THE BEND BUI.MCTIN, DAILY EDITION, BKNU, OmcflON, TIICRHDAY, Al'Ol'HT T, 1010 PAGE 4 WILLIAM MONTGOMERY SHEET METAL WORK PIPELESS FURNACES Installed Complete i Stop on MinncioU Street. THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS FOR CENTRAL OREGON OF OIL, GASOLINE, FLOUR, SALT, MEATS HAM, BACON, LARD, ETC. FERTILIZERS FOR LAWNS AND FARM LANDS General Commission Merchants WE BUY HIDES THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Phone 241 A. M. PR1NGLE, Manager The boys had been playing ball all the morning on the vacant lot next door. Often there were many argu ments but always they were settled and the game progressed. At noon mother reproached Tom for his part In them. "What would yon think If mother would quarrel with her friends as yoa do 7" she asked. " "But yon can't 'cause yon women aren't good players," Tom explained carefully. "When- yon get mad over something you Jnst resign. A good player quarrels It out and then goes back to the game like we fellows did this morning.'' And-the mother had no answer. , Man's Adam's Apple. "Scientists are Inclined to accept the theory," says John Walker Har rington In Populnr Science Monthly, "that man came by long descent from Ill-formed,' spineless things that came to life by chemical action, probably in some tepid mineral spring, and found their way to the ocean. Then came the fish, which, as oon as they got backbones, began to develop something like Adam's apples. A mnn without an Adam's apple would be a poor fish. From the primitive forms of the an cient seas ate believed to have come the mammals, from which spring the human race. It Is a long story." Bedouins Recist Civilization. The Beduuln tribes of North Africa are perhaps as impervious to the In fluence of modern civilization ns any people In the world. Since tlie French took control of North Africa these wild tribes have been, supposedly, under Dillltnry discipline and guardianship, but they have 'maintained their own tr;i)iil organizations and almost com plete Independence, so far as their actual lives ore concerned. They follow the traditions of Is lam and their dwellings, their fur nishings (which are few and far be tween) and their clothing date back to the dnvs of the rtlhle. A 1 "NEST EGG" of SAVINGS "HATCHES" inde pendence, success and reliability for the evening of life, MAY WE SEE YOU AT THE SAVINGS ACCOUNT WINDOW TOMORROW. YOUR ACCOUNT WILL EARN FOUR PER CENT INTEREST. Tmm Bank or Bvto Bmvioi The First National Bank OF BEND A Food Luxury. Large Jars of baked clay were used by the ancient Romans a cages for dormice. Why dormice? To eat, of course. Dormice were esteemed a great delicacy by epicures In those days, and were kept in the Jars while being fattened for the tnble. If a theater party was In contempla tion after dining meaning a visit to the amphitheater or circus the host. It may be supposed, had already bought the tickets. But they were not of pasteboard, with coupons. They were made of baked clay and stamped with letters or numbers referring to the position of the seat. ClAMlflcd advertlsta ehanr ter lwu 10 sente for 20 words or leu. One cent per arord for all over 20. All classified dvertisia tritrtlr cash In advances. MISCELLANEOUS SELL FOIl US IN YOL'R VICINITY Complete line well grown stock. Liberal commission with cash advance. Write for contract t once. Sulem Nursery Co., Salem, Ore. - 41 -SOtfc TO EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE 180 acres wheat land In Morrow .Co. for Improved relinquishment suitable for grazing. E. E. Lewis, Sheridan, Ore. 5-52-3C FOUND FOUND Watch with V. S. N. fob. By identification, owner may have same by inquiring of W. C. bird sail. Pilot Butte Inn. 14-63C SATINS ARE BRAiu. it &tltia and serges are back tor early lull bid. this model of black sutlu being enrk-hud by the iuuucho braid which winds Its way luto pltxuln dualgus. The nuare collar U ot white organdie. ' wtged with very narrow, soft Vulf iicluuiie luce . Kkahluo Art fr"VB this pleaatiis creation. Too fur U the pjwuilus Mile tux. LOST LOST Black alligator handbag . containing currency, government bonds, one bracelet made of. $3. SO xold coins, wearing apparel, ete. Lost Tuesday morning. August S. on Bend and Burns road within last twelve or fifteen miles of Bend. Will pay liberal reward for return of same to Napier & Young, attor neys. Bend, Ore. 7-52-9p LOST Bedding roll on Bend-La Pine roud. Finder return to Bul letin office and recolve reward. 69-tOtfc FOB RENT FOR RENT 3 furnished room. In quire Standard Furniture Co. 13-53tfc FOR RENT AND SALE Electric vacuum cleaners. Standard Fur niture Co. 53c FOR RENT Furnished room, all conveniences. 621 Florida St., west of S. E. Robert's. S3-43tfc WANTED WANTED Ranges, household goods furniture and phonographs. Stand ard Furniture Co. 63c WANTED Office furniture and typewriters. Standard Furniture Co. 63c WANTED At Pilot Butte Inn, housemaids. Apply at once. 52tfc WANTED Competent girl for' gen eral household work. Inquire Mrs. Frank R. Prince. Black 731 44-Bltfc WANTED At tho brick yard, a few good 15 a day men. Bend Brick & Lumber Co. 77-42tfc FOR SALE FOR SALE Two beds, mattress, springs and cot with nrattrcss. See Mack well at Carmody's. 12-53-Bp FOR SALE New White rotary sew ing machines. Spcciul, J 50. Standard Furniture Co. 63c FOR SALE Oood baby bed, mat tress and springs, also about 6 dozen one quart glass fruit jars. Inquire 144 Adams Pluce. 4-62-3p FOR SALE 1918 Dodge touring, $760.00. A. W. Bonlrager Oar age, Greenwood Ave. 3-52-3p FOR SALE OR TRADE Ono fresh cow, heavy milker, for dry cow. Ed Johnson, 1 mile south of Bend, between ditches. . , 2-62-7p FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR CAT TLE 40 acres of Irrigated land near Terrebonne. Would taje up to $1600.00 In cattle. Ed Johnson, Bend, Ore. l-62-7p FOR SALE OR RENT Up-to-dato 6-room house, 616 Ogdon Are. Apply owner, Wm. Henderson, at 1258 2nd street. 29-4ET64p FOR SALE Two or three dozen young Leghorn hens. Just right age for good winter layers. $1.50 each. Inquire Bulletin. , 31-48tfc FOR SALHJ $800 cash will buy three good lots In five minutes' walk from heart ot city. M. Vaughn, 323 East Lafayette. 30-48-53p FOR BALE NW'4 SW4, Sec. 27, Tp. 17 S. R. 12, containing 83 and traction acres arable land, about one mile and a quarter north east of the railroad station in Bend; contract with Central Oregon Irri gation company for water mainte nance. ' Terms or cash. Write J. F. Bean, Box 171, ' Cincinnati, Ohio. . 83-iStfc BROUGHT BACK PYGMY HIPPO Hunttr Spent Weary Months In Jun gles to Prove That the Species , Really Existed. II seems lucrnrilhlo, but Ihore exist hippopotami t tint do not exceed 90 Indies In height. For n lung while tin hotly believed that there wero nil)1 pyKtuy hippos In l.lhorln. The natives Insisted that Ilia Hippopotamus Mb erlensls lived deep In the forests) but that wns mmther reason why explorers and hunters shook their bends In In credulity. Tho hippopotamus lives along the rivers, they said, and tills talk a limit pygmies of this species In the forests Is nonsense. Nevertheless a pygmy hippo was rnnght as fur buck as 1HTH, and brought from Africa to the louloglcnl gardens In Dublin, It might hnve con vinced the world, only It arrived In a dying mndlNntv and perished before It could he exhibited. After that, peo ple took to doubting It again, and considered tho one recorded specimen as frenk. But Carl llngenhnck, the famous animal man, made tip tils mind, at last. Hint tho pygmy hippo could he, and should be. Introduced to man. He sent an Intrepid hunter, 8chom burgk. after It. and Schomhurgk. after pending a year and a half In the Jun gle, reappeared with three pygmy beasts, two of which ware at one brought to the New York soo and placed on exhibition. Now York Her ald. MAKE BUSINESS CALL BRIEF Well to Remember Trrf Executives, as a Rule, Have Little Tim . . to Waste. Mouth-talk or brain-talk which kind do you chiefly use during a busi ness call or conference "I can't see half as many men as I could see or as I should like to sea during the day because my callers, once they get In to see me, waste my time with Incon sequential tnlk." sold a busy execu tive recently. "Consequently, my sec retary Is under Instruction to admit only such persons as she thinks I must see." If you make a business call know beforchnnd what you are going to present and how. Don't waste time In nonessentials and trivialities. Fix the objective of your talk before you cull. It may be a yes-or-no decision; it may be a promise merely to consider your proposition ; It may be the fixing of a specific date when you can go Into the matter In detail. Whatever your objective Is, work toward It as rap Idly as you can; and when you hse reached It pick up your hat and say "Cood-by." Tills Is one of tho surest ways of making a favorable Impres sion. Pace Student Always the Boss. I was visiting my brother, who Is a country minister, and one day he asked me to lie a witness at the wedding of a couple who had Jut come in. The bride wns tall and heavy, while the bridegroom wns much undersized. The minute the ceremony wns over, the bride grabbed tho minister, and gave him a resounding kiss, then flung her arms about the bridegroom and fairly lifted him from the floor In her embmee. Turning to me. she ald In a stage nhlcpor. "Ain't he cute? I married him because he Is so much smaller than mo, and bo's six years younger, too, so I can manage him. I've always been boss, and I always mean to he," Strange to say, unmi Inquiring about this couple some) five years later. I found that they were an exceedingly happy unil proHierous pair. Chicago Tribune. "Farm" That Raises Jewels. The Island of tlm Holy tihost, Lower California, has the only farm In the world which snwi and reaps a crop of Jewels. Through artificial propaga tion and enre pearls are actually ruined there In the San Gabriel cove. In their natural condition the pearl beds nre scattered and the oysters lire prey to many submarine foes, but on this farm they are protected by a substantial masonry dike w hich walls off a portion of the bays, reaching above high-water mark. Openings admit the freo passage of the sea water, but' nre guarded by heavy screens. Tho bot tom of this segregated area wns cleared of all growth anil paved with roek brought from the mainland and laid by divers. Here the pearl oysters are cultivated Just as edlblo oysters arc. Soldiers Feel Wounds They Inflict, Mr. Arthur Maellonnld of Washing ton, honorary president of the Inter national congress of criminal anthro pology, lells In the Medical Record some, of the oddities noticed In ner vous soldiers, For Instance ; One '.'who bayonets another In tho face may develop a hysterical tic In his own face; one bayoneting enemies In the abdomen may hnvo abdominal contractures In himself. Hysterical blindness may follow from seeing hor rible sights; hysterical deafness when the cries of (ho wounded nro unbear able." ' . And he ndus that In some of these cases the only relief Is a real wound. Pilotless Airplane Files Far, For two years experiments have been making In Francs with a pilot less airplane which seems In be a suc cess. The apparatus Is guided from land by lelcmeehnnlc means, At H trial before Colonel Dhe,, director of vlnllon. It traveled .over a p scribed courae of 18(1 kilometers and lauded at designated airdrome, -, PROKKNHIONAI, IHKICCTORV. Dr. Charles A. Fowler PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON OtP iu tho O'Kiino Building NAPIER & YOUNG IiAWYKUS Press HUIg., Bond, Ore. GENERAL LAW PRACTICED SlHioUullMt CorDoralumt, Contreots Land Titles end Kalaloe. Phone Rod 141 It. S. HAMILTON ATTORNS Y-AT-LAW Rooms 1S-18 First National Bank Bldg. Tel, 811 (Or. Cos's FonMt OflWe.) H. H, De Armond Chaa. W. Enklas De Armond & Ersklne l a w y k n s O'Kane Building, Bond, Oregon' W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suit 11-14 O'Kane Building Tel. Black 1711 Dend, Ore. DR. TURNER, EYK SPECIALIST Permanently Located In Bend with New Equipment, Private Office. In Thorson's Jewelry Store Dr. II. N. MOORE DKNTIHTRY Hour: S:00-S:30; 7:30-8:30 Sundays 10-1 Tel Black 1671 O'Kane Bldg. Ttltpaoat ed IJI O'Kane Bldg Dr. E. E. GRAY DENTIST Hour. 9:00 to 12:001:00 to 5:30 miWhs 5aWe Is aasofanraaf Dr. Anna Ries-Finley Has moved hor office ovor Horton Drug Co. Office Phono Red 301 Residence 2281 Hllt IIKKHKINO PARLOR Up-to-daU alectrleal rsl lr,atm-nt. tor falling hair and utt. '( ii ..". plaatique Paea l". mrnu. All kmla Hair W k w.nn MRS. Jit 1,1. Kit Old "Paoplaa HiW ,,n Own St. Item! Lodge V.. ta-t l.ual Or der of Moose Meets In Moose Hall every Thursday. Visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. (KNTRAI, ORKfiO.V COLLKCTIXO AGENCY Rooms 2-4 O'Kane Building llend, Oregon Collections Made In All Parts of Central Oregon DR. G. SKINNER DENTIST . Room 17 O'Kane Building Office Hours: II to 121 to 6 MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent for the NL'BONE CORHBT8 Will call by appointment on 1059 Columbia Street. ADDRESS P. O, BOX 38 - Corns, Bunions' Arch Supports Treated Foot Appliances II. F. Shoemaker KOOT HPKCIAMHT Office: Wright Hotel Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. Evonlngs and Sundays by Appolntmont Examinations Freo Prlcos Ronsonnhla Tol. Bluck 111 SEND A POSTAL TO (. O. K, MAST , PIANO TUNER TUNINC-CLEANINCKEPAIRINC BEND, .OREGON , ('i:TKAIi OltKGO.V CI.K.VNINd WORK Drr t'lfanlnr, I'rmlni and Allarallani IIU Wall t)t., Oiuxialta IMIut bulla Inn MRS. OTTO GHOSH CHAS. STANTON Shop Noxt to Montgomery's Plumbing Shop AIX WORK UUANANTKgn Painting anil Piiperliiinglng ELECTRIC LAUNDRY Rough Dry and 'liilstied Work Eloctrta Machine Used Call 1602 Hill si., or write Mrs. Pearl E. Lattimer Box 80, Bond, Oregon Work Called For and Dullvered M. A. PALMER Cabinet Maker and Builder, Jobbing Franklin St., rear ot Irrigation Oo.'t old building. Carlson & Lyons PLUM RING St HEATING I'lumblog and Healing Suppllne, Hath Kooin, Accessories, elo. rip!, Valves and Fittlims ' I'lIONi; HLI) USUI Bend Park Co. Real Eitate and Inauraoce (lend Company Building Own Your Own Home I have some bargains in BUNGALOWS KAhV TKKMH J. A. EASTES Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY Tlnulng and Uheet Metal WM. MONTGOMERY. Furnaces. Bpoutlng, UuKorlng, Cotnlco und Bkyllght Ropaltlng promptly attended to Prlem rlsht. work Riisrnntned BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Wrll.ra ot all kind, of ln.ur.noa. Old. aat liiiiiranoa Aatncr In CantraJ Or- Bon. H. C. Kllla, Klr.1 National Bank utldlns. Band, Orason. Scotch Woolen Mills All Wool Nulla Mndo to Order l.rk to 924.BO NKIJtON'S HUH Bond Ht. Dodge Brothers Motor Cars WALTtlEH-WILLIAMS CO. H. S. McCluru.'Halosman COLUMBIA SERVICE STATION Jay Bailsman, Prop, STORAGE BATTERY WORK tiun Repairing Odd Jobs In MochanlesI Mnos REPAIRING THAT IS REPAIRING ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP