PAGE THE BEND BULLETIN, DAILY EDITION, BEND, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1019 The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION T faWtakai Wnrr AfMnma Bataa iaajaj, Br tW Baaal BalMia (!. Balarw m tbcond Claaa maiur. January l Mil. at tha Poat Of'lca at Bud, Oraaoa. udac 41 ol March I. U7I. BORKRT W. 6AWYWt.. Editor-Manatee BKNRY N. FOWLKR AaaoclaU Editor FRK1) A. WOKLKLlbN...Aavrtiain Midiw B. A. NIXON Circulation Mananr KALPH SPKNCER Mwhaatral Supt, An ltuUnMiiiunt NlWtlWtMf. atudtn foT Um antra 4Ml. ! buminaM. cleaa politic and aha aaat IsUraata of nana ka unra urasoa. UU8CBIPTION RATES H Hall Ot aar .... : III Hontha .....! fkra Month IM B Caniar O Taar . til Mentha $3.60 On Month . All auhMrintion r do d PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notice at expiration r mUd ntaeribtr and it maml ia not mad within Maonabl tlm tha paper will b diacontinnrd. Plaaa notify pronpti of any chanc alili an. or of failure to recein tha paper iw kl Olherwiae we will set be reannnalbK lot Mh nil check and ordan parable lo The end Bulletin. . MONDAY, AUGUST 4. 1919. A DUTY. Slowly but surely Central Oregon if coming Into Its own as a country of tremendous attraction to tourists and sportsmen. Casual visitors have been passing on the word for some time; now, apparently, we are to baTe some publicity from a man who, knowing many other parts of the country, finds that here there are things which make ns stand out ahead of the rest. All this is fine. We are all of ns glad to have the country better knowa. It faeans more business and more development. We have an opportunity to see new people and to brush up against the outside world in the persons of our visitors. It Is good in many ways. But we have a duty in the matter that, as the visitors increase, be comes more and more pressing. And that is to see to - it that our attractions continue to be attractive. We cannot rest our whole case on what nature has done here tor us. We must help out by making and keeping good roads into the moun tains and lakes, by seeing to it that the fish are not all caught, by be ing careful with our fires in the woods, by leaving things, so as possible, as we found them. If we will do these things Shall be made. far Good Practice in Banking. . A banker I know says that In loaa ing money he also asks about a man's . wife. Is she a spender? Does she of ten run the family financial affairs against her husband's Judgment? The banter is auspicious of that sort of man. Ton may think vhen a woman is very prominent socially she "helps' her husband, but this banker denle it E. W. Howe's Monthly. Magazine Gun Teeth. The elephant has What a dentist calls "maeazlne run teeth" heranu nf the curious fact that when the bis pachyderm wears off a front tooth it br replaced by (he one Just behind it. the wnoie row moving np a' tooth. It Is said rthls-takes place continually, so Jumbo always is guaranteed a set of teeth,. po jnat'.er how many he wears out, . , . ... . . Effects of a Meat Diet. The wheat-eating Carthaginians were no match for the pork-eating Romans: the goat-eating Greeks easily over came the herbivorous Persian, while the beef-eaters of England have often proved their bravery. Yet the British army contains no better soldiers thnn the Scottish and Irish, to whom meat was long a luxury. Amusing Herself. Elizabeth and her mother went to the city to spend the day, leaving Aunt Eleanor, a house guest, alone. Upon tlHr return Elizabeth question ' ed : "Aunt Nellie, did you get lonely while we were nway?" . "Yes," was itho roply, wherenpon the little miss asked : "Then did you tell yourself a nice story?" Put it In "THE BULLETIN." NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Btate Highway Construction. 8ealed bids will be received by the state highway commission of the state of Oregon at room 620 Multnomah county court house, Portland, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. m. on the Eth day of August, 1919, for the following project: DESCHUTES COUNTY. From Bend north on The Dalles California highway to the'JefTernon county line, 23.9 miles', grading 68,000 cubic yards excavotlon. . No bid will be considered unless accompanied by cash, bidder's bond or certified check for an amount equal to five (5) per cent, of the total amount bid: A satisfactory bond will be re required for the faithful perform ance of the contract in a sum equal to one-half of the total amount bid. Proposal blanks and full informa tion for bidders may be obtained at the of Ceo of the state highway engi neer, Capitol building, Salem. Plans and specifications and form of contract may be inspected at the same place or may be obtained upon deposit of $5.00 for each set of plans and specifications. Plans and specifications are also on file at room 1301 Yeon building, Portland. Plane and specifications for the work in Deschutes county may be r"'--." .... .fa, nf Mr m. o. ton. The any the Btate Attest: Siilem, Before Bonnet, division engineer, Pendle- I mi i ' ii iii i i iii i i itK-iai tmm NOT a clearance sale of out-of-date furs the vast majority of the furs in this unique Sale are in modes that are authentically correct for Fall and Winter If You Could You Would IN THE recent great raw fur auctions ia New York, attended by fur dealers from all over the world, advances of 75 to 100 per cent me e reported in the prices of furs due to the pelt scarcity and the unprecedented demand for furs in Europe. And this, of course, means higher and higher prices "After August Prices," Quoted B.-bw Will B? Maintained Only so Long ns Our Stocks Will Permit Ih-caurc of the RUing Oiui'tlmis. Our Entire Stock of ' Manufactured Furs at 20 to 50 Off Our Regular Prices A Partial List of thz Sale Item Is Below. Every Desirable Kind and Style of Fur Is Included: Dyed Black Fox Scarfs Prices after August.. $17.50 to 1120.00 . Sale prices.... $14.00 to $96.00 Natural Red Fox Scarfs Prices Ttftcr August. .$27.50 to $150.0C Sale prices $22.00 to $120.00 Kamchatka Fox Scarfs Prices after August. .$25.00 to $116.00 Sale prices "... .$20.00 to $92.00 Taupe Fox Scarfs ' Prices after August.. $37.50 to $145.00 Sale prices $30.00 to $116.00 White Fox Scarfs Prices after-August. .$85.00 to $125.00 Sale prices $68.00 to $100.00 Georgette Fox Scarfs Prices after August! .$45.00 to $135.00 Sale prices.... $36.00 to $108.00 Battleship Gray Fox Scarfs Prices after August.. $25.00 to $145.00 - Sale prices $20.00 to $116.00 Cross Fox Scarfs Prices after August.. $40.00 to $145.00 Sale prices $32.00 to $ 1 16.00 Natural Blue Fox Scarfs Prices after August. .$200.00 to $350.00 Sale prices $160.00 to $280.00 Silvered Fox Scarfs Prices after August. .$35.00 to $150.00 Sale prices $28.00 to $120.00 Dyed Blue Fpx Scarfs Pries after August. .$100.00 to $125.00 Sale prices $80.00 to $100.00 Silver Fox Scarfs ' Prices after August. .$300.00 to $850.00 : Sale prices $2 10.00 to $680.00 Taupe Wolf Scarfs Prices after AugU3t. . .$35.00 to $65.00 Sale prices. ... . .$28.00 to $52.00 Lucille Wolf Scarfs Prices after August. . .$22.50 to $80.00 Sale prices - $18.00 to $64.00 Battleship Gray Wolf Scarfs Prices after August. ..$25.00 to $45.00 Sale prices , . . $20.00 to $36.00 Silver Wolf Scarfs Price after August $35.00 Sale price $28.00 Black Wolf Scarfs Prices after August. ..$25.00 to $47.50 Sale prices $20.00 to $38.00 Gray and Dove Gray Wolf Scarfs Prices after August. . .$20.00 to $65.00 Sale prices $16.00 to $52.00 right ' Is reserved to reject or all proposals or to accept proposal deemed nest for the of Oregon. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, W. h. THOMPSON, Commissioner, 8. BENSON. Chairman, R. A. BOOTH. Commissioner. HERBERT NUNN, State Highway Engineer. ' ' Oregon, July 20, 1919, 47-49C NOTICB OP PROnKKMNGH TO DETERMINE WATKK IMOHTS. the State Water Board of Oregon, Deschutes County. ANNUAL SUMMER SALE -- of m Begins Monday, August 49 A. See Tliis Annual Liebes Fur Sale With the Eyes of a Furrier Realize What an Enormously Important Event It Is for manufactured furs as the fall season advances dejpite which fact you now may buy Liebes furs' at 20 to 50 per cent off our present prices. Cur regular prices arc as low as (hey are because we rjatner our own pelts and manufacture cur own furs; and because we have immense reserve stocks of dressed skins which were bought on the lower markets. Georgette Wolf Scarfs Prices after August. . .$27.50 to $65.00 Sale prices $22.00 to $52.0 Hudson Seal Neckpieces Prices after August. .$25.00 to $123.00 Sale prices $20.00 to $100.00 Hudson Seal Stoles Prices after August.'. $85.00 to $275.00 Sale prices $68.00 to $220.00 Hudson Seal Capes Prices after August .. $76.00 to $200.00 Sale prices $60.00 to $160.00 Hudson Seal Bobby Coat Price after August. .$385.00 to $525.00 Sale price $308.00 to $ 120.00 Fisher Scarfs Prices after Auguct. .$35.00 to $250.00 Sale prices $28.00 to $200.00 Extra $350 Leopard Bobby Coat (Trimmed Hudson Seal) .$215.00 $250 Natural Squirrel and Ceorgctte Coatee .$135.00 $225 Nutria and Hudson Seal Novelty Set $115.00 $150 Kolintky Neckpiece and Muff (Set) $75.00 $75 Mole and SIcuniT Cape, Collar and Muff (Sel) . . .$45.00 $75 Filch Cape Collar. . . . .$37.50 $85 Kolinsky and Ermine Collarette. ...... $45.00 Also Special Display of Broken L inet in Wolf, Kolinsky Srjuirrel, Fox, Mink, Hudson Seal, Opossum, etc., Neckpiece's and Muffs, al 50 OFF A Small Deposit Will Reserve Any Sale Furs for Delivery in October ' These Futt will be kept in our Cold Storage Safe -Deposit , Vaults, without charge, until called for. No Exchanges No Approvals No C. O. U.'s Without Deposit Established Portland. In the Matter of tha Determination of the relative Rights of All Claimants to the Use of the Waters of SNOW CREEK and THREE CREEKS, in Deschutes County, Oregon. To all persons, firms and corpora tion"., claiming a right to tho use of the waters of, or owning or being in possession of lands bor dering on and having access to, thos., cortnln streams known as SNOW CREEK and THREE CREEKS, and their tributaries, situated In T. 15 8. R. 10 J?., T. 16 S. R. E., T. 16 8. R. 10 E T. J6 S. R. 11 E., T. 17 S. R. 9 E. and T. 17 8. R. 10 E.. In , Deschutes county, Oregon, and TO ALh WHOM IT MAY CON CERN: In tho narno of tha State of Ore gon, you and each of you are hereby notified that the stnte engi neer of tho slate of Oregon, will begin an investigation of the flow of th) above named streams nnd thnlr tributaries, nnd of tho ditches diverting water thorafrom, on Krl doy, tho 12th day of Soptember, 1919. And you nro hereby furtlfer noti fied that the stuto water suporln tondoni of tha state of Oregon will oommnncfl tho taking of testimony as to tho rights of all parties claim In water from Bald streams or thnlr tributaries for Irrigation, power, mining or other beneficial use, on, Friday, tha 12tb day of Black, Taupe and Blue Lynx Scarfs Prices aftor August. .$25.00 to $215.00 Sale prices $20.00 to $172.00 Mole Scarfs Prices after Au-just. . f 17.C0 to $165.00 Sale prices. .$14.00 ta $132.00 Mole Stoles Prlcos after August. .$S!i.OO to $275.00 Sale prices $76.00 to $220.00 Mole Capes Prices after August. .$105.00 to $526.00 Sale prices........ $156.00 to $120.00 Mole Bobby Coats Prices after August. .$476.00 to $575.00 Sale prices $380.00 to $460.00 Mole Coatees Prices after August. .$200.00 to $675.00 Sale prices $150.00 to $506.25 Specials $35 Hudion Seal and Georg ette Cape ....$17.50 $35 Kolintky and Georgette Cape .....$17.50 $65 Leopard and Hudion Seal Novelty Scarf $35.00 $35 Civet and Sealine Neck piece $17.50 $45 Hudson Seal and Ermine Cape Collar $22.50 $50 Civet Skunk Throw Scarf... $27.50 184 Irrnn Oregon Mail Orders Given Prompt and Efficient Attention Snptombcr, 1019, In tho office of tha project mnnnger of tlin Tumnlo Irrigation project at Tumnlo, ))0. schutes county, Orogmf, from the hour of nine o'clock a, in, until 12 m nnd from two p. m. until five p. m. And for n period of sixty days beginning on Monday, tho 20th day of Hoptomlinr, 1019, in tha of flco of tlm state watur suporlntand ent, at La Grande, Oregon. , . And yon are hereby required' to nppenr before tho said (Unto water superintendent at ona of the Union and plnces above mentioned nnd submit proof of your olnlm to the waters ot snid streams or any tribu tary thereof, If any right thereto is claimed by you ; and you ara hereby further notified that it you fall to fdfiPsl M. HERE, then, is the significance of this sale to you : You may buy your fun now and save 20 to 50 per cent on our present regular prices. You may wail until after the sale and pay the uvular nrices. You may wail until later in the fall or win ter a-cl pay the still higher prires thn are bound to come. BeaVer Neckpieces Prices after August. .$.'5.00 to 125.00 Sale prictt $14.00 14 $100.00 Jap Kolinsky Scarfs Prices aftT Augunt. . . .$0.50 to $ 15.00 Kale prices $7.60 to $36.00 Tau::e and Silver Coney Scarfs Frlres nft-r August. .. .$7.25 to $37.50 Sale prices $3.89 to $30.00 Kolinsky Neckpieces Prices after .K30.00 to $101.00 Sato prices $2 1.00 to $ 156.00 Kolinsky Stoics Trices aftor August. .$60 00 to $135.00 Sale prices $18.00 to $108.00 Kolinsky Capes Prices after August. .$.175.00 to $725.00 Sale prices $300.00 to $580.00 Hudson Seal Coatees Prices after August. .$200.00 to $525.00 Sale prices $150.00 to $393.75 Squirrel Neckpieces Prices after August. .$25.00 to $250.00 Sale prices... $20.00 to $200.00 Squirrel Capes Prices after Augunt. .$100.00 to $235.00 Sale price $80.00 to $188.00 Sauirrel Stoles Prices after August. .$125.00 to $245.00 Hale prices $100.00 to $196.00 Stone Marten Scarfs Prices after August. .$60.00 to $226.00 Sale prices $18.00 to $180.00 , Souirrcl Bobby Coal Price after August $500.00 Sale price $180.00 Nutria Coatees Price after August. .$265.00 to $475.00 Sale prices $198.75 to $356.23 Hudson Bay Sable Animal Scarfs Prlcos aftor August. .$05.00 to $300.00 Sale prices .$52.00 to $210.00 Hudson Bay Sable Cape Prico after August $2000.00 Sale price .$lfi00. ' Blended Hudson Bay Sable Scarfs Prices after August. .$146.00 to $476.00 Sale prices $1 16.00 to $380.00 Skunk Scarfs Prices after August. .$30.00 to $110.00 Sale prices......... $24.00 to $88.00 Skunk Neckpieces ' Prices after August. .$85.00to $200.00 Sale prices $52.00 to $160.00 Natural and Taupe Marmot Coatj Prices after August. .$170.00 to $265.00 Sale prices $136.00 to $212.00 so appear .and nubmlt proof of your claim to tfio wutars of said streams or tributaries thereof dnfault will he entered against you and you will be barred and estopped from subse quently assorting any right to tho wnters aforesaid, and will be hold and deemed to liavn forfoltod nil right to the use of said .wutoin thnrotoforo claimed by you, t By order of tho Stnla Wntor Board, of Orogon, Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 281 Ii day of July, 1919. PERCY A. CUPPElt; Btate Engineer, COCHRAN, Superintendent. GEO. T. State Water Attest : R. W. POTTER, Soerotary. 48-510