PAGB THB MEND nTJLLETIN, DAILY EDITION, BEND. ORBGON, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1010 The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION . hMM Sary Aftarnoan Biraut Saaaar. Br Uw Un HolUlln (Inaarparatad). Enwnd mm twconti Claa malU'r, January ft, 1(17, mt Iht Peat Orrice ml lienJ, Oregon, unilor Act of March S, 1879. ' KOHKRT V. SAWYKR EilUor-Manairmr HKNUU N. FOWI.KK Amioclat. Ktlllor FRKU A. W()i:l.l l.K.N...A.lvcrtiinit M,nim E. A. NIXON Circulation Muunsi'r 1 RAI.rH SrF.NCKU ..Mechanical SttvU An lnl(tiilent NewaparHM-, Btarulinir for tlia Hilar ilfal. rlcan buniiw, clean Yolilica and aba beat iiitcrtwta of Hentl and Central Oreirou. SUUSrRII'TION RATES Uy Kail Ona Yrar M.M Urn Hnntha IS." thraa Month. 1.60 Bj Carrier On Year I.S0 til Month. 13.50 On Month 1.60 All aubscriiition ar due and PAYAH1.E IN ADVANCE. Noticoa of expiration ar mailed uhcribra and If renewal ia not made within -aaaonabla time th paper will be discontinued. Pleaae notify ua promptly of any chanire of aldreaa. or of failur to rteelva th paper resu- lariy. Otherwia w will not be rcaponsible for aoplea miaaed. alakt all cnacks and ordera payable to The Band Bulletin. FRIDAY7J ULY TiTl 9 1 9. BE CAREFUL WITH FIRE. (From IT. S. Forest Service.) Outing time is here with its In sistent call to hikers, campers and fishermen. The mountain trails in vite recreationists to the myster ious forest depths where the hand of man has not yet interfered with nature's domestic economy. Ver dant nnd valuable, the national for ests of Oregon and Washington charm alike the practical person and the aesthetic. With the outing time comes also the fire season with its insidious menace to everything that makes the forest valuable and attractive. Pleasure seekers by the thousand will visit the forests of the North Pacific district this year for recre ation and health. They will bring back to the daily routine of office and mart some of the strength of the hills. They will for the most part be careful of their use of fire in the woods, and will' leave their favorite camp grounds and the re gions about green and attractive as they found them. A few tourists through ignor ance, carelessness or maliciousness will cause fires, that may destroy the beauty and value of the forests (jwbicb. they have enjoyed. This class of visitors is not popular, either with other tourists or with the forest officials, whose duty it is to protect the forest from damage. A special effort will be made to apprehend all of these ' careless users of the forests, show them the error of their ways, and make the lesson emphatic by a good, stiff penalty. When you leave the crowded city for the free life of a tramp. 'And go out in the mountains, to fish, or hunt, or camp. Be careful with your campfire, your cigarette or pipe, A forest fire starts easy when ' everything is ripe. Your Uncle Sam has watchmen who are stationed all about And a' fire guard will get you, if you don't watch out. . Optimistic Thought. Sunbeams of hope will drive ' the mists of suspense. . LEGAL i NOTICES SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court of the State of - Oregon, for Deschutes County. William Wesche, plaintiff, vs. Mary N. Wesche, defendant. To Mary N. Wesche, defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint, filed against you in the above en titled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: Within six weeks from the . 25th day of July, 1919.- And if you fail so to do the plaintiff will apply to the court for judgment against you as demanded in his compluint, to-wit: For a decree of divorce dissolving the mar riage relation between you and the plaintiff. i -, . - This summons is Served upon vou by the publication thereof in The Bend Bulletin, Daily Edition, for a period of Blx consecutive and successive weeks, the first publica tion of which shall be on July 25, 1919,. in accordance with an order made therefor by the Hon. W. D. Barnes, county judge of Deschutes county, Oregon, made and entered on July -24, 1919. R. S. HAMILTON, ' Attorney for Plaintiff, P. O. Address: Bend, Oregon. 42-48-64-60-66-72-78C CALL VOH WARRANTO. All City of Bend general fund warrants, issued in October, 1918, are hereby called for payment. In terest ceases on and after this date. 42c . . M. E. COLEMAN, City Treasurer. CALL VOn WARRANTS. All city ' of Bend, general fund warrants, Issued in September, 1918 are hereby called for payment. In terest ceases on and after this Oate. M. J3. COLEMAN, 41c City Treasurer. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bend, Oregon, July 21, 1919. . Notice is hereby given that pur suant to Ordinance No. 143, passed by the city council of the City of Bend, Oregon, on the 2lBt day of July, 1919, the said city council in tends to cause West Fifth Street, In the City of Bend, to bo Improved as sot forth In nil Id ordinance, und fur ther lntundB to lot a contract tor tho work und material of said Improve ment to the lowest responsible bid dor. Notice Is further given that sealed bids will be received by tin) recorder of the City of Hentl at his office In the Court House building, Iteiitl. Oregon, up to the hour of 12 o'clock noon of theVySth day of August. 1919, for furnishing all the material and labor and constructing complete ami ready tor public use Local Im provement Number 13, consist Inn of tho improvement of West Fifth Street from Newport Avenue, to Saginaw Avenuu in the manner set forth in tho plans and specifications provided for the same. Plana and specifications for the above improvement ure available to contractor and may bo found on filo in the office of the city engineer in tho O'Knne building. Bend, Oro- gon. Any contractor contemplating a bid on the work, however, will be supplied with a copy of tho plana and specifications by making a de posit of $10.00 with the city engi neer, which deposit will be returned to him upon the return of the plana and specifications in good condition. An approximate list of the quan tities involved in the work is us follows: Rock-excavnt ion, 24 yards; Earth grading, estimated cost. $142.00; . Cinder roadway, 414 cubic yards; 1 culvert. Estimated cost of the above is; S6Q5.20. The work must be completed within 60 days of the acceptance of the contractor's bond. The work must be accompanied by a certified check in a sum of not less than 10 per cent, of the amount bid upon the work. Bidders- will be supplied with a blank proposal form upon applica tion, which form must be filled out and submitted, sealed, before noon, August 8. 1919. The City of Bend reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. 39c . D. H. PEOPLES. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bend. Oregon. July 21, 1919. Ndtice is hereby given that pur suant to Ordinance No. 14 6, passed by the. city council of the City of Bend, Oregon, on the 21st day of July, 1919, the said city council in tends to cause Greenwood Avenue, in the City of Bend, to be improved as set forth in said ordinance, and further intends to let a contract for the work and materials of said Im provement to the lowest responsible bidder. Notice is further given that sealed bids will be received by the recorder of the City of Bend at his office In the Court House building. Bend. Oregon, up to the hour of 12 o'clock noon ot the 8th day of August, 1919, for furnishing all the material and labor and constructing complete and ready for public use Local Im provement Number 16, consisting of the improvement of Greenwood Ave nue from Division Street to Fourth Street in the manner set forth in the plans and specifications pro vided for Hie same. Plans and specifications for the above improvement are available to contractors and may be found on file in the office of the city engi neer in the O'Kane building. Bend, ! Oregon. Any contractor contemplat ing a bid on the work, however, will be supplied with a copy of the plans and specifications by making a de posit of $10.00 with the city engi neer, which deposit will be returned to him upon the return of the plans and specifications in good condition. An approximate list of the quan tities involved In the work is as follows: Earth grading, estimated cost, $90.00; Cinder roadway, 367 cubic yards. Estimated cost of the ubove is $310.20. The work must be completed within 30 days of the acceptance of , the contractor's bond. Bids must be accompanied by a I certified check in a sum of not less than 10 per cent, of the amount bid upon the work. ' Bidders will be supplied with a blank proposal form upon applica tion, which form must be filled out and submitted, sealed, before noon, August 8, 1919. The City of Bend reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 39c D. H. PEOPLES, City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bend, Oregon, July 21, 1919. Notice Is hereby given that pur suant to Ordinance No. 141, passed by the city council of the City of Bend, Oregon, on the 21st day of July, 1919, the said city council in tends to cause Newport Avenue, in the City of Bend, to be Improved as set forth in said ordinance, and further intends to let a contract for the work and material ot said im provement to the lowest responsible bidder. Notice Is further given Hint sealed bids will be received by the recorder of the City of Bend at his office in the Court House building. Bend, Oregon, up to the hour of 12 o'clock noon of the 8th day of August, 1919, for furnishing all the material and labor and constructing complete and ready for public use Local Im provement Numbor 10, consisting of the Improvement of Newport Avenue from the west line of the Deschutes river to the west line of West Sixth Street In the manner set forth in the plans and specifications provided for the same. Plans nnd specifications for the above improvement are available to contractors and may be found on file In the office of the city engineer In the O'Kane building, Bend, Oregon. Any contractor contemplating a bid on the work, however, will be sup plied with a copy of the plans and specifications by making a deposit of $10.00 with the city engineer, which deposit will be returned to him upon the return of the plans and specifications In good condition. An approximate list ot the quan- titles involved In the work Is ns follows; Clearing, grubbing and removing old wulk, estimated cost, $50.00; Eurth excavation, 4240 yards; Hock excavation, 1028 yards; Cement curb, 3100 lineal fool; Cement walk. 16.350 square feet; Cinder roadway, lti&S cubic ywrtls ; 12 vitrified tllo sewer, SCO feel; Catch basins, 2. Estimated coat of the above is $12,116.40. The work must bo completed within CO days of tho acceptance of the contractor's bond. Bids must be accompanied by u certified check in u sum of not loss than 10 per cent, of tho anion in bid upon the work. Bidders will be supplied with a blank proposal form upon applica tion, which form most bo filled out and submitted, sealed, before noon, August 8, 1919. The City of Bend reserves the ri-ght to reject any and all hid. 39c D II. PEOPLES. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bend. Oregon, July 21, 1919. Notice is hereby given that pur suant to Ordinance No. 145, passed by the city council ot tho City of Bend, Oregon, on the 21st day of July. 1919, tho said city council In tends to causa Wall Street, in -the City of Bend, to bo improved usTiot fortlt in said ordinance, uud further intends to let a contract for the work und materials ot said improve ment to tho lowest responsible bid- dor. Notice Is further given that soaled bids will bo received by tlrt) recorder of tho City of Bend ut his office in the Court House - building. Bend. Oregon, up to the hour of 12 o'clock noon of the Sth day of August. 1919, for furnishing all the material and labor and constructing complete and ready for public use Local Im provement Number 14, consisting of the improvement of Wall Street from Franklin Avenue to the south line of Idaho Avenuo in tho manner set forth in the plans and specifica tions provided for the same. Plans and specifications for the above improvement are available to contractors and may be found on file in the office of the city engineer in the O'Kane building. Bend. Ore gon. Any contractor contemplating a bid on the work, however, will be supplied with a copy of the plans and specifications by making a de posit of $10.00 with the city engi neer, which deposit will be returned to him upon the return of the plans and specifications in good condition. An approximate list of tho quan tities involved in the work ls( as follows: , ' Rock excavation, estimated cost, $25.00; Earth grading, estimated cost, $183.00: Cinder ' roadway, 1037 cubic yards; 2 culvwts; Enlarging and extending drainage ditch, estimated, $15.00. The estimated cost of the above Is $1057.75. The work must be completed within 30 days of the acceptance of the contractor's bond. . Bids must be accompanied by a certified check in a sum of not less than 10 per cent, of the amount bid upon the work. Bidders will be supplied with a blank proposal form upon applica tion, which form must be filled out and submitted, scaled, before noon, August 8, 1919. The City of Bend reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. 39c D. H. PEOPLES. City Recorder. NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS. Bend, Oregon, July 21, 1919. Notice is hereby given that pur suant to Ordinance No. 142. passed by the city council of tho City of Bend, Oregon, on the 21st day of July, 1919, the said city council In tends to cause Aubrey Road, in the City of Bend, to be Improved as set forth in said ordinance and further intends to let a contract for the work and material of said improve ment to the lowest responsible bid der. Notice is further given that sealed bids will be received by the recorder of the City of Bend at his office In the Court House building. Bend, Oregon, up to the hour of 12 o'clock noon of the 8th day ot August, 1919, for furnlHhing nil the material and labor and constructing complete and ready for public use Local Im provement No, 11, consisting of the improvement of Aubrey Road from Newport Avenuo to Portland Avenuo in the manner set forth In the plans and specifications provided for the same. . ' Plans and specifications for the above improvement are available to contractors and may be found on file In tho office of the city engineer In the O'Kane building. Bend, Ore gon. Any contractor contemplating a bid on the work, however, will he supplied with a copy of the plans and specifications by making a de posit of $10.00 with the city engi neer, which deposit will be returned to htm upon the return of the plans and specifications in good condition. An approximate list of the quan tities involved In the work is as follows: Rock excavation, 385 yards; Earth excavation, 455 yards; Removal and replacing of wood walks, 'estimated cost, $45.00; Cement curb, 1500 lineal feet; Cinder roadway, 560 cubic yards. Estimated cost of the abovo is $2731.25. The work ' must bo completed within 60 days of the accoptunce of the contractor's bond. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check In a sum of not less than' 10 per cent, of the amount bid upon tho work. Bidders will be supplied with a blank proposal form upon applica tion, which form must ho filled out and submitted, sealed, before noon, August 8, 1910. The City of Bond reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 39c D. H. PEOPLES, City Recorder. NOTH'K TO CONTRACTOR!. Bend, Oregon, July 21, 1919. Notle is hereby given (hut pur suant to Ordinance No, 14 4, passed by tho city council of the City of Bond, Oregon, on tho 21st duv of July, 1919, I ho said oily council In tends to cause Drake Road, In the City of Bend, to bo Improved its set forth In said ordinance ulul further Intends to lei a contract for tho work and materials of said Im provement to llio lowest responsible bidder. Notice Is further lvelt that sealed bids will bo received by the recorder of the City of Bond at his (it II re In the Court House building, Bond, Oregon, up to tho hour of 12 o'clock noon of tho Sth (lay of August, 1919, for furnishing all tho material and labor and constructing complete and ready for public use Local Im provement Number 13, consisting of the Improvement of Drake Road from Newport Avenue to tho angle in Drake Road located 105 took west of the west line of West Sixth Street in the manner set forth in tho plans and specifications provided tor the sa me. Plans and specifications for the tkjiovo Improvement are uvnllable to contractors and may bo found on file in the office of the city engineer In the O'Kane building, lletid, Ore gon. Any contractor contemplating a bid on the work, however, will be supplied with a copy of the plans and specifications by making u de posit of $10.00 with tho city engi neer, which deposit will bo returhed to him upon Ihu return ot the plans und specifications in 'good condition. An approximate list of tho quan tities Involved in tho work Is as follows: (Mearing, grubbing and removing old wulk, estimated cost, $30.00; Earth excavation, 2529 cubic ya rds ; Loose rock excavation, 6S yards; Solid rock excavation, 83 yards; Hand laid wall, estimated cost, $75.00; Cinder roadway, 904 cubic yards; Cement curb. 3090 lineal feet; Cement walk, 80S0 square feet. Estimated cost ot tho above Is $5S19.45. I Tho work must be completed I within 60 days of the acceptance ot I the contractor's bond Bids must he accompanied by u certified check in a sum of not less than 10 per cent, ot the amount bid upon the work. Bidders will be supplied with a blunk proposal form upon applica tion, which form must be filled out and submitted, bos led, before noon, August 8. 1919. Tho City of Bend reserves the right to reject any nnd all bids. 39c D. H. PEOPLES. City Recorder. NOTICE TO IRRIGATORS AND OTHERS. Chapter 425 ot the General Luws ot Oregon, for 1919, effective on and after June 2, 1919, makes it a mis demeanor for anyone to permit waste water to flow upon n public road or county highway. The fol lowing is the text of the act: "Section 1. Any person or- per sons or corporation occupying land as owner, proprietor, lessee or other wise, who willfully or negligently permits any water from any Irriga tion or druinage ditch to waste or flow from the lands or premises owned, occupied, leased or rented by him, upon any county road or public highway, or upon the rl -lit of way of any public road or county highway, and damage thq same, or Interfere with the public use thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and. shall be published by a lino not to exceed $100, or Imprisonment In the county Jail not to exceed sixty days, or by both such fine and Im prisonment. Justice courts shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit courts of all offenses commit ted under this act" Any person desiring lo run Irriga tion water across anv county road should apply to the county court for a permit. It Is also unlawful to throw or deposit any glass or foreigiv sub stance upon any county road. The county court ot Deschutes county has directed me to enforco the above luws and violators will hcjtl0 proposed construction of sower prosecuted. Names nnd addresses of violators are requested. A. J. MOORE, District Attorney, Court House, Bend, Oregon. 2 dnily-Mon.-Sut. 1-Weckly. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given Hint the committee on streets, public ways and sewers has filed In the office of the city recorder their report upon the proposed construction of west central main and sewer laterals Nosv. 44, 45 and 46, said west central main and latorula being located as follows: . . West Central Main. From station 64- 50 to station 16 30. tho same being from the Inter section of tho center line of Division street and the alley south of Green wood avenue, southerly along tho center lino of Division street to thH Intersection of same with alley north ot Franklin avenue. Sower Lateral No. 44. Beginning at the Intersection of the alley lying between Hawthorne and Irving avenues and the center lino of Division street at the pro poned west central main and extend ing westerly up said alley for 750 feet to a point located 40 feet cast of Harrlmnn street. Sewer Lateral No. 45. Beginning nt the intersection of the alley lying between Greeley nnd Hawthorne avenues and the center line of Division street nt tho pro posed west central main and extend ing westerly up said alley for 750 feet to a point located 40 foot east of Ilarrlmun street. , . , , Snwor Lateral No. 46. Beglnplng at the Intersection of the alley lying between Franklin nnd Greeley avenues and the center line of Division street at, the -proposed west central i main and extending westorly up said alley for 650 feet to a point located approximately 36 TONIGHT BERT "The Spenders" A bully good drama for everybody -GRAND feet east of Harrlmatt street, which said report Is In words and figures following, to-wit The Honorable .Mayor and Common Council, Bond, Oro, Gentlemen: Your committee on streets, public ways and sewers having been In structed by you to view the locution of tho proposed west central innlll and sewer laterals No. 4 4. No. 45 und No. 4 6 begs lo report as fol lows: That on llio eleventh day of July, 1919, they viewed and ex amined the locations ot tllo ntoro said proposed sewers und duly con sidered the maps, report and esti mates of tho city engineer on the sumo nnd they have ascertained und determined that the four proposed sewers above mentioned are of such nature nnd so related thut In all respects they should be considered as single projects and that the bandits to bo enjoyed by ull property served by the sumo Is equal for any tracts or lots of equul urea and (hut all property which Is herein declared to be benefited by the proposed sewers shall bo assessed In proportion to the areu thereof, and further thut the property which I deemed to bo benefited by the proposed sewers and to bo assessed to defray Ihfi cost of constructing tho same Is as- follows: All lots or parts of lots In blocks 19. 20'. 21. 26. 27. IS of tho plat of Bend, Deschutes county, Oregon, and nil that portion of tho right-of-way of the Oregon Trunn railroad (orig inally known as blocks 29, 30, 31 and 32 of the plat of Bend) described as follows: Beginning nt a point on the eust line of Division street In tho city of Bend, Deschutes county, Oregon, which point Is located 140 feet south of the south line of Green wood avenue; thence south along the said east line of Division street for a distance of 1100 teel; thence east for 140 feet; thence north for 1100 feet: thence west for 140 feet to the point of beginning. Respect (ull v submitted, J. C. RHODES. . i). g. Mcpherson. F. F. SUTHERLAND. Committee on Streets, Public Ways and Sowers. You nrc hereby notified that any objections you may have to the find ing and determination of suld com mittee must be filed In the offico of the city recorder before 5:00 o'clock p. m. July 26, 1919. and thut said report and. objections will be con sidered by said council , nt an ad journed meeting of said council to be held at 8:00 o'clock p. m., suld 26th day or July. 1919. Dated ut Bend, Oregon, July -12, 1919. 33-4PC D. II. PEOPLES. Recorder. NOTICE. ' , Notice Is hereby glvon that tho committee on streets, public ways and sewers has filed in the office of the rltv recorder their ronort upon lateral No. 27, same extending along the center lino of Louisiana avenue from nresont mnuholo at tho alley east of Bond street easterly to the center of Lava Bond, which said report Is In words and figures follow ing, to-wit: The Honorablo Mnyor and Common Council, Bond, Ore. Gentlemen: Your committee on streets, mimic ways and sewers having been in structed by you to view tho location of tho proposed sower Intornl No. 27 bog to report fts follows: That on the eleventh day of July, 1919, they viewed and examined the. location of the aforesaid proposod sewer lateral No. 27, ' nnd duly considered the maps, roport- and estimate of' tho city engineer on the same and they have ascertained and determined that the snld proposod sowor lateral is a unit within Itself And in nil respects to be so considered; rind that the benefits to be enjoyod Ty tho construction of the same Is equal for tracts or lots of equal area; nnd that all proporty which Is herein declared to bo benefited by tho pro posed sewer Intornl shall bo assessed In proportion to tho nron . thereof and further that the property which Is deemed to ho benefited by the pro posed sewer laternl and to he as sessed to defray tho cost of con structing the same is ns follows: All of lots 8, 9 nnd 10 of block 17 of tho plat of Bend, Doschutos county, Oregon, nnd fill of lot 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 of block 2; and nil of lots 1 and 2 of block 1 of Lava Kond nddltlon lo Bond, Orogon, and nil of lots 4, 6 nnd 6 of block 27 of Park addition to -Bend, O'rGgont-., Respectfully submitted, - J. C. RHODES, ' d. o. Mcpherson, F. F. SUTHERLAND, ' Com mil too on Streots, Public Ways and Hewers, . You are hereby notified that, any objections you may have to tho find ing and determination of snld cotn- Matinee and Evening Sunday Matinee LYTELL IN' THEATRE mitten must he llleil in tim urilce of Itho city recorder before 5:0(1 o'clock p. in. July 2(1, Hi III, nnd thai i.mI.I report and objections will bu consid ered by said council at an adjourned mooting of said council in be hold ut 8:00 o'clock p. in,, said 2tilli day oC July. 1919. , lulled at Bond, Orogor, July 12, 1919. 33-120 !. II. PEOPLES. Xotici:. Notice Is hereby givnu that thn commltien on streets, public tuy uud sewers has filed In the oftlco i.r thii city recorder their retiorl unon tho proposed construction of scw.r lateral No. 30, the kiimo extending from the present niuuliole In (In, center of Oregon avenue eustnrly up the center of Oregon avenue for u distance of 260 feet, which said re port Is In words and figures a fol lows, to-wll: The Honorable Mayor und Common Council, lend, Ore. Gentlemen: , Your committee on at reels, public ways und sewers having been In structed by you to vie- the location of the proposed sewer lateral No, 3u begs lo report as follows: That on thn eleventh day of July. 1919. they viewed and examined the locution of the uforoanld proposed sewer luleral No, 30, und duly considered the maps, report nnd estimate of the city engineer on the sumo und they have ascertained nnd determined that Hie aid proposed sewer lateral Is u unit within Itself und In nil respects should he so considered; mid (hat the benefits to be enjoyed by lb" construction of thn same Is equal tor tracts or lots of equal area; und -(hut ull properly which Is herein de clared to bu benefited by (ho pro posed sewer lateral shall be as sessed In proportion to the area thereof; und further (hut llio prop erty which Is deemed to bo benefited by the proposed sewer lateral nnd to be ussessid lo defray the cost of constructing the same Is us follows: All of lots 2. 3, 4 nnd 5 of block 14 nnd nil of lots II. 12, 13 and II of block 15 of the plat ot Bond, De schutes county, Orgnn, Respectfully submitted, J. C. RHODES. d. (i. Mcpherson, F, F. SUTHERLAND, Commltien on Streets, Public Ways and Sewers. You ure hereby not I lied Hint any objections you may huvo (o the find ing nnd determination of said coni-Y mitten must be filed In the office of tho city recorder before 6:00 o'clock p. m. July 26, 1919, and thut said report und object Ions will be consid ered by Bit It council nt an adjourned meeting of snld council to bo hold ut 8 o'clock p. m., snld 2Cth day of July, 1919. Dated ut Bend, Oregon, July 12. 1919.. ' 33-420 D. II. PEOPLES. Recorder. The Best Blue Serge Suits for the money are the kind you can buy from me. Two piece blue serge suits formerly priced at $80.00, now $24.50 Made to measure in the finest manner. 0 ( ' The Tailor Cleaning & Pressing SS Special Bfek