PAOE 1 Htv. mom 'shut cn eves AN' OPCN "YOUI? MANO an I'll Give YoO $0METHIN' TflB I1END ni lJJvTIN, DAILY KDITION, BE.VI, OHPflON, H.lTirRDAV, JVLY 10, 1010 wm-.- o. sweAm m rate" gtaLw MmwaH-.. HOME SWEET j HOME by Juck Wilson THAT I L MAK WISE; LOCAL NKWS ITEMS Tdll.W'H TKMI'Klt.U'l Hi: MiixIiiiiiiii, fill iIuki-i-i-m, MIiih MaiKiU'ia Hi lir.'ili'i' lefl IiihI IiIhI' '' I'lil'l hilld wlii'I'o hIiii will Himlid her vuciit Ion. (', II. 1 1 ii i ii ki li nt lliiinplim Ik hiikikIIiik I III' iluy in lli-nd. Mr. mill Mm. J. l Hurkelt of Mm Ikih, arrived In lli-nd liml nlKlit uiul ii in remaining over tndiy. V. O. Ilurrimun, runner In the Ft. Itiick district. Id III lloiul I ml n y. Frunk I'l'iclvnl n In the city from Ills in n oh near .MIHli-un. Mr. iiml Mm. B. N. Mill of Kort Hm-k, urn spending the week end In Ili'ilil. II. S'. Conk Iiuh Jum r'-n-lved word of Ilin dciilli of liln (liiur.lit'-r lit her llOIIII! ill Illinois. t Dr. uiul Mm, Leslie (JiiIcIm-II have returned U lleiul ufler u Hhurt Va cation. AT TWO HOTELS I'llol Untie lull. Mm I'liill T. Haniliill. lliiniH. K. W. Kliuniion. I'urtland. N. II. Creen, Hun Krunclsco. U. Anderson, I.avu Hutte. Vlrlor Long, I'oitlunil. Mr. uiul Mm. II. Hood, Beanie. Mr. and Mm. H. N. Kill, Kort Kock. Mm. J. II. CumnilriKS, Kort Rock. T. J. I ji in burl. Ontario. II. II. Ainsworlh. I'ortlund. Carl (iuiljc, I'ortlund. W. K. Verllng, Crescent. Con Hrenn, Orescent. , It. I.. Tumiiy, Hpokanu. Jack Feiiton, KuRenn. (ieoritn A. Hunt, Medford. William Peterson, KuK'-ne, A. M. Miller, Hun Francisco. A. J. Wiley. Ilulsv. Wltiill W, (). Crosby, Ilnston, Irving II. Crosby, Hum on, Homer lilllllllll, I -oh AiikcIch It. W. lieu, I'rliievllle. Mm. ('. (). Auliliy, Rprugiu Aiiiiiin lliown, Ketiltht. Juck Drown, Heimle. Jiiini'H Hurry, Crescent, Hotel Co). W II 1 In in II. Smith, Cunou City Colo. Aiikiihi Krug, Bisters. W. O. lluriimtiu, Kort Hock. Frank perHval, .Mllllcan. I'm ii I Ili-ld, Huberts. Hotel U l IkIH. 10. (I. ThoniUM, I'orlluiid. 11. O. Coleman, Wullu Wullu. J. (. lIutTinan. New York. II. H. HI in iiiii-m. Kluinulh KullH. (ietirge MUfpliyi AHlorlu. N. J. Juckson, V. 8. N. Mr. and Mm. J. I'. Uuekett, His tern. C, II llurniun, llniniiloii. Mr. und Mrs. I'. C. Hiuiili, Mitch II, H. I). BEND-SISTERS IS NEARLY COMPLETE Wif liln the next two duys the pru Ilnilnury Hurvi-yn on the Hend-Blntem roud, now belnx conducted under tlio direction of (J. I. Bti-bblnii, locat ItiK niKlni-i-r for the Btut blichwuy rommlHHloii, will b fliilh-d. Today thn crew, workimc under Mr. 8teb lln, la uboul two inllc from Sl lm. I'pon the completion of thin nur-vi-y Mr. SlebbliiH und crew will probably b-Kln urvey on ', Tile Dullex-riilifornlu lilliwuy pn-puru-toiy to tlie lettiDK of the contract and uctuul coiiHtructlon work. U Ih expected Unit the hlKhwuy cominlmilon will let thn contract for a part of thin road coiiHtructlon at I ho next meeiuiK. In AukuhL n:::u::::ii:iJii:::li:ii:::iuillii:tTu::i:::i:rTi:i:iJ::uii::n:i:ii:rt::i:t:::ii:i::::tii:i::rr:::t::i:::t::it::st:i:r::i::tt::::n:::::ir::::ii Announcement Extraordinary The Pioneer Garage Company wishes to announce to automobile owners and pros?,-; pective automobile owners that it is now the local agent for Hudson Super Six Essex Automobiles These two motor cars have achieved a wonderful reputation in the automobile world. Other people are giving them a Wide reputation for efficient motoring and comfort. : ; -. : ...... if ' We urge you to watch for the announce ment of the coming of demonstrators for these two automobiles. Pioneer Garage Co. AGENTS FOR Willys-Overland, Veilie, Croiv-Elk-Vmrf Hudson Suner Six: ' Essex u Motbr Cars, General Tires. , , SHEEPMEN WILL POOL INTERESTS MANAGER TAKES CARE OF BUSINESS. Tumiilo-t Ilin) I'iiIIh Hheep Ahkoi-Iu. linn HuiiilleM More 'Hum KMW lleiul 4 'iHiperiitive ItaiiK iiiK In Huiri'NHfiil. Coil Ha i y to thn belief held by niuny ninne expertH that, cooperullve Krazln In not practicable, the Turn-alo-Cllne KullH Hhecp uiojoclution tlilM yi-ur Ih expurlenclni; unexpected HUcceHH in runisliiK more than 1000 ti'-iii) of Hheep on the DeHchuteH nutlonul fori-Ht. lleCUUKU tlllH UHHOCllltlon tlUH chosen one Hi rain of xheep, all of Hlmlliir habltH of Hhelter und food, it Iiuh been made poHHihlo to collect ull the Hheep of the UHKOclatlon under ' one runco manager. It Ih expected, owing to the HUccexHful rttnge year, that the Turauio-Cllne KullH Sheep ttHHOclatlon will have fully 1000 mutton lamb for the market thin year. At a meet Inn Wednesday ereninn the exec u tare commiltee of the asso ciation adopted lt rulea and reitula tloiiH, whereby provlHlon Is made for the purchaHe of pure bred bucks during fhe numninr montlm, the' em ployment of head' hcrdari; any ' or ull of whom niUHt own sheep and be member of the usHoclatlon, the murketlnic of wool and lambs, co operative bargaining between the n Hoclatlon and the forest service and the management of all business of the UHHOclutlon. The president, sec-retnry-treuHurer and a member of the executive committee, three sheep owners, comprise tho executive committee. Huiull Owner Helped. Through the perfection of IIiIk UHHoclutlon, the owner of a small bund of Hheep will huve equal ad -vantages on the range with the turgor Hheep herders und will ex perience uniformity in management, each Hhorlng pro rata the overhead COHlH. Tbl summer 1040 head of sheep are being tuken care of under the UHHoclutlon. This year provision Is being made for the purchase of 30 pure bred Hampshire buckH for about 1000 pure bred Kambouillet owes, The usxoclation will collect-1 Ivoly purchase these bucks. It Is! the intention of the 'uhbocIuMoii to Hend u member to the Halt Lake rum sale, August 26 to 28, Inclusive. The ofllcers of the Tumalo-Cline Kails Hheep association are: John Marsh, , president; C. P. Becker, secretary-treasurer; A. E. Hobs, member of the executive board. The sheepmen in the association are John Marsh, C. P. Becker, George Morion, O. Van Tassel, J. W. Wright, 1). Helsing, C. M. El kins. John Park and A. E. Hess. Mi-KKXZIK PASS HAD. It Is the suggestion of auto- Isih. who have come from Western Oregon points that the McKenzie pass road is In bad coalition and almost Impass- - able. The melting snows on the west side of the range have washed out the road In several places so. that deep ruts have been cut. . Society Happenings Mrs. C. S. Hudson was hostess at a 1 o'clock luncheon at the Pilot Butte Inn Tuesday. Those present were: Mm. H. K. Brooks and guests, Mibs Bunce and Miss Kulr lamb. Mm. F. II. Prince. Mm. C. W. Ersklne, Mm. A. M. Prlngle and Mm.- Wallace Blrdsall. MMtvvmnvmHHvvMHmwtutwuutvtvut J A large supply of Underwear and t ; Hosiery is essential to Summer Comfort. 1 ,v vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.vvvv Munsingwear Union Suits for the entire family Ladies' Munsinpjweftr Union Suits $1.25, 1.35, 1.50, 1.G5, 2.00, 2.25 suit Men's Munsingwear Union Suits $2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 suit Men's Porosknit Union Suits. $1.50 suit Boys' Porosknit Union Suits.. .$1.00 suit Our Hosiery Department Offers You the Maximum in Value at the Minimum Price Black Cat and Phoenix Brands Children's Hose, 2 pair for 25c up to ..'65c pair Ladies' Hosiery, 29c to '.$2.25 pair Men's Hosiery, 2 pair for 25c to ' 85c pair JUST RECEIVED Kirsch-Kratt Bungalow Curtains made of scrims and marquisettes, daintily trim med with laces, edg-;- . d0 Of dr nr ings and insertions 10 D.lfD DdlT Stop and Shop at BROTHERS Quality Pioneers lince 1911 Pennsylvania .... Vacuum .... Cup Tires . i.-.. . of 9,000 well as Carrying a most extraordinary guarantee miles. 'JThat applies to local conditions as hard surfaced roads. The Cups Are Full i of Miles .The next tire you use should be a- Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tire. ' ' . '' i ' 1 .. G. P. SMITH SMITH'S TIRE SHOP Expert Vulcanizers . East find'Bond Street, on Greenwood Ave. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Boydsen cele brated their 12th wedding anni versary Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Boyd sen. Lunch twas served on the lawn, after which 'he evening was spent at cards ana dancing. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Boydsen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Har ris and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Metre, Mr. and Mrs. L. Perry, H. James. Mrs. H. J. Fissel and LOOK! Auto Electric Service Station of : : - Bend. Oregon Coili overhauled, 1 Armatures rewound. Light! and ignition repaired. ' ' Strombsrj Carburetor Service Station, " Ford coils , readjusted free of charge. .Come and see ui ii your car skips or . et wrong1. , Waverly Oils $1.10 per gal., or 5 gal. at $1.00 gal. Good Luck Garage Our charge ac counts are not expensive things Not even to us. Certainly not to our customers. . Of course, once in a blue moon someone for gets to pay a bill and moves to Montana but accidents ' will happen. We don't think of charging these slight losses to our other cus tomers any more than if. our delivery wagon b r o ke'd o w n we'd charge .theiil foe the re pairs. .....''! And compared to our customers', convenience and their , appreciation of this service of ours the so-called' "cost"1 of. carrying credit ;' ac counts is nothing at all. ' Prove it for yourself. DEMENT & CO. Phone 401 ! ELECTRIC LAUNDRT Koush Dry and Finished Wdrk , , . . Ulectrle Machine UsetT' V I Call 102 Hlil K., or writ j , ,Mrs.:Pearl E, Lattfawer -i Box 10. 9tn4, Oregon J -; children, G. Day and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Boydsen. The Ladles' Altar society was en tertained at the home. of -Mrs. H. Linster 'Thursday afternoon. Straw berries and Ice cream were served. and those who were absent missed a rare treat.' The congregation of -St. Francis church is planning on a picnic at the fish hatchey Sunday, July 27. Mr. and Mrs. R, M. Smith and family returned from Tacoma . Fri day. Mrs. Meister, who has been visit ing at the home of Mrs. T. A Mc Cann, left for Spokane Wednesday. Drop in J on your way home take your - family, a quart of fresh - ICE CREAM They will appreciiite '"' ' your thoughtfulness. - . i Special orders - for parties, etc W w . w w ts ex. ,t.y..W--,.,(, Armstrbrip; r i. J, H. MpYERS c:a;catt Ml t r :iitli(:tt:nniiuniiniiii!xiiiuniintHiiiii:inumiii:ii:iiiiiiuiiiiiuuii!iiiii! uuKUiuiiiiiiiilniiKilim: 'ftr id oV itrtitp aw UAM thrift