The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, July 31, 1919, DAILY EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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The Bend Bulletin
flMMai Enrr Atlaraaaa hnfl Raaaaj.
Br Ika M Ball.lla IMrtwmtM.
InEiffd a KMvind Claa, matter. January S.
HIT, at tha Post Offka at ISaud. Oracoo, ud
, Act of March 1. 117.
' ROBERT W. 8AWYKR BVIttor-Manaaxr
BKNBY N. FOWLKR Aaaoeiata Editor
FRED A. Mananr
'". A. NIXON Circulation Manairar
. ALPH SPENCER alaebanteal SupU
An tndapendent Nawapantr. nandlnc tor tha
ignara daal, alaaa. ttutnaaa. alraa pomxa ana
tha kaat Intanata of Band and Cantral Oragon.
.. Ha Mall . .
Ona Tew .0
;-, lb Montha i 13.11
' thraa Montha tlJM
Or Carrlar
Ona Taar M.5S
tlx Montha
Ona Month I .(
: All lubaeripMona are doe and PAYABLE IN
ADVANCE. Nolfeee of aspiration ara mallad
' anhanribera and if renewal in not aaada within
reaaimable lima tha paper will ha diacontinuad.
Pleat notify oa promptly of anjr chance of
aMreaa. or of failure to racaira tha paper recti.
nviy. Oaherwlaa we will not ha reeponaible tor
aaplaa aaieaed.
Make all chaeka and orders parable to The
rfetic' Bulletin.
THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1919.
Apparently ' there's no telling
where this price business Is going
to stop, but if things keep on as
they are going now it will never
stop. In the news today is an item
reporting that railroad men are
.seeking "very substantial increases"
in wages. It they are granted, the
railroads will then ' require "very
substantial increases" in freight
rates in order to meet the higher
. wages. "Very substantial Increases'
in freight rates wlU cause "very
substantial ; Increases" in the cost
of things moved by freight and that
in turn will mean "very substantial
increases" in the cost of living.
Then "very substantial increases'
in wages will be sought again to
meet the higher cost of .living, and
the whole circle will be gone around
Some time the circle must break
at the point where someone is get
ting too high 'a profit. We do not
pretend to know where that point
is, but we trust that the break may
.come quickly.
Mrs. Major Threatened
to leave her husband if he lied to
her. He took the chance and for
a while "got . away with it." But
the "Jinx" soon caught up with him
and ; made him wish well, just
wait till
Friday. August 8.
' Rest the Eyes,
- Look up every once In a while from
your work and lay It down for a min
ute 'or two now and then, and let your
Interest focus on more distant things.
Thus yon will give the eyes a little
rest by focussing In another position.
If Your Husband
stayed ont all night, and on his re
turn told . a very improbable tale,
which happened to be true, would
yon disbelieve him? - Thu when
he lied to square himself, would you
believe him? ;'
Friday, August 8. ,
' . Adv. .
- Laugh and Grow Fat.
' You'll surely do It. When the
other fellow gets into hot water,
it's fun. - When we step into bis
shoes, it's well something else.
Just save this date;
Friday, August 8.
Pot it in "THE- BL'LLETTX."
You are the only
one who can attend
to your home
And your home, your
family, is your first
You should not, there
fore, do things outside
your home which some
one . can , do better and
cheaper ' than you can
yourself. "; ' ' '
We., are thinking espec
ially of excessive grocery
"shopping" and carrying
home a heavy basket.
There's no heed for you
to rob your home of your
attention by doing these
things, because at our
store we do them for you
and at no additional
cost to you.
t First
We want to bring to your attention
these facts, about Firestone:
First to build truck tires ' , ; . , '
First to build tho channel type of truck tires '
First to build removable truck tires; ,'
First to build the cup cushion truck tire , , "' . .
First to build a complete line of tires for all commercial vehicles
First to build a successful giant truck tire
First with a practical, efficient giant cord tire equipment, includ
ing demountable rims .
First to establish 600 dealers with hydraulic press and service
facilities in leading cities throughout the United States.
The only manufacturer that makes the tire and rim complete,
TJPCTTT Ta Over half the truck Tonnage of
KL,aui, i . jrica is carried on Firestone Tires.
Oar truck-tire service in completeness, speed nd dependability
-also ranks FIRST. . We watch your truck tires, help you get
the most miles of service, suggest the' correct tire for your
trucking vfrhen a change is required and make the change with
least delay. See us.
Notice is hereby ' given that the
City of Bend has taken up the fol
lowing described livestock, to-wlt:
One red roan mare, white stripe in
face, brands X right shoulder and
75 left quarter; one bay mare,
black feet and tail, wnlte stripe ia
face, branded HB connected left
shoulder, has bell on. The cost of
redeeming said livestock will be
11.00 per day and cost of advertis
ing. In case of failure to redeem
on part of owner said livestock will
be sold as provided by the charter
of the City of Bend on the 8th day
of August at 3 p. m. at the city
(A) 47-54C L. B. KENNEDY, I
place where the same have been
posted. . r
Passed by the common council
this 21st day of July, 1819, by the
following vote: '
Yeas HcPherson, Benson, Suth
erland. Payne, Magee.
Nays None.
Submitted to the mayor, July 21,
Approved by the mayor, July 21.
1919. , .
J. A. EASTfeti, Mayor.
Attest: D. H. PEOPLES, Recorder.
To Improve the north side of
Oregon avenue from Wall street to
the alley east of Wall street, which
improvement shall be known as Im
provement Number 20 in said city
of Bend.
Whereas, ' the council deems it
expedient and necessary to improve
the north side of Oregon avenue
from Wall street" to the alley east
of Wall street of the city of Bend;
whereas, heretofore the council
did require from the city engineer
plans and specifications for the pro
posed improvement and estimates
of the work to be done and the
probable cost thereof; and
Whereas, upon the council so do
ing, the city engineer did therefore
prepare the same and did file such
plans, specifications and estimates
in the office of the recorder; and
Whereas, the council has exam
ined such plans, specifications and
estimates and now finds such plans,
specifications and estimates to be
Now, therefore, be It resolved by
the council of the city of Bend
That the aforesaid plans, specifi
cations and estimates be and the
same hereby are approved; and
Be It further resolved, that the
council declares Its purpose of mak
ing said improvement, to-wlt:
North side of Oregon ' avenue
from Wall street to the alley east
of Wall street of the city of Bend,
which Improvement consists of the
construction of 12-foot cement
walks constructed to the established
grade and the probable cost thereof
being as follows:
Cement . walk, 1680 sq. '
feet at 22c per foot 8 369.60
Engineering and supervi
sion, 6 ; 18.48
. Total cost........... $ 388.08
Be It further resolved, that this
resolution of the common council
declaring "Its purpose to . improve
aforesaid street shall be, kept on
record In the office of the recorder;
Be It further resolved, that the
recorder do and he is hereby In
structed to give notice of the pas
sage of this resolution by causing
same to be published at least once
In a newspaper published In the
Be It further resolved, that the
city 'engineer do and be is hereby
Instructed within five days of the
first publication of this resolution
to cause to be conspicuously posied
at each end of the contemplated im
provement a notice, beaded "Notice
of Street Improvement," which no
tice shall contain In legible char
acters ' a copy of this resolution
showing the date of Its adoption,
and upon his so doing the city en
gineer shall file with the recorder
an affidavit of the posting of said
notice, stating therein the date and
To improve the north aldn of
Franklin avenue from Bond street
to Wall street, to be known as Im
provement Number 22 In the city of
oena. a ( . -
Whereas, the council deems it
expedient and necessary to improve
the north side of Franklin avenue
from Bond street to Wall street of
the city of Bend.
Whereas, heretofore the council
did require from the city engineer
plans and specifications for the pro
posed improvement and estimates
of the work to be done and the
prooanie cost thereof: and
Whereas, upon the council so do
ing, the city engineer did therefore
prepare the same and file such
pluns, specifications and estimates
in the office of the recorder: and
Whereas, the council has exam
ined such plans, specifications and
estimates and now finds such plans.
specifications and estimates to be
Now, therefore, be it resolved by
the council of the city of Bend
That the aforesaid plans, specifi
cation" and estimates be and the
same hereby are approved; and
Be It further resolved, that the
council declares Its purpose of mak
ing said improvement, to-wlt:
North side of Franklin avenue
from Bond street to Wall street of
the city of Bend, -which Improve
ment consists of the construction
of 12-foot cement walks constructed
to the established grade and the
probable cost thereof being as fol
lows: Cement walk, 3600 sq.
feet at 21 c per foot.... 8 774.00
Engineering and supervi
sion, 6.:. 38.70
Submitted to the mayor, July 21,
Approved by the mayor, July 21,
.1 A riOTPO Unun.
Attest: D. H. PEOPLES. Recorder!
. 46c
Total cost..... ( 812.70
Be It further resolved, that this
resolution of the common council
declaring Its purpose to Improve
aforesaid street shall be kept on
record In the office of the recorder;
Be it . further resolved that the
recorder do and he Is hereby In
structed to give notice of the pas
sage of this resolution by causing
same to be published at least once
in a newspaper published In the
Be it further resolved, that the
city engineer do nnd be is hereby
instructed within five days of the
first publication of this resolution
to cause to be conspicuously posted
at each end of the contemplated Im
provement a notice, headed "Notice
of Street Improvement," which no
tice shall contain in legible char
acters a copy of this resolution
showing the date of Its adoption,
and upon his so doing the city en
gineer shall file with the recorder
an affidavit of the posting of said
notice, stating therein the date and
place where the same have been
Passed by the ' common council
this 2lBt day of July, 1919, by the
following vote! ' ,
Yeas McPherson, Benson, Suth
erland, Payne, Magee,
Nays None.
To Improve the south side of
Minnesota avenue from Wall street
to Bond street of the plat of Bend,
to be known as Improvement Num
ber 21 in said city of Bend.
Whereas, the council deems It
expedient and necessary to Improve
the south side of Minnesota avenue
from Wall street to Bond street of
the city of Bend;
Whereas, heretofore the council
did require from the city engineer
plans and specifications for the pro
posed Improvement and estimates
of the work to be done and the
probable cost thereof; and -
Whereas, upon the council so do
ing, the city engineer did therefore
prepare the same and did file such
plans, specifications and estimates
in the office of the recorder; and
Whereas, the council has exam
ined such plans, specifications and
estimates and now finds such plans,
specifications and estimates to be
satisfactory; '
Now, therefore, be it resolved by
the council of the city of Bend
'That the aforesaid plans, specifi
cations and estimates be and the
same hereby are approved; and
Be It further resolved, that the
council declares its purpose of mak
ing said improvement, to-wlt:
South side of Minnesota avenue
from Wall street to Bond street of
the city of Bond, which improve
ment consists of the construction of
10-foot cement walks constructed
to the established grade and the
probable cost thereof being as fol
lows: t
Cement walk, 3000 sq.
leet at ZOO per foot 8 600.00
Engineering and supervl- . , . .
slon, . 6 ' 30.00
Total cost , S 630.00
Be it .further resolved, that this
resolution of the common council
declaring its purpose to Improve
aforesaid street shall be kept on
record In the office of the recorder.
Be it further resolved, that the
recorder do and he Is hereby in
structed to give notice of the pas
sage of this resolution by causing
same to be published at least once
In a newspaper published in the
city; '
Be It further resolved, that the
city engineer do and he Is hereby
Instructed within five days of the
first publication of this resolution
to cause to be conspicuously posted
at each end of the contemplated Im
provement a notice, hooded "Notice
of Street Improvement," which no
tice shall contain in legible char
acters a copy of this resolution
showing the date of Its adoption
and upon his so doing the city en
gineer shall file with the recorder
an affidavit of tho posting of said
notice, stating therein the date and
place where tho same have been
-. Passed by the common ' council
this 21st day of July, 1919, by the
following vote:
Yeas McPherson, Benson, Suth
erland, Payne, Magee,
Noes None.
Submitted to the mayor. July zl.
1919. .
Approved by the mayor. July 21.
J. A. EA8TE8. Mayor.
Attest: D. H. PEOPLES, Recorder.
. : .. J ' V' ' 40
A Double Headliner
NOTICE: Starting Saturday, August 2nd, there
will be a Daily Matinee at the Grand 2:SJ0 p. in.
Prices, 10c and 20c.
Progressiveness and Growth
in tin's community, mtsns dollar! and cent
ia your pocltat,
Build Now With Deschutes
(White) Pine.
Build of boms products and patronise boms induMty. TL
chaapait sad bat buildintf mstsrial is' Deicbutes (Wbils)
Pins and is manufactured right bars into all ix sad tfrsdra
of lumbar. Acquirs a borne of your own inatttd of a buasb
of teat rscsipts.
Ttye Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co.
General Commission Merchants'
Phone 241 A. M. PR1NGLE, Manager
Seven Reasons Why There Should Be An Electric
Range In Every Bend Home.
lit Ssrlnf of time, labor
and fuel.
2nd Mosts, reietables and
other foods retain natural Hur
on when cooked on an KLEC
TRIC RANOB that are other
wise lost In vapors when sub
jected to uneren heals pro
duced by wood, coal or gas
3rd Got out ot bed, turn
the button and breakfast Is
started while you are dressing.
4 th No dirt, no ashes.
Mother's work Is easier and
her disposition Is happier and
her days are longor.
6th A. blessing when days are hot; cook on an Electric
.Range and you do not realise there la any heat In your kltchon.
6th Very low rates maintained by the Bend Water, Light A
Power Co. put all the comforts of the BLKCTRIG RANOB In reach
ot all.
7th Cleanliness, ease, comfort and the fact that Molhor's
burdens are lightened should be the main reasons for an Electric
Range. '
Bend Water Light & Power Co.