PACK 4 THB UKXP nUIJ.FTIX, DAILY K1HT1QN. BKND, OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 81, 1010 CliMiArd sdrerttetn eh.rm M bra 10 rtnti for 10 words or low. Ono rrnt nr word (or nil ovr 10. All duaiflod advortulni Itrlctlr euh im aavnoa TOR RENT FOR RENT 3-roora ttat. 946 Del aware. . l-44tfc KOR RSNT Furnished room, all conveniences. (21 Florida St., west of 8. E. Robert s. 93-4Stfc WANTED WANTED To rent, turnished or unfurnished house. The Hogans, O'SCone imilding. ..... . 28-47-9C WANTED Furniture and household goods. Standard Furniture Co. 47c WANTED Steel ranges In good - condition. Standard 1 KarnUnre Co. . 47c WANTED Phonographs, with or - without records. Standard Fur niture Co. 47c WANTED Jan t tress to take care of office after 6 p. m. each day.. Apply Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. -,.! . 1S-4S-9C WANTED At the brick yard, a tew good a day men. Bend Brick ft Lumber Co. ..-. - 77-43tfc WANTED Olrl tor office and store work. Must have references. Ad dress B. F. S., Bulletin. 67-38tfc WANTED 2 second-hand Fords. - 1914 engines preferred. Pioneer Garage. ,..--... 51-37tfc LOST LOST Hamilton watch with leather fob, somewhere on Wall street Saturday night. 35.00 reward. Finder leave at Bulletin office. , . . - 22-47-Sp LOST Between depot and post- office on morning ot July 2Sth Mexican robe. Finder please re tain to Bulletin office or notify Mrs. Win. Alt, Bend, Ore. 11-4S-7C LOST Bedding roll on Bend-La Pine road. Finder return to Bul letin office and receive reward. 69-40tfc FOR SALE FOR -SALE A tew April batched -1 Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels, from O. A. C. 300-egg strain,' $1.60 each. a P. O,- Box 92, Bend. , 18-47P FOR SALE Two milch cows, 3 two-year-old heifers. 1 yearlings, 1 De Laval cream, separator No. 10. milk cans, 1 O. I. C. brood sow, 3 pig six1 weeks old.'. J. M. Fish, 3 miles north ot Tumalo. 27-4l-9p FOR SALB -One - work mare, -nine years old, weight-1310 ; one horse seven years old,, weight 1100. Will sell . for-cask to - highest bidder at Depot ' Feed h: Yard.; on .Angasf 2, p. m. .v !..- . S-47-8p FOR 8ALB Man's bicycle.. In quire Standard Furniture Co. 47c FOR . SALE Roll top . desk with typewriter compartment. Stand ard Fmrnitore Co. ' 47c FOR SALE OR TRADE Baker City property for Bend property,- seven room house, electric lights and city water, two '.corner lots. Call Red 2121, or see C A. Roos, 1027 High land Blvd.. Bend, Oregon. t 47p FOR RENT 3-room house with ' basement; good garden growing, water fn house. Some furniture. See Nicholson, 323 Lafayette Ave. , .24-47-9C FOR RENT Furnished room, near mills. Inquire 344 Delaware.' - i 23-47-8p FOR SALE Good three-room house 1 V THE SPENDER terday; THE SAVER looks forward to the comforts of the future. . Make the decision to itarl your Santngt Account NOlV. W t pay 4 per tent on taolngs. - , Tm Bw or SxjPmmtam Bvrc i - TL IT:. Mi I i nc i ii oi i hujiicu uans ,fcX' ' ' -OF BEND close to mills. Cheap tor quick sale. Telephone Black 1401. 20-46-Bo FOR SALE 1815 Kord, A 1 con dition. Terms or cash. Tele phone Red 2381. 21-4-9p FOR SALE Six-hole raiiRo, llbrury table and Morris chair. Inquire Ross Farnham, toot ot Oregon 8t, l?-4Glfo FOR SALE OR TRADE 110 acres under the Swalley ditch; 30 acres acres In cultivation. Slate high' way crosses land. . . Desirable piece of property. Cheap for cash, t-u win J. Rogers, Tunialo, Ore. 4-44-9p FOR SALE Used 2 ton truck Inquire Guy H. Wilson, Pioneer Garage. ' - " 1 2-44-7C MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE I am going out ot busi ness and will have a private sale ot my dairy herd 25 high bred cows : August 1st at my place In Bend. Come early and got your pick of the best nitlch cows In the country. . Terms, cash or good se curlty. George Bates. 43-7p LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK Tt EXTRACTORS. State Highway ' Construction. Sealed bids will be received by the state highway commission of the state of Oregon at room S20 Multnomah county court house. Portland. Oregon, at 10 o clock a. m. on the Sth day of August, 1919, Tor the following project: DESCHUTES COUNTY. From Bend north on The Dulles California highway to the Jefferson county line. 23.9 miles, grading 68.000 cubic yards excavotion. Ho bid will be considered unless accompanied by cash, bidder's bond or certified check for an amount equal to five (5) per cent, of the total amount bid.' A satisfactory bond will be re- required for the faithful perform ance of the contract in a sum equal to one-halt of the total amount bid Proposal blanks and full Informs. tion for bidders may, be obtained at the office of the state highway engl neer, Capitol building. Salem. Plans and specifications and form of contract may be Inspected at the same place or may be obtained upon deposit of S5.00 for each set ot plans and specifications. Plans and specifications are also on file at room 1301 Yeon building, Portland Plans and specifications for the work in Deschutes county may be inspected at the office ot Mr. M. O. Bennet, division engineer, Pendle ton. The light is reserved to reject any. or all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed - best for the state .of Oregon. ' OREGON STATE HIGHWAY - COMMISSION. W. L. THOMPSON. Commissioner, S. BENSON. Chairman, R. A. BOOTH. Commissioner. Attest: HERBERT NUNN. . ... . State Highway Engineer. Salem, Oregon, July 20, 1919. .i . ....... 4 7-4 9c RESOLITTOX OF IXTENTIOjr. To 'Improve the south side of Greenwood avenue between Wall street and the alley east of Wall street, also south side of Greenwood avenue opposite the easterly 32.4 feet of lot 1. block . 13, plat- of Bend, also north side of Greenwood avenue opposite blocks 23 and 24, plat - ot . Bend, which improvement shall be known as Local Improve ment Number 19. Whereas, the council deems It ex pedient . and necessary to Improve Greenwood avenne - on the ' south side between Wall street and the alley east of Wall street, also south side of Greenwood avenue opposite the . easterly 32.4 feet of lot 1, block 13, plat ot Bend, also north side of Greenwood avenue opposite blocks 23 and 24 of the plat of Bend ; i Whereas, heretofore the council did require from the fctty engineer plans and specifications for the pro posed Improvement and estimates of the . work to be done and the probable cost thereof; and Whereas, upon the council so doing the city engineer did there- . 1 D...1. tore prepare tha same and Die such plans, specifications and estimates In the office ot the recorder; and Whereas, the council has exam ined such plans, specifications and estimates and now finds such plans, specifications and estimates to be satisfactory; , i Now, therefore, bo It resolved by the council ot the city of Uond 1 That the aforesaid plans, speci fications and ostimutes. bo and the same hereby are approved; and Be it further resolved thul the council declares Its purpose of mak ing said Improvement, to-wll: ,.. . The south side ot Greenwood ave nue between Wall streot and the alley east of Wall street, also south side ot Greenwood avonue opposite tho easterly 33.4 feet ot lot 1. block 13, plat ot Bend, also north side ot Greenwood avenue opposite blocks 23 and 24, plat ot Bend, which Im provement consists of the construc tion of 12-foot cement walks con structed to the established grade and the probable cost thereof being as follows: , Cement walk. 11,240 sq. feet at 20 -4 o per foot.. 32376.10 Engineering and supervi sion, 8'7 113.90 Total cost 2389.90 Be It further resolved thut this resolution ot the common council declaring its purpose to Improve aforesaid street shall bo kept on record In the office of the recorder; lie It further resolved that the recorder do nud he is hereby In structed to give notice of tho pas sage ot this resolution ' by causing same to bo published at least once in a newspaper published In the city: - Be it further resolved that the city engineer do and ho is hereby instructed within five days of the first publication ot this resolution to cause to be conspicuously posted at each end of the contemplated im provement a notice, headed "Notice of Street Improvement," which no tice shall contain in lrgiblo char acters a copy ot this resolution showing the date of Its adoption and upon his so doing the city en gineer shall file with the recorder an affiduvit ot the posting ot said notice, 'stating therein the date and) pluce where the same have been posted. Passed by the common council this 21st day ot July, 1919, by the following vote: Yeas McPherson, Benson, Suth erland, Payne, Magee. Noes None. - . Submitted to the mayor, July 21. 1919. Approved by the mayor, July 21, 1919. . J. A. EASTES. Mayor. Attest: D. H. PEOPLES. Recorder. 46c RKHOMTIOX OF 1XTKXTIOV. To improve the west side of Bond street from . Minnesota . avenue to Franklin avenue, to be. known -as Improvement Number 18, . In the city of Bend. Whereas, tho council deems it expedient and nesessary to Improve Bond street from Minnesota avenue to Franklin avenue ot the city ot Bend; '- - . . . .; . : - Whereas, heretofore, the council did require from the city engineer plans and specifications tor the pro posed Improvement and estimate of the work to be done, and the prob able cost thereof;, and Whereas, upon the council so do ing, the city engineer did therefore prepare the same and did file auch plans, specifications and. estimates In the office of the recorder; and, - Whereas, the council has exam ined such - plans, specifications and estimates and now finds such plans, specifications, and estimates to . be satisfactory;. ; Now, therefore, be It resolved by the council- of the city of Bend - That the aforesaid plans, specifi cations and estimates be and the same hereby are approved; and Be it further resolved, that the council declares its purpose ot mak ing the said improvement, to-wlt: Bond street from Minnesota ave nue to Franklin avenne in the city of Bend, which Improvement con sists ot the construction of 12-foot cement walks constructed to the established grade and the probable cost thereof belrrg as. follows: Cement walk, . 3864 sq. feet at ZOe per foot I 772.80 Engineering and supervi- elon, h - 38.64 . Total cost $ 811.44 Be it further resolved, that this resolution of the common council declaring is porpose to improve aforesaid streot shall be kept on record in the office ot the recorder. Be It . further resolved, that tho recorder do and he Is hereby in structed to give notice ot the, pas sage of this resolution by causing same to be published at least once in a newspaper published, in the city; - - v Be It further resolved, that the city engineer do and he Is hereby instructed within five days of the first publication of this resolution t cause to be conspicuously posted at each end ot tho contemplated Im provement a notice, headed . No tice of Street Improvement,"' which notice shall contain in legible char acters -a copy of the resolution showing the date of its adoption and upon bis so doing tho city en gineer shall fllo with, the recorder an affidavit of the posting of said notice, stating therein the date and place where the same have , been posted, t 1 1 ' ' ".,! ' Passed by the common council this 21st day of July, 1919, by the following vote: Yeas McPherson,- Benson, Suth erland, Payne and Magee. Noes None. ' Submitted to the mayor, July 21, 1919. y - Approved by the mayor, July 21, 1919. . J. A. EASTER, Mayor. Attost: D. ,H. PEOPLES, Recorder. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. To Improve Wall street oppbBlte block nine . 9 and block eleven (11) of the plat of Bond, to be known as Improvement, Number 17 In said city ot Bond. - ' Whereas,, the council dooms It expedient and nocossiiry to Improve Wall streot opposite block Ulna (9) and block eleven (11) ot the plal of Rend; Whereas, heretofore, tho council did require from tho city onglnonr plans and specifications for tho pro posed Improvement und estimates ot the work to be dono and tho pro mm lo cost thereof; and 1 : Whereas, upon tho council so do ing, tho city engineer did therefore prepuro the sumo und did tile such plans, specifications und estimates In the office of tho recorder; and ' Whereas the council has exam ined such plans, specifications and estimates and now finds such plans, specifications and estimates to bo satisfactory; j . Now, therefore, be It resolved by the council of the cHy of Bond Thut tho aforesaid pluns, specifi cations and estimates be and the same hereby are approved; and Ho It further resolved, that the council declures Its purposo ot mak ing said Improvement, to-wlt: Wall street opposite block nine (9) and block elevon (11) of the plat ot Bond, whlolt Improvement consists ot the construction ot 12 toot , content walk . constructed to the established grade and tho prob able cost thereof being as follows: Cement walk, . 7762 sq. foot at 23tte per foot.... 11744.20 Engineering and supervi sion, tre 87.21 Totul cost 11831.41 He It further resolved that this resolution of the common council declaring Its purpose to Improve aforeauld street shall be kept on, record In tho office ot the recorder; Be It further resolved, that tho recorder do and ho Is hereby In structed to (in notice of the pas sage of this resolution by causing sumo to be published at least onco In a newspaper published In the city; lie It further resolved, that the city engineer do and he Is hereby Instructed within five days of the first publication of this resolution to cause to be conspicuously posted at eacbend of the contemplated Im provement a notice, headed "Notlco of Street Improvement,"- which no tice shall contain In leglblo char acters a copy ot this resolution showing the date of Its adoption and upon his so doing tho city en gineer shall fllo with tho recorder an affidavit of the posting of said notice, stating therein the date and place where tho same have been posted. Passed by the common council this 21st day of July, 1919, by the following vote: Yeas McPherson, Benson, Suth erland, Payne, Magoe. Noes None. Submitted to the mayor, July 21, 1919 .. : i Approved by the mayor, July 21, 1919. , J. A. BASTES, Mayor. Attest: D. H. PEOPLES, Recorder. .' 46c NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR!. Bend, Oregon, July 21. 1919. Notice la hereby given that pur suant to Ordinance No. 143. passed by the city council ot the City of Bend, Oregon,, on the list day of July, 1919, the said city council in tends to cause Wast Fifth Street, in the City of Bend, to be improved as sot forth In aald ordinance, and fur ther Intends to let a contract for the work and material ot aald improve ment to the lowest responsible bid der. :. Notice Is further given that sealed bids will be received by the recorder of 'the City of Bend at his office In the Court House building. Bend, Oregon, ap to tbe bour of 13 o'clock noon ot tbe 8th day ot August, 1919, for furnishing all the material and labor and constructing complete and ready for public use Ixcal Im provement Number 12, consisting of the Improvement of West Fifth Street from Newport Avonue to Saginaw, Avenue In the manner sot forth In the plans and specifications provided for the same. Plans and specifications tor tbe above Improvement are available to contractors and may be found on file In the office of the city engineer in the O'Kane building, Bond, Ore gon. Any contractor-contemplating a bid on the work, however, will be supplied with' a copy .of. the plan and specifications by making a de posit, ot $10.00 wltb the elty engl neer, whlcb deposit will be returned to him upon the return of tho plans and specifications in good-condition, An approximate list of the quan tities involved. in the work is as follows: wU . . - Rock excavation,. 24 yards; Earth . grading estimated cost, 1142.00; r . , - Cinder ' rondway, ' . 414 ' cubic yards; , , i - 1 culvert: - - '' Estlmntod cost ot the above Is1 1605.20, i , . ' . Tbe work must be completed within 60 days of tho acceptance of the contractor's bond, ;. . i Tho . work must bo" accompanied by a certified check in a sum of not Inns than 10 per cent, of tbe amount bid upon the work. r, Bidders will be supplied with a blank proposal form upon applica tion, which form must be filled out and. submitted; sealed, before noon, August 8, 1919. ' - The City -of Bend reserves tbe right to reject any and nil bids. 39c ' D.'H. PEOPLES, City Recorder. NOTICB TO CONTRACTORS. Bend, Oregon, July Jl, 1919. Notice is hnrnhv rlvon that v.... suant to Ordinance Nn nn n by the city, council of the City of min, urngon, on the Zlst day of July, 1919, the said city council In tends to oausn 'rirnnnwnni1 Avon,,. In the City ot Bond, to be Improved sac lonn in said ordinance, nnd further Intends to let a contract for tbe work and nialnrlnU r mu i provemont, ,to (lie lowest. roBppnsjblq umnui , Notice if) fiirthnr bids will be recolved by the recorder of the City of Bend i'l his oflloo In the Court Houxo building, ltoml, Orogon. up to the hour of lU o'clock noon ot the 81 h day of August, 1919, for furnishing all tho malarial and labor and constructing complete nnd ready for puhllo una Local I m provemont Numbur 16, constating of the improvement of Greenwood Avo nue from Division Street to Fourth Btreut lit the manner set forth In the plans und snuclflculloiia pro. vlded for tho sumo. Plans and specifications for the above Improvement uro uvitlluhlo to contractors and may bo found on file in the oflleo ot the city oiikI neer In (ha O'Kana building, Bend Oregon. Any contractor cnntomplat lug a bid on the work, however, will bo supplied with a copy of tho plans and specifications by milking a du posit of f 10.00 with the oily engl ounr, which deposit will he returned to him upon I he return of the pluns and specifications In good condition . Au approximate list of tho iiuuil' titles Involvod In tho work Is ns follows: Earth trading, ostlmutnd cost 190.00; Cinder roadway, 367 cublo ynrds. ' Estimated cost ot tho ubove Is 1310.20. - The work must be completed within 30 days of the uccoptunco of tue contractors bond, Bids must bo accompanied by a eertlfled check in a sum of not less than 10 per cent, ot tho amount bid upon the work. Illddors will bo sunnlind with a blank proposal form upon applica tion, which form must he tilled out and submitted, scaled, before noon, August 8, 1919. , - ' The. City -of Bund reserves tho right to reject any und all bids. 3c I). H. PKOI'LKS. City Itouordor. NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS. Rend. Oregon. July 21. 1919. Notlco Is horoby given that pur suant to uruinance No. 141, passed by the city council ot tho City of Bend. Oregon, on tbe 31st duy of Juiy. ll. the ssld city council In tends to causa Newport Avenue. In the City of Bend, to be Improved as set forth In said ordinance, and further Intends to let a contract for tbe work and material of suld Im provement to the lowest responsible bidder. Notice Is further given that sealed bids will be received by tho recorder of the city of llend at his office In tho Court Ilouso building, Bend. Oregon, up to the hour of 12 o'clock noon ot tho 8th day of August, 1919, for furnish In all tbe material and labor and constructing complete and roady for public uso Local Im provement Number 10. consisting of the Improvement of Newport Avenue front the west linn ot the Deschutes river to the west Una ot Wost Sixth 81 reel In tbe manner set forth In the plans and specifications provided lor tho sams. . , . - Plans and specifications for the above Improvement are available to contractors and may be found on file In the office ot the elty engineer In the O'Kana building, Bend, Oregon. Any contractor contemplating a bid on the work, however, will be sup plied with a copy of tho plans and speolfllatloni by asking a deposit of f 10.00 ,wrth the city engineer, which deposit will be returned to , him upon the return of the plans and specifications In good condition. An approximate list ot tho quan tities Involved. In the work la as follows;,.,.,, . ... ,t " Clearing, grubbing and removing old walk, estimator rwt, $Sn 00; Earth excavation, 4340 yards; , Rock excavation. 1028 yprds; Cement curb, 31 0 llnnnl feit; Cement walk. 1A.3S0 square feet; Cinder roadway, 6f8 cubic yards;- ' 13 vitrified file aewnr. 360 fact; Catch basins. 2. Estimated cost uf the above is $12,116.40. Tlio work must be completed within 60 days of tho acceptance of the contractor'a bond. Bids must bo .accompanied by a certified chock In a sum of not loss than 10 per cent, ot tho amount bid upon the work. . , Bidders will bo shppllnd with a blank proposal form upon applica tion, which form most ho fillud out and submitted, sealed, boforo noon, August 8, 1919. The City .of Bend roserves the right to reject any and all bids. 39 I) H. PEOPLES, City Kocordor, NOTICK TO CONTRAtTOIW. Bond, Oregon,' July 21, 1919. Notice la hnrnhv ffiveti tUu ,.1..- suunt to Ordinance Nn. 1 4 li, passed by the city council of tho City of Bond, Oregon, on tho 21st day of July, 1919, tho said city council In tends to cause Wall Street, In tho CitV Of Bnnd. tn hn Imhrnvn,! n b n( forth In, said ordinance, and further menus to lot , a contract for the work and materials of said Improve ment to the lowest rnsnnniilliln hM. dor.' , . ... ... . . .. .... Notice Is further alvnn Ihnl ... bids will be received by the rnoorclnr of the Cltv of llnnr) -nt hia nrn. i. tho Court Ilouso - building, Bond, w.un'.,, u, iu iuu nuur OI 12 o ciocg noon of tho 8th day of August, 1919. for furnlshlnir all Ik. maAlal and labor and constructing complete im rusuy ior puoiio use Local im provement Numbnr 14, consisting of the imnrovomnnt nr w,n 01...1 from Franklin . Avenue to the south lino of Idaho Avonuo In tho manner, nt forth In tho plans and specifica tions provided for the same. Plnnn n,nd specifications for .the abovo Improvement are available, to contractors and may be. found on file In Ihn nfflPn nt Ihn nMif.itnvlnoa. in the O'Kane building, Bond, Oro gon, Any contractor contemplating a bid on the work, however, will' bo Rlinnlled ivllh n ennv nf Ihn nlnna and specifications by making a de posit 01 iu,uu wnn me cit.y engi neer, which deposit will be roturned In htm imnn (hn mlnn n Him nlnna and specifications In good condition, 1 nn approximate ml 0I inn qunn titles Involved In the work Is as follows:- ..... v Ruck excavation, estimated cost, MM01. ' . tJ-r HartU. grading, estimated cont, tua.ooi , Clmler roudway, 1037 cublo yards; 3 culverts; Enlarging und extending drnlnnga ditch, osllmuted, 118.00. Tho nNtlmutuil coat ot tho above Is $1087.70. ' Tho work must be completed within 30 days of tho uccupliinoa or the contractor's bond, . Bids must bo uccuinimnlud by a curt I n ml ohiiuk In u sum of not less than 10 per emit, of tho uinnunl bid upon the work, Bidders will -be supplied with blank propositi form upon applica tion, which form must be filled out ami submitted, sua led, beforo noon, August 8, 1910, Tho City of Bnnd reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. . 390 1). II. PKOI'LEH, 5 City Recorder. NOTICK TO CONTRACTOR!. . Unnd, Orngon, July 21, 1910. Notlco Is horoby given that pur suant to Ordinance No. 143. passed by tho city council ot tha City of 11.,,, nH..Hn.t .... t. . It.l .1... n , .,, ut,i,ih, wi, iiiv ttnfc ui 111 July, 1919, the said city council In tends to caitno Aubrey Road, In thi$ City of llend, to be Improved as set forth In said ordlnnnco and further Intends to let a contract for the work and material at suld Improve ment to tho lowest rosponslblo bidder.- Notice Is further given that sealed bids will be received by the recorder of the City ot Bond at his office In the Court House building, llund. Oregon, up lo the hour of 12 o'clock noon of I ho 8th day ot August, 1919, for furnishing all the material and labor und constructing complete and ready for public, use Local Im provement No. 11, consisting of the Improvement ot Aubrey Roud from Nuwport Avonue to Portland Avenuu In tha manner set forth In the Dlims and specifications provided for tho same. Plans and specifications for tbs above Improvement are avnllsble to contractors and may be found an file In the office of the city engineer In the O'Kane building, Rend, Ore. gun. Any contractor contemplating a bid on the work, however, will be supplied with a copy of the plans and specifications by making a div posit of $10.00 with the city end-, neer, which deposit will be returned to him upon tho return of the plans nnd specification In good condition. An approximate list of tho quan tities Involved In Iho work Is as follows: Rock excavation,' 885 yards; Earth excavation, 4G3 yards; ' Removal and replacing of wood walks, estimated cool, $45.00; cement curb, 1S00 lineal feet; Cinder roadway, 660 cubic yards. Estimated coat of tha above la $2731.2$. The work must be completed within 80 days of the acceotanco . of tha contractor's bnnd. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check In a sum of not less than 10 per cent, ot the amount bid upon the work. Bidders will be supplied with a ' blank proposal form upon applica tion, which form must be filled out and submitted, sealed, before noon, August 8.- 1919. The City ' of Bend reserve tha - right to reject any and ell bids. 9c ... D. II. PEOPLES. . . City Recorder. r ' rWrTitS TO CONTRACTOR. Bend. Oregon, July 11, 191$. ' Nolle Is hnrnhv lvn thai hop. suant to Ordinance No. 144, passed oy tno city council of the City of Bend. Ornson.. on th 2 1 at rlna nr July, 1919. the ssld city council In- uinu 10 cause Drake itoad, lo tlia City of Bend, to be Improved as set forth In salt! nrrilnanM mnA fnrlh Intends to let a contract for the work ana materials of said Im provement to tho lowest responsible bidder. Notice Is further lven that sealed bldS Will DA receiver! tiv that rnnrA- of the City of Bend at his office In tho Court House building. Bend, Oregon, up to the hour of 12 o'clock noon of the Sth day of August, 1919. for furnishing ell tha material and labor and constructing complete and rendv for nnhlle II a I .nr ill Im. provemont Number 13, consisting of mo improvement of Drake Road from Nowport Avenue to tho angle In Drako Roud I neat ml inn r...i of tho wost lino of West Sixth Street In tbe manner sot forth In tho pinna and specifications provided for Iho same. Plans and specifications for the nbovo Improvement aro available to contractors und may bn found on fllo In the office of the city engineer In tho O'Kane building, Bond, Ore gon. Any contractor contemplating a bid on tho work, however, will be supplied with a copy of the plans and specifications by making a doj posit of $10.00 with the olty engi neer, which deposit will bo returned to him upon tho return of the plans , and specifications in 'good condition. An annroxlmaln lint nf the nmiM. titles Involvod In . tho work Is as ioiiows: ,. I- , . Clearing, grubbing and removing old walk, estimated cost, $30.00; 1 'Earth excavation, 2629 cublo yards; ,i 1 Loose rock excavation, 68 yards; ' Solid rook oxcavutlon, 83 yards; Hnnd laid wall, ostlmutod cost, $76.00; - ,.v , , .. . Clndor roadway, 904 cublo yards: Content curb, 3000 lineal foot; Cement walk, 8080 squnrn foet. ' Estlmutod cost of tho above is $6819.46. , ' The work must bo completed within 60 dnys of the accoptnnco of the contractor's bond, , Bids nvst he accompanied by a cortlflcd chock In a sum of not less than 10 per cont, of tho amount bid upon the work. , , Illddors will bo supplied with a blank proposal form upon applica tion. Which fnrm mnar hn nil.i ....i and submitted, seulod, boforo noon, Auguai , imii. , ; , , , ,1 Tho City of tlnrid rosorvos' tbo right to rojoct any nnd nil bids. 8o D, If -PWOPLHS, City Recorder.