THE BEND BULLETIN Probubly Kulr Tonight and ' Tomorrow. - DAILY EDITION VOL. Ill BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY OREGON, MOMMY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 4, 1010 ' REFORM IS NOT CONSIDERED BY RUSSIAN REDS REVOLUTION IS ONLY IDEAL. LENINE TELLS AIMS i Flint Political Mova to Drlvo Out A mi'ilihiu, Heroml to Force Uni versal Fraternity of Ijibor by Means of Terrorism. C-irrl)itl. 1010, by United I'm.) PARIS, Auk. Nlkolul Lonlno, prime minister of tbe Russian Uul nhovlk government In Moscow, In tbe first bona fldii Inlurvlow ovur granted, nsMtrts thut tho flmt po v lillcal ulii) of tbe llolshnvlkl Ih to ilrlva tbe Americans and Japanese out of Sibnrlu. Revolution, not rnform. ho de Clares. U llio Bolshevik program. According to tbe plun of uctlon which Lenlne ha outlined, tbe llulshevlkl will organize tho work er of tbe world, Including those of America, Into a dingle fraternal union. They wilt crush nil realst unce, Lenlnn boasts, and will ad- f vocute terrorism if necessary. ' ALLIES TA K E OS MIX. MOSCOW, Aug. 4. Allied troops have cupturcd Onega, on the Arch angel front, according to an offl- clnl Bolshevik communique. The Hotshuvlkl claim that half of Ad miral Kolchak'i force In tbe re gion of Term, naar tho Siberian forest, have surrendered to tho Kudu. x - 1 OFFICER ANXIOUS TO REGAIN PISTOL Orilnanre Captain In Recruiting Service Offer Hetvunl for Ap prehension of Thief. Anxloui to recover un army auto niullo pistol, stolen whllo a recruit ing party was In Bend over two weeks ago, Captain Earl Harklns, of the ordnance department, now In recruiting service, has written Tho, Buletln In an endoavor to trace tho missing woapon. In his letter Cuptaln Harklns offers a ft 100 reward to the police for the apprehension of the thief, unloss tho pistol Is voluntarily returned, In which enso he is willing to forego prosecution. The army automntlo formed a purt of a display at rocrultlng head quarters on Orogon street, and was taken from tbe show window. The gun was the personal property of Captain Harklns, and had boon car rind by him throughout the greater part of tho war. JOY RIDERS TAKE PARKED MACHINE tar Belonging to T, J. McClellnn Recovered This Morning by Sheriff Roberts. 1 Joy riders lust night stole a Chov relet automobile belonging tb T. J, CAlcClollun which was parked In front of tho Liberty theater, and after a search of several hours the machine was found this morning by Sheriff 8. S3. Iloborts at the lower end of Park addition. The car was r not damaged, and the supply of gasollno had not been exhausted. The Individuals taking tho auto havo not boen apprehended. AMERICAN LEGION MEMBERS TO MEET Monthly Gathering of Service Men to He Held nt Amateur Ath letic Club Tonight. Mom horn of tho Amorlenn Legion will 'hold Uholr regular - monthly median nt tho Bend Amateur Ath lallo olub at 8 o'clock tonight. All mon from tho army, navy or ma rlnos, who wore In the service dur ing tho European war are urgod to bo present, whothor or not they have Joined the local post. TERRORISM IS WEAPON As ' KlKOLAl LWlNF leader of Russian RolHlievlkl, who announces hostility to American government. TITLE TO LAKE LAND DISPUTED HQl'ATTKKM WAIT FOR GOVERN MENT SURVEY, HIT CONTEN TION IH MADK THAT RANCH ERS I1AVK RIPARIAN RIGHTS. While the dry bed of Sliver lake Is dottod with the cabins of squat tors who are tilling tho land ex posed by the evaporation of. the water, the status of the lund Is a matter of dispute between ranchers and tbe newcomors who have made their homos on the new ground, ac cording to 8l)ver Lake residents, No survey hag been made by the government, and In consequence no filing under the homestead law Is posslblo, and until such filing can bo made, It Is contondod by some that ranchers whoso holdings ex- tonded to what was formerjy tho lake margin have riparian rights on the area formorly covered by water. Squatters, it Is said, have boen advised to loave, but are per sistently remaining In hopes that tho rich alluvial lunds may be thrown open to entry. - Approximately 11,000 acres have been added to the farming resources of tho Sliver Lake region by the drying up of the lake, and a por tion of this Is being cultivated with the permission of ranchers whoso holdings Join the new ground. Grain hay Is being successfully grown, and will yield as high as two and a half tons to the acre. This hay, It Is stated, will bo for salo, but on the old established ranches tho 1819 cutting will be chiefly reserved for fooding during the winter, as stockmen are unwill ing that a shortage of fodder should fprco thorn to soil off as' large a percentage of cnttlo as was found necessary last year. , NOTED AUTHOR LEAVES BEND 8TKWART EDWARD WHITE ON AUTO TRIP SOUTH AFTER WEEK SPENT IN CENTRAL OREGON COUNTRY. Aftor spending the last week In visiting many of the points of Interest In Contral Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Edward White left Bond this morning tor Crane Prairie. They will . remain over night and In the morning will go to Elk lake to camp and flsh for the noxt four or five days. Davis and Odoll lakes will bo visited noxt, and from thore Mr. and Mrs. White will go to Diamond and Crater lnkes. Thoy expoot to reach Klam ath Falls by August 20, and from thore will proceed south to their home In Burllngomo, California. Mr. White, whose storlos of. the outdoors are among the most widely road of American fiction, was greatly pleased with his outing In the Cen tral Oregon mountains, and before leaving reiterated his promise to oome to this seotlon -next summer for a protraoted vacation. MM? mM -y Vessel Flies Flag of the Sinn Fein Under Old Glory - (Br United I'reeitoTtw Bend Bulletin. QUKENSTOWN, A6g. 4. Flying tbe Sinn Fein flag be- low tho Stars und Stripes, tbe Amnrlcun steamer Ashbourne put Into port here toduy for repairs. Sinn Fein- members cheered as British admiralty tugs towed tbe Ashbourne to tho dock. (- FRIENDS SEEK EX-ARMY MAN WALTER HKEHLEY HTAItTH ON FOOT THROUGH WOODS, WITH NO EQUIPMENT, AXD FEAB IH FELT FOB SAFETY. Although a search party has been out slnco early this morning seek ing a clew to the whereabouts of I Walter Beesloy of this city, who disappeared Friday, no trace of the missing man had been found this afternoon, Sheriff S. E. Roberts re ported. Beesley left the home of Fred Winters, whore he and his wife had boen staying, and was last seen at noon Friday walking from Bond on the logging road near tbe Orewller mill on tho Tumalo. Friends fear that he may be tem porarily unbalanced as the result of injuries received during bis serv ice with (he American expedition ary forces In France. Mr. Wlntors, a close friend of the missing man, stutes that Beesloy bad been unusually taciturn for sev eral days, and that the evening be fore his departure he had remarked that he was going to look for work. He had bad no difficulty In secur ing employment In Bend. Friday morning Beesley donned a new suit of blue serge and put on a suit of coveralls, wearing his blue coat over the one-piece gar ment. Aside from his raxor and a bottle containing an Iodine prepara tion which ho had bean using, he took nothing with him. News of bis bolng seen so far from the city, (Continued on page J.) 10,000 IDLE AS STRIKE RESULT STEEL WORKERS IN CHICAGO INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT ARE DEPRIVED OF JOBS BY RAIL WAY SHOPMEN'S ACT. Br United Preei to The Bend Bulletin. CHICAGO, Aug. 4. Ten thousand stool .workers at Gary, Indiana, and othor points In the Chicago Indus trial district are Idle as the result of tho strike of the railway shop men. It wus predicted that every stool furnace In Gary, Joliet and South Chicago will be closed In a week unloss the strike 1b settled..! ALL ENGLAND CELEBRATES FIFTH BIRTHDAY OF WAR LONDON, Aug. 4. The anni versary of England's declaration of war against Germany falling on a regular public holiday wns utilized today for several offiolal and un official pence celebrations which had to be eliminated from the of fiolal joy day, July 19. "Old Father Thames" had the stage largely to himself this morn ing when a triumphal rlvor proces sion headed by King George and Queen Mary In the little used state barge proceeded from Tower bridge up the river to Chelsea. Greet orowds ofg holiday makers throngod the banks and "bridges, and the river was swarming with, small craft of every description, so that tho aquatle marshals, In the persons of the Thamos polioo, and the King's Wntermen, had considerable diffi culty In keoptng a clear course for the procession of boats. The king and the royal party RIOTS FOLLOW POLICE STRIKE LIVERPOOL GUARDED BY TROOPS. Looting Continues, However, In Spite of All Precautions Scores Are Injured When Supply Hhlp Is Broken Into, Br United Preee teThe Brad Bulletin.) LIVERPOOL, Aug. 4. Troops re mained on guurd bore during tbe entire night as the result of dis orders following the policemen's strike. Soldiers with fixed bayonets frequently pursued parties of riot ers. Tanks and machine guns are being used in quelling tbe mobs. Two thousand troops are on pa trol duty, but rioting and looting continue. Tramway and omnibus employes have gone on strike, but declare that the action has no con nection with tbe policemen's walk out. A destroyer Is anchored In port to aid In maintaining order. More than a score of rioters were Injured today when mobs broke down the dock gates and looted the ammunition steamer Dorlnquen. Ba con, bam, lard, rice, sugar, tinned food and other supplies were re moved from the ship and scattered In the streets. The strikers did not participate In the looting. NEW ARMY BILL NOW IN SENATE BAKER'H PLAN FOB UNIVERSAL MILITARY SEBVICE IH OUT LINED IN MEASURE INTRO DUCED IN UPPER HOUSE. I Br United Pnm to Tlx Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 4. Secretary' of War Baker today sub mitted to congress the war depart ment's plan fop permanent universal military training. The plan was embodied In a bill for the perma nent reorganization of the army, and was Introduced In the' upper house by Senator Wadswortb. According to Secretary Baker's plan, boys reaching the age of 19 will take three months' training, and then go into the reserve, be ing subject to call for two years. SURVEY STARTED FOR ROAD TO ELK LAKE Forest Service Location Work to Be Dono by William Sprout in Prep aration for Construction. Preparing for the construction of a rond to Elk lake' by way of Sparks lake, William Sproat of the DoschuteB national foroBt wns au thorized this morning to commence a location survey. Supervisor N. G Jacobson will first go over the pro- posed route on horseback boarded the gorgeous 'state barge at tho Tower, and amid fanfares of trumpets and salutes proceeded to the hond of the procession. The king's bnrgemaster, an official whose duties In ordinary times are to look after tho swans and royal water fowl, came to his own today and, clad In a Tudor costume resplend ent In crimson nnd gold, noted as admiral ovor the 32 sturdy water men, also wearing Tudor period uniforms emblazoned with the royal cypher, who propelled the distin guished party. An escort of the ploturesque Yeomen of the Gunrd, looking as though they had Just stopped from a pictorial history book and armed with huge halberts, also assisted. The royal party disombarked at Chelsea hospital, but for the re mainder of the day the river was thronged with boats nnd picnic parties. ' Will Dispose of Vast Quantities of War Supplies By United Pros to Tho Bend Bulletin. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 4. Secretary of War Baker announced this afternoon that If present plans materialize surplus army clothing, includ- Ing 917.000,000 worth of un- derclothlng and $9,600,000 worth of blankets, will be sold. The total value of the supplies to be disposed of will reach 184.000,000. POLICE SEARCH FOR DYNAMITER THREE CLEWS TO IDENTITY OF MAN WHO BLEW UP HOME OF OSCAR LAWLKR IN LOS AX GELES ARE SECURED, Br United Preee to Tho Bend Bulletin. LOS ANGELES, Aug. 4. With Oscar Lawler, former federal dis trict attorney of Southern Califor nia, undergoing tbe heroic parafin treatment for burns, authorities here are following three definite clews, which it is hoped will lead to the arrest of the person who blew up tbe Lawler borne Sunday morn ing. Piaysiclans stated that Lawler is resting comfortably, that Mrs. Lawler is doing nicely, and that there is no question about the re covery of the latter patient. It is generally believed here that the dynamiter Is a man whom Law ler sent to prison during his term of office as federal district attorney. The police declared that they might make arrests before night. ALLEGED THEFT CAUSES MURDER SPOKANE MAN SHOOTS A ' KILLS MAN AND WIFE WHO, HE TELLS POLICE, HAD TAKEN MONEY FROM HIM. Br United Pre to The Bend Bulletin. SPOKANE, Aug. 4. Charging that Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Grove had stolen money from him, Thomas IIT'IkIku ?T ..Te lOOl, Ulblll, DUUti UUIU UCBU till w away . tbe revolver with which he had committed the deed, then rushed to the police station and sur rendered. A charge of murder In the first degree was preferred against htm. ENGINEER HERE TO TEST FIRE ENGINE Acceptance of Equipment by City Will Depend on Report Follow ing Tryout by John O. Baker. To make the final test of the fire fighting equipment ordered by the city of Bend from A. G. Long, John O. Baker, engineer for the Oregon rating bureau, arrived in the city this morning. The test, on which new ratings for Insurance, as well as acceptance of the fire engine and pumper by the city, will depend, will bo held as soon as complete adjustments have been made by W. 'S. Long, representing the com' pany furnishing the equipment. TUMALO ALFALFA GIVES BIG YIELD Sulphur-Strengthened Soil Produces 8.(12 Tons on One Acre tor First Cutting. Despite Inst frosts, remarkably high yields are being made on the alfalfa farms in the Tumalo section this year. The record cut moasured to dnte whs made on the rnnch of W. ft. .Davidson, whore 3.62 tons of hay were taken on the first cut ting from one acre. The soil had boen strengthened by sulphur ap plications. FRIENDSHIP OF" ALLIES ASKED BY HUNGARIANS NEW PREMIER GIVES INTERVIEW. PEACE IS CHIEF WISH Negotiations Already Under Way with Italy Rumanians Report ed to Be Still Active Despite Overthrow of Bela Kun. ' ' By Edward Blng . (United Pre Stall Correepondent.) BUDAPEST, Aug. 4. The new Hungarian government, succeeding Bela Kun's dictatorship, desires to establish friendly relations with the allies Immediately, Julius Peidl, the new premier, declared when inter viewed by the United Press corre spondent, who was granted the first newspaper interview. Premier Peidl said that the new cabinet regards itself as temporarily the government, bnt added that there are certain policies which it intends to make, effective Immedi ately. He declared that negotia tions have already been opened with Italy with, a view to obtaining an Immediate cessation of hostilities. , RUMANIANS ACTIVE. PARIS, Aug. 4. A radio from Vienna today reported that the Ru manian forces advanced on Buda-j pest despite the overthrow of Bela Kun's Bolshevik government, and are occupying the city. The former soviet dictator arrived at Vienna and has been interned, the dispatch stated. COUNTY COURT WILL ASK ROAD CONTRACT W. D. Barnes and C. H. Miller to Attend Meeting of State High way Commission Tomorrow. To represent Deschutes county before the state highway commis sion, which will meet tomorrow, County Judge W. D. Barnes and Commissioner C. H. Miller left last night for Portland. The chief busi ness to be disposed of. by the com mission, as far as Deschutes county is concerned, is the letting of con tracts for road construction on The Dalles - California . highway . from Bend to the north county line. " Contracts tor this were scheduled to have been awarded in July, but' were passed over, and the Deschutes county representatives will endeavor to securfl action at tomorrow's ses sion. FOUR CONVENTIONS HELD IN PORTLAND Commercial Organizations Will Send 2500 Representatives, la Advance Estimate, ' ' '1 ' Br United Pre to The Bend Bulletin. PORTLAND, Aug. - 4. Portland will 1 be a "convention city" this week, during which period four im portant gatherings will be ' held here by the following: The Paciflo Northwest Merchants, the Oregon Retail Merchants' asso ciation, the -Oregon Pharmaceutical association and the Northwest Fur niture Dealers' association. Merchants from all sections of the Paciflo coast, to the number of 2500, are expected. ' . Today Is also tbe beginning of Buyers' week, an annual event pro- , moted by the Portland Chamber of Commerce. THREE INJURED IN SHELL EXPLOSION Detonation of T. N. T. in Freight Cars Sets Off Ammunition In ' Camp Rarltnn Arsenal. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J., Aug. 4. Three men were Injured today at the Camp Rarltan arsenal, near here, when T. N. T. exploded In freight cars, causing the explosion of shrnpnel shells in a nearby mngazlno.