TIIK IIK.NI III XLKTIN, 1AILV EIHTIO.V, HEM), ORKUON, HATLKDAY, JULY 10, 1910 In Bend's Movie Centers ( Continued from 1'ngo 4.) IIiiiiIhIiiiw Ih visited by one of the unfortunate women he plana to drive out of the town. Hln- warns U 12 It T I. Y T 12 L L In "Spenilei'M," nt. (iriniil Theater I , Friday mid Miiturdiiy, July SS3-U0, mmt! . , ..s.ik i WARNING TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS CITY OF BEND ORDINANCE NO. 27 Section 1. Every automobile or motor driven vehicle when driven upon the streets, alleys or public ways within the cor porate limits of .the City of Bend shall, during the hours of darkness, have fixed upon some conspicuous part thereof at least two lighted lamps, both showing a white light to the front. Section 2. Every automobile or motor driven vehicle shall use the "mufller," so-called, and the same shall not be cut out or discontinued when the motor of any of the said vehicles is in operation within the corporate limits of the City of Bend. Every automobile or motor driven vehicle shall be provided with good and efficient brakes. The driver or operator of every automobile or motor driven vehicle shall turn to the right in meeting vehicles, teams or persons moving or headed in an opposite direction and by turning to the left in passing vehicles, teams or persons moving or headed in the same direction. WARNING IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS MAY HAVE UNTIL JULY 28 TO EQUIP THEIR CARS SO AS TO COMPLY WITH THE FOREGOING ORDI NANCE AND THAT AFTER JULY 28 SAID ORDINANCE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. 111 m t tint it In not the rlKlit way to o about It, tlint thu fallen wom en mid men. ton, hIhhiUI bo cured (or and guided unci not driven awny. Hut llrndslinw In obdurate. At IiIh homo a shock awaits ItnidHliuw. Owing to li Ih sternness. Mncey, IiIh secretary, has boon re fused admittance to the house to ipo Elizabeth Ilradslinw nnd bo they sought entertulnment elsewhere nnd i hud gone n Htep too (nr. Thin Ih part of tlin story o( "The F.toiniil Magdalene," to lie shown at tlin (Irani! Sunday and Monday. With thin picture will bo Known lllll I'nrsons In "Bill's Opportunity." On Tuesday nnd Wednendiiy Mnry Macl.aren will lio scon in n clover piny, "All AinnieliiK Wife," with n Vitugrnph comedy, "Chubs nnd Chops." Mitchell Lewis will hn featured Thursday night only In "'Children of IlunlHhmcnt," a Htory of Dick II ream, n foreman of an unscrupu lous lumber company. Despite, much opposition from tho Influential lum ber company, he BucceedH in build ing up a thriving logging enterprise of hlH own, The "Children of Ban iHhmont" nre Allen .Mackenzie and hlH wife Klolse, with 'whom nick falls In love. Ills rigid moral code will not allow him to show lior tho lovo ho (enlB. He leaves In order to make It less hard for him self. At lior blddlthg ho returns, but not So slay for long. For tho showing Friday and Rnt urilay, July 20 and 2R, llort Lytoll will hn seen In "Spenders." Kdille Polo will be seen in a snappy two reel western. Wonderful Grand Canyon. ' The Ki'iinil ninyon of the Colorado river In norlhern Arizona Is 210 miles long, 12 to III miles wide nnd more Ilia n n mile deep. LEGAL NOTICES XOTU-; TO IKItKi.VIOR.S AVI) OTHF.RM. Chuter 425 of the (leneral Laws of Oregon, for 1919, efTuctlvo on und ufter Juno 2. 1919, makes It a mls ilemennor for niiyone to permit wuste wuter to How upon a public road or county highway. Tho fol lowing Is the text of the net: "Section 1. Any person or per sons or corporation occupying land us owner, proprietor, lessee or other wise, who willfully or negligently permlls any water from nnv IrriKu- tlon or drainage ditch to waste or tlow from the lands or premises owned, occupied, leased or rented by him, upon uny county rond or public highway, or upon the right of way of nny public road or county highway, and dumnge the same, or Interfere with tho public use thereof, shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor l and ahull be published by a fine not (0 exceed 100, or Imprisonment in tho county Jnll not to exceed sixty dnys, or by both such line nnd Im prisonment. Justice courts shall hnve concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit courts of all offenses commit ted under this act" Any person desiring to run Irriga tion water across nny county road should apply to the county court (or a pormlt. It is nlso unlawful to throw or deposit nny glass or foreign sub tnnco upon any county rond. Tho county court of Deschutes county has directed mo to enforce tho above laws nnd violators will be prosecuted. Names and addresses of violators tiro requested. A. J. MOORE, District Attorney, Court House, Bond, Oregon. 2 dnlly-Mon.-Snt. 1-Wockly. notice. , Not loo Is hereby given Hint tho committee on streets, public ways nnd sewers has filed In tho office of tlin city recorder their report upon tho proposed construction of west central main and sewer laterals N'os. 44, 45 and 411, said west central main and laterals bo.lng located ns follows: West Central Main. From Bint ion 5 50 to station IK -f HO, tho same being (rom tho Inter section of the center line of Division street nnd the alley south of Green wood avenue, southerly along the center line of Division street to the intersection of same with alley north of Franklin avenue. Sewer Lateral No. 44. Tleginning at the Intersection of the alley lying between Hawthorne and Irving avenues and the center lino of Division street at the pro posed west central main and extend ing westerly up said alley for 750 feet to a point located 40 feet east of Hnrrimun street. Sewer Lateral No. 45. Beginning at tho Intersection of the alley lying between Greelev and Hawthorne avenues and tho center line of Division street ut the pro posed west central main and extend ing westerly up Bald alley for 750 (eet to a point located 40 feet cast of Hnrrlman street. Sewer Lateral No. 4(i. Beginning at the intersection of the nlley lying between Franklin nnd Greeley avenues nnd the center line of Division street ut the proposed west central main nnd extending westerly up snld alley for 650 feet to a point located approximately 35 feet east of Hnrrlman street, which snld report Ib in words nnd figures following, to-wlt: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council, Hend, Ore. Gentlemen: Your committee on streets, public, ways and sowers having been in structed by you to view the location of the proposed west central main nnd sewer lutcrals No. 44. No. 45 and No. 46 begs to report as fol lows: That on tho oloventh day of July, 1919, they viewed and ex amined the locations of tho uforo snld proposed sewers nnd duly con sidered the mnps, report nnd estl mntes of tho city engineer on the sumo and thoy huve ascertained and determined that tho four proposed sowers above mentioned nre of such n nuturo nnd sq related Hint In nil respects they should ho considered ns single projects and Hint the benefits to bo enjoyed by ull property served by tho sumo Is oqnul for nny trncts or lots of equal area and that all property which Is herein declared to bo benefited by the proposed sewers shall he assessed In proportion to tho nron thereof, nnd further that tho property which Is deemed to bo benefited by tho proposed sewers and to bo assessed to defray tho cost of constructing the same Is as follows: All lots or parts of lots In blocks 19, 20,, 21, 26, 27, 28 of the plat of Ilond, Deschutes county, Oregon, and all that portion of the right-of-way of the Oregon Trunn railroad (orig inally known us blocks 29, 30, 31 and 32 of tho plat of Ilond) described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east lino of Division street In the city of Bend, Deschutes county, Oregon, which point is located 140 feet south of the south line of Green wood avenue; thence south along the suld east line of Division street for a distance of 1100 feet; thence east for 140 fuet; thence north for 1100 foot; thence west for 140 feet to the point of beginning. Respectfully submitted, J. C. RHODES, D. O. McPHEKSON. V. V. SUTHERLAND. Committee on Streets, Public Ways and Sewers. You are hereby notified that any objections you may have to the find ing and determination of said com mittee must be filed In the office of the city recorder before 6:00 o'clock p. m. July 26. 1919, and that said report and objections will be con sidered by said council at an ad journed meeting of said council to be held at 8:00 o'clock p. m., said 26th day of July, 1919. Dated at Bend, Oregon, July 12, 1919. 33-4pc D. II. PEOPLES, Recorder. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the committee on streets, public ways and sewers has died In the office of the city recorder their report upon the proposed construction of sewer lateral No. 27. same extending along the center line of Louisiana avenue from present manhole at the alley east of liond street easterly to the center of Lava Road, which said report is in words and figures follow ing, to-wlt: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council, lieud, Ore. Gentlemen: Your committee on streets, public ways and sewers having been in structed by you to view the location of the proposed sewer lateral No. 27 begs to report as follows: That on the eleventh day of July, 1919, they viewed and examined the location of the aforesaid proposed sewer lateral No. 27, and duly considered the maps, report and estimate of the city engineer on the same and they have ascertained and determined that the said proposed sewer lateral Ib a unit within itself and in all respects to be so considered; and that the benefits to be enjoyed by the construction of the same is equal for tracts or lots of equal area; and that all property which is herein declnred tp be benefited by the pro posed sewer lateral shall be assessed in proportion to the area thereof and further that the property which Is deemed to be benefited by the pro posed sewer lateral and to be as sessed to defray the cost of con structing the same is as follows: All of lots 8. 9 and 10 of block 17 of tho plat of Bond. Deschutes county, Oregon, and all of lots 1, 2. 3, 4 and 5 of block 2; and all of lots 1 and 2 of block 1 of Lava Road addition to Bend. Oregon, and all of lots 4. 5 and 6 of block 27 of Pu-1; addition to Bend, Oregon. Respectfully submlttej, J. C RHODES. D. G. McPHERSON. F. F. SUTHERLAND. Committee on Streets, Public Ways and Sewers. You are hereby notified that any objections you may have to the (hid ing nnd determination of said com mittee must be filed in the office of the city recorder before 5:00 o'clock p. m. July 26. 1919. and that said report and objections will be consid ered by said council at an adjourned meeting of nid council to be held ut 8:00 o'clock p. m., said 2th day of July. 1919. Dated at Bend, Oregon, July 12, 1919. 33-4 2c D. H. PEOPLES. Recorder. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the committee on streets, public ways nnd sewers has filed in the office of the city recorder their report upon the proposed construction of sewer laterul No. SO, the same extending from the present manhole In the center of Oregon avenue easterly up the center of Oregon avenue for a distance of 260 feet, which said re port is In words nnd figures as fol lows, to-wlt: The Honorable Mayor arid Common Council, Bend, Ore. Gentlemen: Your committee on streets, public ways and sewers having been In structed by you to view the location of the proposed sewer lateral No. 30 begs to report as follows: That on the eleventh day of July, 1919, they viewed and examined the location of the aforesaid proposed sewer lateral No. 30, and duly considered the maps, report and estimate of the city engineer on the same and they have ascertained and determined that the snld proposed sewer lateral is a unit within Itself and in all respects should be so considered; and that the benefits to be enjoyed by the construction of the same is equal for tracts or lots of equal area; and that all property which Is herein de clared to be benefited by the pro posed sewer lateral shall be as sessed in proportion to the aroa thereof; and further that the prop erty which Is deemed to be benefited by the proposed sewer lateral and to be nssesstd to defray the cost of constructing the sumo is as follows: All of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 of block 14 nnd nil of lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 of block 15 of the plat of Bend, De schutes county. Oregon. Respectfully submitted, , J. C. RHODES. ' . D. O. McPHEHSON. F. F. SUTHERLAND. Committee on Streets, Public Ways nnd Sewers. ' You nre hereby notified that any objections you may huve to the find ing nnd determination of said com- mlttee must bo filed In tho office of the city recorder before 5:00 o'clock p. m. July 26, 1919, and that suld report and objections will be consid ered by said council at an adjourned meeting of said council to be held at 8 o'clock p. m., said 26th day of July, 1919. Dutcd at Bend, Oregon, July 12, 1919. 33-42C ' D. H. PEOPLES. , Recorder. NOTICE OH IfKAHI.NO O.V FINAL ACCOUNT AXI PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION. In the County Court o( the State of Oregon, for the County of De schutes. In the Mutter of the Estate of John Peters, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Theo dore Aiine, administrator of tho estute of John Peters, deceased, has rendered and filed his final account of his administration of said estate, together with a petition for its al lowance and approval and for the distribution of the balance remain ing in his possession as such ad ministrator. That Wednesday, July 30th, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the office of the county Judge in the court house In Bend, Oregon, has been fixed by an order made, entered and Died in the above entitled county court by the judge thereof as the time and place when and where any person Inter ested may appear and file' objections to said final account and the peti tion for the distribution of said estate. Dated at Bend, Oregon, June 28th, 1919. THEODORE AUNE, Administrator of the Estate of John Peters, Deceased. 20-26-32-38-44C POUND NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the city of Bend has taken up the fol lowing described livestock, towit: One sorrel mare branded 7 7 left hind quarter; one black mule brand ed Diamond on right front shoulder. The cost of redeeming said livestock will be SI per day and cost of ad vertising. In case of failure tc re deem on part of owner said livestock will be sold as provided by the charter of the city of Bend, on the 24th day of July, at 3 p. m. at the city pound. L. B. KENNEDY, 35 and 40c Poundmaster. INSIST THAT YOU HAVE HOLSOM BREAD YOUR GROCER CARRIES IT! American Bakery m i SPECIAL IN WATER SETS Water Jug and 6 glasses to match white cut Special $2.50 Eat LARSON & CO. tjhe Hallmark Store At the Sljfii 0( the Uitf Clock