said husband objected. A good lesson for young brides. Travelogue Topics of the Day Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 1 2 and 1 3 Shirley Mason in x ' ' . . "Rescuing Angel" Her husband had accused her of marry ing him for his money. What did she think about it? Drew Comedy Squared" International News THURSDAY ONLY, Aug, 14 Mary Picliford -'Rags' And the introduction of the stupendous SuuW Elmo Lincoln, one of the world's strongest men, in "Elmo, the Highly" Now playing at the Columbia theatre, Portland Friday and Saturday, Aug. 15 and 16 Grace Darmond in 'What Every Woman Wants' Is it beautiful clothes is it an auto mobileis it a bank account is it entertainment is it ease and luxury-? and Mack Sennett Comedy ' Special Attraction Entire Week TRACY and CARTER present 15 minutes of character and har mony singing, interspersed with good, clean comedy, Their program changes with every chapge in pictures. This act comes highly recommended and we guarantee this attraction. Two Complete Shows Every Night: 9ioo NO RAISE IN PRICES Hear Our New Orchestra 7:15 and p.m- -Si